
Elbi: HOPE

Nov 20th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. [17:36] For whatever reason, Zargoth went silent -- this was a problem with people he came into contact with, which to him, felt like a sick joke. He fondled the sack in his hands, attempting to make out just how much was in it. He moved slowly, carefully, feeling out his way with his legs.
  3. Bump.
  5. His ankle hit a stool - that must've been in front of th-- The man bumped against the bar table, that proved to be a tad bit closer than he initially thought.
  6. The sack was plopped on the table, whilst his hands got to work at feeling out the stool in front of him, getting himself sat down upon it, before feeling up the table in front of him to find the sack once more. Some coins spilled out, nudged together by his winding digits, before the rest were poured out before him.
  8. He slowly went through the process of moving them, one coin at a time to feel out the amount he was just gifted. His eyes, were a dull blue -- losing their light by the day, even further than what he had feared. He was having trouble even deciphering where something may've moved in front of him, and even discerning mild lights and hues... Only absolute darkness versus blinding light could be noted now.
  10. "...Excuse me?" He asked towards no one in particular, hoping for a chef or bartender to answer, "How much am I holding, right now?"
  11. (Nathan Elbi)
  12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. [17:38] The masked woman fires out a pulse of wellspring magic, to the blind boy her would be able to see for moments silhouettes and their form. Fleur counts in her mind feeling through the feedback as her pulse returned.
  16. "You have two hundred crowns." She answers.
  17. (Fleurosa)
  18. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [17:42] "Ah, I see..." He felt over the coins on the table. That was... Strange. For a moment, he felt something unique to his form. Something new...
  20. On top of that, he could make out all sorts of strange details around him. Color, some of which he hadn't seen in years, and odd constructs surrounding him. It was as though he was re-introduced to the world he had left so long ago -- it was enough to earn his flinch.
  22. Fear? Towards the recollection sight? If even so brief...
  23. He shook it off, assuming it to be a vision of the past. Perhaps a bizzare daydream.
  24. "How much for a bowl of... Whatever you're selling here?" He followed up.
  26. (Nathan Elbi)
  27. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. [17:45] Fleur fires off another pulse allowing him to see while in her presence and range of her magic. "Ninety crowns for a bowl of fresh Shengese Stirfry." She chimes.
  31. "George can offer you a fresh bowl, we can box it for you as well if you've a long journey ahead of you~" The woman's voice is soft-spoken, silken a slight Sheng accent to her words.
  33. "It's quite fresh, bacon, cabbage, carrots and beansprouts and fried rice~" She was beginning to take pride in her cooking, many in Esshar had seldom tasted the food of her homeland. The woman sounded eager to hear what they thought of it.
  35. (Fleurosa)
  36. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. [17:50] What -was- this?
  38. This magic certainly wasn't something Nathan was accustomed to. For the brief moment's of its casting, in its embrace, he could find himself ported to a world no longer devoid of color. It had shade, hue, definition... Everything seemed to new!
  39. Depth and details crawled in, though his eyes strained. There was too much to process all at once. It was an overload of a once-thought lost sense, thus, he'd wince to scathe the pain away.
  41. "Wh- Ar-..." The man's hands found his temples to massage them, trying to make sense of things.
  42. "Are -you- doing this?" He asked, breaking from the subject at hand. "Is this you?"
  43. (Nathan Elbi)
  44. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. [17:53] He would see a black masked woman wearing attire of a butler rather than a maid. She nods, the black kitsune visage with vermillion painted lips seemed to be granting him temporary sight through her wellspring magic.
  48. Each pulse restoring what was lost as if he himself were unbound by time and the cruelties fate befell upon him.
  50. "It's not permanent, once you leave my aura... The range of my pulse, you will find the world dark again." She replies.
  52. The same was for Alexi... The deaf drakanite could hear when within Fleur's presence.
  53. (Fleurosa)
  54. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  56. [18:01] Slowly, Nathan opened his eyes once more. Taking it in... All of it. He slowly turned his head to inspect the details of the café. The ornaments hanging from the ceiling, to the many, many cupboards and dishes -- the smell of food was complemented by the actual display. Finally, a face to every presence.
  58. There was, something about this that... Filled him at the core. Enough that he had to stand up from his stool, stumbling some bit but able to catch himself for once. He could... See! He turned for Zargoth, finally able to see him for the drakanite that he was. Wings, horns and all... Then, the kitsune wearing a visor.
  60. Wasn't he in a fight earlier? He looked down to his chest, donned in shredded apparel to reveal a horribly bruised sternum wound -- no blood, that was good. It didn't mean the pain wasn't going to return once he left the soothing waves of magic he was enveloped by.
  61. "This, this is..." His eyes watered, "Amazing."Though, there was the caveat -- the twist, and as cruel as it was, it was to be expected:
  63. It was only temporary, until he left her presence.
  65. "Oh." He answered, this gift, was merely being borrowed. Life, was a cruel mistress after-all.
  67. He turned his eyes back to the table to see all of the coin splattered across it, easily being able to discern a quantity of ninety crowns from the initial two hundred before pulling the rest ba-- "Can I have a second bowl, for this fellow here?" He gestured to the drakanite.
  68. "Here." He pushed another ninety over.
  69. (Nathan Elbi)
  70. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. [18:13] The woman nods, she was kind but not able to restore him. Was it cruel for her to offer him this though? She thinks the child deserves to see though, however brief.
  74. "Help yourself~" The woman chimes, a small puff of steam leaving her lips. George seems content counting the crowns, polishing them before stashing them in a lock box.
  76. "The guild is closed for now due to the war, so our services will be limited in the meantime unless a peace is agreed upon. We serve all save those from Achyon however, so feel free to return whenever you wish." An offer to grant him sight whenever she was around.
  77. (Fleurosa)
  78. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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