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kafka error

a guest
Sep 1st, 2017
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  1. Running reactive_handler_main for (test)
  2. Nothing to invoke
  3. End reactive_handler_main (test)
  4. Running reactive_handler_main for (test)
  5. Will invoke: check_cuda_support
  6. End reactive_handler_main (test)
  7. Running reactive_handler_main for (invoke)
  8. Invoking bash reactive handler: check_cuda_support
  9. End reactive_handler_main (invoke)
  10. Debug: Runtime environment: puppet_version=3.8.5, ruby_version=2.3.1, run_mode=user, default_encoding=UTF-8
  11. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  12. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  13. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  14. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  15. Debug: Loading external facts from /var/lib/puppet/facts.d
  16. Info: Loading facts
  17. Debug: Loading facts from /home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/hadoop/lib/facter/hadoop_storage_dirs.rb
  18. Debug: Loading facts from /home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/hadoop/lib/facter/hadoop_storage_locations.rb
  19. Info: Loading facts
  20. Debug: Loading facts from /home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/kerberos/lib/facter/kadm_keytab.rb
  21. Info: Loading facts
  22. Debug: Loading facts from /etc/puppet/modules/apt/lib/facter/apt_updates.rb
  23. Debug: Loading facts from /etc/puppet/modules/apt/lib/facter/apt_reboot_required.rb
  24. Debug: Loading facts from /etc/puppet/modules/apt/lib/facter/apt_update_last_success.rb
  25. Info: Loading facts
  26. Debug: Loading facts from /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/facter/root_home.rb
  27. Debug: Loading facts from /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/facter/service_provider.rb
  28. Debug: Loading facts from /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/facter/package_provider.rb
  29. Debug: Loading facts from /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/facter/pe_version.rb
  30. Debug: Loading facts from /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/facter/facter_dot_d.rb
  31. Debug: Loading facts from /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/facter/puppet_settings.rb
  32. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  33. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  34. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  35. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  36. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  37. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  38. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  39. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  40. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  41. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  42. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  43. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  44. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  45. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  46. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  47. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  48. Debug: Puppet::Type::Service::ProviderRedhat: file /sbin/chkconfig does not exist
  49. Debug: Puppet::Type::Service::ProviderGentoo: file /sbin/rc-update does not exist
  50. Debug: Puppet::Type::Service::ProviderDaemontools: file /usr/bin/svc does not exist
  51. Debug: Puppet::Type::Service::ProviderRunit: file /usr/bin/sv does not exist
  52. Debug: Puppet::Type::Service::ProviderLaunchd: file /bin/launchctl does not exist
  53. Debug: Puppet::Type::Service::ProviderUpstart: 0 confines (of 2) were true
  54. Debug: Puppet::Type::Service::ProviderOpenrc: file /bin/rc-status does not exist
  55. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderRpm: file rpm does not exist
  56. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderYum: file yum does not exist
  57. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPkgin: file pkgin does not exist
  58. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderSun: file /usr/bin/pkginfo does not exist
  59. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderAix: file /usr/bin/lslpp does not exist
  60. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderOpenbsd: file pkg_info does not exist
  61. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderFreebsd: file /usr/sbin/pkg_info does not exist
  62. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderOpkg: file opkg does not exist
  63. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderAptrpm: file rpm does not exist
  64. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderFink: file /sw/bin/fink does not exist
  65. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderUp2date: file /usr/sbin/up2date-nox does not exist
  66. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderRug: file /usr/bin/rug does not exist
  67. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderZypper: file /usr/bin/zypper does not exist
  68. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPortage: file /usr/bin/emerge does not exist
  69. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPortupgrade: file /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade does not exist
  70. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPkg: file /usr/bin/pkg does not exist
  71. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderUrpmi: file urpmi does not exist
  72. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderSunfreeware: file pkg-get does not exist
  73. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPorts: file /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade does not exist
  74. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPacman: file /usr/bin/pacman does not exist
  75. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderAptitude: file /usr/bin/aptitude does not exist
  76. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderNim: file /usr/sbin/nimclient does not exist
  77. Debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderHpux: file /usr/sbin/swinstall does not exist
  78. Debug: /Package[dummy]: Provider apt does not support features virtual_packages; not managing attribute allow_virtual
  79. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  80. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  81. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  82. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  83. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  84. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  85. Debug: hiera(): Hiera YAML backend starting
  86. Debug: hiera(): Looking up bigtop::jdk_preinstalled in YAML backend
  87. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  88. Debug: hiera(): Found bigtop::jdk_preinstalled in site
  89. Debug: importing '/etc/puppet/modules/apt/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  90. Debug: Automatically imported apt from apt into production
  91. Debug: importing '/etc/puppet/modules/apt/manifests/params.pp' in environment production
  92. Debug: Automatically imported apt::params from apt/params into production
  93. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  94. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  95. Debug: hiera(): Looking up apt::confs in YAML backend
  96. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  97. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  98. Debug: hiera(): Looking up apt::update in YAML backend
  99. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  100. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  101. Debug: hiera(): Looking up apt::purge in YAML backend
  102. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  103. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  104. Debug: hiera(): Looking up apt::proxy in YAML backend
  105. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  106. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  107. Debug: hiera(): Looking up apt::sources in YAML backend
  108. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  109. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  110. Debug: hiera(): Looking up apt::keys in YAML backend
  111. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  112. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  113. Debug: hiera(): Looking up apt::ppas in YAML backend
  114. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  115. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  116. Debug: hiera(): Looking up apt::pins in YAML backend
  117. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  118. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  119. Debug: hiera(): Looking up apt::settings in YAML backend
  120. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  121. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  122. Warning: This method is deprecated, please use the stdlib validate_legacy function, with Stdlib::Compat::Hash. There is further documentation for validate_legacy function in the README.
  123. (at /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:25:in `deprecation')
  124. Debug: importing '/etc/puppet/modules/apt/manifests/update.pp' in environment production
  125. Debug: Automatically imported apt::update from apt/update into production
  126. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  127. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  128. Debug: Scope(Class[Apt]): Retrieving template apt/_conf_header.erb
  129. Debug: template[/etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/_conf_header.erb]: Bound template variables for /etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/_conf_header.erb in 0.00 seconds
  130. Debug: template[/etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/_conf_header.erb]: Interpolated template /etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/_conf_header.erb in 0.00 seconds
  131. Debug: Scope(Class[Apt]): Retrieving template apt/15update-stamp.erb
  132. Debug: template[/etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/15update-stamp.erb]: Bound template variables for /etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/15update-stamp.erb in 0.00 seconds
  133. Debug: template[/etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/15update-stamp.erb]: Interpolated template /etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/15update-stamp.erb in 0.00 seconds
  134. Debug: importing '/etc/puppet/modules/apt/manifests/setting.pp' in environment production
  135. Debug: Automatically imported apt::setting from apt/setting into production
  136. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  137. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  138. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  139. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  140. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  141. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  142. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  143. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  144. Debug: hiera(): Looking up bigtop::provision_repo in YAML backend
  145. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  146. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  147. Debug: importing '/etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  148. Debug: Automatically imported stdlib from stdlib into production
  149. Debug: importing '/etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/manifests/stages.pp' in environment production
  150. Debug: Automatically imported stdlib::stages from stdlib/stages into production
  151. Debug: hiera(): Looking up bigtop::bigtop_repo_uri in YAML backend
  152. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  153. Debug: hiera(): Found bigtop::bigtop_repo_uri in site
  154. Debug: importing '/etc/puppet/modules/apt/manifests/conf.pp' in environment production
  155. Debug: Automatically imported apt::conf from apt/conf into production
  156. Debug: importing '/etc/puppet/modules/apt/manifests/source.pp' in environment production
  157. Debug: Automatically imported apt::source from apt/source into production
  158. Debug: hiera(): Looking up bigtop::allow_virtual_packages in YAML backend
  159. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  160. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  161. Debug: hiera(): Looking up bigtop::roles_enabled in YAML backend
  162. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  163. Debug: hiera(): Found bigtop::roles_enabled in site
  164. Warning: This method is deprecated, please use match expressions with Stdlib::Compat::Bool instead. They are described at
  165. (at /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:25:in `deprecation')
  166. Debug: hiera(): Looking up hadoop_cluster_node::hadoop_security_authentication in YAML backend
  167. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  168. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  169. Debug: hiera(): Looking up hadoop::hadoop_security_authentication in YAML backend
  170. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  171. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  172. Debug: hiera(): Looking up hadoop_cluster_node::bigtop_real_users in YAML backend
  173. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  174. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  175. Debug: hiera(): Looking up hadoop_cluster_node::cluster_components in YAML backend
  176. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  177. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  178. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  179. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  180. Debug: hiera(): Looking up bigtop::hadoop_head_node in YAML backend
  181. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  182. Debug: hiera(): Found bigtop::hadoop_head_node in site
  183. Debug: hiera(): Looking up bigtop::standby_head_node in YAML backend
  184. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  185. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  186. Debug: hiera(): Looking up bigtop::hadoop_gateway_node in YAML backend
  187. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  188. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  189. Debug: hiera(): Looking up node_with_roles::roles in YAML backend
  190. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  191. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/noha
  192. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  193. Debug: hiera(): Looking up bigtop::roles in YAML backend
  194. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  195. Debug: hiera(): Found bigtop::roles in site
  196. Warning: This method is deprecated, please use the stdlib validate_legacy function, with Pattern[]. There is further documentation for validate_legacy function in the README.
  197. (at /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:25:in `deprecation')
  198. Warning: This method is deprecated, please use the stdlib validate_legacy function, with Stdlib::Compat::Bool. There is further documentation for validate_legacy function in the README.
  199. (at /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:25:in `deprecation')
  200. Warning: This method is deprecated, please use the stdlib validate_legacy function, with Stdlib::Compat::String. There is further documentation for validate_legacy function in the README.
  201. (at /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:25:in `deprecation')
  202. Debug: Scope(Apt::Conf[disable_keys]): Retrieving template apt/_conf_header.erb
  203. Debug: template[/etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/_conf_header.erb]: Bound template variables for /etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/_conf_header.erb in 0.00 seconds
  204. Debug: template[/etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/_conf_header.erb]: Interpolated template /etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/_conf_header.erb in 0.00 seconds
  205. Debug: Scope(Apt::Conf[disable_keys]): Retrieving template apt/conf.erb
  206. Debug: template[/etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/conf.erb]: Bound template variables for /etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/conf.erb in 0.00 seconds
  207. Debug: template[/etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/conf.erb]: Interpolated template /etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/conf.erb in 0.00 seconds
  208. Debug: Scope(Apt::Source[Bigtop_0]): Retrieving template apt/_header.erb
  209. Debug: template[/etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/_header.erb]: Bound template variables for /etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/_header.erb in 0.00 seconds
  210. Debug: template[/etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/_header.erb]: Interpolated template /etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/_header.erb in 0.00 seconds
  211. Debug: Scope(Apt::Source[Bigtop_0]): Retrieving template apt/source.list.erb
  212. Debug: template[/etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/source.list.erb]: Bound template variables for /etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/source.list.erb in 0.00 seconds
  213. Debug: template[/etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/source.list.erb]: Interpolated template /etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/source.list.erb in 0.00 seconds
  214. Warning: This method is deprecated, please use match expressions with Stdlib::Compat::Numeric instead. They are described at
  215. (at /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:25:in `deprecation')
  216. Debug: importing '/etc/puppet/modules/apt/manifests/pin.pp' in environment production
  217. Debug: Automatically imported apt::pin from apt/pin into production
  218. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/alluxio/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  219. Debug: Automatically imported alluxio::deploy from alluxio/deploy into production
  220. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/apex/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  221. Debug: Automatically imported apex::deploy from apex/deploy into production
  222. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/crunch/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  223. Debug: Automatically imported crunch::deploy from crunch/deploy into production
  224. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/flink/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  225. Debug: Automatically imported flink::deploy from flink/deploy into production
  226. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/giraph/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  227. Debug: Automatically imported giraph::deploy from giraph/deploy into production
  228. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/hadoop/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  229. Debug: Automatically imported hadoop::deploy from hadoop/deploy into production
  230. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/hadoop_hbase/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  231. Debug: Automatically imported hadoop_hbase::deploy from hadoop_hbase/deploy into production
  232. Debug: hiera(): Looking up hadoop_hbase::deploy::auxiliary in YAML backend
  233. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  234. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  235. Debug: hiera(): Found hadoop_hbase::deploy::auxiliary in bigtop/cluster
  236. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/ignite_hadoop/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  237. Debug: Automatically imported ignite_hadoop::deploy from ignite_hadoop/deploy into production
  238. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/hadoop_flume/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  239. Debug: Automatically imported hadoop_flume::deploy from hadoop_flume/deploy into production
  240. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/hadoop_hive/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  241. Debug: Automatically imported hadoop_hive::deploy from hadoop_hive/deploy into production
  242. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/hadoop_oozie/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  243. Debug: Automatically imported hadoop_oozie::deploy from hadoop_oozie/deploy into production
  244. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/hadoop_pig/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  245. Debug: Automatically imported hadoop_pig::deploy from hadoop_pig/deploy into production
  246. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/sqoop2/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  247. Debug: Automatically imported sqoop2::deploy from sqoop2/deploy into production
  248. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/hadoop_zookeeper/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  249. Debug: Automatically imported hadoop_zookeeper::deploy from hadoop_zookeeper/deploy into production
  250. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/hcatalog/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  251. Debug: Automatically imported hcatalog::deploy from hcatalog/deploy into production
  252. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/hue/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  253. Debug: Automatically imported hue::deploy from hue/deploy into production
  254. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/mahout/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  255. Debug: Automatically imported mahout::deploy from mahout/deploy into production
  256. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/solr/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  257. Debug: Automatically imported solr::deploy from solr/deploy into production
  258. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/spark/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  259. Debug: Automatically imported spark::deploy from spark/deploy into production
  260. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/qfs/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  261. Debug: Automatically imported qfs::deploy from qfs/deploy into production
  262. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/tez/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  263. Debug: Automatically imported tez::deploy from tez/deploy into production
  264. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/ycsb/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  265. Debug: Automatically imported ycsb::deploy from ycsb/deploy into production
  266. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/kerberos/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  267. Debug: Automatically imported kerberos::deploy from kerberos/deploy into production
  268. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/zeppelin/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  269. Debug: Automatically imported zeppelin::deploy from zeppelin/deploy into production
  270. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/kafka/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  271. Debug: Automatically imported kafka::deploy from kafka/deploy into production
  272. Debug: hiera(): Looking up kafka::server::bind_addr in YAML backend
  273. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  274. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source bigtop/cluster
  275. Debug: hiera(): Looking up kafka::server::port in YAML backend
  276. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  277. Debug: hiera(): Found kafka::server::port in site
  278. Debug: hiera(): Looking up kafka::server::zookeeper_connection_string in YAML backend
  279. Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source site
  280. Debug: hiera(): Found kafka::server::zookeeper_connection_string in site
  281. Debug: Scope(Class[Kafka::Server]): Retrieving template kafka/
  282. Debug: template[/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/kafka/templates/]: Bound template variables for /home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/kafka/templates/ in 0.00 seconds
  283. Debug: template[/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/kafka/templates/]: Interpolated template /home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/kafka/templates/ in 0.00 seconds
  284. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/gpdb/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  285. Debug: Automatically imported gpdb::deploy from gpdb/deploy into production
  286. Debug: importing '/home/ubuntu/bigtop.release/bigtop-1.2.0/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules/ambari/manifests/init.pp' in environment production
  287. Debug: Automatically imported ambari::deploy from ambari/deploy into production
  288. Warning: This method is deprecated, please use match expressions with Stdlib::Compat::Array instead. They are described at
  289. (at /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:25:in `deprecation')
  290. Debug: Scope(Apt::Pin[Bigtop_0]): Retrieving template apt/_header.erb
  291. Debug: template[/etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/_header.erb]: Bound template variables for /etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/_header.erb in 0.00 seconds
  292. Debug: template[/etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/_header.erb]: Interpolated template /etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/_header.erb in 0.00 seconds
  293. Debug: Scope(Apt::Pin[Bigtop_0]): Retrieving template apt/pin.pref.erb
  294. Debug: template[/etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/pin.pref.erb]: Bound template variables for /etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/pin.pref.erb in 0.00 seconds
  295. Debug: template[/etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/pin.pref.erb]: Interpolated template /etc/puppet/modules/apt/templates/pin.pref.erb in 0.00 seconds
  296. Debug: Adding relationship from Class[Jdk] to Service[kafka-server] with 'before'
  297. Debug: Adding relationship from Stage[runtime] to Stage[setup_infra] with 'before'
  298. Debug: Adding relationship from Stage[setup_infra] to Stage[deploy_infra] with 'before'
  299. Debug: Adding relationship from Stage[deploy_infra] to Stage[setup_app] with 'before'
  300. Debug: Adding relationship from Stage[setup_app] to Stage[deploy_app] with 'before'
  301. Debug: Adding relationship from Stage[deploy_app] to Stage[deploy] with 'before'
  302. Debug: Adding relationship from Apt::Source[Bigtop_0] to Exec[bigtop-apt-update] with 'before'
  303. Debug: Adding relationship from Exec[bigtop-apt-update] to Package[jdk] with 'before'
  304. Debug: Adding relationship from Exec[bigtop-apt-update] to Package[kafka] with 'before'
  305. Debug: Adding relationship from Exec[bigtop-apt-update] to Package[kafka-server] with 'before'
  306. Debug: Package[jdk]: Adding default for allow_virtual
  307. Debug: Package[kafka]: Adding default for allow_virtual
  308. Debug: Package[kafka-server]: Adding default for allow_virtual
  309. Notice: Compiled catalog for juju-189903-3.c.qrama-152515.internal in environment production in 1.47 seconds
  310. Debug: /Package[jdk]: Provider apt does not support features virtual_packages; not managing attribute allow_virtual
  311. Debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderPw: file pw does not exist
  312. Debug: Failed to load library 'ldap' for feature 'ldap'
  313. Debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderLdap: feature ldap is missing
  314. Debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderDirectoryservice: file /usr/bin/dsimport does not exist
  315. Debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderUser_role_add: file roleadd does not exist
  316. Debug: /User[jenkins]: Provider useradd does not support features libuser; not managing attribute forcelocal
  317. Debug: /User[testuser]: Provider useradd does not support features libuser; not managing attribute forcelocal
  318. Debug: /User[hudson]: Provider useradd does not support features libuser; not managing attribute forcelocal
  319. Debug: /Package[kafka]: Provider apt does not support features virtual_packages; not managing attribute allow_virtual
  320. Debug: /Package[kafka-server]: Provider apt does not support features virtual_packages; not managing attribute allow_virtual
  321. Debug: Creating default schedules
  322. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'confdir': 'File[/etc/puppet]{:path=>"/etc/puppet", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  323. Debug: /User[puppet]: Provider useradd does not support features libuser; not managing attribute forcelocal
  324. Debug: Puppet::Type::Group::ProviderPw: file pw does not exist
  325. Debug: Failed to load library 'ldap' for feature 'ldap'
  326. Debug: Puppet::Type::Group::ProviderLdap: feature ldap is missing
  327. Debug: Puppet::Type::Group::ProviderDirectoryservice: file /usr/bin/dscl does not exist
  328. Debug: /Group[puppet]: Provider groupadd does not support features libuser; not managing attribute forcelocal
  329. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'vardir': 'File[/var/lib/puppet]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet", :owner=>"puppet", :group=>"puppet", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  330. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'logdir': 'File[/var/log/puppet]{:path=>"/var/log/puppet", :mode=>"750", :owner=>"puppet", :group=>"puppet", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  331. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'statedir': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/state]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/state", :mode=>"1755", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  332. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'rundir': 'File[/run/puppet]{:path=>"/run/puppet", :mode=>"755", :owner=>"puppet", :group=>"puppet", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  333. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'libdir': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/lib", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  334. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'hiera_config': 'File[/etc/puppet/hiera.yaml]{:path=>"/etc/puppet/hiera.yaml", :ensure=>:file, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  335. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'preview_outputdir': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/preview]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/preview", :mode=>"750", :owner=>"puppet", :group=>"puppet", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  336. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'certdir': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs", :mode=>"755", :owner=>"puppet", :group=>"puppet", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  337. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'ssldir': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/ssl", :mode=>"771", :owner=>"puppet", :group=>"puppet", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  338. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'publickeydir': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/public_keys]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/ssl/public_keys", :mode=>"755", :owner=>"puppet", :group=>"puppet", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  339. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'requestdir': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests", :mode=>"755", :owner=>"puppet", :group=>"puppet", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  340. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'privatekeydir': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys", :mode=>"750", :owner=>"puppet", :group=>"puppet", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  341. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'privatedir': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private", :mode=>"750", :owner=>"puppet", :group=>"puppet", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  342. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'statefile': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml", :mode=>"660", :ensure=>:file, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  343. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'clientyamldir': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/client_yaml]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/client_yaml", :mode=>"750", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  344. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'client_datadir': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/client_data]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/client_data", :mode=>"750", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  345. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'agent_disabled_lockfile': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/state/agent_disabled.lock]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/state/agent_disabled.lock", :ensure=>:file, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  346. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'clientbucketdir': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/clientbucket]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/clientbucket", :mode=>"750", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  347. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'lastrunfile': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/state/last_run_summary.yaml]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/state/last_run_summary.yaml", :mode=>"644", :ensure=>:file, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  348. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'lastrunreport': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/state/last_run_report.yaml]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/state/last_run_report.yaml", :mode=>"640", :ensure=>:file, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  349. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'graphdir': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/state/graphs]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/state/graphs", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  350. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'pluginfactdest': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/facts.d]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/facts.d", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  351. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/state]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
  352. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
  353. Debug: /File[/etc/puppet/hiera.yaml]: Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet]
  354. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/preview]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
  355. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
  356. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
  357. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/public_keys]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
  358. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
  359. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
  360. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
  361. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/state]
  362. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/client_yaml]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
  363. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/client_data]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
  364. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/state/agent_disabled.lock]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/state]
  365. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/clientbucket]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
  366. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/state/last_run_summary.yaml]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/state]
  367. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/state/last_run_report.yaml]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/state]
  368. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/state/graphs]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/state]
  369. Debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/facts.d]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
  370. Debug: Finishing transaction 22415940
  371. Debug: Loaded state in 0.01 seconds
  372. Debug: Executing '/etc/puppet/etckeeper-commit-pre'
  373. Debug: Loaded state in 0.01 seconds
  374. Debug: /Stage[main]/Main/require: requires Class[Jdk]
  375. Debug: /Stage[main]/Main/require: requires Class[Bigtop_repo]
  376. Debug: /Stage[main]/Jdk/before: requires Service[kafka-server]
  377. Debug: /Stage[main]/Apt/File[sources.list]/notify: subscribes to Class[Apt::Update]
  378. Debug: /Stage[main]/Apt/File[sources.list.d]/notify: subscribes to Class[Apt::Update]
  379. Debug: /Stage[main]/Apt/File[preferences]/notify: subscribes to Class[Apt::Update]
  380. Debug: /Stage[main]/Apt/File[preferences.d]/notify: subscribes to Class[Apt::Update]
  381. Debug: /Stage[setup]/before: requires Stage[main]
  382. Debug: /Stage[runtime]/require: requires Stage[main]
  383. Debug: /Stage[runtime]/before: requires Stage[setup_infra]
  384. Debug: /Stage[setup_infra]/before: requires Stage[deploy_infra]
  385. Debug: /Stage[deploy_infra]/before: requires Stage[setup_app]
  386. Debug: /Stage[setup_app]/before: requires Stage[deploy_app]
  387. Debug: /Stage[deploy_app]/before: requires Stage[deploy]
  388. Debug: /Stage[main]/Bigtop_repo/Apt::Source[Bigtop_0]/before: requires Exec[bigtop-apt-update]
  389. Debug: /Stage[main]/Bigtop_repo/Exec[bigtop-apt-update]/before: requires Package[jdk]
  390. Debug: /Stage[main]/Bigtop_repo/Exec[bigtop-apt-update]/before: requires Package[kafka]
  391. Debug: /Stage[main]/Bigtop_repo/Exec[bigtop-apt-update]/before: requires Package[kafka-server]
  392. Debug: /Stage[main]/Apt/Apt::Setting[conf-update-stamp]/File[/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/15update-stamp]/notify: subscribes to Class[Apt::Update]
  393. Debug: /Stage[main]/Bigtop_repo/Apt::Source[Bigtop_0]/Apt::Pin[Bigtop_0]/before: requires Apt::Setting[list-Bigtop_0]
  394. Debug: /Stage[main]/Kafka::Server/File[/etc/kafka/conf/]/require: requires Package[kafka]
  395. Debug: /Stage[main]/Kafka::Server/File[/etc/kafka/conf/]/require: requires Package[kafka-server]
  396. Debug: /Stage[main]/Kafka::Server/Service[kafka-server]/subscribe: subscribes to Package[kafka]
  397. Debug: /Stage[main]/Kafka::Server/Service[kafka-server]/subscribe: subscribes to Package[kafka-server]
  398. Debug: /Stage[main]/Kafka::Server/Service[kafka-server]/subscribe: subscribes to File[/etc/kafka/conf/]
  399. Debug: /Stage[main]/Bigtop_repo/Apt::Conf[disable_keys]/Apt::Setting[conf-disable_keys]/File[/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50disable_keys]/notify: subscribes to Class[Apt::Update]
  400. Debug: /Stage[main]/Bigtop_repo/Apt::Source[Bigtop_0]/Apt::Setting[list-Bigtop_0]/File[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/Bigtop_0.list]/notify: subscribes to Class[Apt::Update]
  401. Debug: /Stage[main]/Bigtop_repo/Apt::Source[Bigtop_0]/Apt::Setting[list-Bigtop_0]/File[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/Bigtop_0.list]: Autorequiring File[sources.list.d]
  402. Debug: /Stage[main]/Bigtop_repo/Apt::Source[Bigtop_0]/Apt::Pin[Bigtop_0]/Apt::Setting[pref-Bigtop_0]/File[/etc/apt/preferences.d/Bigtop_0.pref]: Autorequiring File[preferences.d]
  403. Info: Applying configuration version '1504264245'
  404. Notice: Baseurl:
  405. Notice: /Stage[main]/Bigtop_repo/Notify[Baseurl:]/message: defined 'message' as 'Baseurl:'
  406. Debug: /Stage[main]/Bigtop_repo/Notify[Baseurl:]: The container Class[Bigtop_repo] will propagate my refresh event
  407. Debug: Exec[bigtop-apt-update](provider=posix): Executing '/usr/bin/apt-get update'
  408. Debug: Executing '/usr/bin/apt-get update'
  409. Notice: /Stage[main]/Bigtop_repo/Exec[bigtop-apt-update]/returns: executed successfully
  410. Debug: /Stage[main]/Bigtop_repo/Exec[bigtop-apt-update]: The container Class[Bigtop_repo] will propagate my refresh event
  411. Debug: Prefetching apt resources for package
  412. Debug: Executing '/usr/bin/dpkg-query -W --showformat '${Status} ${Package} ${Version}\n''
  413. Debug: Executing '/usr/bin/dpkg-query -W --showformat '${Status} ${Package} ${Version}\n' kafka-server'
  414. Debug: Executing '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install kafka-server'
  415. Error: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install kafka-server' returned 100: Reading package lists...
  416. Building dependency tree...
  417. Reading state information...
  418. The following additional packages will be installed:
  419. bigtop-utils kafka zookeeper
  420. The following NEW packages will be installed:
  421. bigtop-utils kafka kafka-server zookeeper
  422. 0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
  423. Need to get 32.1 MB/39.7 MB of archives.
  424. After this operation, 48.9 MB of additional disk space will be used.
  425. WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
  426. bigtop-utils zookeeper kafka kafka-server
  427. Authentication warning overridden.
  428. Err:1 bigtop/contrib amd64 kafka all
  429. 403 Forbidden
  430. Err:2 bigtop/contrib amd64 kafka-server all
  431. 403 Forbidden
  432. E: Failed to fetch 403 Forbidden
  434. E: Failed to fetch 403 Forbidden
  436. E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
  437. Error: /Stage[main]/Kafka::Server/Package[kafka-server]/ensure: change from purged to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install kafka-server' returned 100: Reading package lists...
  438. Building dependency tree...
  439. Reading state information...
  440. The following additional packages will be installed:
  441. bigtop-utils kafka zookeeper
  442. The following NEW packages will be installed:
  443. bigtop-utils kafka kafka-server zookeeper
  444. 0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
  445. Need to get 32.1 MB/39.7 MB of archives.
  446. After this operation, 48.9 MB of additional disk space will be used.
  447. WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
  448. bigtop-utils zookeeper kafka kafka-server
  449. Authentication warning overridden.
  450. Err:1 bigtop/contrib amd64 kafka all
  451. 403 Forbidden
  452. Err:2 bigtop/contrib amd64 kafka-server all
  453. 403 Forbidden
  454. E: Failed to fetch 403 Forbidden
  456. E: Failed to fetch 403 Forbidden
  458. E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
  459. Debug: Class[Bigtop_repo]: The container Stage[main] will propagate my refresh event
  460. Debug: Executing '/usr/bin/dpkg-query -W --showformat '${Status} ${Package} ${Version}\n' kafka'
  461. Debug: Executing '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install kafka'
  462. Error: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install kafka' returned 100: Reading package lists...
  463. Building dependency tree...
  464. Reading state information...
  465. The following additional packages will be installed:
  466. bigtop-utils zookeeper
  467. The following NEW packages will be installed:
  468. bigtop-utils kafka zookeeper
  469. 0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
  470. Need to get 32.1 MB/39.7 MB of archives.
  471. After this operation, 48.9 MB of additional disk space will be used.
  472. WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
  473. bigtop-utils zookeeper kafka
  474. Authentication warning overridden.
  475. Err:1 bigtop/contrib amd64 kafka all
  476. 403 Forbidden
  477. E: Failed to fetch 403 Forbidden
  479. E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
  480. Error: /Stage[main]/Kafka::Server/Package[kafka]/ensure: change from purged to latest failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install kafka' returned 100: Reading package lists...
  481. Building dependency tree...
  482. Reading state information...
  483. The following additional packages will be installed:
  484. bigtop-utils zookeeper
  485. The following NEW packages will be installed:
  486. bigtop-utils kafka zookeeper
  487. 0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
  488. Need to get 32.1 MB/39.7 MB of archives.
  489. After this operation, 48.9 MB of additional disk space will be used.
  490. WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
  491. bigtop-utils zookeeper kafka
  492. Authentication warning overridden.
  493. Err:1 bigtop/contrib amd64 kafka all
  494. 403 Forbidden
  495. E: Failed to fetch 403 Forbidden
  497. E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
  498. Notice: /Stage[main]/Kafka::Server/File[/etc/kafka/conf/]: Dependency Package[kafka] has failures: true
  499. Notice: /Stage[main]/Kafka::Server/File[/etc/kafka/conf/]: Dependency Package[kafka-server] has failures: true
  500. Warning: /Stage[main]/Kafka::Server/File[/etc/kafka/conf/]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
  501. Debug: Executing '/usr/bin/dpkg-query -W --showformat '${Status} ${Package} ${Version}\n' openjdk-8-jdk'
  502. Notice: /Stage[main]/Jdk/Package[jdk]/ensure: current_value purged, should be present (noop)
  503. Debug: /Package[jdk]: The container Class[Jdk] will propagate my refresh event
  504. Notice: Class[Jdk]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
  505. Debug: Class[Jdk]: The container Stage[main] will propagate my refresh event
  506. Notice: /Stage[main]/Kafka::Server/Service[kafka-server]: Dependency Package[kafka] has failures: true
  507. Notice: /Stage[main]/Kafka::Server/Service[kafka-server]: Dependency Package[kafka-server] has failures: true
  508. Warning: /Stage[main]/Kafka::Server/Service[kafka-server]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
  509. Debug: Finishing transaction 33177240
  510. Debug: Storing state
  511. Debug: Stored state in 0.04 seconds
  512. Notice: Finished catalog run in 2.67 seconds
  513. Debug: Executing '/etc/puppet/etckeeper-commit-post'
  514. Debug: Using settings: adding file resource 'rrddir': 'File[/var/lib/puppet/rrd]{:path=>"/var/lib/puppet/rrd", :mode=>"750", :owner=>"puppet", :group=>"puppet", :ensure=>:directory, :loglevel=>:debug, :links=>:follow, :backup=>false}'
  515. Debug: Finishing transaction 36055640
  516. Debug: Received report to process from juju-189903-3.c.qrama-152515.internal
  517. Debug: Evicting cache entry for environment 'production'
  518. Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
  519. Debug: Processing report from juju-189903-3.c.qrama-152515.internal with processor Puppet::Reports::Store
  520. Traceback (most recent call last):
  521. File "hooks/zookeeper-relation-changed", line 19, in <module>
  522. main()
  523. File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/charms/reactive/", line 78, in main
  524. bus.dispatch()
  525. File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/charms/reactive/", line 423, in dispatch
  526. _invoke(other_handlers)
  527. File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/charms/reactive/", line 406, in _invoke
  528. handler.invoke()
  529. File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/charms/reactive/", line 280, in invoke
  530. self._action(*args)
  531. File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-kafka-0/charm/reactive/", line 43, in configure_kafka
  532. kafka.configure_kafka(zks)
  533. File "lib/charms/layer/", line 64, in configure_kafka
  534. bigtop.trigger_puppet()
  535. File "lib/charms/layer/", line 615, in trigger_puppet
  536. java_home()),
  537. File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/jujubigdata/", line 195, in re_edit_in_place
  538. with Path(filename).in_place(encoding=encoding) as (reader, writer):
  539. File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 59, in __enter__
  540. return next(self.gen)
  541. File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/", line 1455, in in_place
  542. os.rename(self, backup_fn)
  543. FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: Path('/etc/default/bigtop-utils') -> Path('/etc/default/bigtop-utils.bak')
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