

Aug 22nd, 2015
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  1. The IC Title match between [url=""][b]IRS(c)[/b][/url], [url=""][b]Taz[/b][/url], and [url=""][b]HHH[/b][/url] began with all three participants waiting for the bell, staring each other down like the big standoff in The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly. When the bell rang, Taz was out of the gate running, destroying both of his opponents with his encylopedic array of suplexes. After eating a nasty belly-to-belly, HHH scrambled to the floor, and the Champ wasn't far behind. Outside, Hunter and IRS decided to form an ersatz alliance to take down the Trailblazer, and as soon as they re-entered the ring, they leapt into action. Taz's fire was doused by the gang tactics, as he was methodically beaten down and momentarily neutralized, with Triple H even going as far as to set up Taz for an early Airplane Spin. After IRS completed his 15th rotation, HHH took the opportunity to strike, kicking the dizzy IRS in the gut and going for a quick Pedigree. IRS's veteran instincts saved him, however, as he was able to push HHH to the ropes, using the rebound to put Hunter on the mat with an odd sort of bridging suplex roll.
  3. 1...2, Hunter kicked out, but IRS was still reeling from the Airplane Spin. HHH was able to change tactics, setting up the still-dizzy Taz for a Pedigree. He almost got him up, but IRS had recovered, and broke it up with a chop-block, forcing Hunter to release the hold, and driving him to one knee. IRS then began to work on said knee, but unfortunately his methodical, old-school offense was cut off when Taz got to his feet and clotheslined IRS over the top rope, knocking him to the apron. Taz turned his sights to HHH, showing off the lower body strength that makes him the Human Suplex Machine by laying in a torrent of suplexes. First, he slammed Hunter with a Northern Lights suplex, before rolling through and hooking the leg for a Fisherman's Suplex!
  5. 1...2...2.9, Hunter kicked out, flopping onto his face. Taz grabbed his waist, and dragged him off the canvas in a stunning deadlift, trying to go for a German suplex, but was stopped in his tracks when HHH hit a surreptitious nutshot. Hunter capitalized, planting Taz to the mat with a DDT, but before he could make the cover, IRS dragged him out of the ring and tossed him right into the steps! Hunter's knee took the brunt of the steps, and he was clutching his leg on the floor as IRS dragged Taz to his feet, and tried to set up the Airplane Spin, but Taz slipped out and went for the Tazmission! IRS was able to stay on his feet, and run backwards, slamming Taz into the corner and breaking the hold. Taz broke the hold, but pushed IRS forward before locking arms around his waist and HITTING A BRUTAL GERMAN SUPLEX INTO THE TURNBUCKLE PADS! Taz didn't let up, lifting IRS onto the top turnbuckle and hooking him in for a TOP ROPE TAZPLEX! IRS was just plain out as Taz hooked the leg for the pin.
  7. 2.9, the limping HHH pushed Taz off IRS and out of the ring, quickly going for a pin of his own on IRS.
  9. 1...2...3, the ref counted the 3 just as Taz re-entered the ring, a hair too late to prevent [b]HHH from winning the Intercontinental Title.[/b]
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