
Alola Girls Ch. 10 (BBW, WG)

Mar 28th, 2020
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  1. Chapter 10
  3. “What do you mean? Are you okay?”
  5. “Yeah boss... Just... I don’t think Salamence can carry me on its back anymore.You’ll probably see us on the side of the road on the way to the house.” Zinnia explained.
  7. Jack’s dick went rock hard. The humiliation she must’ve felt for getting so fat she couldn’t ride her Pokemon really got him going.
  9. “Okay, we’re leaving Hau’Oli now.” He said.
  11. “I’m about a... mile outside Hau’Oli...Sorry...” She said, wheezing for air.
  13. They picked her up, she was still in her dress and looked much worse for wear. As she hopped in the backseat with Hilda and her busted dress, the first thing that came out of Zinnia’s mouth wasn’t anything to do with her predicament, surprisingly.
  15. “How was dinner?” She asked.
  17. “Amazing...” Misty said. “Best lobster I’ve ever had, with crab cakes-”
  19. “Stop it, I’m already salivating.” Zinnia said. “You think Mallow will have some snacks out when we get home?”
  21. “We’ll see.” Jack said, calling Mallow just to get an update.
  23. “Jack!” She said loudly. “What’s up?”
  25. “Did anything happen?” He demanded.
  27. “Yeah actually...”
  29. “Why wasn’t I informed?” He asked.
  31. “Looker said it was because they didn’t want you to draw any suspicion.”
  33. “Is everyone safe?”
  35. “Yeah,and it’s safe to come inside. Any word from Zinnia? She never made it back.”
  37. “Yeah, evidently she’s a little too big to ride her Salamence anymore. Your cooking has really gotten to her.”
  39. “Well, I do take great pride in my cooking.” Mallow said.
  41. “Can you get a meal for her or something?”
  43. “Of course Jack. See you soon.” Mallow replied.
  45. It wasn’t long until they pulled up on the security gate. Lillie held Nebby at the front door, with Looker next to her with his arms crossed and a serious look on his face. Hilda had to be woken up, and Misty and Zinnia needed an extra couple pushes to get their bulky bodies out of the SUV.
  47. “So what happened?” Jack called out to Looker. He motioned them inside.
  49. Looker took Jack, Anabel, and Misty to the safe room where Anabel was sipping something from a cup with her phone in front of her.
  51. “Welcome back!” Anabel said enthusiastically.
  53. “Hey, what the fuck happened people, something happened in my house-” Jack snarled but was cut off by Anabel.
  55. “We caught the intruder.” Anabel said. “And this one’s a doozy.”
  57. Jack sighed, wishing he could sit down. “From the beginning please.” He asked.
  59. Anabel started. “Okay, about fifteen minutes after you left an intruder got onto the property-”
  61. “Fifteen minutes!?” Jack exclaimed. “Why the fuck aren’t you telling me these things-”
  63. Anabel cleared her throat. “Mr. Cobal, please calm down. We’re trying to explain.”
  65. Jack folded his arms, face contorted and signaled with his eyebrows.
  67. “It was a young woman the international police are quite familiar with.” Looker continued. “Name, Domino, codename, ‘The Black Tulip.’” Looker said.
  69. Anabel pulled up a picture of a young woman in bed. At that moment Jack realized he recognized her from her odd hairstyle. Her blonde hair looped around like a spiral staircase. He’d accused her of taking pictures of him in Iki Town. Except this time she was in all black as opposed to an orange jacket and pants.
  71. “I’ve seen her before...” He explained the Iki Town incident.
  73. Looker began to speak. “Well, she was one of the top covert operatives for Team Rocket in Kanto and Johto, but once it disbanded for good at the Radio Tower incident, she started free-lancing her services. She’s behind a number of high profile thefts and crimes across the world.”
  75. “So you’re taking her to jail soon then?” Misty asked.
  77. Anabel scratched her head. “Well... I’m not sure we can. We’re not Alolan police, and we can’t legally hold her in the region.”
  79. “Okay...” Jack said, sensing something was off.
  81. Anabel stared at Looker with an expectant look in her eye. “Well, during the process of us apprehending her, she suffered a pretty traumatic leg injury.”
  83. “Oh...” Jack stated. “What happened?”
  85. Anabel chuckled. “Lillie sat on her.”
  87. Jack’s eyebrows rose at that.
  89. “We had a medical professional come check her out while you were out, and they said it was a major fracture.”
  91. “Okay, so what? She’s a storied criminal right? Why is she still here?” Misty demanded.
  93. Looker shrugged. “She agreed to cooperate with our investigation, and a number of other cases the international police are currently investigating.”
  95. “Shit... what’s the catch?” Jack asked.
  97. Anabel took a deep breath. “She wants to be granted full clemency, and placed under house arrest here in Alola.”
  99. “For how long?” Misty asked.
  101. “We haven’t discussed the specifics, but it would be for a year at least.” Anabel explained.
  103. “And let me guess where you want her...”
  105. Anabel shrugged. “She’s agreed to wearing an ankle monitor, and even to being confined in one room for up to six months.”
  107. “Woah woah, this ain’t a prison. We don’t have to do a damn thing for you anymore-” Jack said.
  109. A noise came from behind them, and Hilda’s voice rang through the doorway. “Actually, we kinda do.” Hilda appeared, looking exasperated and still in her ripped dress. “Jack, you’ve had PIs following you around since you got here, and the footage of you drunkenly entering the hotel room with Lusamine almost leaked, if not for the International Police stepping in and blocking it.”
  111. Jack stared at Hilda, awe struck.
  113. “Thanks Hilda.” Anabel said. “We didn’t want to have to spell it out for him. Besides, with enough inactivity from the leg injury, and Mallow’s cooking, Domino will get too fat to be able to escape.”
  115. It was always that aspect that got in the way of Jack’s rational mind, and it hadn’t failed to get in the way this time. Sabrina’s words from earlier in the night came back to him, and a number of thoughts went zipping through his mind. He remembered Hilda was perfectly normal and skinny until... she met Lillie. Somehow, some way, being near Lillie caused women to get fat. “Could that be a way Aether is reaching their goals?” He thought to himself. He shelved the thought for another time, and let his dick make a potentially horrendous decision.
  117. “Fine, she can stay here. Good behavior will grant her permission to walk the grounds.” He said. “But don’t tell her that.” He said.
  119. Anabel made a sigh of relief. Looker was completely unsurprised. “Thank you for your cooperation Mr. Cobal. The IP owes a great debt to you.”
  121. “I’d like the IP to send a staff member here every day for assistance in monitoring her though.”
  123. Looker turned to Anabel, who shrugged. “Yeah, that can be done.” She said.
  125. “Okay so... Now that she’s caught, and our suspicions are confirmed, who was she working for?” Jack asked.
  127. “Team Skull.” Looker said.
  129. “Okay...?” Jack said, unsure who or what that was.
  131. “It’s a small-time gang, that’s been growing recently. She said Aether has been subsidizing the group, and that was something the Captain and I have been suspecting for a while now.” Looker explained. “Either way, Team Skull wouldn’t have the money to hire someone like The Black Tulip.”
  133. “So since Domino is missing and they know about Cosmog, wouldn’t they just attack us all out then?” Jack asked.
  135. “They didn’t attack you in full force because they’re a relatively weak group so the cops haven’t pursued them too hard. A show of force would put on them top of the list of needing to be put down immediately. But it shouldn’t be ruled out.” Anabel reflected. “I’d recommend beefing up your security staff a bit more-” Anabel realized she was staring right at Hilda’s ripped dress. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that...”
  137. Hilda sighed. “I know you didn’t.”
  139. They stayed up watching surveillance video of the incident, including Domino’s incursion into the compound, and her sneaking through a window. Turns out Looker had tried apprehending her there, but Domino managed to escape. Domino dashed down the hallway, and saw Lillie with Cosmog. She kicked the massive blonde girl a few times and tried to wrestle Nebby from her arms. However, Anabel’s Alakzam zapped Domino from behind with a Psyshock causing her to fall over. Lillie tripped and her enormous behind landed on Domino’s leg which was at an awkward angle, and Domino went into immediate pain. From there, apprehending Domino was easy.
  141. A medical professional had come and gone. Looker and Anabel did their interview with Domino after giving her some light pain killers. Domino was transferred to a large bedroom of Jack’s manor. It had an accompanying bathroom and a surveillance camera in it already. Anabel explained the doctor said Domino’s injury was most likely an MCL tear.
  143. When the business was finally over, Jack went to the kitchen and saw Lillie, Zinnia, and Mallow each with their own massive ice cream sundaes, covered in sauce with whipped cream.
  145. “Hey boss, you free tonight?” Zinnia asked.
  147. Jack smiled. “For you? Of course.”
  149. Needless to say, after giving Zinnia a good pounding (sexually and physically), he slept like a baby that night. The next morning, Zinnia woke up to an alarm, waking him up as well. He unwrapped his arm from the blubbery belly of his 230 pound bodyguard.
  151. “Good morning, boss.” Zinnia cooed as she pushed her bulk upright.
  153. “Morning Zinnia...” Jack said.
  155. “I’m gonna go get some breakfast and get ready for my shift.” She said, giving him a peck on the cheek as she waddled out of the room in her underwear.
  157. When Jack got out of bed, he went for some breaskfast and the only thing he could think about was the new home resident. He didn’t like the IP had pushed being the jailer on him and his staff, but he supposed he ought to make due with the situation. He saw his whole staff except Mallow at the table (she was busy working on breakfast for nine people, six of which ate enormous portions of everything).
  159. Lillie was polishing off a stack of waffles with half a dozen mini-donuts on the side, along with a large chocolate milk in front of her. The other girls had similar plates with varying degrees of emptiness on their plates.
  161. “I think it’s time we discussed our new house guest for the time being.” He said.
  163. Hilda burped loudly after swallowing a whole mini-donut and spoke first. “All the girls here are aware of the situation. Her door is to be locked at all times for the foreseeable future.”
  165. Lillie burped louder than Hilda. “Oh, excuse me...” She paused. “Uh, Jack, may I ask why she’s being kept here? Don’t Anabel and Looker have a place for her?”
  167. Jack was about to respond, but Hilda winked and beat him to it. “We’re in a cooperative relationship with the two detectives and their organization. Mr. Cobal saw we could help, so he did. End of story.”
  169. Jack realized Lillie had been left out of the loop about his session with Lusamine, which he was very thankful for. He winked back at Hilda.
  171. “Okay... It still scares me when I think of what could happen to Nebby if she ever escaped from her room.” Lillie said.
  173. Misty shrugged. “She can’t even walk right now anyways, I don’t think we should be too worried.”
  175. “An ankle monitor will be placed on her later today.” Hilda clarified. “Running won’t be an option. If she behaves well, she will get roaming privileges.”
  177. Lillie gasped.
  179. “It wouldn’t be for a while, okay Lillie?” Jack said.
  181. Lillie looked down, distressed, but nodded. “Okay... I trust you Jack.”
  183. “Thank you Lillie. I’m sorry for what you had to go through with last night. I’m sure Nebby must’ve been scared.” Jack soothed.
  185. Lillie nodded. “Nebby was almost as scared as when we first got teleported to this island.”
  187. “Today I’ll talk to her, and see if things can be amended between you and her, okay?” Jack said.
  189. “Uh... I don’t know...”
  191. Hilda burped, then began to speak. “She was just doing her job, she has nothing personal against you or Nebby.”
  193. Lillie shook her head. “But what if she’s upset about when I fell on her?”
  195. Zinnia gave Lillie a soothing hand on the back. “I think she’ll get over it soon enough. It wouldn’t have happened if she wasn’t trying to steal Nebby from you.”
  197. Lillie seemed unconvinced, but didn’t protest.
  199. “Boss, when do you want to go see her?” Zinnia asked.
  201. “Has she had breakfast already?” He asked.
  203. Anabel entered the room. “Best wait on that, Domino’s in a real foul mood.”
  205. “Oh, why?” Lillie asked.
  207. Anabel smirked. “Well, she’s in a lot of pain, she’s going to be stuck in that room for potentially months, and she hasn’t had breakfast.”
  209. “Can we get Mallow on that?” Jack asked Hilda, who nodded. She roused herself from her chair, her paunch sticking out from her normal midriff. Her shorts looked painted on as she slowly walked to the kitchen door.
  211. An hour later, Jack was just getting out of the shower when Anabel knocked on his bedroom door. He only had a towel on, and she barged in.
  213. “Hey Jack, it’s all cl-”
  215. Jack’s towel wasn’t covering his junk so it was on display, he was at half-chubb as well because he’d been in the shower thinking about how chubby Hilda was getting.
  217. As soon as he realized Anabel was looking in his general direction he put the towel in front of his groin. Anabel did avert her eyes as soon as she realized what was happening. “Uh, Anabel, sorry you had to uh...”
  219. “No, I’m sorry I barged into your personal bedroom like this.” She paused, hand covering her eyes as she looked away. “Domino can see you when you’re ready.”
  221. “Okay, be down there in a few minutes.” He said.
  223. It didn’t take long until he was on his way to the room Domino was being kept in. At this point in time it had a very tightly wrapped bungee cord keeping it shut. He knocked on the door to be polite, and the prisoner/ house guest bellowed “come in” as a response.
  225. Undoing the bungee cord, Anabel entered first. Domino’s bed was against the wall, and except for a bedside table, chair, TV, and lamp, the room was rather barren.
  227. “Good morning, Domino.” He greeted with smile.
  229. “Morning...” Domino responded haphazardly. He figured Anabel had given her some pretty strong painkillers.
  231. “As I’m sure you know, I’m Jack Cobal. How ya feeling?” He asked.
  233. “Like shit.” Domino said. Her hair was frazzled, and an ice pack lay on her leg.
  235. “So it turns out you’re going to be staying here a while. Is there anything I can do to make things more comfortable for you?”
  237. “Different medication or something...” She said, disinterested. “This makes me feel like shit.”
  239. Anabel shrugged. “That’s the best we can get for you.”
  241. “Cobal, you’re rich. Can’t you get anything a bit better?” Domino jeered.
  243. “I’ll see what I can do.” He said. “Anabel tells me you’re cooperating with their investigation...”
  245. “It’s either that or life in prison.” She replied. “Easy choice.”
  247. “And your injury, will it need more medical attention?” Jack asked.
  249. Domino grunted. “Yeah, but I can’t go to a hospital so I can’t get surgery.”
  251. “It’s an injury you can rest and rehab from though..” Anabel said.
  253. “It’ll take half a year at least-”
  255. “I could get her a physical therapist once she’s healed enough.” Jack said.
  257. “Okay.” Domino said. “Any chance this tv has a streaming service? It’s boring as hell right now.”
  259. “That can be arranged.” Jack said. “What about moving? I see the crutches, I could get you a power chair.”
  261. Domino was genuinely surprised. “I thought I wouldn’t be able to leave this room...”
  263. “Good behavior incentive?” He joked. “Once you get an ankle tracker you’ll be allowed to roam the house during the daytime.”
  265. “Oh... that’s cool.”
  267. “Don’t push it though. I’m giving you a lot of freedom-”
  269. “Yeah I know dude.” She spat back. “Don’t gotta rub it in.” She took a deep breath and sighed. “Sorry, just didn’t think this was how the rest of my life was going to turn out. I do appreciate the hospitality.”
  271. Anabel spoke up. “It’s definitely more than you deserve at this point.”
  273. “We’ll see.” She retorted. “I do intend to cooperate.” She said.
  275. “One more thing.” Jack said. “That was you in Iki Town right?”
  277. Domino smiled. “Yeah, you got me there. You didn’t see me elsewhere though, right?”
  279. “Were you the car at the trainer school?” He asked.
  281. “Yeah...” She grunted.
  283. “See you around, Domino.” He said, then remembered one last thing. “You’re not allowed to have a phone, right?”
  285. “Yeah...”
  287. “I’ll get you a pager. That way you can get what you need from us.” He said. “Lillie is my maid, and I’m sure she’d be happy to help now that you’re not trying to take Cosmog away.”
  289. Domino smiled. “Yeah, hopefully. Thanks though Jack. That’s very thoughtful.”
  291. The house was plenty busy, Lillie was helping Mallow with prepping food for everyone. Jack and Hilda were ordering things to accommodate Domino, and Jack got a mini-fridge order put in as well. If what he thought was going to happen did indeed happen, Domino was about to start gaining some real weight. Keeping her room stocked with as many treats as possible would only help in that regard.
  293. Lunch had just finished and Jack was lounging on the deck overlooking the bay, reading up on some potential charities he was considering donating to when the sliding glass door opened, and out walked Looker with an extremely attractive woman with medium length red hair and a rather skimpy outfit. She was curvy but also very fit, her light blue top and booty shorts accentuated her hourglass figure perfectly. She had a blue bow in her hair, and dark blue sleeves and boots.
  295. “And this is Mr. Cobal.” Looker said, signaling Jack.
  297. Jack tried to maintain composure, this gorgeous woman was probably a few years older than him but her beauty was breathtaking. He stood up, smiled, and held out his hand.
  299. “Nice to meet you Mr. Cobal, I’m Skyla.” The gorgeous red head said, shaking his hand.
  301. “You can call me Jack.” He said casually.
  303. “Well, this is a great place you got here Jack.” Skyla said, looking out at Ka’Ale Bay. “There are a lot worse places to keep a person under house arrest.”
  305. Jack laughed. “That’s for sure. Have you met the staff yet?”
  307. “Just Zinnia and Misty.” Skyla said energetically. “How many people do you have here?”
  309. “Three others, not including Anabel and Looker.” He replied.
  311. Skyla smiled. “Well, those two will finally be out of your hair now that I’m here.”
  313. The conversation meandered about circumstance and Domino. Jack did ask an innocent question, if Skyla was hungry at all, to which she replied she wasn’t. She’d had a handful of almonds an hour ago.
  315. “Would you like to meet the rest of the staff?” Jack asked, eager to try out a little experiment.
  317. “Sure, why not?” Skyla said lackadaisically. They went to the kitchen first and introduced Skyla to Mallow. Then the office for Hilda, and Lillie was getting Skyla’s room ready when the group met with her.
  319. “Hey Lillie, someone to meet you.” He declared.
  321. Lillie was bent over a table, her enormous heft on display. Her rear pointed directly at them, and she was reaching for the low corners behind a table with her duster.
  323. “Oh uh... sorry.” Lillie said, lifting herself up from the table. Upon first seeing Skyla next to Jack, he could tell she panicked for a moment.
  325. “Uh... n-nice to meet you, m-miss...” Lillie stuttered.
  327. “Skyla.” The hot, toned redhead replied, extending her hand. Lillie reached her meaty arm out to shake it, and Jack watched anxiously to pick up on anything. As Skyla’s hand made contact with Lillie, Skyla suddenly tensed in a subtle way. Her eyes blinked very quickly multiple times and her jaw even slacked a bit. Barely a second later Skyla shook it off and regained composure.
  329. Skyla started getting acquainted with her room as Lillie showed the new housemate. But Jack finally heard the words he was looking for.
  331. “Oh, Jack...” Skyla said, looking down at her washboard abs. “Think there’s any leftovers from lunch? I’m getting kinda peckish.”
  333. Jack wanted to cheer. If this toned bombshell succumbed to whatever mysterious power Lillie had, he figured it would be one of the hottest things he’d ever witness.
  335. “Definitely, Mallow always has some snacks to munch on.” Jack said.
  337. “Oh yeah, her cooking is amazing!” Lillie seconded, then glanced at the center of her 344 pound physique. “Maybe a little too amazing...”
  339. Skyla chuckled. “Well, I don’t think I’ll have to worry about that. Thanks for the warning though.”
  341. The group went to the kitchen (Lillie joined as well, she was craving something sweet even after her massive lunch burritos). They continued the conversation, and Skyla mentioned she was in Alola for a few months because her passport had gone missing and there was some snafu in Unova about getting it back.
  343. “But I can’t complain, and neither can my tan.” She joked. “Looker and Anabel asked if I could do three months, and while I’d rather not, I might as well.” She said.
  345. “Great, we’re happy to have you.” Jack said.
  347. Skyla was eagerly spooning as much rice into her gaping maw as quickly as she could.
  349. Looker then turned to Jack. “She’s an agent of the IP so she does have different bosses as well.”
  351. “Of course. I have my own staff for what I need, it should be no big deal.” He said. “Skyla, I’m sure you’ll enjoy your time here.”
  353. Skyla smiled. “Oh I bet I will.” She said. “And Mallow, is there anything sweet lying around? I’m totally craving something like that right now.” She said with a laugh.
  355. Jack’s smile turned into a wicked grin immediately. He was going to have so much fun...
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