
KM Excerpting - 2 - 2017 - Dreamseries

Jun 25th, 2018
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  1. You state you were asked how you figured out you were a storm deity or lightning god, and you gave a description of comfort around storms and familiarity with them in your particular geographic location. While this is cool, and relates to you being a person who feels comforted by electrical storms...
  3. It answers nothing about how you connected "I like storms and am familiar with weather patterns" to "I am a deity of storms." Quite a leap.
  5. So what makes you a storm deity?
  7. Now that I've actually slept some and can conglomerate my thoughts better I'll answer!
  9. This has to do in part with some of the dreams I've had (and yes, I know they're hotly debated and highly subject to interpretation). For most of the dreams I've ever had, they only ever repeat once. If I remember the dream, I've had it twice, with very few exceptions. Each time there is a variation. Now, these can be silly dreams, like the times I ate walnuts in order to fly like superman, or scary ones, like the videogame-zombies-ate-my-parents ones. However, in all the doubled (and doubled remembered) dreams, there have been a few things in common: One, I could fly, two, I could somehow manipulate lightning or electricity, and three, I was not acting particularly human. The methods of these vary: In walnuts, I was flying by force of will, knocking telephone lines onto things and causing them to spark, and could only speak in growls, whereas in zombies, I had big dragony wings, inFamous-style lightning manipulation, and could tear zombies apart by leaping onto them and shredding them with claws. These sort of double-dreams have been around as long as I can remember- in fact, walnuts is the first dream of this sort I can remember, dating back to 5 or 6 years old. The second part of this dream-stuff comes from a series that occurred over about a year, when I was around 15-16. I'm gonna see if I can put each individual dream under spoilers, because the more I type the more I realize this is REALLY LONG.
  11. The other, non-dream part would be the phantom features I feel when I do get phantom shifts. I say deity because all the parts I have strong memories of are very close to lightning, and flight, and storm-like items. A dual crest of fin, with something like tiny scales or hairs in it, that I can feel build with static. Two sets of wings, one made for strong and powered flight, and one made for shaping and turning, that catch breaths of wind easily. A rudderlike fan at the end of the tail for much the same reason. A smooth and pointed muzzle, almost like a cormorant or heron beak, and smooth scales that seam together with little resistance. Labradorite is distinctly the look I remember for them, that flashing, shimmering electric blue. All put together, it is a personal belief/thought I had to be very closely tied to lightning- and I've said I'm no major deity, nothing close to a Zeus, so even if it's not that sort of deity it might be more akin to the relation between Venus and Cupid, or just an extremely strong elemental. Deity reflects as much the feeling-memory of being worshipped I have gotten, and how that feels to me, as much as a position or level of power or ability. But the dreams are definitely easily half of that, so I understand people will have wariness about it, and that's why I usually shorten it all to "lightning dragon" when I don't feel like explaining a whole heckuvalotta stuff.
  13. First chronological, 3 or 4 in order of dream:
  15. In the series (and I'm calling it that because it did play out like a story, with each dream picking up fairly close to the start/end of another, though they were out of order), my family and I are all some sort of paranormal investigation crew. My brother mans tech, my stepdad is the leader/brawn, my mother is empath/witch, and I... don't really have a role. I help with whatever needs helping. First we're called out to The Typical Old House with rumours of some sort of cult that had supposedly used it as a Typical Evil Cult House and we're going to go see if there's any booghosties or things in there. (This is extremely out of character for all of the family: none of us want to go in haunted places because ghosts tend to follow the family around.) This follows an interview-style "introduction" of the plan and house history, and ends with us opening the door to the house.
  17. Second chronological, 6th and last in order of dream:
  19. We start with setting up equipment, and I'm trying to help the brother set up equipment. I do something wrong, I get berated. I hear thunder, and there's a soft voice in it. I can't make out what it says, just that the thunder sounds like the rumble of an impossibly deep voice instead of any thunder I've heard before. The brother complains that any lightning storm will interfere with the equipment, and jokingly says to me, "Hey, can't you do anything about that?" and laughs. The house is toured, and the light is dimmer than usual due to the clouds overhead. There are horror movie jokes made, and as the night wears on, we on all the equipment. It's been checked for errors and stuff. The brother and I are to check the lower two levels, and the parentals check the upper two, two-story house plus basement and attic. The brother's equipment stand is on the second floor, and there's at least one camera on each room, multiples where there have been reports. This includes the stairs to the second story and the basement. Dream two seems longer, but most of it is boring walking around with camcorders and lots of batteries and recording stuff. The first floor has close to no activity reported, so we go through that quickly and head to the basement. There, we get all the Freaky Feelings, there's shadows in the corner of your eye, stuff on camera, all that. The upstairs parentals confirm more scared and less hostile spirit residue in the attic. Those don't seem sentient. In the basement, however, they're going after my little brother, though nothing touches me. As a result, the parents decide to take the basement, because my bro has the scratches and all that sort of thing all over, and upstairs is less of a trouble. So we go upstairs. On the stairs up, I feel something take my hand and try to lead me. We get to the attic, and we're looking around, and the ghost beeper thing is going off. My camera battery goes out, I put a new one in and turn it on, leaning against a wall, and thunder rumbles again. It distinctly sounds like it says "back". I ask the brother if he heard anything and he says no, I hurry up and turn on the camcorder, looking around, when something shifts into view and startles me and sends me back against the wall. I hear something break, and look back to see a wire of some kind. I touch it to see what it is, and lightning strikes the wire (which I guess was a lightning rod), and I'm shocked. It doesn't hurt, though- it's more like a warm, comforting hug, like the sort from a friend you haven't seen in forever.
  21. Third in series, fifth in order:
  23. This one seems to have a time break between it and the second. It's dawn, and we go back to the town the house is on the outskirts of. I'm remarkably alive, except the spiderweb-burns you get from a lightning strike, going up my arm to my chest, where they disappear. There's footage review, and finishing investigation. Due to the strike, and the fact I'm fine (my brother with all the claws seems worse off than me), we decide to all go down to the basement and try again. I'm supposed to go with them, and the brother will watch from his camera station. We go down again, same thing where they don't touch me and go after someone else, and the storm has come back. It's raining very hard and the basement is icy and damp. Seeing as I am apparently the clumsiest person in this, I again stumble, and thunk against a wall. But it sounds hollow, and so, like good morons, we knock it down. There's an altar, and something about it catches my eye. I don't know what it is- really, it was a pretty basic altar, different animal skulls, bloodstains, the whole Inaccurate Horror Movie Shebang. Readers go off the charts, flashlight bulbs pop, and thunder again says something- "yours", I think. It's either "your" "you're", "yours", or "yore", but all fit pretty well. Needless to say we hightail it out of there and call the cops, who do the proper investigation, I'd assume. We're not around.
  25. From there, things get really weird, which I can only attribute to the fact yes, this is a dream, and a series of them at that.
  27. Fourth in series, 3 or 4 in order:
  29. The family getting trained as a set of demon hunters? Because apparently since we all went down there we were "touched" by something, and found someone who was planning to purge that place and we accidentally let it free or something. I'm not sure. This is the least clear of the dreams, and comes mostly in montage form, so it's pretty fragmented as-is. I'm hoping the second around will be a lot clearer. I can't remember if the first-series or this fourth-series was third or fourth, hence why they're both marked as such.
  31. Fifth in series, second in order:
  33. It's the first attempt at hunting stuff. Again, I'm pretty useless, and it's a heavy thunder&lightning storm. Same sort of roles as before, which is why I'm not counting it as a separate series, with the stepdad as leader, brother as go go gadget man, mom as magicky, and me as.... Not a whole lot. I can't hand-to-hand or aim very well, so I'm mostly just being support. It's a crew of people, doing questionable things with stuff they probably don't understand or are being manipulated to do. It seems like a drink-the-koolaid cult. We go through and subdue them, it is very violent and gory so I'll cut exactly how, but through it I'm pretty useless. Again, I get distracted by the thunder a couple times- I thought I heard someone say "wait", or "closer", at a few different points, and it catches us up some. It seems like the cult people can also hear it, as when I pause to listen to the wait, so do they. We somehow make it through, and the police are Anonymous Tipped to what seems to have been a fight between groups of people.
  35. Last in series, first in order:
  37. This is the grossest of them, relatively. I recently had a recurrence of this dream on May 5, so I'll point out the differences here between the first iteration and second. It starts with all of us together with a clue to a base of operations at a carnival of sorts- You know, the traveling state-fair sort. Lots of rides, bad for you food, all that. We enter the carnival dressed pretty normally, and go about our day, just watching for whatever is going on. We don't really see much, and midway through the day I decide to get some barbecue because, you know, fair food. It's the best thing I've ever had. Juicy and rich, perfectly smoked, so soft it falls off the bone. The sauce is perfect, the meat is divine. In the first dream, this is a rack of ribs, and the second is a pulled-pork sandwich. So I eat this, and it's amazing. I go back and get a second food item, and then a third, and I feel like I could just eat it forever. The third time (fourth time, in the second dream) I ask if I can just get a ridiculous amount of ribs (just a plateful of the meat second dream) and the guy grins and allows it. Of course, alarm bells should be going off, likely, at this point, but I'm too focused on the food to really care. First dream, he offers a full rack of "double ribs", second is "some of the meat on a stick". So I agree, I pay, and I sit by the barbecue stand, people-watching in the food area of the fair. Then I get a peek of the barbecue person opening his smoker (just one person manning the stand in the first dream, in the second it's two or three) and in the smoker is a human (arm first, thigh second). But I can't stop eating it-- I'm just sitting there full well knowing exactly what is in there now and I can't stop because it's just so incredibly good.
  39. tl;dr, go to fair, accidentally get hooked eating person.
  41. So the fairgrounds closes, and the family all hide, since we're planning to poke around for that cult after the people are gone. Then we notice hey, some people are still around, why aren't they leaving? So of course, the family that just had french fries or onion rings or whatever is all looking around intently, and I want to tell them what's wrong but I can't for some reason. And then I catch a whiff of that barbecue place, and in a total daze I climb down from where I was hiding and start following all the people who are heading that way- I recognize some as people I saw while people-watching the barbecue place. The family, of course, realizes something is up and follows at a distance, until all of the people who are there are in this huge horde of people, all of us looking at the largest of the barbecue stands. The barbecue people open one of their giant smokers... Again, there's people pieces in there, but arms and legs and feet and hands and torsos, (in the first there are heads too and the second no heads), all recognizeable as human. Most of the crowd snaps out of it and starts screaming because holy--- they ate people, but I knew, I knew it was human before, I'm not shocked, and now there's nobody in front of me because all of the other people are backing up against some kind of invisible wall, so I shuffle forwards and it is smelling so good, and the cultists are just grinning and grinning and they hold out a smoked-roasted arm to me, handfirst. Both dreams, it's a handfirst arm. The guy who served me in the first place says, "Seems we have a winner here, folks! Step up and claim your prize!" in that total carnival-announcer voice. And I grab that arm and hand and just begin eating, the cultists immediately swarm out and grab me up and I don't care, this is too delicious. They all have fresh flesh, raw and dripping in their hands, when I finish the arm they present this to me, and some other bits, and I eat those too. It's so good and soft and bloody. I can hear people behind me, vaguely, still screaming, and the family is tryna catch up but can't get to me, the lights go dim so I think they're closing a door, and I'm taken to some funhouse mirrors place (in the first it's only one of those obstacle places without mirrors), then one of those places it's super hard to get through, and they take me to an altar and just keep feeding me.
  43. tl;dr: people in a smoker, more cannibalism.
  45. Slowly I can feel my bones cracking and my body changing, and the people who brought me there are chanting in some language I don't understand but I start to feel I should, it starts to get more comprehensible over time (the first time I remember it was some dream-Latin, and the second I have no clue), and then they run out of food so I grab one of the people with gleaming claws and rip them open and eat them alive (for as long as they're alive anyway, the first time they die very quickly and the second they don't die until they're half gone). I can feel the person screaming and screaming and struggling, and my eyes shut as I dive a muzzle into them, so when I look up the perspective is different, and slightly out of colour (first time redder, second greyed). I roar, and I can feel wings! And a tail! And my hands are different beyond just the claws, I am different, and they've gone from chanting to worshiping and I am who I should be and I feel so good and strong and I burst out and scream triumph to the sky, and as soon as I burst out of their hidden little place the sky opens with a glorious storm, lightning and thunder and huge, driving raindrops. I fly around and can feel each wingbeat generating some sort of power, and I will the storm to grow and it does, and I'm laughing and flying around. In the first I just scare people, and in the second I also shock-roast some with the lighting. My wings blot out the stars wherever I go, and again I am struck with lightning, and I can feel that warm hug (again, after having the first incidents), and I am the storm-voice, I sound just like the words I thought I had heard before, and I start to laugh and swoop. In the first dream, it ends with me flying into the clouds, and in the second, I fly up to above the clouds and look down over the curve of the earth and it was really peaceful.
  47. tl;dr, even more cannibalism
  50. Really, those are the most defining parts of it- that leads-to-worship and control I've had come up again and again plus the phantom stuff. And yes, I know it seems really weird to have that level of detail in the dreams, but it's something I have always done, and always had. I can't say otherwise on that. The setting is really weird, I know, and all that stuff. But a few things I'd point out I'm sure I'll get knocked on: Yes, I know I keep referencing how I don't do much. It's a common thing in a lot of my life and such. Yes, I know a few of the things seem kind of power-trip-y, but this actually was after I had left the school that had the worst interactions, and this wasn't anything like the hunter-dreams I had during that time. Yes, I know it's a weird story, and there's definitely some filling in the blanks and clipping stuff out and fuzzier parts, but with the exception of a few assumptions on a few minor details, it's as I remember. The last-dream is most defined because it just recurred, so I can confidently say that one is just as it was- some parts are even directly copy/pasted from the conversation I had with another otherkin shortly after I woke from it.
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