
I Am Supreme Chapter 31 - 40

Jun 29th, 2017
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  1. Chapter 31: Concourse of the Underworld
  3. Translator: Editor:
  4. Yun Yang shook his head gently. “It is not yet time.”
  6. Lao Mei grew even more confused and bewildered.
  8. Is it still not yet time? If not now, then when? Will it only be the time when you’ve managed to insult and provoke everyone around you?
  10. “Lao Mei, kindly dig out all that we have on Xie Wuyuan’s criminal past.” Yun Yang did not bother to explain himself and steered the conversation into another direction.
  12. “Certainly.” Lao Mei smiled at his request. “I took the liberty of preparing the records the moment I heard that young master was involved in the ruckus at the Xie family residence.
  14. “Brilliant!” Yun Yang then said cheerfully, “Prepare a copy and deliver it over to Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan.”
  16. “Do I still send it over... discreetly?”
  18. “But of course.”
  20. Lao Mei lifted his head to look at the sky and said, “I’ll go at midnight.”
  22. “Duly noted.”
  24. With that, Yun Yang turned and walked over to the room on his right, which was still merrily lit. “I guess there is no better time than the present to get things done.”
  26. Fealty Jade Sword Fang Mofei had maintained a veil of guarded silence since the day the two of them had guessed each other’s identities. He barely spoke and did nothing else other than to practice cultivation, heal his injuries, eat, drink, and sleep each day.
  28. Walking was difficult for him; even if held onto the table as he paced around his room, he found that he would soon be panting, short of breath. While Yun Yang feasted merrily that night, Fang Mofei did not join the young master but cultivated instead. He was waiting - waiting for Yun Yang to eventually seek him out. He knew not how the confrontation would turn out, but he was certain that Yun Yang had his motives for allowing him to stay.
  30. Finally, he heard Yun Yang approach.
  32. This time around, there were no probing questions, no verbal fencing; Yun Yang came in and sat right down.
  34. “Brother Fang, how do you fare?” Yun Yang asked with a friendly smile.
  36. “I am recovering speedily - much faster than I actually thought possible.” Fang Mofei seemed to be surprised by his own healing capabilities as he continued, “In any other circumstance, a man who had sustained injuries as I did would have died if there weren’t a godly physician to intervene and treasured gems of heaven and earth to secure his life-force. With the extent of my wounds, I was surprised that I even managed to regain consciousness. I have, however, examined my surroundings as I lay on my sick bed. These medicines I have consumed were merely ordinary remedies; that I can already stand up now is the result of a miracle.”
  38. Deep in his heart, Fang Mofei was astounded; he had roamed the martial arts world his entire life, but it was the first time he had encountered such a bizarre incident. That it had happened to him and he had no clue as to how it actually occurred made it all the more puzzling.
  40. As Yun Yang enquired about his health, Fang Mofei felt an odd sense of irritation that he had called him Brother Fang. Although I look like a man in his thirties, the truth is that I’ve seen closer to eighty summers. Would it not be inappropriate for a young whelp like you to call me Brother Fang?
  42. It was difficult, however, to voice such petty concerns to the man who had saved his life.
  44. “Regardless of how and why, I would still wish to thank Young Master Yun for his grace.” Fang Mofei nodded his head slightly in acknowledgment of his benefactor’s generosity.
  46. “It was but a slight effort; please do not make further mention of it.” Yun Yang grinned impishly and said, “Besides, if you wished to thank me, what you have brought to me has already exceeded my expectations.”
  48. Fang Mofei’s heart sank as he replied, “Young Master Yun, do you speak of… the Lightning Cats?”
  50. Yun Yang’s smile held volumes of meaning as he replied, “Lightning Cats? Why Brother Fang, if they were Lightning Cats, they wouldn’t be worth the grace that you mentioned earlier.”
  52. Fang Mofei’s lips twitched in barely hidden worry at Yun Yang’s insinuating comments.
  54. “What I wish to know is this; how did Brother Fang, Fealty Jade Sword, manage to get his hands on these… Lightning Cats?” Yun Yang asked with an artfully puzzled expression. “Based on my limited knowledge of these things, Lightning Cats make their homes in the borderless forest. Although they don’t travel into the heart of the area, they are still the ultimate rulers of the outer rim!”
  56. Yun Yang spoke in a tone filled with wonder, “Fealty Jade Sword, Fang Mofei; seventh peak and sixth tier of mystical Qi; he wields an indestructible white Frost Jade Sword. At the tender age of seven, he had already learned the ways of the sword and achieved unparalleled greatness within a decade. He roamed the martial arts world, had been at the thick of countless battles and had reached the seventh peak of mystical Qi at the age of fifty-six. The only known defeat he has ever suffered was at the hands of a masked individual dressed entirely in shades of night, said to be the Saber of Cyclone, Wang Zifu. After being vanquished, Fang Mofei vanished for three whole years, before he made a spectacular comeback into the world at large.
  58. Outwardly, Fang Mofei remained impassive, a solid block of marble. Inwardly, he couldn’t have been more dumbstruck upon hearing Yun Yang’s litany of his impressive achievements.
  60. Ever since his reemergence, all of the information on his battles with friends and foes alike were neatly encapsulated in Yun Yang’s reports. What was even more outrageous was the fact that Fang Mofei had never discovered the identity of the man who had managed to defeat him; this young fellow had just casually revealed the information that he had spent endless days trying to unearth.
  62. Fang Mofei’s voice shook slightly as he nodded in agreement. “Young Master Yun, your information is incredibly detailed.”
  64. “Detailed?” Yun Yang’s chuckle held no humor. “These are simply the facts that are publicly known. There is, however, another set of stories that have always been kept in the dark; would you like to hear about those?”
  66. Fang Mofei was alarmed. “In the dark?”
  68. Like a learned scholar, Yun Yang placed both his arms behind his back as he looked out the window, and spoke as if reciting from a parchment, “Fang Mofei, nicknamed Fealty Jade Sword; the use of the word ‘fealty’, however, might be highly presumptuous. Fang Mofei is not a man who commits heinous crimes, but is unworthy of the word ‘fealty’. In Fang Mofei’s hands, there exists another weapon, lethal once unleashed. Personally, I believe that the secrecy surrounding this weapon is the very reason the term ‘fealty’ could have come about. This weapon is very well concealed indeed.”
  70. Fang Mofei sucked in a cold breath of panic.
  72. “On the outside, Fang Mofei appears to be just an ordinary mystical beast hunter. However, he disappears for periods of half a month if it’s a short duration, and even up to three months if it’s longer... There is nothing unusual about this in itself, as is it a common practice among martial artists.”
  74. “However, each time Fang Mofei disappears, we will alway hear news of expert martial artists of the fifth to seventh tiers that end up wounded or dead. They could be the strong and youthful of the martial arts world, or the old and forgotten, even those who had gone into seclusion. After the deed has been done, Fang Mofei would then return to the public’s eyes. In my humble opinion, this would lead me to think that Fang Mofei has another identity…”
  76. Yun Yang did not turn his head but he could sense that Fang Mofei was trembling.
  78. “If my hunch is correct, Fang Mofei’s other identity would be that of an assassin. But from which guild do you hail? Currently, the top three assassin’s guilds that are prominent in the martial arts world are – one, Concourse of the Underworld; two, Hall of Crimson Blade; three, The Merciless Tower. The Merciless Tower offers their services with clear terms and prices; I think that it doesn’t really fit your profile. Members of the Hall of Crimson Blade are fond of using sabers in their trade; we can exclude them as well. The only possibility left would be the Concourse of the Underworld.”
  80. Yun Yang turned away from the window and spoke slowly, looking at the pale Fang Mofei whose eyes were dazed from shock, “There are ten kings in the Concourse of the Underworld. Based on those already deceased within these past few years, they were mostly residing around the Youyan1 area. This is, of course, the territory of First Court2 King Qinguang3 of the Concourse of the Underworld. Fang Mofei’s cultivation base has not yet reached the level of independent execution and also stands below that of King Qinguang. Thus, if my deductions are accurate…”
  82. Yun Yang smiled triumphantly and looked straight at Fang Mofei. “... Fang Mofei should be an assassin under Kings of Ten Courts’ King Qinguang of First Court from the Concourse of the Underworld, the world’s top assassination organization! With reference to Fang Mofei’s cultivation base, he should be one of the most skilled killers within the Concourse of the Underworld. Unfortunately, your ranking within this dread organization could not be established, do forgive me for this lapse.”
  84. Drops of sweat the size of soybeans streamed down from Fang Mofei’s forehead, as he stood staggered under the weight of Yun Yang’s accusations. He felt like he had been starkly exposed, pulled out from the shadows and placed under damningly bright sunlight. He no longer had any secrets left!
  86. “Where did all this information come from?” Fang Mofei felt his heart thumping hard, his voice dry and hoarse.
  88. “From my subordinate. Again, I would have to apologize.” Yun Yang said indifferently, “I had him inquire about Fang Mofei but all he managed to obtain for me were mostly things I had already speculated… Moreover, it doesn’t even reveal the ranking of Brother Fang in First Court King Qinguang’s best assassins. The poor man was so upset, he came immediately to seek my forgiveness.”
  90. Seek forgiveness!
  92. Fang Mofei was a thread away from utter collapse. This set of condemning information had already exposed him entirely, he actually needed his subordinate to seek forgiveness! He even had the gall to say it wasn’t comprehensive enough! Fang Mofei could only feel his brain turning to mush under the extreme anxiety he felt; he panted heavily, about to faint again.
  94. “Of course, there’s still plenty of information I left out.” Yun Yang said, “There are whole portions regarding Brother Fang’s family; when Brother Fang first began showing signs of interest in women, your first contact with fairer sex, when and what caused changes in behavior, so on and so forth. The report also contains information on Brother Fang’s attitude towards your family, an analysis of the possibilities that we could manipulate you through them, and about your children as well, including who’s your favorite child. There are bits of information on those poor souls that Brother Fang killed throughout the years, who these people had offended, who were the most probable parties who had enough money to fork out to have them killed…”
  96. Yun Yang caught his breath in mid-speech, “I have it all here. Does Brother Fang want to to take a look?”
  98. “No… There is no need.” Fang Mofei was a man defeated, his eyes the eyes of a soulless corpse. He did not know what to say anymore. Who would have known that just a single incident of being severely injured and comatose would have landed him in the hands of such an evil demon!
  100. “Brother Fang’s life experiences are certainly interesting indeed.” Yun Yang seemed to be genuinely curious about his past, “Of course, everyone has heard of the mighty Fealty Jade Sword… but who would have known that the virtuous Brother Fang is actually a part of the dark and sinister Concourse of the Underworld?”
  102. Fang Mofei was sweating profusely.
  104. “To be honest though, all these are minor details that I don’t care much about.” Yun Yang walked over to the table and poured himself a glass of water, saying, “I am, however, more curious about other things; with your cultivation base, Brother Fang couldn’t possibly defeat an Eclipse Panther. To make matters even more incredible, not only did Brother Fang do just that, he even managed to overpower its mate and seized the opportunity to capture all four babies of the Eclipse Panther!”
  106. Fang Mofei’s expression was that of absolute awkwardness. A spiritual creature such as the Eclipse Panther would have first exterminated its own offspring if it faced impending death! This was common knowledge within the mystical beast world. The higher the level a mystical beast was, the more likely it was to behave this way.
  108. “Nonetheless, Brother Fang succeeded in escaping in one piece, and have brought these four babies to Tiantang City.” Yun Yang continued, “I would like to hear the story behind these amazing events.”
  110. Fang Mofei’s expression turned bitter. He sighed heavily and said, “Someone had stumbled across them unintentionally. It was a pair of Eclipse Panthers; the female beast was heavy with child. They had been attacked by another group of high-level mystical beasts and ran away wounded…”
  112. “After we got wind of it, we organized a group of five to head into the borderless forest together.”
  114. Fang Mofei’s expression then morphed into one of grief as he continued, “The process was smooth as the Eclipse Panthers were indeed heavily wounded. Among the five of us, we only paid the price of four heavy injuries and one death to complete this undertaking.”
  116. Yun Yang listened quietly and could not help but smile mysteriously.
  118. “The four of us then started home, holding onto one another. I was the least injured and had two people on both sides. Just as we were about to reach the outer reaches of the borderless forest, I was ambushed. Out of the blue, two swords stabbed into the left and right sides of my back even as they pierced through both sides of my chest. At the same time, I took a heavy blow to the back of my head.”
  120. Yun Yang frowned, “That is indeed correct. I saw the wounds on both sides of your back and chest and they looked a little too smooth. The blades met no resistance; it was as if you were caught off guard.”
  122. “Those three Hu Brothers…” Fang Mofei was anguished. “We are…we were... sworn brothers for over forty years. Bound by a single oath, we have been by each other’s side for dozens of summers, sworn brothers that have faced life and death together, countless times.”
  124. Yun Yang gave a soft sigh and spoke quietly, “If you were brothers… why was there a need to be bound by an oath? If you were not brothers, would an oath have any use at all?”
  126. With those words, Fang Mofei felt as if a lightning bolt had struck him full force, with ominous thunder rumbling in the distance.
  128. Translator Note:
  130. 1Youyan (幽燕yōu yàn): Name used in ancient China for the present area covering the north of Hebei province and a part of Liaoning.
  132. 2First Court (一殿yī diàn): One of the ten courts in Concourse of the Underworld where its concept has been derived from “Ten Courts of Hell” in Chinese mythology, in which hell is divided into ten courts where souls are taken to after death to atone for the sins they committed when they were alive.
  134. 3King Qinguang (秦广王qín guǎng wáng): King of First Court; concept derived from “Ten Courts of Hell” in Chinese mythology, in which all souls are brought to the First Court of King Qinguang to be tested for their sins and deeds then sentenced accordingly. If their good deeds exceeded their sins, souls are sent to the Tenth Court to await rebirth while the rest would be sent to Second Court for further judging.
  138. Chapter 32: Staying Square1 and a Cloud’s2 Headache
  140. Translator: Editor:
  141. “If you were brothers… why was there a need to be bound by an oath? If you were not brothers, would an oath have any use at all?”
  143. Yun Yang’s had casually tossed out those words in gentle rebuke, but in Fang Mofei’s ears, they were loud as thunder.
  145. “So, you killed them and escaped with the mystical beast offsprings?” Yun Yang asked.
  147. “I wanted to kill them.” Fang Mofei sighed bitterly, “But wasn’t able to… I couldn’t tap on my abilities anymore. I had just sustained three heavy blows. When I managed to recover from those near-lethal strikes, there were three men charging me. I almost met my end then…”
  149. “So, I had to use ‘fealty’…” Fang Mofei laughed humorlessly. “It is a secret mystical method, and a vile weapon at that.”
  151. “Upon severely injuring the three, my last conscious thought was to run away with the mystical beasts…” Fang Mofei’s eyes were rimmed red; he did not cry, but his anguish at his brothers’ betrayal was apparent. “I depleted my refined blood the whole way, running without a care for my cultivation.”
  153. “To be honest, I don’t even remember how I entered Tiantang City and fainted in front of whatever shop it was…” Fang Mofei sighed with mixed feelings, “Those three… the Hu Brothers, I don’t know how they fared. When I lashed out, I remember holding back and struck only those parts that would not be lethal. ”
  155. Fang Mofei sighed, “As such, they should not be in any critical danger.”
  157. “The Three Hu Brothers…” Yun Yang murmured as he lowered his head and thought for a bit. He then asked, “Do you seek revenge? Do you wish to kill them?”
  159. Fang Mofei was in a moral dilemma, the struggle apparent in his eyes.
  161. Tempted by greed, a dozen years of friendship had culminated in two unhesitant stabs and one blow.
  163. Do I wish to kill them?
  165. “You need not answer this question.” A hint of satisfaction flashed across Yun Yang’s eyes. Fang Mofei’s hesitance betrayed the significance of kinship to him. Although they were neither virtuous nor righteous, although they had forgone kin before profit, Fang Mofei was still uncertain about his next course of action.
  167. Yun Yang’s tone turned much lighter as he said, “Brother Fang, what future plans do you have?”
  169. Although Fang Mofei had not understood Yun Yang’s motives previously, it all became apparent when he heard his question. Did he seek to recruit him? Even after knowing he was an assassin of the Concourse of the Underworld?
  171. “Future? I don’t even know myself.” Fang Mofei laughed bitterly, “I can feel the obvious damage to my basic Qi after the severe injury. I’m afraid it won’t ever recover in my lifetime.”
  173. Yun Yang replied calmly, “That is just what you think. But I have a few speculations about Brother Fang’s future.”
  175. Fang Mofei’s curiosity was piqued. “You do? Pray tell.”
  177. “You have a few choices. The first would be this; when Brother Fang’s injuries are healed, you leave this place and continue roaming the martial arts world, continue trading mystical beasts and be an assassin in the dark. However, this route is full of difficulties and extremely risky. Besides, like what Brother Fang’s said, it’d be near impossible to return to the peak once again upon damaging your basic Qi this time. I believe Brother Fang knows deep down that you’ll meet your death by the blade one day.”
  179. Fang Mofei sighed as Yun Yang finished his words. As a practitioner in the martial arts world, this truth rang true. Sometimes, one could just die without reason; killed for an unknown offense to some unknown person.
  181. “Second, your… sworn brothers; they won’t let you go. Since you had a falling out and they were in the wrong, they would think of ways and means to get rid of you. You should know this already as well.”
  183. Yun Yang spoke slowly, “On one path, you will continue to roam the martial arts world until someone puts an end to you. On another path, you leave the martial arts world and live a life of seclusion. However, now is not the right time to do so… you have an insufficient foundation.”
  185. Fang Mofei sighed in melancholy. That was correct, he had not gathered enough resources yet. Only death would be in wait if he left now.
  187. “There is a third option. Stay by my side and serve me.” Yun Yang’s words were clear. “Let us first disregard all other benefits. Starting with just on your body alone, it could be recovered to how it was, improved, even if you stay. You’ve already experienced this.”
  189. “You can continue to be an assassin identity in the Concourse of the Underworld if you wish to. I won’t interfere, but everything you do has to be done with my permission.”
  191. Fang Mofei’s gaze was focused as he pondered upon his choices.
  193. As he lifted his head and saw the faint smile on Yun Yang’s face, he suddenly let out a humorless laugh and said, “I believe there is yet another possibility that you haven’t spoken of. If I chose not to stay, I probably wouldn’t make it out of the front door alive, would I?”
  195. Yun Yang’s gaze was indifferent.
  197. “There are exactly four ninth level mystical beast babies in Young Master Yun’s hands. Once this news gets out, Young Master Yun would never know another day of peace.I am currently the only one who is aware of this tasty morsel of information,” Fang Mofei said.
  199. “That is right.” Yun Yang’s eyes were half closed as he spoke, “This information is crucial to me.”
  201. “Alright, I’ll stay!” Fang Mofei made his decision without hesitation.
  203. “Young Master Yun has the type of intelligence that could conquer the world and set it in your hands. As a person, you are a critical thinker who delves far and deep; you would definitely be an outstanding talent of our age. Moreover, you have four ninth level mystical beasts that would become forces to be reckoned with in Tianxuan, given time. I’ve roamed the martial arts world my entire life and made nothing out of it. What does it matter if I hand my remaining years over to young master?”
  205. It was neither because Yun Yang might kill him if he left nor because he would face a horrible doom in the martial arts world due to his reduced cultivation base. It was simply because Fang Mofei felt that his state of mind had changed.
  207. The betrayal of his brothers had dampened his spirits; the vigor for life and vengeance when he used to roam the martial arts world and flowed wherever the currents took him, too, had disappeared. He felt only emptiness now.
  209. Perhaps, staying with Young Master Yun was a much-needed break in his life, a turning point. For a brief moment, Fang Mofei was willing to forget the Three Hu Brothers who had betrayed him and had now turned into bitter enemies.
  211. Looking at Fang Mofei who was making his oath, Yun Yang remained impassive as he spoke softly, “Rest and cultivate at home over the next few days. You can help Lao Mei with some of the chores as well. I would have you recover and improve. When your injuries have fully healed, I’ll have more important things for you to do.”
  213. “Yes, young master.”
  216. The night was as cold as frigid water.
  218. Yun Yang sat under the canopy of flowers and looked up towards the vault of heaven, his thoughts far away. Fang Mofei’s unintentional words almost pushed his train of thought off its tracks – “Young Master Yun has the type of intelligence that could conquer the world and set it in your hands.”
  220. This intelligence belongs to the Nine Supremes. It belongs to me and all my brothers.
  222. Three Eclipse Panthers and a Lightning Cat sat by his feet obediently, looking exactly like quadruple twins. The three Eclipse Panthers looked at Yun Yang from time to time, their gazes questioning.
  224. Where did the eldest of us go? Why has it been gone for so many days?
  226. A swoosh sounded as a tiny white silhouette shot in from outside the wall, arriving at Yun Yang’s feet like a flash of lightning. It howled softly, the tone actually filled with much suffering.
  228. Master, you just threw me in there like that. That girl almost stroked me to death!
  230. “Even you can feel wronged by her actions. Come over here, I have something for you.” Yun Yang placed one of his hands on the tiny ball of fur as a gush of refined air of vitality flowed into it.
  232. The tiny creature mewled happily. This energy is really amazing! It is astounding indeed!
  234. “As for food, go find it yourself.” Yun Yang patted the little critter’s head and said, “You must complete the mission you’ve been given as best as you can. If not… none of this good bounty anymore…”
  236. The small Eclipse Panther nodded obediently and sniffed Yun Yang’s hand with its tiny nose before going over to its siblings and frolicked with them in mock ferocity. A while later, it made a turn and shot out into the night once more.
  239. Yun Yang woke up from deep meditation.
  241. Feeling the mystical Qi that had become increasingly stronger in his body, an indescribable glow came from his eyes as he extended a hand, dropping five fingers slowly onto the table top. Without a sound, his fingers drilled clear through the three-inch-thick table, forming five clean holes with sawdust flying all about.
  243. Yun Yang kept his hand on the table and circulated his Qi slowly. Mystical Qi pulsed within him, an image of a mountain materializing faintly on his palm. The mountain was high, the top all covered in fog. However, the view was clear if one were to look down from the heights. Only the peak of the mountain itself was still covered with a thick mist.
  245. “Another day and I will be able to break through to the first peak.” Yun Yang was speaking to himself, “Soon, I will be going through the first heaven in cultivation.”
  247. He took a deep breath and changed his method of cultivation. Gradually, Yun Yang’s body became blurry and dreamlike until it slowly dissipated into a roiling cloud. The cloud then floated around the bedroom, constantly morphing into different shapes. Even if there waS a gap that was only a fingernail thin, the cloud could go through it easily. This was the mystical method and skill that was exclusive to Supreme Cloud.
  249. Before long, the cloud shook itself apart as Yun Yang reappeared by the table, sweating profusely. He panted for air, his face pale and wan.
  251. “Three breaths. That’s the longest I can last.” Yun Yang sighed. “There is a form but it is insubstantial. This won’t do at all!”
  253. The Endless Divine Art was powerful; entering the cultivation realm was faster by a thousandfold compared to ordinary cultivation methods. To go from absolutely nothing to breaking through the first heaven by cultivating with normal cultivation methods would require at least the span of a year, no matter how innately gifted one was.
  255. Yun Yang had only used four days but he was still dissatisfied.
  257. “I can’t hold the form long enough!”
  259. Yun Yang sighed, “It looks like I’ll have to mind the time and provide Emmie with some nutrients.”
  261. In his subconscious, Emmie was languidly swaying its tiny body in boredom, flows of refined spiritual Qi poised to gush out in time with its undulations.
  263. Yun Yang felt an impending headache coming on once he thought of providing it with additional nutrients.
  265. Emmie enjoyed great jades, mystical stones, mystical crystals, and other similar treasures. It also meant that Emmie liked anything that was naturally possessed of spiritual Qi, engorged from thousands and millions of years of accumulation.
  267. The problem was, where could he find these items that would cost an astronomical fortune? Emmie had already consumed those that he had won the other time, while the other half had been sold to fulfill certain economic requirements. Now, there were none left
  269. Yun Yang was also disinclined to go on a killing spree just to obtain the air of injustice. He was the Supreme Cloud of the Nine Supremes. It would be unbecoming of him to find fault with crooks every single day. As for his targets, Yun Yang did not currently have enough abilities to ensure that he would be able to survive any encounters!
  271. What a headache!
  273. Yun Yang had been frowning for far too long. He began going through the steps of his plan again.
  275. “Every step is a matter of life and death…”
  278. Translator Note:
  280. 1Square (方fāng): Author’s word play on title; the character方fāng that is the family name of Fang Mofei also means square on its own.
  282. 2Cloud (云yún): Author’s word play on title; the character云yún that is the family name of Yun Yang also means cloud on its own.
  287. Chapter 33: A Fate-Sealing Dossier!
  289. Translator: Editor:
  290. Ever since the Nine Supreme’s case last year, on the ninth of the third month, Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan had virtually turned into an insomniac. Each night, his thoughts would run wild as ideas and speculations washed over him like the rising tide; he could only sigh in melancholic agony. The death of the Nine Supremes was a scheme of the highest order, so colossally large that his heart pounded with anxiety each time he thought about it.The year-long investigation, be it out in the public or privately, had only yielded a few small fish that barely qualified as an appetizer.
  292. “There has to be a traitor, a powerful figure in the military; the same holds true for the imperial administration. As for the nobles…” Each time the Old Marshal contemplated the situation, his head felt like exploding. “I’m certain there would be conspirators from the other empires as well!”
  294. “Marshal, are you not asleep yet?” Sir Wang came in from under the moonlight.
  296. “With matters as complicated as they are, with the internal issues going on and external forces at play, how could I possibly fall asleep?.” Qiu Jianhan gave a heavy sigh and asked abruptly, “Have you made contact with them?”
  298. “No.” Sir Wang frowned worriedly. “Those people refused to keep in further contact. Since the rejection of our last attempt to reach out to them, they have all suddenly disappeared; vanished from the very surface of this earth.”
  300. The Old Marshal groaned, “If we don’t obtain vengeance for the Nine Supremes, these people are highly unlikely to come out in the open.”
  302. Sir Wang kept quiet for a few breaths before he said, “Nonetheless, there are quite a number of hints revealing that these people are still actively pursuing their course.”
  304. “But of course. They would not forsake the revenge they seek as long as the deaths of the Nine Supremes go unsolved.” The Old Marshal was hardly surprised as he continued, “Labyrinth of Nine Heavens Intelligence – they had originally divided their territories into nine segments, each claiming one, but the death of the Nine Supremes has caused these nine heavens to merge into a single iron plate!”
  306. “They won’t listen to anyone other than Nine Supremes!” Old Marshal continued, “Their refusal to cooperate now heralds their gradual exit from the imperial court. Slowly, they would become an underground force in the martial arts world; albeit one to be regarded highly in Tianxuan Continent. I really can’t say how this will turn out.”
  308. Sir Wang looked as if he was about to voice his thoughts, but caught himself at the last minute.
  310. “What does Brother Wang wish to say?” Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan asked.
  312. “I could be wrong,” Sir Wang continued, “However, I can’t help but feel that the Labyrinth of Nine Heavens Intelligence is still taking orders from someone... still under the control of a strong and powerful force.”
  314. “What?” The Old Marshal immediately sat upright. “What proof do you have?”
  316. “Allow me to elaborate. When they were alive, each of the Nine Supremes had a team of their own. These teams had always only belonged to each individual and their intricate crossover was what made the Labyrinth of Nine Heavens Intelligence.” Sir Wang continued slowly, “But this Labyrinth of Nine Heavens Intelligence also chooses their own leader within each team, which also means that there are successors after the Nine Supremes.”
  318. “If they were without a figurehead, these nine teams would definitely have crumbled and would never have merged into a single slab of iron.” Sir Wang spoke, “It is almost like nine different clans. Which clan leader would be willing to take orders from another clan leader? Yet, nobody in these nine teams has done anything foolish or rash. This means that there must still be a force above them that keeps them in check!” Sir Wang’s eyes shone with excitement. “They wouldn’t have avoided our attempts at contact otherwise.”
  320. The Old Marshal’s eyes began to brighten with enthusiasm, as his body trembled. “Could it be that the Nine Supremes are not dead yet?”
  322. “Sir, that is impossible.” Sir Wang’s words robbed the Old Marshal of his momentary hope and he collapsed back into his chair like a deflated balloon. “But there must be another arrangement, I’m absolutely sure about this.”
  324. Sir Wang went on speaking, “The most likely explanation has to be that His Majesty the Emperor has assumed control. Yet another possibility would be that they have appointed a general leader after the Nine Supremes. I don’t believe there is any other possible explanation other than these two.”
  326. “His Majesty the Emperor…” the Old Marshal sighed, “His Majesty has already spat blood and fainted on three separate occasions when it comes to matters concerning the Nine Supremes. Never mind, I will look for a chance to discuss this with His Majesty.”
  328. Just as Sir Wang was about to reply, the sound of a fluttering robe suddenly whispered in the air.
  330. Swoosh!
  332. A silhouette flashed across the sky above the marshal’s residence.
  334. “Who goes there?”
  336. “How dare you!”
  338. The guards reacted with lightning-fast reflexes; they charged towards the sky in pursuit of the intruder. Within an instant, a large group of people was piled up on the roof.
  340. “Too late.” Sir Wang’s expression was dark. “Whoever, it was, he got away.”
  342. “Marshal, someone threw in a parcel.” A very burly guard made entirely of broad shoulders and a thick waist walked over with large strides. “Looks like there are papers inside.”
  344. “Qiu Dao, open it,” Sir Wang ordered right away.
  346. “Yes, sir.” Qiu Dao tore it open without hesitation and a heavy dossier dropped out.
  348. “The packet isn’t poisoned, and there’s nothing else within.” Qiu Dao quickly gave it the once over.
  350. “Bring it over to me,” said the Old Marshal.
  352. On the dossier was a tiny symbol. Trembles ran through the Old Marshal’s entire being as he took hold of it. The symbol was comprised of nine stars dotted by ink that formed a circle. Right in their center was affixed a strange symbol that looked like a burning flame.
  354. “Nine Heavens Dictum!” Sir Wang almost shouted, his eyes wild with excitement.
  356. “It’s the Flame Dictum of the Nine Heavens Dictum Lords.” Old Marshal Qiu took in a deep breath. “A pity it wasn’t sent by Supreme Flame himself. If it was, the flame would be in red.” The expression on his aged face suddenly took on a razor-sharp edge. “Since the Nine Heavens have sent a dictum, there must be something of great import inside. I shall take a closer look at it.”
  358. The dossier was simple – it was the biography of an official. The Old Marshal had only perused half the document before he began to fume in utter rage.
  360. “Xie Wuyuan! Even if this varlet were to be sliced and diced a thousand times, it wouldn’t be enough to pacify the people!”
  362. Contained within was all the information available on the Deputy Minister of Board of War, Xie Wuyuan. It went into great detail about how he had passed the imperial examination, how he had murdered his own wife and son right after to marry the Grand Tutor’s daughter, how he had framed the innocent and kind, how he had oppressed and intimidated men and women alike and how he had tyrannized the capital. There were already more than a hundred cases of homicide in the document.
  364. It went on further to explain how he had criminally appropriated and resold resources belonging to Empire of Yutang’s military and people for his own personal gain and more.There were proof and evidence, witnesses and testimonies; all detailed enough to include information on the people who had provided them.
  366. Lastly, there were an array of cases on veterans being harmed and mistreated; at least a few dozen incidents were listed within.
  368. “How could such a person so devoid of heart and conscience be serving in the imperial court?” Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan was in despair. “Tomorrow, I must put this varlet in his place!”
  370. Sir Wang breathed a sigh of relief, he could see the delight in the eyes of the Old Marshal. The Nine Heavens Dictum’s initiative to contact them had given the Old Marshal immense confidence. With the righteousness of the Nine Heavens Dictum behind him, he would have gone all out to confront the vile criminal, even it was the present prime minister himself, what more a mere deputy minister of the Board of War!
  373. During the morning assembly of the imperial court the following day, Grand Tutor Liu hopped out with a long face, his voice and expression befitting his dejected look as he complained, “Your Majesty, please restore justice for this old official.”
  375. His Majesty the Emperor was perplexed, “What ails you, Grand Tutor?”
  377. Grand Tutor Liu spoke sorrowfully, “The son of Marquis Yun, Yun Yang, has no regard for the law. He assaulted the officials of the imperial court publicly and inflicted much harm on my son-in-law, Xie Wuyuan’s family. He even broke into the residence and wreaked havoc in the compound! The condition of the Wuyuan’s residence in the aftermath is terribly appalling.”
  379. “Could this be true?” His Majesty the Emperor was shocked. “Could the young master of Marquis Yun be so tyrannical?”
  381. By the side, Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan could no longer stay silent as he stepped out. “Your Majesty, this official has something to report.”
  383. Grand Tutor Liu glared at the old man as he spoke with a frown, “Old Qiu, you should wait until I’m done with my case…”
  385. Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan glared right back at him as he replied, “Actually, I intend to speak about this very same case as well!”
  387. Incorrectly interpreting his intentions, Grand Tutor Liu was utterly delighted. “Old Qiu, are you also unable to stomach anymore of Yun Yang’s rebellious actions?”
  389. “What I can’t stomach is your good ol’ son-in-law!” Qiu Jianhan stared daggers at the Grand Tutor. “Tell me, what sort of scoundrel have you taken as your son-in-law? It can’t be that nobody wishes for you daughter’s hand in marriage; although she’s not all that good-looking and a little fat around the edges, a lot of men in our military would be willing to overlook all that…”
  391. “You ignorant old man!” Grand Tutor Liu exploded in anger, “Hold your tongue!”
  393. Qiu Jianhan continued coldly, “This official wishes to submit a report on the Deputy Minister of the Board of War, Xie Wuyuan. This blackguard has remarried after murdering his wife and son, lusted over wealth and extravagance, and is utterly devoid of heart and conscience. He has also oppressed men and women, slaughtered the innocent and kind, appropriated resources of the military and the people for personal gains and forged treasonous relationships with external forces. All in all, he has committed a total of ninety-eight different crimes! Your Majesty, I beg for your judgment on this villain.”
  395. As he spoke, he passed the dossier over. The military and civil officials present in the imperial court spoke in hushed whispers, feathers clearly ruffled by these revelations.
  397. The corners of Grand Tutor Liu’s lips twitched in fury as he was filled with disbelief. “Old ignorant man, all you do is spew nonsense. My son-in-law would never...”
  399. Qiu Jianhan interrupted him coldly, “Your son-in-law’s crimes were all recorded in this document, complete with witnesses, evidence, and proof. You can take a look at it as well after His Majesty is done with it. If you still think that your son-in-law should be pardoned… ”
  401. The Old Marshal’s gaze pierced Grand Tutor Liu like a sharp arrow. His underlying meaning was clear, “If you still dare to speak for him, I’ll have you in your place too!” He did not have to speak out loud though. On his throne, His Majesty the Emperor had only gone through half of the dossier before he was shaking with rage. “Read it out, listen to how well our Board of War’s Deputy Minister has performed his duties!”
  403. All the officials listened with increasingly widening eyes as a eunuch proceed to recite all of Xie Wuyuan’s atrocities. Grand Tutor Liu himself had passed out in a dead faint upon hearing of the first case. “Xie Wuyuan had been wedded with wife and son in his hometown. Upon passing the imperial examination, he had secretly sent people home to murder his wife and child. The bodies were buried at… The middleman was… The witness was… Thereafter, he intentionally approached the daughter of the Grand Tutor…”
  405. Grand Tutor Liu had been deceived by this mountebank for so many years; even his daughter had been thoroughly hoodwinked! The person whom he had helped and supported with all his might turned out to be such an ungrateful bastard.
  407. His Majesty the Emperor spoke only two words in response to the heavy charges laid out.
  409. “Familial extermination!”
  411. He was of the same opinion as Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan; he was certain that Xie Wuyuan’s fate had been sealed once he saw the symbol of the Nine Heavens Dictum on the dossier!
  413. Ever since the death of the Nine Supremes, this would be the first time Nine Heavens Dictum had initiated contact with the imperial court. If nothing had come out of this matter, Nine Heavens Dictum could very well vanish again without a trace. Therefore, even though it would have been prudent to verify the authenticity of the document, it did not even cross His Majesty’s mind to do so!
  415. After dismissing the imperial assembly, His Majesty the Emperor beckoned to the Old Marshal. “Old Marshal.” His Majesty the Rmperor gazed at Qiu Jianhan like a hawk. “Go and meet the son of Marquis Yun.”
  417. “Yes, this old official had intended to do just that,” Qiu Jianhan agreed right away.
  419. “Let it be at your residence.” His Majesty spoke up again, “I wish to have a look at him myself.”
  421. The Old Marshal frowned in consternation.
  426. Chapter 34: Of Terrifying Nights, a Kindness Repaid and an Assassination Attempt
  428. Translator: Editor:
  429. On that very same morning, the Board of War’s Deputy Minister Xie Wuyuan was still waiting for the justice he had asked his father-in-law to exact for him. He was in the midst of thinking how he should add insult to Yun Yang’s injuries upon his capture when his residence was surrounded by guards.
  431. With a single order, his entire family had been sent right to prison. Other than his wife, who had been defended by Grand Tutor Liu and brought back to the Residence of Grand Tutor, the rest of them were bound and carted off to be kept under lock and key. The judgment had been declared on that very day – execution after the passing of three days!
  433. These developments had everyone abuzz in shock.
  435. Shouldn’t the perpetrator be the one that was punished? Why was it the one that had been assaulted that got jailed instead?
  437. The incident had immediately become an undercurrent flowing through the families of officials in Tiantang City, its message clear, “The young master of Marquis of Heavenly Clouds is not someone to be trifled with.”
  439. It was a terrifying thought.
  441. Whilst all these events were taking place, Ji Ling was stomping her feet violently in Sky Room No.1 of the most luxurious tavern in Tiantang City. “Why wasn’t this obnoxious man arrested?!”
  443. There were several other girls in the room lazing around; some of them lounged on Ji Ling’s bed, their delicate jade-like feet twitching in boredom, kicking ceaselessly against the bed. These young ladies of the city’s influential families looked peerlessly elegant and beautiful in the public’s eyes but in front of their best friends, they did not bother to maintain the image they worked so very hard convey outside.
  445. “Oh, what’s gotten you so angry, little sister? An obnoxious man?” One of the girls asked in mock surprise. “Since when did Little Sister Ji meet such a man? How has this slipped by us?”
  447. Ji Ling snorted, “You girls wish to know him? If you have seen him, consider him an impostor! That is if he doesn’t annoy you until you lose your appetite!”
  449. “Oh, if there’s such a person, we sisters must get to know him then.” The girl beamed brightly. “How fascinating!”
  451. Ji Ling snorted with a pout and kept rolling her eyes. Fascinating? Just wait until he annoys you to no end. You girls will know what’s fascinating then!
  453. Within moments, five or six of the girls threw themselves over.
  455. “What’s his name?”
  457. “How tall is he?”
  459. “Is he handsome?”
  461. “Is he good looking?”
  463. “Is he fat?”
  465. “Describe to us his physique!”
  467. “How’s his family background?”
  469. Another girl even managed to look charmed as she said, “Wow, I suddenly feel like I’m about to meet my prince!”
  471. Ji Ling smacked her forehead. “There’s absolutely no hope for all of you!”
  473. “Tell us! Let us go have a look.”
  475. “Yes, maybe we could even find our other halves!”
  477. “This little kitty doesn’t wanna share. Everyone, make her tell!”
  479. “Charge!”
  481. “Help me!” Ji Ling screamed in mock indignation as the girls playfully piled on top her. It soon turned into a chaotic scene, with limbs flailing about and cheerful laughter floating on the air.
  484. Just as Yun Yang walked out of his room, he saw Lao Mei and Fang Mofei standing by the door.
  486. “Excuse me?” Yun Yang was surprised to find the two men hovering at his portal like silent statues.
  488. What is going on?
  490. It would be alright if it was only Lao Mei standing here. It’s already difficult for Fang Mofei stand, let alone wait here, upright as a pole!
  492. “Young master, there is someone called Chen San outside the door. He has been sitting by our door since last night.” Lao Mei explained, “He has not left until now.”
  494. Yun Yang nodded and replied, “Go on.”
  496. Fang Mofei then spoke, “Young master, I am unable to articulate my feelings. When I was cultivating last night, I could faintly feel a number of presences in the residence.”
  498. “They were all experts.” Fang Mofei looked downright somber as he continued. “They seemed to be looking something. Young master has to be alerted to this.”
  500. Poor Fang Mofei had been completely terrified last night. Although he had not known the reason behind his alarmingly rapid speed of cultivation and the recovery of his deific consciousness, Fang Mofei was delighted to use it to survey his surroundings but the result was nothing like what he had imagined.
  502. Goosebumps had erupted all over his skin as he felt the eerie presence of strangers come and go from the Residence of Yun. When one left, another one took its place, some even in groups of three of five. Furthermore, Fang Mofei could intuit that those who had come were mostly experts of the fifth or sixth peak; some of them were even more advanced than he was and there were many of them. These apparitions had come and gone at least fifty to sixty times till late into the night; if it were only one person for every visitation, then there were at least fifty to sixty experts who had traipsed through the residence!
  504. Are they f*cking visiting the market?
  506. Fang Mofei was drenched with sweat from the fright. He had thought that it would be safer and more peaceful in the Residence of Yun. He had no idea that this could have happened. It was even more terrifying than roaming the most dangerous locations in the martial arts world.
  508. Yun Yang smiled faintly. “It’s alright, let them be. They can come over all they want, we have a smooth and spacious highway here.”
  510. His smile was impossible to decipher.
  512. Fang Mofei blinked in confusion. He wanted to ask, “What are you smiling about? Your own home is being treated as a marketplace by others! It’s almost as if they were ready to set up a stall here and start trading!”
  514. Four fur balls followed behind Yun Yang as they rolled out of his room, playfully nipping at each other on the floor. Fang Mofei sighed a breath of relief. He could not help but smile as well.
  516. Those people must have been here to try to locate the so-called ninth level mystical beast babies but they had missed what was right under their eyes, searching like they were in a market. He thought that the young master must have grinned due to how hilarious this would have looked. Fang Mofei returned to Yun Yang a smile of tacit understanding as well.
  518. Fang Mofei had thought wrong, however, as Yun Yang was not smiling about this...
  521. Early in the morning, Yun Yang had received five calling cards and an invitation. All four great young masters of East, West, South, and West wanted to come meet Yun Yang to forge a closer relationship, especially Ximen Wandai, who had suffered the greatest loss before he had expressed his wish the most earnestly.
  523. The other calling card was filled with the heady scent of fragrance; it was pink with neat and delicate writing that read, “We have long heard of Young Master Yun’s name, and we sisters have admired Young Master Yun for an inordinate span of time. Thus saying, we would like to pay a visit…”
  525. That was the general gist of it. Yun Yang was surprised at this calling card and pondered upon its possible origins. By the looks of it, was it sisters from a brothel who wanted to come over? What did they hope to achieve by coming over? Yun Yang stroke his face, feeling aggrieved for being so attractive.
  527. The other invitation was direct and straight to the point. Yun Yang was astonished to have received an invitation from the Residence of the Marshal. Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan had prepared a simple feast and had invited Yun Yang to partake of it tonight.
  529. Yun Yang sighed.
  531. “Where are these people who wanted to visit?” Yun Yang continued, “Invite them in.”
  533. Lao Mei looked amused as he replied, “There aren’t here.”
  535. Yun Yang was momentarily speechless. Why give a calling card if you didn’t intend to come in? You held the calling card and passed it through the door, then you would wait outside and only enter upon the permission of the host.
  537. That was how a calling card worked.
  539. It had also meant that since the card was now in the host’s hands, the guest must be outside the door right now. Unfortunately, the guest was nowhere to be found!
  541. “Don’t these fellows adhere to the common code of conduct?” Yun Yang felt somewhat irate at the lack of common courtesy. They were all elite members of influential families, how could they not know? Why did they send the calling card but did not come themselves?
  543. Yun Yang quickly cast these thoughts aside. “I don’t care if you come or not.”
  545. Walking out of the residence door, he stumbled upon Chen San who had been sitting upright at the side of the walkway. His face looked tired and pale, a testament to his tenacity at remaining on the doorstep throughout the entire night.
  547. “Chen San, go home.” Yun Yang spoke gently, “It’s alright now.”
  549. Chen San, however, was adamant on staying. “Young master’s kindness to this lowly one is higher than the heaven and wider than the earth. Young master has even gotten into dire straits for this lowly one. How can this lowly one leave just like that? This lowly one will wait right here. If the officials are here to find fault with the young master, this lowly one knows exactly what to do.”
  551. Yun Yang replied, “The issue has been resolved. Xie Wuyuan’s entire family has been seized and placed in prison. Have you not heard of this?”
  553. “Is this true?” Chen San got up to his feet, his eyes shining with pleasure. “That wicked scoundrel who has done everything vile will eventually have his day!”
  555. Yun Yang smiled.
  557. “Since it has been resolved, this lowly one should return home. It will not look good for young master if I linger around here.” Chen San continued, “But for young master’s massive kindness… if ever young master requests for anything in the future, this lowly one would risk everything, even death, to fulfill it!”
  559. He then kneeled down to bow twice and left.
  561. Yun Yang went after him, pushed a gold bullion into his hand and said, “Live well when you get home.” He wanted to say more but words failed him. A military man who once spilled blood on the battlefield was now handicapped and humiliated in his struggles for a living but his dedication to gratitude and kinship had remained.
  563. Chen San could only accept it after repeatedly failing to reject Yun Yang’s generosity. He was immensely flustered, his eyes shining in equal parts with moisture and gratitude as his voice shook with emotion. “Thank you, young master! Chen San is filled with immense gratitude towards young master’s gallantry! Sigh, during those years when the Nine Supremes were still commanding the world, who in this nation dared disrespect the veterans? Such a pity that God is blind and does not bless the kind. Ever since the Nine Supremes left, us lowly ones…”
  565. He was unable to finish his sentence as two drops of hot tears rolled down his cheeks He thanked Yun Yang once more, and turned around to leave.
  567. Looking at Chen San’s retreating figure, Yun Yang felt a wave of emotions. “During those years when the Nine Supremes were still commanding the world, who in this nation dared disrespect the veterans?”
  569. “We are here, still here, always here,” Yun Yang said quietly in his heart.
  571. He returned to the courtyard in low spirits.
  573. “Old Marshal’s invitation…” Yun Yang frowned. “It’s impossible for him to suspect my identity. What would it be for? Was it because I assaulted Xie Wuyuan yesterday?Xie Wuyuan’s case has involved the Nine Heavens Dictum. Looks like the Old Marshal is looking at me as the breakthrough?”
  575. Yun Yang smiled grimly. Whatever the reason, he had to make this trip.
  577. Yun Yang walked slowly inside, entertaining his thoughts with a frown when he suddenly felt a faint tingle of premonition. Acting purely on instinct, he hurled himself to the ground.
  579. Tok! Tok! Tok!
  581. Metallic sounds rang out as three small flying daggers stabbed deep into the plants in front of Yun Yang, like three flashes of lightning preceding the rumble of thunder.
  583. Even as Yun Yang threw himself down, he was already moving like a spirit to the back of a tree. With a twist of his body, he vanished into thin air.
  585. At the same time, Lao Mei catapulted out into the courtyard with an angry roar as his rapid movements left trails of shadow in the air.
  587. It was an assassination attempt!
  589. On the opposite rooftop, a masked man in black peered inside the Residence of Yun with shock, disbelief written in his eyes. Even with his cultivation base of mystical skill that had reached the fifth peak, he had actually failed to hit an ant that was not even at its first peak! Worst of all, he didn’t even understand how he could possibly have missed. He was only aware that his target had suddenly dropped to the ground just as he was about to make his move.The space that his target had occupied was already empty when the flying daggers left his hands!
  591. How had this happened?
  593. The masked man in black almost cursed out loud, “Your father has been an assassin for so many years and has never yet encountered such a bewildering incident!”
  597. Chapter 35: Assassins, Dictums and a Terrible Present
  599. Translator: Editor:
  600. Lao Mei charged in like a bull, shadows trailing behind him with a menacing aura. The masked assassin in black leaped out soundlessly, a colorless silk string unwinding from his raised arm. He advanced upon the charging manservant, his left hand strengthened and braced for the impending impact. Lao Mei fell upon him like a roc, palms flashing as he landed a series of blows as loud as thunder strikes. The assassin singlehandedly deflected the attacks, and as Lao Mei attempted to break past his defenses, he soon found that he was hitting nothing but air. The man in black had flitted almost a hundred feet away, ascending to the sky. Lao Mei, caring for nothing but his prey, veered towards the direction of the escaping villain, leaving wisps of smoke trailing from his body. His efforts were wasted, however; the assassin was already a tiny, black dot slowly receding into the heavens. The man in black was obviously prepared; should he miss his target, he would flee far and high.
  602. Lao Mei returned with a sour face. The assassin’s cultivation base was clearly weaker than his but the man had managed to escape easily, with the aid of a magical silk string, and he could do nothing about it.
  604. “An assassination attempt!” Yun Yang’s purple robe was free from dust as he frowned lightly. “Who would want to kill me?”
  606. Fang Mofei walked over to join the duo with a serious face.
  608. “Old Fang, are you able to deduce the origins of this assassin?”
  610. “Young master, I can confirm that this assassin is not a member of the Concourse of the Underworld,” Fang Mofei replied confidently.
  612. “Why would you say that?” Yun Yang questioned.
  614. “Well, if he were from the Concourse of the Underworld, he would have King Yan1’s Dictum on him. King Yan’s Dictum serves as an indicator of a mission in progress and as a reminder to others to stay away and not interfere. This is a commonly known rule for the entire Concourse of the Underworld’s assassins, for those in the Silver Rank and above. This person’s skills are commendable and he should already be a Gold-ranked killer but I am unable to feel the presence of King Yan’s Dictum on him,” Fang Mofei explained.
  616. Yun Yang nodded. “This assassin uses flying daggers.”
  618. “It is possible that he’s not from the Hall of Crimson Blade.” Fang Mofei continued, “The Merciless Tower is known to be made up of sword-wielding assassins while the members of the Hall of Crimson Blade are, for the most part, saber-wielding killers but this is not all-encompassing. There are always exceptions to the rule. Besides, the flying dagger is a hidden weapon and not a proper tool of battle.”
  620. “This person is most likely to be from The Merciless Tower,” Fang Mofei conjectured.
  622. “The Merciless Tower.” Yun Yang pondered upon the implications, “An organization with very prominent characteristics. Their terms and prices are clear and transparent. They will only undertake the assignment upon receiving full payment. There is no hesitation, no questions on morality or about cause and effect. Their proof of success is the head of the target, they and will not rest until the mission is complete.”
  624. “Yes, that sounds about right.” Fang Mofei agreed, “Once The Merciless Tower accepts a mission, it is a machine that will not rest, and will continue to send wave after wave of murderers until the target is killed. The only difference is that the client has to supply an increasingly large amount of fees to support the men that they send.”
  626. Yun Yang gave a faint smile and said, “They don’t rest until the mission is complete. Despite the circumstances, that is a rather commendable trait, which deserves respect!”
  629. Yun Yang retired to his room and when he emerged again, there was already a new Nine Heavens Dictum being issued, moving fast and wide like a spider furiously enlarging its web.
  631. “Nine Heavens Dictum; An Investigation! Who are the assassins of the world, who had recently entered Tiantang, as well as their characteristics and the weapons they carried. Above all, who could have hired assassins to kill the Marquis of Heavenly Clouds’ young master?”
  633. As soon as the dictum was sent out, the underground world of Tiantang City immediately fell into a state of turmoil!
  635. “I’m going out for a walk.” Yun Yang proclaimed, “Both of you stay at home and look after the house. Fang Mofei, you are tasked to recover from your injuries; the quicker you do it, the better.” He turned about to take his leave.
  637. “Young master, allow me to follow you.” Lao Mei’s pleaded earnestly. “The assassin…”
  639. “There is no need!” Yun Yang adamantly refused the offer. “Lao Mei, you have your responsibilities and I absolutely insist. The more danger that lurks around me, the more adamant I should be.”
  641. Before Lao Mei could think about the meaning behind his words, Yun Yang had already gone out of the door and melted into the crowd.
  643. I have my responsibility, you have your stubbornness. Lao Mei thought about it for a long while before managing to come up with a reasonable argument, “But my responsibility is to protect you!”
  645. By the time he managed to come up with this logical repartee, Yun Yang was already long gone. Lao Mei suddenly thought of something. “Young master, the calling cards! What am I to do if those young masters were to come?” There were now crowds of people moving around outside the door; it was impossible to locate Yun Yang to inform him about his impending guests.
  647. Lao Mei turned around speechlessly and was greeted by Fang Mofei chuckling at him. “What are you laughing at?“ Lao Mei glared at him with the most intimidating look he could muster. “DO you feel I have failed to fulfill my duties? Why, just give me half a reason, and I’d give you a drubbing right now! Don't think that just because your cultivation base is higher than mine, that I’ll be afraid to do it.”
  649. Fang Mofei smiled and said good-humoredly, “I wasn’t laughing at you not doing your job, I was simply curious. When did the Single-horned Flood Dragon Mei Wenjian who had once commanded the martial arts world become a butler of the Yun family?”
  651. Lao Mei snorted in irritation, “What does it matter to you? Your father is happy to do so!” He stared at Fang Mofei with a scrutinizing eye. “How about being a butler? Hasn’t the Fealty Jade Sword also come under the roof of our residence?
  653. Fang Mofei wanted to chortle.
  655. “I would suggest that you be more humble in the future.” Lao Mei glared at him. “It is only wise to respect your immediate supervisor!”
  657. Fang Mofei had no response to that little bit of wisdom.
  660. Yun Yang melted into the crowd the moment he stepped out of his residence. When he wanted to be noticed, he could make himself the center of attention even a multitude of people; when he intended to conceal himself, he could stay unnoticed even if he were to walk alone in the middle of the street under bright daylight.
  662. When it came to camouflage, there was no equal to Supreme Cloud’s Cloud Veil!
  664. He drifted into the crowd as if aimlessly following the flowing current but he arrived at an alley within a few turns. At the end of the alley was a small hill, and under the hill lay a thick fog.
  666. This was the Residence of the Nine Supremes; it was also the site of the Nine Heavens Demesne. Ever since the downfall of the Nine Supremes, the Nine Heavens Demesne had been mysteriously covered with a thick fog which permitted no one to enter and withstood all efforts to destroy it.
  668. Within the year, hundreds of thousands of people had flocked over to the site, either during the day or in the dark but no one had been able to gain entry. Gradually, the place quieted down and fell still. It was surrounded by neatly arranged candles, the areas bordering the fog swept clean. A group of veterans had scheduled themselves into twelve shifts and they diligently swept the place regardless whether it was day or night. They would never allow the residence of their heroes to be covered in dust or dirt! In their hearts, the Residence of Nine Supremes should always be gloriously spotless!
  670. Yun Yang observed the scene from afar. Numerous single-armed men were cleaning the place meticulously, holding onto their brooms with the single arm they owned. They dropped the broom lightly and dragged it slowly, not a single speck of dust or dirt was whisked into the air throughout the entire process. Their expressions were of utter devotion and reverence.
  672. The Residence of the Nine Supremes, the Nine Heavens Demesne; to these veterans, it was holy ground.
  674. Yun Yang took in a deep breath, keeping his tortured emotions under check. He slowly made his way to a tree and stood quietly under the canopy. Looking at the white fog, Yun Yang could only felt his heart boil as his blood burned. He stood quietly until dusk fell. Throughout that entire time, many of the old veterans had swept passed his feet with their brooms but none of them had realized that there was a person standing there.
  676. The Nine Heavens Demesne – the thick fog had locked everything within.
  678. “Perhaps, in the entire world, I am the only one who could possibly enter.” Yun Yang closed his eyes. ”But right now, I… dare not do so.”
  680. He could almost see his eight brothers inside, waiting to ask him, “Have you defeated the Four Seasons Tower? Have you avenged our deaths?”
  682. “Old Nine, are you living well now?”
  684. Yun Yang breathed in deeply, the tears that he had bottled up for so long finally flowing freely.
  686. “I have come to see you, my brothers. But now that I am here, I never wish to leave…”
  689. Old Marshal Qiu sat alone at the foyer, his expression tinged with anxiety.
  691. It was already dusk but his invited guest had not yet arrived. Sir Wang’s eye twitched nervously.
  693. This was the invitation of the Old Marshal, a summons from the ultimate militant of the Empire of Yutang – how dare this man be late?
  695. “Should I send someone over to call upon him?” Sir Wang asked unhappily.
  697. “There is no need.” Old Marshal Qiu raised his grayed eyebrows. “It doesn’t matter anyway. His Majesty is not here yet either.”
  699. “His Majesty is coming as well?” Startled, Sir Wang immediately sat upright.
  701. “That is correct. His Majesty and I share the same doubts.” Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan spoke softly, “It is not rather coincidental that Yun Yang attacks a person who then immediately becomes the subject of the Nine Heavens Dictum?”
  703. Sir Wang said, “Yes, it does seem rather strange.”
  705. “Furthermore, the Xie family’s father and son duo has been guilty of committing those crimes for a long time now; why didn’t Nine Heavens Dictum arrive then?” Old Marshal Qiu asked in bewilderment.
  707. “Perhaps this is purely happenstance.” Sir Wang said with much difficulty, “After all, this Yun Yang is nothing but a popinjay.”
  709. “Are coincidences so rampant in this world? Even if it were a coincidence, I still believe there is a reason behind it.” Old Marshal Qiu said in all seriousness, “Therefore, this meal today is very important to me. It will be worth it, even if I have to wait but a little longer.”
  711. Sir Wang sighed, giving up on his attempts to persuade the Old Marshal
  713. Old Marshal Qiu glanced at Sir Wang and sighed in his heart as well. Sir Wang had come from a poor background and had managed to make a name for himself by his own hard work. Until this day, he was far prouder that he was a scholar, rather than a member of nobility; he was smart and collected in his thoughts, farsighted and plotted exceedingly well. He could even be considered as one of the world’s best. Unfortunately, Sir Wang had a deep-rooted bias that could not be changed despite the Old Marshal’s many attempts over the years. It was an instinctual stereotype that the entire second generation of nobles, officials, and wealthy businessmen were merely popinjays! In his single-tracked mind, these worthless and incompetent people were good for nothing other than harassing the unfortunate and tyrannizing hapless communities.
  715. The Old Marshal could say nothing regarding Sir Wang’s point of view on this matter. Other than this single failing, he was near-perfect. Sir Wang could clearly see the suspicious circumstances revolving around Yun Yang but he stubbornly refused to consider that it was related to this popinjay. It was infuriating, but Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan could only try to make the best of it.
  717. The guards announced loudly from the door, “Marshal, His Majesty has arrived.”
  719. With a sigh, Qiu Jianhan stood up and went out to welcome the emperor.
  722. It was already night when Yun Yang reached the door of the marshal’s residence, carrying a box of fruits in his hands. Lacking a better idea for a gift, he had simply bought the fruits on his way there. The guards by the door looked at him with disapproving glances.
  724. It was an immense honor to be invited by the Old Marshal, and yet this fellow had the cheek to come late, proudly bearing a few bruised fruits!
  726. “Please inform the Old Marshal,” Yun Yang was polite and spoke with an air of elegance, “Yun Yang from the Yun family is present to attend the dinner with a humble gift.” The guard looked at the fruits in Yun Yang’s hands; growing increasingly irritated as he counted the fruits – were there only five peaches? Exasperated, he growled at Yun Yang, “Wait here.”
  728. Translator Note:
  730. 1King Yan (阎王yán wáng): ruler/guildmaster of Concourse of the Underworld; concept derived from Yama, also known as King of Hell or Yanluo, the god of death and ruler of hell.
  735. Chapter 36: What is This?
  737. Translator: Editor:
  738. The guards felt outraged. It was certainly a humble gift, no doubt about it! He dared come up to the door of the Empire of Yutang’s greatest military marshal with just five peaches and a self-satisfied look.
  740. Young Master Yun was a brazen man indeed!
  742. The guard went in to announce his arrival. Another guard came out instantly to invite the man in, wondering what would the Old Marshal’s expression be once he saw the peaches. Now that he thought about it, he was certain that this was going to be an occasion worthy of much gossip.
  744. Yun Yang thanked him and went straight in with his peaches. At the entrance of the foyer, Sir Wang smiled amicably. “Good, Young Master Yun is finally here. The Old Marshal is waiting in the hall.”
  746. With his status, it was impossible for Old Marshal Qiu to come welcome the man himself. In actual fact, with Yun Yang’s second generation status, Sir Wang felt that the man had already been given too much honor when he sent to welcome the latter. However, it was an invitation initiated by the Old Marshal, Sir Wang could only humble himself and bite the bullet.
  748. “Please, do come on in.”
  750. Yun Yang beamed as he entered the hall with high spirits. The sight of Old Marshal Qiu sitting regally in the host’s seat greeted him, his intimidating aura welcoming the youth.
  752. Yet Yun Yang’s gaze was not on the old marshal but rather on the face of the other person in the room.
  754. This person was in his mid-forties, his face square and jade-like. Although he was only dressed in a casual robe, he exuded an aura of natural authority and dignity. Even as he sat, it felt as if he had the whole world under his feet. Although the man was trying his hardest to keep his aura in check, it was still entirely exposed in Yun Yang’s eyes. Moreover, Yun Yang had met this man, and more than once at that.
  756. It was His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire of Yutang, Yu Peize!
  758. Yun Yang didn’t let his gaze linger and turned his head after a quick glance; maintaining his unaffected gaze and expression as he would have any other stranger – slightly curious, but cautious at the same time.
  760. “Young Master Yun is indeed Marquis Yun’s son; you both have the same charm,” Qiu Jianhan broke the ice, in accordance with the duties of a host.
  762. “It is my pleasure to meet Old Sir Qiu.” Yun Yang bowed formally. “It is this one’s honor to be invited by old sir. Regretfully, this one’s home is incredibly poor and barren. I have heard my father mention that the Old Marshal enjoys peaches, so...”
  764. Yun Yang raised the peaches in his hands.
  766. “Uh…”
  768. Although Old Marshal Qiu was as cunning as an old fox, he was still caught off guard by Yun Yang’s actions. His thoughts ceased momentarily as he could only nod in stunned acceptance and forced a smile on his face, laughing dryly. “Ahem, truly, peaches are my favorite. Servant, come, keep these peaches away.” His heart though, was saying, “I don’t meet your rascal of a father that often, how would he know that I liked peaches? Isn’t it amazing that I didn’t even know that myself? I haven’t so much as seen a peach for years! That little wretch.”
  770. Outwardly Old Marshal Qiu maintained a peacefully amicable expression. “As my guest, you are an outsider no longer. Come, allow me to introduce you to your… Uncle Yu. He is an old friend of your father.”
  772. “A pleasure to meet you, Uncle Yu.” Yun Yang bowed courteously. “You look so much younger than my father. Just a single glance tells me that Uncle Yu is a powerful official who takes care of himself well. I am certain that you lead a happy life, filled with joyous moods, filial children, and a harmonious family.”
  774. His Majesty the Emperor did not know whether to laugh or cry upon hearing the youth’s words as he said, “Please don’t be nervous. We’ve asked for your presence today just to attend Old Marshal Qiu’s ample feast; there is no other intention beyond that. Don’t be an outsider, sit.”
  776. Yun Yang kept his arms wrapped around himself. “This nephew1 is a good-for-nothing popinjay who has achieved nothing in both literature and martial arts. There is no place for this nephew in front of two distinguished elders such as yourselves…”
  778. “Just sit when you’re asked to sit!” Old Marshal Qiu hollered impatiently.
  780. “Yes, yes. Right.” Yun Yang shuddered in fright, chose stool timidly and sat down, half perched on the seat. He spoke nervously, “This… this nephew is afraid.”
  782. Seeing that he had finally sat down, Old Marshal Qiu and His Majesty the Emperor shared a look that expressed absolute disenchantment.
  784. How could this fellow be so weak?
  786. Courses of scrumptiously cooked dishes were served like an endless flow of water, the aroma wafting over to greet everyone’s noses. Just a moment later, the table was filled with over twenty dishes of unsurpassed excellence.
  788. “Do you drink?” Old Marshal Qiu was disappointed, his tone becoming harsh as he eyed askance at the young master.
  790. “No… This nephew doesn’t… doesn’t drink,” Yun Yang replied softly with a nervous bow.
  792. “Do you drink or not!” The Old Marshal hollered again.
  794. “… yes, yes, I do!” Yun Yang lifted his sleeve to dab at his forehead.
  796. “Pour it to the brim!” The Old Marshal waved an impatient hand at Yun Yang, ordering him to quickly fill up the goblet.
  798. “Yes, most certainly.” Yun Yang hastily lifted the wine jar and filled the Old Marshal’s goblet before filling His Majesty the Emperor’s. Since His Majesty did not reveal his identity here, Yun Yang had poured the wine for the Old Marshal first, to keep up the pretense.
  800. “Hmph!” Old Marshal’s expression was turning darker as he raised his goblet. “Bottoms up!”
  802. “I believe that this nephew should eat something first…” Yun Yang looked terribly uncomfortable at having so much drink on an empty stomach.
  804. “Are you a woman, to behave so squeamishly? When I say bottoms up, you drink it all!” Old Marshal spoke angrily and with heat.
  806. “Yes, yes…” Yun Yang raised the goblet with trembling hands and emptied it. He immediately choked on the fiery liquid, and began to cough and splutter. The Old Marshal and His Majesty the Emperor looked at each other in disappointment. These two figureheads of paramount importance had taken the effort and time out of their demanding schedules to evaluate this mysterious young man, but they were sorely disillusioned to observe the revolting spectacle before them.
  808. “Eat something,” Old Marshal said in disgust.
  810. “Yes, yes… elder one, please eat as well; Uncle Yu, please eat… This nephew… this nephew has not been courteous.” Yun Yang was obviously putting up a false front that belied his nervousness as he stretched his arm out and grabbed a big piece of meat that was about half a catty. With a large chomp, half of the half-catty meat had disappeared. Chewing twice, he stretched his neck like a giraffe’s before he swallowed it and said in an unconvincing attempt at flattery, “It’s really delicious!”
  812. The veins on the Old Marshal’s forehead were about to pop as His Majesty the Emperor lowered his head, his expression dark. The Old Marshal sighed and emptied his goblet, attempting to drown his sorrows in alcohol.
  814. “Bottoms up!” Yun Yang raised his goblet stupidly, emulating the marshal’s large swig to empty the liquid in his own goblet as well.
  816. “This child is a simpleton.” His Majesty the Emperor was crestfallen at the realization.
  818. The Old Marshal sighed in response, “Yes, since Marquis Yun is rarely at home, this child…”
  820. Halfway through his observation, he suddenly remembered, “Innocent? This fellow just insolently wrecked the residence of the Board of War’s Deputy Minister yesterday, and beat up the father and son duo in the process!”
  822. “How could such a person be so innocent?”
  824. “Yun Yang.”
  826. “This nephew is here.”
  828. “Let me ask you something.”
  830. “Please ask all you wish, Old Marshal. This nephew will answer what this nephew knows without hiding anything.”
  832. “Why did you beat up the family of the Board of War’s Deputy Minister Xie Wuyuan yesterday?” The Old Marshal was making only a marginal effort to keep his anger tamped down.
  834. “Well...” Yun Yang was hesitant in answering the question and looked immensely troubled that it had been asked.
  836. His Majesty the Emperor glanced at the Old Marshal and an unspoken agreement flashed between them. Let us ask him again after the alcohol loosens his tongue..
  838. “Let’s drink!” The Old Marshal caught on immediately as he lifted his goblet in a toast.
  840. “Yes, yes.” Yun Yang emptied his goblet, wiping his mouth surreptitiously.
  842. “Here’s another three more… Drink up!”
  844. “Another three? Alright, alright.”
  846. Clink! Clink! Clink!
  848. “Look, our goblets are still full. Let’s do another three!”
  850. Clink! Clink! Clink!
  852. “Come, Uncle Yu will drink another three goblets with you!”
  854. Clink! Clink! Clink!
  856. Yun Yang ate ravenously as he drank the copious amounts of wine. With the increasing amount of alcohol that he had consumed, his actions grew unrestrained as he began to chortle and joke.
  858. He had a mystical beast thigh in his left hand and a big piece of mystical beast drumstick in his right; he took a bite from both sides respectively as he relished the delicacy. His eyes were squinted as he grew increasingly tipsy and said, “Honestly… Old Marshal, this meat is really good! The dishes and drink tonight are really gratifying. This wine is simply… superb!”
  860. Clink! He tossed down a goblet of wine without anyone prompting him to do so; his handsome face was already flushed as his body refused to respond properly to his instructions.
  862. Well, it is about time.
  864. Both old men nodded in agreement.
  866. “Now, let me ask you again Yun Yang. Why did you beat people up yesterday?” The Old Marshal repeated his earlier question.
  868. Yun Yang was already drunk and his head was tipped over as he spoke loudly, “Beat him? So what about it? It's a pity I didn’t go all out! Hmph… such trash, the world will be a much cleaner place the faster he dies!”
  870. “Why?” old marshal asked frowning.
  872. “Why?” Yun Yang’s eyes took on a glazed quality as he forced himself to sit upright and spoke in a loud voice, “Old Marshal, you know as well as I do that this nephew is a good-for-nothing popinjay; this nephew…”
  874. Old Marshal fell speechless while His Majesty the Emperor came close to spitting out all that he had eaten.
  876. “But this nephew keeps score in his heart!” Yun Yang was swaying drunkenly. “Yesterday, your father was prepared to keep his nose out of other people’s affairs.”
  878. He had been using ‘this nephew’ earlier but now he had begun to lace it with lines of ‘your father’, causing both His Majesty the Emperor and the Old Marshal to look at each other in exasperation upon hearing it.
  880. This is f*cking outrageous! In all the Empire of Yutang, no else but this fellow would dare to address himself as ‘your father’ in front of us!
  882. Qiu Jianhan, with his long face, looked at His Majesty the Emperor with barely hidden resentment. “I said no, but your majesty insisted on having a look at him yourself. Look at what good it’s done us, look at what I’ve gotten out of this!”
  884. “But Old Marshal, did you know? The person they harassed was actually a veteran! A handicapped veteran!” Yun Yang spoke with righteousness, his entire being lusted for justice, “This veteran had gone to the war for this nation; his living was already made difficult with his handicap. That f*cking son of Xie Wuyuan actually wanted to get his hands on his wife, by accusing him of theft.”
  886. “This nephew is a good-for-nothing!” Yun Yang spoke loudly as his arms waved, the juicy drumstick in his hand spurted sauce everywhere; His Majesty the Emperor and the Old Marshal were both trying to avoid the drips with humorless smiles but Yun Yang did not notice. “But at least this nephew has a conscience! I know that soldiers went to the war for the country; they’re still heroes even when they’re handicapped!”
  888. “It would be bad enough if they were harassing people and ordinary citizens, your father doesn’t have time to argue with them!” Yun Yang howled, “But how could they terrorize veterans? Since words were useless, your father had to intervene and take charge of the situation!”
  890. “Therefore, your father helps in the name of justice! I charged into the doors of the Xie family and valiantly showered them with my kicks and punches!” Yun Yang’s eyes grew increasingly glazed. “… This is for… err… justice!”
  892. He burped a few times then roared again, flailing his arms, “For justice! For heroes! It’s too bad I didn’t have a saber in my hands!”
  894. He appeared to be slightly soberer as he sat down like a heap of potatoes and laughed in an ingratiating way, “Well, even if I did have a saber, I wouldn’t dare kill anyone with it anyway...”
  896. His Majesty and the Old Marshal were flustered to the point of silence; sauces that had flown from Yun Yang’s wild gesturing stained their robes. Although they had tried their best to avoid the splattering juices, the table was rather small, and they had no way shield themselves from the onslaught. The Old Marshal had sauce in his hair and beard; His Majesty the Emperor didn’t fare much better as a lump of gravy dripped from his neck.
  898. “These dishes are no longer edible.” The marshal heaved a loud sigh but both of their jaws dropped in shock when they finally took a look at the spread in front of them.
  900. Where did the dishes go?
  902. What had happened to the meat?
  904. Miraculously, the table was empty.
  906. Translator Note:
  908. 1This nephew (小侄xiǎo zhí): first person pronoun to humbly address self as someone’s nephew.
  913. Chapter 37: Disappointment, Verification, and a Dispatch of Undercover Guards
  915. Translator: Editor:
  916. The Old Marshal and His Majesty the Emperor stared incredulously at Yun yang who was devouring his mystical beast drumstick with relish, oil dripping from his mouth. For these two stalwarts who had already seen a great deal in life, it was all they could do to refrain from awarding the uncouth fellow a solid slap across the face for his insolence.
  918. There were at least f*cking twenty-eight courses and sixteen meat dishes among those. We've only managed to eat one or two portions of vegetables, how in the world did this child eat all of the rest? How many years has it been since he's eaten a full meal?
  920. "You may eat slowly," His Majesty the Emperor felt a sudden rush of sympathy for this young man who had clearly seen some hard times in his life. "You don’t have to rush," he continued with a slightly less harsh tone.
  922. “Ooh!… it’s okay, ooh, ooh!… This meat is absolutely delicious!” Yun Yang mumbled with a mouth full of food, his words almost inaudible. “Our family is poor… I haven’t had a chance to eat meat for the longest time ever!”
  924. His Majesty stared at the walls while the Old Marshal kept his gaze lowered; both avoiding direct eye contact with Yun Yang. They certain that they would slap him if they continued to observe his boorish behavior. How f*cking old are you now? Haven’t eaten meat for some years? Is your family poor? Don’t you realize thaw we know you’ve just won a nation’s fortune just days before?
  926. This rascal!
  928. “I beg your pardon, but what about that immense fortune that you have so fortuitously won just days ago?” The Old Marshal had his hackles raised, his suspicions beginning to surface again.
  930. “I asked someone to sell them off.” Yun Yang picked up a large bowl of sauce and gulped it down. “I haven’t gotten the gold or silver taels from the just yet.”
  932. If he wasn’t in his own home, the Old Marshal would have run off with his face in his hands. Do you think you’re eating a big pot dish1? Don’t you realize that it’s improper to eat in such a manner?
  934. “Let’s have a few more dishes served!” The Old Marshal’s expression was as dark as it could possibly get.
  936. “How scrumptious!”
  939. “Looks like it’s just a coincidence.”
  942. Could this all be just a pretense?
  944. His Majesty the Emperor pondered upon the possibility. With his eyes darting about, he turned towards the Old Marshal and said, “Old Qiu, about the political affairs of our empire currently…”
  946. Old Marshal Qiu was quick enough to be able to catch up and keep the ball rolling. “Yes, yes, it has been a very difficult time.”
  948. “Unrest on the inside and chaos on the outside.”
  950. “Indeed…”
  952. “I think His Majesty does not feel at ease with this situation.”
  954. “Absolutely agreed.”
  956. “Among the descendants of His Majesty, which one does Old Qiu think… could bear the grand responsibility?” His Majesty the Emperor asked succinctly.
  958. Old Marshal Qiu was struck a sudden blow by the unexpected question, almost frightened off his seat.
  960. Why the f*ck are you bringing this up now? Your identity is being kept a secret, but I know that you’re the Emperor. How am I supposed to answer your question?
  962. It was a dead-end road; bound to be incorrect either way. The Old Marshal’s forehead was dotted with sweat.
  964. His Majesty laughed and redirected his question to Yun Yang, “Nephew from Yun Family, do you know the princes of His Majesty? Let us hear your opinion on them!”
  966. The Old Marshal wiped off the sweat beaded on his forehead, visibly relieved to be let off the hook.
  968. Of course, the question is meant to test this cretin. Have pity, your father, with his slow mind, almost ruined it all. As an Emperor of the dynasty, it would never be an officials’ place to give any advice regarding this question. Any suggestion, logical or otherwise, would still be deemed inappropriate.
  970. His Majesty’s sudden attack was not only targeted towards Yun Yang but was also meant to test the Old Marshal’s mettle. The Emperor seemed pleased with the Old Marshal’s performance, or lack thereof.
  972. When Yun Yang heard the question, he could not help but scratch his head and replied, “His Majesty the emperor’s sons… I have absolutely no clue.” He burped grossly before continuing, “No matter who becomes the Emperor in the future, it’s got nothing to do with me. This nephew is incompetent, I will never be an official. If I make a small fortune every now and then, I’m certain it won’t offend the Emperor… so…”
  974. “I don’t really care who takes the throne.”
  976. Yun Yang spoke in an indolent tone, “Whoever the f*ck feels like being an emperor, he can go f*cking go ahead and be one!”
  978. Slap!
  980. The Old Marshal could no longer tolerate the young man’s insolence and slapped his face into a dish of fish soup on the table. How dare the little rascal speak like this! The corners of His Majesty’s lips twitched in horrified amusement as well. This little rascal was incredibly tactless.
  982. They then probed him with a few more questions but Yun Yang’s innocent and utterly moronic act had them completely fooled into believing that he was a good-for-nothing popinjay. Both His Majesty the Emperor and Old Marshal Qiu were helpless; both of them had brought themselves low to hold this feast and invited this young man in hopes of finding a hint of the enormous force that was the Nine Supremes’ subordinates. It was also partially due to their curiosity regarding Marquis Yun’s son.
  984. However, it seemed now that everything they had hoped for had been too good to be true. This fellow would never have anything to do with the Nine Heavens Dictum.
  986. It was impossible that the Nine Heavens Dictum would ever recruit such a person. Thinking about this, both His Majesty and the Old Marshal lost their interest all at once. It was such a terrible waste that both of them had invited him over so cordially and had everyone retreat in preparation to hear secrets being told.
  988. By the look of things now, they had gotten nothing out of this whole endeavor other than frustration!
  990. Exchanging disappointed looks, His Majesty stood up first. “Marshal, I suddenly recall something that needs my attention elsewhere.” His Majesty was indeed a certified champion for being able to conjure undone chores in the midst of drinking but of course, he did not care how others viewed him, especially not this Young Master Yun.
  992. It was already an incredible opportunity for this young man to be able to sneak a peek at the Emperor’s face. It would be impossible for him to do so again, in future.
  994. “Then, Brother Yu you must, of course, take your leave.”
  996. The Old Marshal naturally knew how to respond appropriately and stood up politely. Inwardly, he felt a keen sense of abandonment. “You’re the Emperor, the most powerful individual here! How could you just leave me to face this popinjay all by myself?”
  998. Yun Yang stood up in surprise as well. “Uncle Yu is leaving already?”
  1000. “Yes, I am.” His Majesty forced a smile and said, “Young man, continue to learn more from the Old Marshal.”
  1002. With that, His Majesty the Emperor left, almost running in his haste to be away.
  1004. He was afraid his patience would crumble altogether if he were to continue to face this young fellow. Besides, he had barely eaten throughout the meal. I will have to find some food once I reach the palace!
  1007. Without outsiders anywhere, the Old Marshal’s expression turned sour.
  1009. “Yun Yang, have you eaten your fill?” Of course, the Old Marshal fully intended to send him packing the moment he agreed that he was full.
  1011. “Well, not really,” Yun Yang answered truthfully, the very picture of innocence. When a guest heard this from a host, one would immediately know that the host intended to call it a night. Obviously, Young Master Yun was completely oblivious to decorum.
  1013. “Serve another ten dishes!” The old marshal hollered to the servants, the anger apparent in his tone.
  1015. Not yet full?
  1017. Your father will make sure you leave this place bloated!
  1019. “Oh, but there’s something else,” Yun Yang wiped his mouth and said, “This nephew has almost forgotten…”
  1021. “What is it?” the marshal asked irately.
  1023. “Someone came up to me when I was on my way here, and asked me to bring something to you. I’ve completely forgotten about it,” Yun Yang replied, his brow furrowed in concentration.
  1025. “Bring me something?” The marshal frowned, ”Who was it?”
  1027. Yun Yang managed to invoke a terrified expression as he answered, “Someone really fierce. He said he would kill me if I didn’t pass it to you.”
  1029. The Old Marshal was almost beside himself with impatience, “Get to the point, what was it?”
  1031. Yun Yang took a small package out of his robe and said guiltily, “I almost forgot about it.”
  1033. The Old Marshal’s eye widened in shock.
  1035. On the small cloth package lay the symbol of nine stars surrounding a flame in the center. The Old Marshal’s heart began to beat faster and moisture began to gather in his eyes. Holding the package tightly in his hands, he asked in a trembling voice, “What did the person look like?”
  1037. Yun Yang helpfully described the mysterious individual, “Seems like a very short man, but strongly built. I can’t tell beyond that. I… I didn’t look properly.”
  1039. The Old Marshal almost slapped the man. You didn’t carefully look at such an important messenger?
  1041. Yun Yang’s heart was calm like an old, quiet, well.
  1043. He knew of his feelings and his situation now. Other than himself, Yun Yang dared not trust anymore – not even the Emperor!
  1045. The Nine Supremes’ death was filled with too many mysteries!
  1047. Did the Emperor have a motive to kill them? Most certainly.
  1049. Even towards the Old Marshal, Yun Yang was only able to trust him at a level of sixty percent. Even if he had fully trusted him, he would never fully expose himself in front of the Old Marshal.
  1051. An Emperor who could not keep a secret would lose his empire, an official who could not keep a secret would lose his life! As for Yun Yang, he felt that if he could not keep his secret, he would lose all hope!
  1053. The Old Marshal was already lost in his own thoughts as he held onto the package.
  1055. When Yun Yang bid his leave, the Old Marshal only waved his hands; his thoughts had entirely gone elsewhere. His concern was in the small package in his hands and were no longer on Yun Yang.
  1057. By the time Yun Yang stepped out of the marshal’s residence, stars had decorated the night sky. He took in a deep breath and stumbled back after waving his hands about. Behind him, in the shadows by the door, Sir Wang watched Yun Yang’s retreating silhouette like a hawk. With a wave of his hand, four shadows floated off like spirits and began to silently follow him.
  1059. Yun Yang had only taken a few steps when he felt the presence of trailing spirits behind his back. He did nothing to acknowledge them, and instead went to vomit on the ground, holding onto a tree by the roadside before stumbling back his own residence groggily.
  1061. To everyone who could be watching, he was nothing but a drunken popinjay. The four spirit-like shadows had dissipated after exchanging looks of fruitlessness when they saw Yun Yang stumble into the Residence of Yun.
  1063. Behind the tree by the roadside, a tiny head popped out.
  1065. Ji Ling’s eyes darted around as she mumbled, “This lout is putting on a show again… why is this he always cheating people?”
  1067. In the Residence of Marshal, the Old Marshal looked at the contents of the package. His expression was dark and unchanging. There was only a single tiny box inside. He was familiar with the secret method of opening it. It was obviously placed to prevent Young Master Yun, who had brought this package over, from sneaking a peek.
  1069. Opening the box, a sheet of paper laid inside.
  1071. “Incidents at the Residence of Marshal : Three Days Ago.”
  1073. “Three days ago, the Residence of Marshal had been attacked. On duty to investigate as ordered, our findings are as follows.”
  1075. Just these few words had the Old Marshal bitterly crying.
  1077. Investigate as ordered!
  1079. As ordered by whom?
  1081. Who else could give an order to the Nine Heavens Dictum?
  1083. The old marshal took a few deep breaths to calm his emotions down before he continued reading.
  1085. “Since the sword’s disappearance in the northeast direction of Tiantang, the inquiry has verified the entry of a total of one hundred and thirty-seven thousand martial artists who are mystical level and above from Tiantang City’s east, north, and south, all within three days. Among them were three thousand and four hundred people who were not in place; seven of them with a cultivation base of fifth heaven and above. Perhaps some might be missed, however…”
  1087. “… Among the seven people, three of the accused were related to us; the other four are to be suspected as well. The duty has personally analyzed, XX, XX, and found them to be the most likely suspects, with our justifications as below… Between the two of them, one of them has publicly revealed his identity while the other hides his name behind a blacksmith’s trade… The inquiry believes that this blacksmith could be the culprit.”
  1089. “... End. Should there be incompetence found in this inquiry, any punishment rendered will be dutifully accepted.”
  1091. “Should these findings be true, the inquiry sincerely requests on behalf of all the Dictum’s brothers that the culprit’s life be left in the Dictum’s hands.”
  1093. At the end of the missive was the familiar nine stars symbol but now a drop of crimson blood decorated the center.
  1095. The letter was about fifteen to sixteen pages long, explaining the important points of each step and linked the receiving of orders to their execution in exquisite detail.
  1097. Anyone reading the letter would immediately understand what these people had worked on, if they were effective, and if the final result was credible.
  1099. Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan heaved a deep sigh; he was both satisfied and comforted but he was also disappointed and saddened.
  1101. He had seen the reports of the Nine Heavens Dictum and now understood that each mission by the Nine Heavens Dictum would clearly list the person in charge for each link.
  1103. However, the document in his hands now did not contain such a section. It was obviously for fear that he would hunt them down upon knowing their names. This meant that they were still unwilling to confront him face to face.
  1105. “Pass the order!” The old marshal sucked in a deep breath. “Dispatch the undercover guards!”
  1107. Slap!
  1109. The old marshal slapped the table.
  1111. The table, which had been constructed of solid jade, turned into powder at the touch of his hand, with a loud crack.
  1113. The Old Marshal jumped up in shock, his eyes bulging out as he looked at the pile of powder on the floor and the broken dishes; he was too aghast to speak.
  1115. What… what is going on?
  1117. Translator Note:
  1119. 1big pot dish (大锅菜dà guō cài): famous traditional dish that is common in the north of China; it is a pot of simple daily ingredients like vegetables, noodles, meat, tofu and various ingredients braised together.
  1124. Chapter 38: As Busy as a Marketplace!
  1126. Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
  1127. The Old Marshal looked down at his own hand, unable to fathom what had just happened.
  1129. His table, which had been made of solid jade, was a gift from His Majesty the Emperor and was considered a treasured gem. How could it have shattered with just a slap? Even if he had slapped it using his entire cultivation base, it still should not have shattered into such fine particles! At most, it would have just developed cracks.
  1131. Yet how could he explain the sight in front of him?
  1133. His Majesty the Emperor could not have done this, and as for Yun Yang… The Old Marshal was certain that his cultivation base had not yet achieved the first heaven of mystical Qi and that the fellow had not even crossed the first peak. To turn this jade dining table into fine dust while maintaining its shape without anyone noticing was just plain impossible.
  1135. “This is sheer madness…”
  1137. The corners of the old marshal’s lips curled up in amazement, he sincerely believed that this could be constituted as one of the wonders of the world!
  1140. When Yun Yang got home, Lao Mei looked bemused and even Fang Mofei wore a strange expression on his face.
  1142. “Young master, ever since you went out today, our residence has been plagued by a constant stream of guests.” Lao Mei had to tone his grin down a notch. This was the first time in his three years in the Residence of Yun that it had gotten as busy as a noisy marketplace, with an endless tide of people coming and going.
  1144. “Who were they?”
  1146. “Ling Family, Ma Family, Qin Family… all seven young masters had people sent over. Among them, the young masters from the Family of Ling, Ma, and Qin had come personally while the others had men coming over, bearing a multitude of gifts.”
  1148. “Certainly. What else?”
  1150. “The young masters of East, South, West, and North all came today as well.” This practically covered the eleven families who had appeared today.
  1152. “Yes, yes.”
  1154. “Furthermore, there were six or seven... beautiful ladies who came bringing their guards and maids. They looked rather put out when the knew that the young master wasn’t in.” Lao Mei looked at his young master with a mystified air, unable to comprehend all of these.
  1156. Since when was his young master such a ladies’ man for so many beautiful ladies to come to their residence just to pay him a visit?
  1158. Yun Yang pinched the bridge of his nose and slowly massaged the spot with two fingers as he asked, “Are they all gone?”
  1160. “They are all gone. Young Master Dong Tianleng came by to wait here the entire afternoon. He only just left not too long ago, heaving deep sighs to himself.” Lao Mei said.
  1162. “There’s no need to bother about him.” Yun Yang felt it was a wise decision to hide outside for the whole day. So many people had come for him, the continuous efforts at socialization would probably have given him a splitting headache.
  1164. “How are you today, Old Fang?”
  1166. “Better than yesterday,” Fang Mofei replied with a confident now.
  1168. “Rightly so.” Yun Yang nodded and went to his room reeking of alcohol. However, the moment he entered his room, the smell of spirits and the bewildered look he sported vanished in an instance.
  1170. “Meow…”
  1172. Meawoo…”
  1174. Weak whimpers emanated from the corner of Yun Yang’s blanket on his bed. It soon raised itself and four tiny snow-white heads popped out. They looked like a set of quadruple kittens on the outside but their individual mewlings were sufficiently different to set them apart.
  1176. All four little critters continued to hide their bodies in the blanket and only their heads showed, eight pairs of glassy eyes looking at Yun Yang.
  1178. Yun Yang was overwhelmed by their lovable mannerisms at once.
  1180. “Have I not told you little critters a few times by now?” Yun Yang frowned and pulled a long face in front of the three tiny Eclipse Panthers. “Don’t go ‘meawoo’ next time. Say ‘meow’. Is that so hard to remember?”
  1182. “Meawoo…” The three little beasts looked at Yun Yang as if he was wrong in the head as they mewled once more.
  1184. “Alright, you’ve got me there.” Yun Yang smacked his forehead. The three tiny beasts waddled out of the blanket and happily clambered on Yun Yang.
  1186. Yun Yang felt an inordinate sense of accomplishment. Eclipse Panthers would normally make sounds that resonated ‘ooawoo’, rather similar to that of a tiger’s, but Yun Yang had already forcefully changed them into ‘meawoo’.
  1188. He was already halfway there. If he managed to change the other half… these little guys would most probably have caused a commotion in the mystical beast world. They would become Eclipse Panthers that mewled ‘meow’ like a cat, an utterly groundbreaking feat. Apparently, Yun Yang was steadily making progress on this route.
  1191. Yun Yang sat down with folded legs and began cultivating. The Endless Divine Art gradually began to flow once more. Yun Yang was intent on breaking through the first peak today! However, even as he began, Yun Yang could already feel a difference in his surroundings..
  1193. This time, his meridians seemed to possess an additional load of spiritual Qi. Besides, his mystical Qi had gushed out violently the moment he began cultivating. It was much stronger compared to it’s levels this morning! This was normally a situation that could only occur after going through the first peak.
  1195. What was going on?
  1197. Yun Yang grasped hold of his mystical Qi as he began to charge through his level but strangely, there was no difficulty whatsoever, He had practically gone through without encountering a barrier! Furthermore, the spiritual Qi in his meridians still had the excess energy to push his cultivation base forward a tiny bit beyond after stabling the first level.
  1199. Yun Yang’s dantian’s Qi had only dissipated after he managed to break through the first level. Before he could examine himself, he dived into his subconscious. The excess energy he felt had come from the inside and was definitely not an external force.
  1201. Other than Emmie, there was no other possibility. As the surroundings began to gain clarity, Emmie could be seen swaying around happily like it was dancing.
  1203. Squinting to take a closer look, he saw that Emmie’s fresh green leaves had turned shades darker!
  1205. Catching sight of Yun Yang, Emmie got even more excited as it shook once before a fine vine extended towards Yun Yang.
  1207. It had even grown its vine now, and it could extend itself to such a great length! Yun Yang was suddenly frightened as he pulled himself out of his subconscious with a ‘sha’ sound, leaving Emmie’s fine vine hanging in midair as it could not react in time.
  1209. Why did he leave so fast when he had just gone in?
  1211. Yun Yang briskly examined his body to see what he had lost once he came out of his subconscious. Had something by his side been devoured? Shockingly, he did not notice anything missing after checking high and low. Looking at Emmie, it was definite that it had absorbed something of great nourishment. Otherwise, it was impossible to have such a distinct change.
  1213. But what had it consumed?
  1215. Yun Yang went into his subconscious again. After much threatening, Emmie leaves finally drooped helplessly and projected an image of a table, indicating the item it had devoured earlier.
  1217. Yun Yang was dumbfounded upon seeing it.
  1219. Was this not the table in Old Marshal Qiu’s house that had been made with Cooling Heart Nephrite? He had just dined on that table just now!
  1221. It was said that His Majesty the Emperor had taken pity on the Old Marshal who had devoted his entire life to serving the military and had specifically gifted a set of gems to him. The set that included a bed, table, chairs, and cutlery that were all made from Cooling Heart Nephrite. It was the only set of its kind in the entire Empire of Yutang!
  1223. Who would have known that the table with magical properties would be consumed in this manner once the Old Marshal had invited him over? Yun Yang was at a loss for words. Looking at the dejected Emmie with its drooping leaves, he did not have the heart to chide it. He could only sigh and try to think of a way to make it up to the Old Marshal in future.
  1225. Sigh, it was fortunate that the Old Marshal had not asked him to stay the night, otherwise the bed would have met the same fate!
  1227. As Yun Yang’s train of thoughts carried him to a logical conclusion, a hint of regret arose, “Why didn’t I behave better? If the Old Marshal had asked me to stay the night, then his bed would have been eaten as well!”
  1230. Throughout the night, Yun Yang cultivated endlessly, turning the excess energy that came from within him into his own. The Endless Divine Art flowed through him in endless loops.
  1232. Whatever gem it was, it was still only a gem. There was no external force that could compare to having that force himself! It was only when his meridians felt like exploding that Yun Yang had stopped.
  1234. Amidst this process, a tiny shadow came in from outside the window. Yun Yang did not have to open his eyes to know that it was the Eclipse Panther he had sent away for a mission. Seeing that Yun Yang was cultivating when it came back, the panther hopped right into his embrace and stayed there quietly, not returning for the entire night.
  1236. The three Eclipse Panthers and the Lightning Cat that had been with Yun Yang all this while stayed obediently by his side, not fighting for a spot in his embrace.
  1238. All of them knew that the eldest among them was carrying out its mission outside and was rarely back, thus the best spot had to be reserved for it. After all, they had plenty of chances as they were staying by their master’s side the entire time.
  1240. It was dawn when the tiny white silhouette made a slow walk around Yun Yang longingly before leaping out of the window again.
  1243. Yun Yang opened his eyes slowly as a flash of light gleamed through them. One would only see the first heaven after conquering the first peak. One peak would be more difficult than the other. Before breaking the first level, Yun Yang was but a tiny shrimp in a vast ocean. Although he had mastered countless techniques and experience within himself, he could not utilize any of them. However, upon breaking through the first level, he had finally obtained the ability to protect himself, even if it was a weak one.
  1245. Moreover, the resilient mystical Qi in his body made him feel utterly rejuvenated!
  1247. Yun Yang picked himself up. He was still in high spirits even though he had not slept for the whole night.
  1249. A peculiar jade glimmered in his hand. Yun Yang cultivated to activate it and letters began to materialize on the jade’s surface;
  1251. “Fierce battle broke out in the north of the city during midnight. Four undercover guards dead, thirteen injured; culprit fled bearing heavy injuries. Tracking is in progress.”
  1253. “No results regarding the assassination of Young Master Yun.”
  1255. “No results regarding the assassination of Young Master Yun.”
  1257. “No results. Suspect that the assassin has left Tiantang after missing the target.”
  1260. No results.
  1262. Yun Yang’s eye gleamed wickedly.
  1264. Could the assassin really have left?
  1266. Yun Yang sincerely doubted it but he quickly put it the thought away. Since the assassin had accepted the mission, he would not give up that easily and would wait for the opportunity to arise again. That was certainly not a matter of terrible concern.
  1268. However, as for the killer who had escaped, that was another matter altogether. He had actually slipped through the exceptional hands of the Residence of Marshal and Yun Yang could only wait for news to arrive before he would find out more.
  1270. The more urgent matter that awaited him right now was none other than Dong Tianleng – Young Master Dong, who had been waiting by the door since early morning!
  1272. When Yun Yang caught sight of Dong Tianleng, he was astounded. They had only been apart for one day but Dong Tianleng looked completely different now.
  1274. “You’re…” Yun Yang looked at the wreck in front of him. His eyes were blacker than that of a panda’s, his nose crooked and his lips had a two-inch swell; his ears were torn and his face sported various degrees of colors…
  1276. In short, he looked nothing like how did yesterday!
  1278. “I’m Dong Tianleng…” Dong Tianleng opened his mouth to speak in a agonized tone; he was trying hard to open his swollen eyes that were only slits now. Yun Yang could see that his gums were still bleeding.
  1280. “…” Yun Yang was at a loss for words.
  1282. He had just left him for a single night. How did he end up looking like he had been walloped by one hundred burly men?
  1284. “What is the meaning of this?” Yun Yang looked over at the two guards beside Dong Tianleng. They looked peacefully calm, with not a single sign of injury on them. They did not even seem bothered to see their own young master beaten up to a pulp.
  1286. This was remarkably bizarre!
  1288. Besides, the Double-Headed Elysian Lion was also missing patches of fur and was bleeding all over its entire body. Judging by its sorry state, it was obvious that it had also been beaten up as well.
  1290. Yun Yang did not know what to make of this entire state of affairs.
  1292. If they had been in battle, Dong Tianleng’s guards would have died before allowing the young master to arrive at such a state but these two men looked perfectly fine and dandy!
  1297. Chapter 39: I’m Really F*cking Cheap…
  1299. Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
  1300. “It’s quite a long story,” Dong Tianleng sighed dramatically. “I have the worst possible luck ever.”
  1302. “Bad luck?” Yun Yang’s eyes goggled in incredulity.
  1304. It must have been terribly bad luck indeed for him to have ended up in this state!
  1306. “Well, last night, I waited for you for quite a while before I left. You didn’t come back…” Dong Tianleng glared at Yun Yang irritably and spat, his saliva flecked with blood. “Since I had nothing much to do, I went out to seek for a wager…”
  1308. A wager?
  1310. Yun Yang was terribly confused. What kind of wager could he have gotten himself into?
  1312. “Clearly, I lost.” Dong Tianleng said regretfully. “It was a simple wager; everyone was in for the fun of it. Each person placed a bet of a hundred mystical stones and a medicinal pill. We agreed that there would be roughhousing, but no deaths. The bet was that whoever lost has to be beaten up by his enemy, bad enough that even his own mother would not recognize him.”
  1314. Yun Yang’s eyes twitched at the thought of such ridiculous conditions.
  1316. “Which son of a b*tch set this idiotic rule?” Yun Yang was in disbelief. “You actually agreed to it?”
  1318. Both guards coughed simultaneously and seemed to be looking everywhere else at once.
  1320. Dong Tianleng blinked rapidly and looked at Yun Yang with a certain measure of guilt in his eyes. “Well, ahem, that son of a b*tch just happens to be… me.”
  1322. Yun Yang experienced a paroxysm of coughing upon hearing that.
  1324. Dong Tianleng quickly defended himself and said, “The younger generation of the great families are all very competitive and refused to acknowledge the possibility that others could be better. This sort of arrogance had caused several unnecessary deaths… until all the families unanimously agreed to this rule. It was a way for us younger ones to compete against each other without any fatal mishaps occurring. It was a peaceful way to solve our grudges.”
  1326. Yun Yang couldn’t help grinning at the irony of the statement.
  1328. “Gradually, everyone began quarreling, but it wasn’t enough to fully vent the pent-up anger. It was about then that I suggested this wager. In future, whoever loses can be walloped by his opponent as a way to vent their anger but the opponent cannot beat him to death. He has to, however, beat him up until his own mother wouldn’t be able to recognize him… and the loser is not allowed to apply any medication or attempt to heal his injuries; he has to wait for it to heal naturally.”
  1330. Yun Yang sighed despondently.
  1332. “Who would have known that ever since the wager was formed, I would usually end up being the one who got a trashing.” Dong Tianleng said with a sniff, “There have been only eight wagers, but I’ve lost five times already.”
  1334. Yun Yang was at a loss as to how to respond to this level of idiocy…
  1336. With your IQ, you were allowed to set the rules of this game?
  1338. “Then why are you here this early in the morning instead of resting in the tavern?”
  1340. What Yun Yang had truly wanted to say was “I’m very busy” but he was too nice a person to do so without feeling a twinge of guilt.
  1342. “I believe that you are the only one who can help me,” Dong Tianleng said looking at Yun Yang with undisguised admiration.
  1344. “Me?” Yun Yang’s said in strangled voice. You bunch of second generation children with all your crazy games; what could I possibly help you with?
  1346. “Yes, you’re the forefather of popinjays!” Dong Tianleng said in adoration, “Among the people whom I have met, no one can challenge you in these games; no one can be a better popinjay than you. If you help me, it’s an absolute certainty that we will be able to beat these people.”
  1348. Dong Tianleng said hopefully and adoringly, “Big brother, my lord, I ask that you use your enriched experience of being a popinjay to give these opponents of mine the trashing of their lives!”
  1350. Enriched experience of being a popinjay…
  1352. Yun Yang felt like crying woefully.
  1354. I really don’t have it!
  1356. Looking at Dong Tianleng’s hopeful gaze, Yun Yang said helplessly, “Look, I really can’t help you with this.”
  1358. “No…” Dong Tianleng begged, “Big brother, my lord, blood brother! As long as you help me, to beat those three bastards up just this once, I’ll do anything you want me to! I will give you anything you want!”
  1360. “I don’t want anything from you and I don’t want you to do anything as well. I can’t help you.” Yun Yang remained adamant.
  1362. “You’re really not helping me?”
  1364. “No!”
  1366. “You’re really willing to just stand there and watch me die?” Dong Tianleng’s expression was incredulous.
  1368. “No means no!”
  1370. Yun Yang was unaffected by Dong Tianleng’s play at sympathy.
  1372. Plop!
  1374. Dong Tianleng dropped to his knees in front of Yun Yang.
  1376. “What on earth are you doing?” Yun Yang tried to drag the hapless fellow up.
  1378. “I won’t get up if you won’t help me!” Dong Tianleng spoke with stubborn determination.
  1380. “Get up and we’ll talk about it!”
  1382. “I won’t get up even if I die if you don’t help me! It’s meaningless for me to live if you don’t help me to win. I’ll just kneel here until death comes to claim me! I’ll take my own life first before I let anyone move me from this spot!”
  1384. Dong Tianleng spotted his two guards who were moving over to pull him up and hollered, “I’ll break my meridians! I’ll starve to death! I’ll kneel to death! I’ll…I’ll behead myself with my sword!”
  1386. “I don’t want to live anymore, and there’s nothing that you all can do about it!”
  1388. Yun Yang was out of his wits. He had gone along with the flow when facing Ji Ling’s threat previously but he always had a way out. Now though, he faced a knave who would not budge with force nor with persuasion, with oil nor salt, who simply refused to be swayed.
  1390. Yun Yang felt a terrible headache start to bloom between his eyes. He pleaded to the guards “Are you fellows not bothered by your young master’s behavior?”
  1392. Both guards wore twin bitter smiles. “Young Master Yun, it’s not that we’re not bothered but we really can’t do anything about it.”
  1394. “It’s no use going after them!” Dong Tianleng kneeled on the ground as he roared with newfound strength, “It’s useless going after anyone! Even if you ask my father to come over, it would be useless as well! I am my own man and I’m not getting up until I decide to do so!”
  1396. Yun Yang was rendered utterly helpless by this young master’s hysterical behavior.
  1398. “Look even if I could, I don’t even know how to help. I don’t even know what you fellows are betting on.” Yun Yang massaged his temples, feeling terribly exhausted by this brief encounter.
  1400. “So you’ve agreed to help me?” Dong Tianleng raised his head in delighted surprise.
  1402. “Why don’t you tell me about it and I’ll see if I can help,” Yun Yang replied non-committedly.
  1404. “We bet on mystical beasts!” Dong Tianleng sighed, “We placed wagers on eighth level mystical beasts this time but we have no control over grown eighth level beasts so we placed bets using young ones. Two beasts would fight and the one that wins will move on to fight with another one that’s won. The final round would be on the wagers mentioned earlier.”
  1406. “My Double-headed Elysian Lion…” Dong Tianleng looked like he had f*cked a dog. “I thought it was already the cream of the crop. Who knew those bastards managed to get their hands on a Silvertail Howler1, the young of an eighth level pinnacle mystical beast. It’s one level higher than mine, an eighth level intermediate.”
  1408. “That’s two levels higher.” Yun Yang snorted before saying, “Eighth level intermediate, eighth level ace, eighth level pinnacle. That’s two levels higher and still, you went ahead with the fight… how could you possibly win?”
  1410. “That’s how I lost.” Dong Tianleng said pitifully, “My lord, just look at how badly I’ve been beaten!”
  1412. “I really can’t help you with this.” Yun Yang shook his head. “Two levels higher, just the restrictions stemming from the level difference could kill you. If they keep using this Silvertail Howler to fight you, you would lose even if you tried to fight a hundred times.”
  1414. “But that Silvertail Howler is younger than mine.” Dong Tianleng said hurriedly, “That one is only three years and five months old, mine is already six years old. Six years old! It’s still possible to win!”
  1416. Yun Yang sighed. Theoretically, it was possible.
  1418. Realistically however, he would undoubtedly lose.
  1420. Unless… I take a personal hand in training this dog of a Double-headed Elysian Lion.
  1422. Perhaps he could help after all.
  1424. “Dong Tianleng…” Yun Yang murmured to himself and finally said frowning, “Let’s put it this way. If you can give me a single piece of information, I’ll help you with this.”
  1426. “Big brother, just ask and you shall have it!” Dong Tianleng jumped to his feet in high spirits, his movements spry and agile. “I will give you whatever information you wish! Even if you want my father’s information, I will also…”
  1428. “Hold it!” Yun Yang said exasperatedly. “Follow me.”
  1430. “You fellows wait right here!” Dong Tianleng ordered his guards and turned to follow Yun Yang.
  1432. The guards looked at each other wordlessly, certain that their young master had been bewitched.
  1434. They had humbled themselves to ask their young master this question two nights earlier, “Why do you treat Yun Yang so differently?” Thinking back on their young master’s answer had them both feeling absolutely… f*cked.
  1436. There are a lot of reasons. First, Boss Yun is not an eyesore to me; second, if I were placed in his shoes to do what he did, I wouldn’t dare to; third, he’s not an eyesore to me; fourth, he’s not an eyesore to me.”
  1438. Both the guards had no reasonable response to this madness.
  1440. Not an eyesore!
  1442. Beautiful women are not an eyesore to your father either! What kind of a reason is this?
  1445. In the room, the two men stopped to converse.
  1447. “Dong Tianleng.” Yun Yang said, “I’ve always been curious about the most mysterious clan in the martial arts world.”
  1449. “The most mysterious clan?” Dong Tianleng asked in curiosity, “The Concourse of the Underworld?”
  1451. “No.” Yun Yang said, “A clan even more mysterious than the Concourse of the Underworld.”
  1453. “Such a clan does not exist.” Dong Tianleng said with unshakeable certainty.
  1455. “Doesn’t exist?” Yun Yang frowned. “Are you sure?”
  1457. “I am absolutely certain of it.” Dong Tianleng nodded seriously.
  1459. Yun Yang kept quiet for a heartbeat before asking, “What about the Four Seasons Tower?”
  1461. Dong Tianleng’s expression took on a sickly look.
  1463. “Shush!” Dong Tianleng looked like he was about to throw himself over to cover Yun Yang’s mouth. “Big brother, my lord, your words are going to get one, if not both of us killed. How did you find out about the Four Seasons Tower?”
  1465. Yun Yang’s eyes shone in triumph. “You know about it?”
  1467. “I don’t know anything about it.” Dong Tianleng replied through gritted teeth. “My advice is that you remain ignorant about it as well. That sort of knowledge is not conducive to a long and healthy life.”
  1469. Yun Yang spread his arms wide. “Then I have no choice in the matter. You can go get yourself beaten to death. I can’t help you anymore.”
  1471. “Dong Tianleng looked utterly miserable as Yun Yang walked over to the door, with no intention to linger.
  1473. “Big brother, don’t…” Dong Tianleng pulled at his sleeve.
  1475. Yun Yang already had a foot out the door. “Please leave, I still have lots to do today.”
  1477. “I really don’t know much…” Dong Tianleng was terribly distraught over the matter.
  1479. “I don’t want to hear about it anyway.” Yun Yang looked at him weirdly. “I really have something urgent to do.”
  1481. Dong Tianleng finally said helplessly, “Alright, I’ll tell you everything I know. But you’ll have to tell me why you want to know about Four Seasons Tower?”
  1483. “I have things to do. I don’t want to know about it anymore.” Yun Yang flung Dong Tianleng’s hand away.
  1485. “Don’t, don’t, don’t…” Dong Tianleng was in utter panic. Looking at Yun Yang’s cold demeanor, he let loose a string of expletives, “Big brother, I won’t ask anymore. I’ll just tell you everything, alright?”
  1487. “I’m not asking and I don’t want to hear it.” Yun Yang rolled his eyes and turned about to leave.
  1489. “Don’t… Big brother…”
  1491. Seeing that he could not stop him, Dong Tianleng dropped to his knees again, and wailed in desperation, “Big brother, I beg of you to ask me and hear me out!”
  1493. With a loud smack, Dong Tianleng slapped himself as he said tearfully, “I’m really f*cking cheap…”
  1496. ---
  1498. Translator Note:
  1500. 1Silvertail Howler (银尾犼yín wěi hǒu): mystical beast with its concept derived from Chinese legendary creature that has ten characteristics that resembles animals: horns like a deer, head like a camel, ears like a cat, eyes like a shrimp, mouth like a donkey, hair like a lion, neck like a snake, belly like a giant shellfish, scales like a koi, front paws like an eagle, and rear paws like a tiger; legends says it if one of the Dragon King’s son that has the habit of guarding.
  1505. Chapter 40: Information, Training a Lion and Prepping for a Fight
  1507. Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
  1508. “The Four Seasons Tower is one of the most mysterious clans in the martial arts world. However, it doesn’t exactly belong entirely to martial arts.” Dong Tianleng began. “No one knows the origins of the Four Seasons Tower. Nonetheless, we know that they secretly exist within the martial arts world, the imperial courts of the various empires, in the powerful clans and family sects, in the backbones of the eight great families and even among the experts from the hidden families.”
  1510. Even the mere mention of this immutable force in Dong Tianleng’s opening words gave Yun Yang chills.
  1512. “But the Four Seasons Tower has never made its name known in the martial arts world. It has completely and utterly incognito in all of its operations. There are only a handful of people in this world who has even heard of their existence.”
  1514. “This organization is closer to being a religion than a clan..” Dong Tianleng lowered his voice. “I believe that there is the presence of the Four Seasons Tower in our Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter families, solely because the names make up the four seasons of a year,” Dong Tianleng said.
  1516. Yun Yang maintained an air of casual indifferently, “Are they so very mysterious? I have heard people mentioning it a few days ago and thought that everyone knew about it.”
  1518. “Everyone knows about it?” Dong Tianleng snorted, “This is the Four Seasons Tower we’re talking about! The most mysterious clan of all time in the Tianxuan Continent. Legend has it that Ling Xiaozui and the Four Seasons Tower were at war for an entire century yet Ling Xiaozui never managed to locate the Four Seasons Tower’s base and eventually had to give up his search.”
  1520. “As for the Four Seasons Tower, they were intelligent enough to avoid provoking such a peerless expert as Ling Xiaozui. Since Ling Xiaozui decided to let it go, the Four Seasons Tower wisely refrained from attempting to put an end to him. Ling Xiaozui’s skills were unparalleled after all.
  1522. Dong Tianleng then sighed, “All said and done, the Four Seasons Tower is a titan of colossal proportions.”
  1524. Yun Yang frowned. “Do you then know who heads the Four Seasons Tower?”
  1526. “Why, that would be Mr. Nian, of course.” The words slipped out of Dong Tianleng’s mouth, “Everyone who knows about the Four Seasons Tower knows this as well.”
  1528. “Who is Mr. Nian?” Yun Yang asked, intrigued by this little tidbit.
  1530. “Other than Mr. Nian himself, nobody else in the entire Tianxuan Continent can answer your question.” Dong Tiangleng smiled bitterly.
  1532. “Right. What else do you know?”
  1534. “Nothing else.”
  1536. “You know only this tiny bit of information?” Yun Yang stared wide-eyed. “You act as if it is some earth-shattering secret! Even a child on the street could have told me the same!”
  1538. Dong Tianleng began to bemoan his beleaguered fate, “My lord! The information I have just shared is of the highest sensitivity! Four Seasons Tower has a rule that says only death awaits whoever exposes their identity. Even if your enemy doesn’t kill you, the Four Seasons Tower itself will come after you!”
  1540. “There weren’t many individuals who had attempted to expose the Four Seasons Tower in the martial arts world. They were only minor characters, as significant as a normal day in a month, but with no exception, they are all dead! Even their corpses had been turned and a dagger stuck into them, to ensure the thoroughness of the job. Every monarch of the empires dreams of uprooting the Four Seasons Tower.” Dong Tianleng said humorlessly, ”But who could find them?”
  1542. “Anything else?” Yun Yang asked disinterestedly.
  1544. “Nothing else… Oh yes, there’s just one more thing. It is said that one could find the Four Seasons Tower by word of mouth.” Dong Tianleng continued, “Rumour has it that people have gone to Heaven’s Inquisition to buy information on the Four Seasons Tower’s.
  1546. “Heaven’s Inquisition?”
  1548. “Yes, Heaven’s Inquisition.”
  1550. “What price is exacted for this information?”
  1552. “Heaven’s Inquisition demanded a hundred thousand mystical crystals, seven flowers of wonder, three herbs of poison, and spiritual liquid of the Five Elements.” Dong Tianleng said, “This is the cost for information on the Four Seasons Tower.”
  1554. The corners of Yun Yang’s lips curled up in amusement.
  1556. That was an astronomical price, no two ways about it.
  1558. Just the hundred thousand mystical crystals was a number that could cause a pinnacle martial artist to breakdown, what more seven flowers of wonder, three herbs of poison, and spiritual liquid of the Five Elements! Each of them was a legendary item; each of them was priceless!
  1560. “Though the price is steep, all high-level martial artists in the world know that once Heaven’s Inquisition offers a price, the information is as good as truth.” Dong Tianleng said. “The only problem is that no one can afford the price.”
  1562. Yun Yang exhaled heavily.
  1564. “But in recent days, for the past fifty years or so, Heaven’s Inquisition has also mysteriously become increasingly obscure, and in danger of vanishing altogether. Heaven’s Inquisition goes by another moniker; The Know-It-All. Even if there are things heaven itself is not aware of, one would only need to go to Heaven’s Inquisition to obtain the answer!” Yun Yang mumbled, “Heaven’s Inquisition should carry the honor of being the most mysterious organization in this world.”
  1566. “All true. However, Heaven’s Inquisition isn’t an organization. It is a person.” Dong Tianleng repeated himself, “The fancy title is held by a single individual!”
  1568. An individual!
  1570. Yun Yang was curiously outraged and amazed all at once.
  1572. “With that, I’ve exhausted all the information I have on the Four Season’s Tower..”
  1574. “Alright then, one last question. Since the Four Seasons Tower has always kept a low profile and taken such great pains to remain nondescript, what then is the point of their existence?” Yun Yang asked, “In other words, what do they actually hope to achieve?”
  1576. “I really have no clue about that. However, I do believe that there is no one in this that can provide you the answer besides this mysterious Mr. Nian. Nonetheless, everyone knows that the Four Seasons Tower has its nefarious purposes, and these purposes are extremely horrifying. While the exact details of these facts are rather sketchy, we can only wait for the day when it will all be revealed..”
  1578. “Wait…” Yun Yang snorted in derision; he was clearly displeased by this.
  1580. Dong Tianleng’s ingratiating expression returned as he pleaded, “My lord, my lord… help me win…”
  1582. “Seeing as how you’ve told me all these...” Yun Yang huffed, “Although it’s all useless information, I won’t take it for granted. Consider yourself fortunate.”
  1584. “Yes, yes, my lord is benevolent and generous, with a heart bigger than the ocean and intelligence higher than the heavens…” Dong Tianleng chuckled. “So, how do we go about plotting their deaths?”
  1586. “Plot their deaths? Simple!” Yun Yang said, “Let your Double-headed Elysian Lion fight again and you’ll win.” He pointed at the beast with a confident smile on his face.
  1588. Dong Tianleng’s expression crumbled in dismay.
  1590. Had the beast not already fought? Wouldn’t fighting again be a total waste of time?
  1592. “Bring your Double-headed Elysian Lion over, I’ll help you train it.” Yun Yang smiled, “Although mystical beasts possess innate killing instincts, they actually need to learn as well.”
  1594. Dong Tianleng looked at Yun Yang, dumbfounded.
  1596. Does he want to take the Double-headed Elysian Lion as a disciple?
  1598. I- I- I-… Why am I a little confused?
  1600. To prove his point, Yun Yang immediately began the beast’s training right in front of Dong Tianleng.
  1602. Beckoning the lion over, he flowed into a set of martial forms, demonstrating the techniques in order for the Double-headed Elysian Lion to follow suit.
  1604. Dong Tianleng’s face was ominously expressionless; both the guards beside him were trying their level best not to guffaw out loud.
  1606. This is what this great sir meant by helping?
  1608. The Double-headed Elysian Lion was obviously startled as well. If it could speak, it would definitely be stuttering, “Prac- practice martial art forms? You want me, a lion, to practice martial form like a human?”
  1610. “I may be an eighth level mystical beast, intelligent beyond the norm, but there are limits of course.”
  1612. “Stupid!” Yun Yang scolded without mercy, ”You have to hold your fist like this.” Then he demonstrated as he spoke.
  1614. How could a lion’s paw be like a human’s fist? How could it even form a fist?
  1616. “Like this!” Yun Yang walked over and grabbed the lion’s front left paw, prying it open and closing it again. “You understand?”
  1618. Dong Tianleng and the guards broke down in irrepressible mirth.
  1620. The Double-headed Elysian Lion’s four eyes brightened as it howled excitedly, “Sss-awoo…”
  1622. At that moment, an unimaginable amount of refined air of vitality flowed into its body. The effect was so apparent that the Double-headed Elysian Lion immediately felt that its front paw had become stronger at once and was filled with endless energy and potential!
  1624. If the energy flow did not cease, it could even level up!
  1626. “What are you howling at?” Yun Yang slapped the lion’s head, delivering another refreshing flow of energy into the beast. The Double-headed Elysian Lion wagged its tail like an excited puppy, unable to stop howling. “Sss-awoo… sss-awoo…”
  1628. “Be still and keep silent!”
  1630. Yun Yang landed slap after slap on the beast’s body.
  1632. The more he struck the lion, the more excited and delighted it got.
  1634. “Now right punch! Like this!”
  1636. “No! Idiot, like this!”
  1638. Streams of the vibrant energy seeped into the exhilarated beast.
  1640. “Now we train the legs. Front kick, front stomp, turning kick, side kick, back kick… Goodness, they’re all wrong!”
  1642. “How slow can you be?”
  1644. “Let me correct this…”
  1646. “Sss-awoo… Sss-awoo sss-awoo…”
  1648. Dong Tianleng and his guards’ jaws were in danger of dropping straight to the floor.
  1650. This is the first f*cking time I’ve seen this in my entire life!
  1652. A Double-headed Elysian Lion standing upright on it’s hind legs, looking for all the world like a human as it delivered a powerful punch with it’s left paw. It then jumped up, spinning around as it delivered… a roundhouse kick?
  1654. “Oh, I must be losing my mind..” Dong Tianleng covered his face with one hand as he lowered his head speechlessly.
  1656. Had this fellow actually succeeded? Why was the Double-headed Elysian Lion behaving this way? How could it be so obedient? It was being pummelled mercilessly and it was reeling from side to side, yet it kept going back to him.
  1658. “Was it because of it’s cheap master that my lion has also followed suit?” Dong Tianleng was convinced that there was no other possible explanation.
  1660. You’re a f*cking lion, a Double-headed Elysian Lion. You’re innately blessed with the ability to manipulate Yin and yang as well as fire and water; where’s your innate ability now?
  1662. If those can’t be used, you can still f*cking bite, right? What’s the use of having two mouths?
  1664. Now, this madman is getting you to execute martial art forms!
  1666. Fang Mofei and Lao Mei were watching from the side as well, their stomachs cramped from attempting to rein in gales of laughter.
  1668. Fang Mofei appeared gentle and refined; a middle-aged scholar who was weak and powerless. It wasn’t far from the truth; his cultivation base had not fully recovered.
  1670. Dong Tianleng and his guards only awarded him a single glance before turning away.
  1672. The two guards from the Dong Family, however, eyed Lao Mei suspiciously as they could faintly feel the strong sense of threat arising from him.“This Young Master Yun actually keeps such a butler by his side.” Both guards were guardedly assessing the seemingly harmless man, “Looks like he isn’t just an ordinary person as well...”
  1674. Under everyone’s scrutinizing gaze, Yun Yang completed his efforts on the Double-headed Elysian Lion. Then the showcase began.
  1676. “Jump up and spin!”
  1678. “Walk with two hind legs!”
  1680. “Hug the ball with your front legs and walk with your hind legs straightened!”
  1682. “Go, pick the ball I’ve thrown back.”
  1684. “Come, see my hand? Jump over it.”
  1686. “Run to the gate and run back here within a single breath!”
  1689. Dong Tianleng was flabbergasted.
  1691. F*ck, are you training a lion or a dog?
  1693. Young Master Dong Tianleng could take it no longer and came to his feet. “My lord, you…”
  1695. “Done!”
  1697. Yun Yang clapped his hands, stopping the exhausted Double-headed Elysian Lion. “Go request for a battle. Have the Double-headed Elysian Lion fight the Silvertail Howler tonight, you have my word that you will definitely win!”
  1699. “I beg your pardon?”
  1701. Dong Tianleng’s eyes came close to popping out from their sockets.
  1703. You just taught my lion a martial form and made it run here and there like a dog. Now, you expect it to be able to fight?
  1705. “I’m sure that it isn’t ready just yet?” Dong Tianleng placed a hesitant hand on his head and felt the residual pain from being beaten up and said with a long face, “If it fights tonight, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to recover in half a year…”
  1707. “Go, go fight again tonight. Are you confident?” Yun Yang asked the lion.
  1709. “Sss-awoo!” the Double-headed Elysian Lion was in high spirits as it roared it’s approval.
  1711. “Go on, tell your young master that you’ll definitely win!” Yun Yang pointed at the dejected young master.
  1713. The Double-headed Elysian Lion walked in front of Dong Tianleng and held both of its heads high with pride, its tail wagging violently.
  1715. “Woof!”
  1717. As much as Dong Tianleng felt like breaking down in tears, he couldn’t find the energy to cry.
  1719. You- you… you’ve turned my Double-headed Elysian Lion into a dog!
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