

Jun 12th, 2019
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  3. digital, smelling the bullshit like i am a sage
  4. installer wizard, technomancer mage
  5. every single one of us in a cage
  7. fuck your black mirror and your little commentary
  8. dare me to down a bottle of liqour marry the life that we live in
  9. keep living, keep running keep feeling the ceiling
  10. closing in eternally, internally processing subconscious thoughts
  11. lots and lots, a cloud of dots connecting intertwined
  12. going insane, chaotic, fuck your mind
  13. hope you dont mind being behind time itself
  14. constant input of bullshit no stealth about it
  15. fuck it they own it
  16. you own it
  17. you are it
  18. sit
  19. down
  20. little
  21. kid
  23. cus thats what we are now no always have been
  24. saying seeing the same bullshit we've always been living
  25. every generation same bullshit, same lies, same ignorance
  26. we cant get rid of the cries inside saying we're cunts
  27. fuck it everything speeding up
  28. society accelerating at an eternal pacing facing eternal salvation
  29. but you wont get it little bitch
  30. you wont get there little bitch
  31. youll die somewhere in a ditch of history abandoned by another little bitch
  33. meta in meta, inception of consciousness
  34. none of this matte, deceptive intelligence
  35. eternalizing loop of depressing self realization
  36. realizing youre realizing youre realizing what youre saying
  38. fuck
  40. fucking hell the brain working in patterns
  41. our own biology causing our caverns in our sentience
  42. illusion of free will uncovered by self realization of pathways
  43. now thats a complicated sentence
  44. what you didnt think id have a meta line in this?
  45. yes you im talking to you
  46. no im not
  47. this was written before dude
  48. but that spooked you it grabbed your attention
  49. youre still listening to what i mention
  50. ye aint fun is it
  51. calling you out on self realization
  52. reality catches you off guard
  53. cus you aint living in the occasion
  54. no one is its too hard
  56. you cant ever experience it
  57. what everything is truly like cus youre limited
  58. predetermined neuropathways determine the shape of the new maze
  59. even when you learn and amaze you still conform to the ways
  60. of the body of the mind
  61. of the conscious of the kind
  62. the kind that dont care
  63. the kind that do care
  64. thinking they are better for knowing they know
  65. but not knowing they know that they know
  67. fuck does that even mean i suppose even i dont know
  68. fuck it im rambling but fuck it its fun
  69. going crazy cus bitch i am ramboing
  70. feeling like burning this place to the fucking ground
  71. mind exploding loud noise bitch im blasting the sound
  72. blow your fucking noggin blow your fucking mind off
  73. fuck your bitch ass talking and just go fuck off
  74. and leave me be
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