
nullification 6

Feb 11th, 2019
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  1. Kuso stood ready for battle this now being his chance to test the theory that the holy mages suggested to his The chilling feel of his occult surrounded his body. The cold feeling would soon turn into raging flames the man took a deep breath and went silent, he released his thoughts inner thoughts and let them manifest into a physical form. The loud whisper attack the man from all angels of his mind almost causing him to faint.
  3. The whispers kept the man up and continued to fill his mind with many different thoughts. Good thing the mask was on his face or others would see his twisted express, the moment he feel deeper into despair he had to take control of it. Not letting it go any further than it already was.
  5. The man was not fighting an internal war for balance over his mind and body, almost like a game of tug of war and he needed to stand his ground.
  6. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  9. And so the force of Gehennan magi charged into the Dreadwood to meet their undead foe. The air was stale and even more putrid than usual. There was a clearer, newer corruption shifting with the wind. The ground churned ahead of everyone until wildlife of all sorts stumbled forth, twisted and corrupted by the Lich's dark magic.
  11. Daemons and animals with bloodied limbs and sickly bodies emerged like things straight out of a nightmare. They shouldn't be alive, these animals should have fallen to the earth and given back to it with their lives. And yet here they were, a precursor to the undead armies that were closing in.
  15. Kuso could feel the affects of the despair weighing down on him the Kitsune took a second to catch his breath. the moment he does he had to regain the connection with the occult and continue on no matter how hard it might be. He gripped his staff and being to search the area for the second wave if there was one, now Kuso would take that feeling that he receives the wounds from battle and numb them.
  17. He tried to forget about them on told oh maintaining the whispers, such a task was unheard of and yet the man attempted to push threw no matter what he was feeling right now. He still felt the pain, but could it be working? He'd have to keep a meant note on top of everything else finally sighing the man might have bit off more than he can chew.
  19. "<I-I got this...> he thought...
  21. He slammed his staff on the ground as the occult flames grew brighter the man would take this sudden burst of energy and use it to end this. He ready himself to move forward. This was nothing compared to his might and the people around him the man has a flame in his eye one of occult flames.
  22. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  24. The initial onslaught was easy. Maybe that's why the undead Legion was lead first by creatures of Gehenna itself. Wolves and daemon abominations collided with soldiers and magi alike and were put to the earth they were meant to be a part of. Peace was given to creatures that had been cursed by Arthur Rowan's magic but the scent of horror in the air persisted.
  26. As the noises of wild animals died down, the distant march of boots echoed forth. Metal armor screeched its plates against itself in the distance as something heinous approached.
  28. Deeper into the Dreadwood the magi met it; the terror that is the necromantic swarm in full. Rows of undead soldiers moved in orderly lines like trained centurions, and once they caught sight of the Gehennan force they all stopped. Red and hollow eyes stared back at the Chieftains' force, and something much larger waded through the crowd.
  30. A Behemoth wielding a flaming, giant warhammer.
  32. It crushed trees underfoot and was doing its best to grin at those who had come to meet it.
  34. With a roar it swung the hammer upward, throwing flame and smoke into the air, and the undead all charged forth, their own weapons drawn and awaiting blood.
  36. Kuso came face to face with the boss it seems, the man is slowly panting as the effects of the occult were starting to set in the longer he kept that feeling of despair with his mind. He'd cough and then aimed his staff towards the giant undead still attempting to numb the pain he was feeling and bring it down.
  38. Give in already..
  40. Kuso would shake his head in an attempt to refocus himself for battle, if he falls then he won't be able to keep the whispers suppressed much longer, One final breath. He manage to shake off the whisper and refocus to the battle at hand.
  42. We got this...we got this.. he whispered low to himself
  43. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  45. The Gehennans charged into the undead horde and they fought through the darkened Dreadwoods. Warcries from savage soldiers and undead cretins echoed for miles as the armies collided.
  47. Gob, the leader of this Vanguard and one of the Lich's prime Behemoths, was flanked on all sides by the Chieftain Kuhn, the Wolf Potayo, and the Warrior Huatli Khan. In the midst of all the fighting the three of them were able to bring the massive monster down and his great hammer was laid upon the ground before them as he rattled to nothing more than a mound of bones.
  49. Though as some of the magi were forced back and injured, it became obvious as to what the purpose of this attack was; Arthur Rowan's soldiers began incapacitating non-magi soldiers and dragging them back into the darkness of the woods. With each magi who suffered an injury, nearly half a dozen soldiers who had stood beneath their defense disappeared...
  51. And just as quick as the fight had started, it was over.
  53. The undead presence reatreated, pushed back by the power of the tribes.
  55. Kuso fell to the ground the man looked visual drained the occult flames burnout and the whispers were slowly stopping. He struggled to pull himself out of the despair but numbing himself of all feelings complete, his screams were internal and painful. Vein putrid from the side of his head now coughing looking for somebody. The holy mages told him the effects but he didn't think they would be this painful, he still continues to numb himself of the occult.
  57. After a while passed he raises to his feet, his body was physically strained from the amount of internal fighting he jsut did for a taste of short burst of power. Now it was time to test the way Veronica spoke of something with the soul. This amount of metal stress was enough to drive anyone mad, but he remained strong seeing this through to the end.
  59. He notice how faint the whispers have grown, was it a sign? he shakes his head trying his best to refocus. He'd walk slowly toward Veronica and awaited their departure into the forest. It's best to do this while it's fresh and all ready being conflicted but the relapse of being taken away.
  61. "This was a lot of mental abuse, but I already accepted the risk and it's too late to turn back from this path. Man I need to really let the mages know what happened... this was a crazy battle over the mind and body and I doubt it's over...far from over." he thought
  63. His staff was placed on his back as his hazel hues met the group of warriors he was rather content.
  65. (Kuso Hitoshi)
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