

Jan 21st, 2019
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  1. You hear the door to the north being unlocked.
  2. The door to the north is opened from the other side.
  3. Toz enters from the north, riding a black rhinoceros.
  4. He is followed by a mahogany warhound and a mahogany warhound.
  5. Toz closes the door to the north.
  6. Toz locks the north door.
  8. You have emoted: Tatia glances over her shoulder at the sound of the door closing and smiles lightly. "Brought me something good to look at, hm?"
  10. A few cups carefully balanced, Toz has left a fiery red tulip atop the rims. He moves down to sit beside you, setting out the drinks and telling you, "Pick anything you like, lover of mine. This is a date, as of now."
  12. You have emoted: Tatia chuckles softly to herself, shaking her head as Toz sits next her. "You are something else." she tells Toz, her knees slipping from her chest to instead cross in front of her. She leans over to kiss Toz's cheek before slipping the tulip from the cup rims and resting it in her lap, then selecting the battered iron cup of wine.
  14. "Yes, yes I am," Toz confirms for you. He moves to slip his arm around your waist, not picking up a cup himself. He leans over and kisses you back on the cheek, lingering there as he murmurs simply, "I love you." He turns his head and rests his cheek against your after.
  16. You have emoted: Tatia cant help but smile, cutting her eyes towards Toz. "I love you too." she whispers in return, content to just remain close to Toz for a time, though her eyes flicker after a few moments and a small sigh escapes her. She shifts her face enough to scoot closer to Toz, nestling herself against his side. "Did I miss anything while I was away?"
  18. "Not particularly. I spent time with Teani, got her to hear out Kafein and all," Toz tells you. "I think things are...settling in for peaceful again? All as it should be." He lifts his shoulders in a shrug and then turns his head, kissing your cheek a second time before he straightens up, offering ample space for you to lean.
  20. You have emoted: "She just told me about her mother listening to her for a change.. among other things." Tatia says quietly, lifting the cup to her lips. Not seeming satisfied with her place against Toz's side, she shifts herself to instead crawl into Toz's lap. "Sounds like you worked your masculine charms again, Bam."
  22. Slinging both arms around you, Toz concedes with a private smile, "Yes, I did. But I'll thank you to keep that knowledge to yourself. As far as anyone needs to know, Teani had a change of heart and solved it all on her own." He leans in and kisses you on the lips, in a gentle brush, holding you in against him after.
  24. You have emoted: Tatia grins lightly as Toz speaks, feigning a gasp. "That would be like me ruining your reputation, I would never." she teases, her eyes falling closed with Toz's lips against her own. She settles back against Toz and sighs contently. "Just like I would never tell the all the stress and worries melt away when I'm in your arms. I'm safe here."
  26. Squeezing once, warmly, Toz tells you, "Good. That's what I want. You to feel safe, and happy, with me." He gives another doting kiss, this time down against your hair, snuggling down against you. "I won't tell anyone about how you make me feel like a big stuffed animal either, with how you like to cuddle against me," he teases.
  28. You have emoted: Tatia cuts her eyes back over her shoulder at Toz. "Oh, that's how I make you feel, is it?" she asks with a playful wrinkle of her nose. She abruptly flips herself on to her knees to pounce playfully against Toz's chest in attempt to push him backwards to the floor.
  30. "It i-" Toz begins, getting bowled back as you tackles him by his chest, landing with a thunk. "..Ow," he informs you, after a second's pause, shooting a feigned scowl down at you. His arms slide from around you to instead dig into your back and rump with his claws, pulling you down and against him. "What, you starting something now? After I got you the gift, and those drinks?"
  32. You have emoted: "Proving a point." Tatia decides with a smug tone and grin to match down to Toz. "You could have sweet me, or me that has to remind you that I have some fight in me." she teases, dipping her head down to nuzzle against his neck with a small giggle.
  34. Lifting his chin to make room for you to nuzzle, Toz clearly welcomes the touch, hand lifting and striking down firmly on your rump as you moves against him. "I like both of you, so I think I'll just keep them both," he quips to you, with a lazy grin.
  36. You have emoted: Tatia squeaks softly against Toz's neck with the strike to her backside. Following the strike, she nips a little roughly at Toz's neck in retaliation, nuzzling her face in again after. "You'd better." murmurs threateningly against Toz.
  38. With a snicker to himself at your squeak, Toz moves to strike again, a little firmer this time. "I do. Treasure every side you possibly have," he assures you, voice warm, openly so. "You going to settle here and sleep, or enjoy the rest of our date?" he prompts.
  40. You have emoted: Tatia squeaks again with the firmer pop, lifting her head to squint down at Toz. "Did you have something else in mind?" she asks curiously, tilting her head slightly. "Other than me using you as a stuffed animal, of course." she adds on with a slight grin.
  42. "Well I had planned to rub your back and whisper sweet nothings in your ear, until you assaulted me in our home," Toz tells you, with a little sniff, though any points he might score for acting are immediately yielded as he gives your ass a squeeze with his hand planted distinctly there. "Now I'm considering punishing you for the audacity, or just lying here and seeing if you drift off on my chest like I like so much."
  44. You have emoted: "Decisions, decisions." Tatia murmurs down to Toz coyly, though she follows up by leaning down to kiss Toz's lips softly then bumping her nose lightly against Toz's own.
  46. "How about this," Toz murmurs to you, lips brushing to your. "I'll sit here and hold you until you sleep, and then I'll owe you anything you want, soon. If that's a back rub while I call you mistress and wear nothing but a vest, so be it. If you decide I should go scrub Desidora's bar, fine." He nips at your lower lip, sharply grazing his teeth against you.
  48. You have emoted: Tatia groans quietly at Toz's nip, smiling lightly after. "Like you had a choice but to hold me." she teases softly, lowering herself to snuggle in against Toz's chest. She stretches just enough to kiss Toz's jaw then nuzzles her head against Toz's chest, her eyes falling closed shortly after. "Deal, but tell me something before I fall asleep." she murmurs softly.
  50. "I can't imagine life without you," Toz confesses to you, brushing his jaw into your lips very gently. His hand raises up from your back, cradling your head a moment before he starts to scratch slow and gently against your scalp, making sure his nails scrape against the skin very carefully. "Sleep sweet, Tat. I'll see you soon."
  52. You have emoted: Tatia grumbles lightly about 'fair' but smiles without opening her eyes. "I love you, Toz.. pleasant dreams." she murmurs, falling asleep shortly thereafter.
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