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- -The Trans-Dimensional Diner-
- by Waterway the Wordsmith
- [A4A][Alien Diner][Overly Friendly][You're Human? That's... Cute]
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- You stand at the entrance to a diner, wondering how on Earth you got there. Everything about it is off - the sign is written in a language you've never seen before, and the shape... you can't even tell what shape it is. You look behind you and see a sky full of unrecognizable colors and decide that, strange building or not, you'd rather be inside.
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- (SERVER): Hello and welcome to the trans-dimensional diner! Just one today?
- Oh, what’s the matter? You look a little confused. I guess that DOES make sense given… well, the way you are.
- Have you ever been to trans-dimensional space before? No? Probably not, we don’t get many humans. You look pretty worked up, why don’t you take a seat? I have a booth right over there with a nice view of the void-locus.
- There we go, right this way. Do you need someone to hold your hand? It’s okay if you do, I don’t mind.
- Theeeere we go. Sit right down, and I’ll get you some water.
- (Water Pouring)
- It’s so nice to see one of your kind again. It’s been… Oh, 234 turns or so. Humans are just so precious, it’s a shame you don’t find your way here more often.
- So, how long are you staying in trans-dimensional space? Do you have a place to stay yet?
- Hm? Well… I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand the question. What’s going on is I’m making small talk. Sorry, were you in a rush?
- You… Oh, you don’t even know where you are? Oh, poor thing. No wonder you look so upset. Well, you’re in a diner, sweetheart. We make food here. You get to order things, and we’ll bring them out for you.
- Alright, alright, let’s not get snippy. So what EXACTLY are you confused about, then?
- Oh. Ooooohhh, you don’t know about trans-dimensional space! Wait, then how did you get here?
- Hmm… well, that’s pretty puzzling, isn’t it? Well, if you just popped up here, then I’m sure you’ll eventually pop back. I’m sure that if you’re just a bit patient, everything will work out.
- Well, I have no idea. I’ve never heard about this happening before, so I couldn’t possibly know how long you’ll be here. But the good news is that I DO know that you’ll return to exactly the same moment that you left. That’s always the same for everyone who enters trans-dimensional space.
- So there’s no need to stress, worry, or rush. Just enjoy the time you get here. You can think of it like… a bit of bonus time. A break from everything, you know?
- Oh, I’m sorry. Is this all a bit overwhelming? I know that humans aren’t the brightest species in the multiverse. You must get overwhelmed all the time! But don’t worry. You aren’t the smartest, but you ARE the cutest!
- Oh, you’re right. I’m sorry, it wasn’t my place to say that. I’m sure you’re just the smartest little human in your whole wide world. Now, what does our clever guest want to eat?
- Well, are you sure? You seem awfully upset. I bet having a bite to eat would help your mood a whole lot. We have lots of tasty things for you to choose from.
- Money? What’s that?
- Well, isn’t that a cute idea? See, you humans CAN be a little bit clever when you want to. But, um… What happens when a human needs to eat and DOESN’T have money?
- Hm. Well, I think there might be a little hole in the idea, there. Anyway, you don’t need that here. You can order whatever you want off the menu without worry. So? What do you think?
- Well, if you really don’t have an appetite, you’re free to stay here as long as you want.
- Oh, don’t worry. There’s always more space. Literally! The diner’s internal space increases the more people there are inside.
- Could I at least get you something other than water? Coffee, tea, Mork juice?
- Oh, you HAVE to try it! It’s one of the most popular drinks across the multiverse. I’m surprised you don’t have it, most species discover it very early on. But, well… I guess in your case…
- Anyway, I’ll be back with the juice. Why don’t you take a look at the menu and decide if something on there sounds appetizing?
- (Pause)
- So, what do you think? Is there anything you’d like to order?
- Wonderful! I really do think you’ll feel a bit better with something in your belly. So, what’ll it be?
- Hm? Oh! Oh, I’m so sorry. Of course, you’ll need a little help, won’t you? That’s no trouble at all.
- See, this menu has all these foods on it. You can pick something off of it, and I’ll-
- Hm? Oh! I’m sorry, I should have realized you can’t read.
- You… hm? But you’re SPEAKING our language just fine.
- Are you SURE it’s written in another language? It’s okay if you never learned to read, I wouldn’t expect a human to…
- Well, alright, if you say so. Why don’t I just give you some recommendations?
- Well, there’s the dola steak. Very tasty, it’s tender with just a hint of sulfur to it.
- Or, there’s the sawdust sandwich. Fresh sawdust mixed with sap, between two toasted slices of oak. Comes with a side of pinecones, too.
- Or… We just added slime balls to the menu. A little messy, but that’s half the fun of it.
- No? Aw, are we a picky eater? Well, maybe you want something off the little kids menu instead. How about… bacon and eggs?
- Oh, don’t you worry about it. I know, you’re a big, grown-up human. I’ll get you a nice big portion.
- (Pause)
- And here you go! Some yummy bacon and eggs.
- Hm? What do you mean? It looks okay to me.
- Well if they’re not supposed to be green, what SHOULD they look like?
- (Chuckle)
- Oh, that’s funny. Who ever heard of red bacon and yellow eggs? Sounds to me like you’ve been missing out. Come on, give it a try! You might never get another chance.
- See? It’s so good, right? Okay, let me take a seat.
- Hm? Oh, I’m just sitting down so I can watch you eat.
- Well, of course! I’m your server. I need to sit here with you so you can tell me if you need anything. Makes sense, right?
- It doesn’t HAVE to be awkward. It’s okay, just pretend I’m not here. Go ahead, enjoy your meal.
- So… what do yellow eggs taste like?
- I’m just a little curious, is all. I’ve never been to human-land.
- Huh. Weird.
- Uh… so what do humans do all day, anyway? Do you, like… just play games and stuff?
- Oh, so it all comes back to that “money” stuff. You guys really went all-in on that, huh?
- Hey, to each his own, and all that. I’m not judging. I mean, not really. I mean… maybe a little.
- Oh, did you like the juice? Sorry, I never checked.
- Good! Good, that’s good.
- Oh, really? Well, I guess if you really think it’s awkward. Alright then, I’ll just leave you alone. Do I… just come back later?
- Yeah, okay. You’re the customer. I guess I can do things the human way, just once.
- Okay, then. Enjoy the food! Just wave me down if you want anything else, I’ll be happy to get it for you.
- And good luck on getting home. I’m sure it’ll happen any second now.
- Is… Oh! Did it happen? No, I guess you’re still here. But yeah, any second now.
- Oh, right. I have to actually leave. Alright, bon appetit!
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