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a guest
Feb 21st, 2018
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  1. # 本拠> git remote show origin
  2. # * remote origin
  3. # URL: git://
  4. # Remote branch merged with 'git pull' while on branch master
  5. # master
  6. # Tracked remote branches
  7. # master stable vim
  9. # 本拠> cat Rakefile
  10. desc "Build MacVim and copy to the root of the checkout"
  11. task :package do
  12. cd "src"
  13. sh "make clean"
  14. sh "./configure --enable-gui=macvim"
  15. sh "make"
  16. cd "MacVim"
  17. sh "xcodebuild"
  18. cd "../.."
  19. rm_rf ""
  20. cp_r "src/MacVim/build/Release/", "."
  21. end
  23. desc "Install MacVim, building if needed"
  24. task :install do
  25. Rake::Task["package"].invoke unless File.exist?("")
  26. raise " seems not to exist. Aborting!" unless File.readable?("")
  27. rm_rf "/Applications/"
  28. cp_r "", "/Applications/"
  29. end
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