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May 25th, 2015
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  1. Nicreous grew up in a goat-farming village outside a smaller gnomish city. He looked up to the knights from the city, riding their wolves and ponies, but spat at the idea of riding those blasted animals. Wolves from the forest would raid the farm, taking their goats, and the man-bred ponies reminded him of the arrogance of the humans of nearby cities, who would encroach on their territory with their ever expanding population. The goats of his farm, however, were too small to ride, and their temperament unsuited for combat. One day, when surveying the grounds, he found a sizeable young goat, separated from its herd. He took it back to the farm, where it quickly took a liking to the herd of, albeit small compared to his own posture, friendly goats. After a few years passed, however, it became apparent that this was no normal goat. Taller, heavier and stronger than the rest, this could be nothing but one of the wild dire goats that roamed the fields further from the cities. Realizing its potential, Nicreous trained the animal for riding, with both the goat and Nicreous himself quickly mastering the art of mounted combat.
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