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May 17th, 2017
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  1. its better to be safe than with someone that will hurt you
  2. Katie 12:48 am
  3. (12:48:47 AM): well he was just bitching and whining about anything like usual but yeah, you know what i mean haha
  4. 12:49 am
  5. (12:49:01 AM): He gets so fucking upset over Maggie
  6. (12:49:06 AM): And I try to be patient with him
  7. (12:49:10 AM): Because what he is feeling is real
  8. (12:49:13 AM): However, unjustified
  9. (12:49:23 AM): That girl flirted with him for maybe one month
  10. (12:49:32 AM): And he acts like she led him on for a fucking year
  11. (12:49:39 AM): When he didn't even talk to her for a bit of that time
  12. (12:49:45 AM): He just overplays it sometimes
  13. (12:49:57 AM): And I think it's at a point where he believes the shit that he says
  14. (12:50:03 AM): I have been talking to Maggie a lot lately
  15. (12:50:08 AM): And she has told me the other side of things
  16. (12:50:16 AM): And Mike was wrong on A LOT of accounts
  17. (12:50:22 AM): But wouldn't admit where he fucked it up
  18. (12:50:31 AM): So she made it clear that she didn't want to date him
  19. (12:50:37 AM): And he thought it was a test
  20. (12:50:42 AM): And it kept going and going and going
  21. 12:50 am
  22. (12:50:47 AM): And now they practically hate each other
  23. (12:50:49 AM): It's ridiculous
  24. Katie 12:51 am
  25. (12:51:30 AM): yeah. its a high school thing i think, but it hurts him i guess. he'll move on with time
  26. 12:51 am
  27. (12:51:54 AM): I hope so
  28. (12:52:01 AM): Another six months of this bullshit will drive me up the wall
  29. Katie 12:52 am
  30. (12:52:13 AM): haha
  31. 12:52 am
  32. (12:52:19 AM): He goes ON AND ON about how "she broke my heart" and "fucking bitch should burn"
  33. 12:52 am
  34. (12:52:53 AM): Sometimes I want to just shake him, "MIKE! You NEVER dated her. You NEVER said you loved eachother. ALL OF YOUR FEELINGS ARE BASED ON YOU HAVING A CRUSH!"
  35. (12:53:00 AM): He doesn't know the pain of having his heart broken
  36. (12:53:10 AM): I sound insensitive
  37. Katie 12:53 am
  38. (12:53:16 AM): ugh.. i wish none of us ever had to know that.
  39. 12:53 am
  40. (12:53:20 AM): ^
  41. (12:53:21 AM): Agree
  42. (12:53:26 AM): I mean
  43. (12:53:27 AM): My ex
  44. (12:53:33 AM): We were dating 2 and a half years
  45. (12:53:40 AM): We talked about getting MARRIED
  46. (12:53:43 AM): What we would name our kids
  47. (12:53:50 AM): And we didn't talk about it like, "IF we get married"
  48. (12:54:00 AM): "WHEN we get married" was the way those conversations went
  49. (12:54:15 AM): So it sucked so much more, being ready to spend the rest of your life with someone
  50. (12:54:19 AM): Only for it to crash down
  51. Katie 12:54 am
  52. (12:54:55 AM): ive never done that with a guy actually. its too unrealistic for my realistic self. me and brendan talked about stuff similar to it this past weekend though. first time like ever haha
  53. 12:56 am
  54. (12:56:42 AM): Huh
  55. 12:56 am
  56. (12:56:55 AM): To be 100% honest with you
  57. (12:56:58 AM): I am worried for you
  58. (12:57:56 AM): Guys KNOW what girls like to hear, especially when things aren't going so well. I don't think Brendan lies to you, but I think that he might subconsciously tell you what you want to hear sometimes, if only to keep you from giving up on him, you know?
  59. Katie 12:58 am
  60. (12:58:37 AM): i dont wanna hear that shit, honestly
  61. (12:58:45 AM): i love you, yes. i love that.
  62. Katie 12:59 am
  63. (12:59:06 AM): but i dont wanna hear about marriage and kids, fuck, i dont even want kids
  64. 1:00 am
  65. (1:00:04 AM): Yeah
  66. Katie 1:00 am
  67. (1:00:28 AM): i think a lot of things for the two of us got put back in perspective this past weekend. he came to school and spent the weekend here. it was j ust the two of us no interruptions or complications and it was the best weekend ive ever had. since thne hes been calling me/txting me all the time and he said i love you
  68. 1:01 am
  69. (1:01:57 AM): Hm
  70. (1:02:01 AM): That's nice
  71. Katie 1:02 am
  72. (1:02:26 AM): yepyep. oh well. iom not trying to overanalyze him right now. i need to keep up with school and job shit for now. boys are of little importance =]
  73. 1:04 am
  74. (1:04:30 AM): :-\
  75. (1:04:36 AM): That's unfortunate
  76. Katie 1:05 am
  77. (1:05:03 AM): haha well brendan is and will always be, but my problem is that i overthink and i dig myself into ruts. im sick of ruts and im happy now and want to stay that way.
  78. 1:05 am
  79. (1:05:34 AM): Forgive me if I sound rude
  80. (1:05:53 AM): But what you describe sounds like "I don't want to think about it, because I might realize I am not happy"
  81. (1:06:08 AM): Wouldn't you rather be honest with yourself?
  82. Katie 1:06 am
  83. (1:06:55 AM): i am honest with myself, and i am happy. i know im happy because for a good year i was completely miserable and i know the difference. thats all
  84. 1:07 am
  85. (1:07:51 AM): /me raises hands
  86. (1:07:54 AM): Whatever you say
  87. (1:07:56 AM): I am not judging
  88. Katie 1:11 am
  89. (1:11:23 AM): yeah i know im gunna go take a shower. ttyl. see ya friday maybeee
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