

Feb 26th, 2020
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  1. [22:44] Séven says, "Andrew."
  2. [22:44] Séven asks, "Are you busy?"
  3. [22:46] Andrew Mercia asks, "No, do you need something?"
  4. [22:46] Séven says, "Walk with me."
  5. [22:47]
  6. {LOAD GAME}
  8. [22:47] Aren vey Pelleaux II asks, "Dawn Gang, I'll remember it this time. Would you like to do something, Athena?"
  9. [22:47] Séven says, "Come along friend."
  10. [22:50]
  11. {LOAD GAME}
  13. [22:53] The back of the Bazaar, not many people even know that it goes this far, but she knew that she was going to need some modicum of privacy for her discussion.
  15. "I won't mince words with you Andrew, things are going to shift soon and we need to be ready. The state of the world is going to be turned on its head...fate has entangled many of us who don't even know that their destinies will be defined by this moment."
  17. She takes a small pause, she could feel her blood boil from the anticipation, the things that she had been feeling in her bones had shaken her to her core.
  19. "When you think of the church, what is your first thought?"
  20. (Séven)
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. [22:56] Andrew wasn't expecting this meeting with the woman, but with how everything has been lately he didn't mind it. He was left with a question one that he was able to give a straight answer too.
  25. "When I think of the Church I think of a place that offers people a second chance at life. It's not a place people go to be judged, but seek help and understanding from those that turned them a way.
  27. It's a place were people come to learn and express their faith and it gives them something to cling to for hope.
  29. The Church is meant to make people feel safe and I've been keep demons from attacking it lately. I want it to return to the glory it once had."
  30. (Andrew Mercia)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. [23:02] "You're young, but that doesn't take away from the experience that you have in your life. You have a mindset that hasn't been jaded by the throes of disillusionment."
  35. She takes a moment to pause before continuing, she knew that she was going to have to keep someone close, someone she knew that had strength and character, a medic that she would have no doubt about.
  37. "Ideology can turn into dogma very quickly, I've spoken before how both Holy and Occult magic can equally corrupt, but neither are inherently destructive, the individual is capable of change, of redemption..."
  39. "But redemption will always be relative to what is acceptable at the time... Paradigms change and ideology is fluid. Being safe... is UNYIELDING, more than anything in this world the feeling of being content with yourself and your surroundings is something that we endlessly strive for."
  41. She smiles softly before continuing.
  43. "You thought is exactly what the church should be, but it hasn't always been this way. You have wisdom for your years, and you will continue to grow as time passes... this is why I choose *you*."
  45. "In these times things are going to get dark, and trust is something that can be fleeting...but with this ideal in mind, I know that even should any of us on this path that fall, that you would do your utmost to continue."
  47. She taps the table, feeling the air swell around her.
  49. "Do you accept this role that I'm offering to you?"
  50. (Séven)
  51. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. [23:06]
  54. {LOAD GAME}
  56. [23:10]
  57. {LOAD GAME}
  59. [23:16] "I accepted whatever role you have for me if it's involves me helping to restore the Church to it's former glory. What is this role you wish for me to take?
  61. I'll accept it and I'll take full ownership over this to ensure that others continue to have faith in the Church."
  63. Andrew smiled he felt that his wants were becoming a reality and he could finally make a difference in others lives. He already learned so much though the years and even now he felt there was more to the demons and humans than others accepted.
  65. Andrew needed to help the Church become a vessel for knowledge and help those that seek it become wise.
  67. He'd smile over at the woman again.
  69. "Anything you have more do will be an honor so long as I can help rebuilt the faith that so many people has lost."
  70. (Andrew Mercia)
  71. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. [23:19]
  74. {LOAD GAME}
  76. [23:20] "What we are going to do is just that, to restore faith back into the city. We will need a bit of help from more than just mortal humans though."
  78. She was cryptic for a reason, but things would reveal themselves in time. She had finished her short discussion and was going to make sure that she kept all those that moved forward on this path close.
  80. She was bestowed a large responsibility, but she knew that she was going to have to give it her all as long as she drew breath. She wasn't one to make speeches, but she was going to have to take an active role in the city if she wanted anything to get done.
  82. She had never been in a position like this before but she was confident that things would move forward for the best.
  84. "Let us make our leave friend."
  85. (Séven)
  86. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. [23:23] Andrew looks over towards the woman and the mention of something other than mortals caught his attention in truth.
  90. "Let us take our leave, yes." he'd nod sagely "Were is it we might find ourselves going?"
  92. He asked curious how deep into the faith they were going; however, he welcomed the unknown even if it seemed odd. He was ready to help the Church and restore the faith in any way he could.
  93. (Andrew Mercia)
  94. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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