
F1 AIE Chapter 18

Aug 23rd, 2012
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  1. Formula 1 Anon in Equestria Chapter 18
  3. "Connected rooms eh?"
  4. >RD: "Yep!" she says as she scoots herself into the cushions of your couch.
  5. "And I'm guessing you're not going back to yours."
  6. >She puts a hoof to her chin and looks up to the ceiling. Contemplating the thought.
  7. >RD: "Nah."
  8. >Well isn't that great...
  9. "Alright, I'm going to bed. Have fun in here!" you say, beginning to walk towards the bedroom.
  10. >RD: "Wait, what? Why are you going to bed now? It's only 9 o' clock."
  11. "Because. Practice session. Tomorrow morning. I'd rather be rested than WO-"
  12. >Before you could finish your sentence. Dash has flown from the couch, grabbed you, and sat you down on said couch.
  13. >Rainbow, sitting herself down next to you on your left, pokes you in the arm and says "You are not allowed to go to bed yet."
  14. >Oh boy.
  15. "Oh yeah? why not?"
  16. >RD: "Because. Massive television. In front of you. We are watching whatever is on."
  17. >Massive television does make for a good argument.
  18. "Fine." you say rolling your eyes.
  19. >RD: "Good. Here you go!"
  20. >Dash passes you the remote.
  21. >Well not really 'pass', more like 'throw'.
  22. "Fuck!"
  23. >*catch*
  24. "...Right."
  25. >You get yourself comfortable by putting your arm up along the backrest of the couch and crossing your legs in a reclined position.
  26. >As you hit the power button. Rainbow snuggles into your side getting herself comfortable.
  27. >...
  28. >Whatever.
  30. >
  31. >*Good evening, you're watching the EBC world news.*
  32. >RD: "Ugh. what else is o-"
  33. >*Formula One's penalty enforced on driver Vinyl Scratch at the end of last weekends Grand Prix has been met with some criticism. Were the Stewards too harsh?*
  34. >That piqued both of your interests.
  35. "Scratch got another penalty?"
  36. >RD: "I would fucking hope so! But what do they mean by 'too harsh'?"
  37. >*During the final laps of the Baltimare Grand Prix, Scratch battled with fellow competitor Rainbow Dash for fourth place. Tempers escalated and contact was made multiple times on lap 56. Although Rainbow came out of the scuffle out in front of Vinyl, she suffered a minor back sprain.*
  38. >RD: "We know what happened. Get on with it!"
  39. >*Because of the incident, Bass Cannon Racing received a 4000 bit fine. Additionally, Vinyl Scratch has been warned that if she were to cause another accident in the upcoming Fillydelphia Grand Prix resulting in the harm of a driver, A two year ban from competing in the sport will be placed on her racing licence."
  40. >Holy shit. Yeah that's a bit much.
  41. >RD: "What the hell? I wasn't hurt that bad."
  42. >*Much of the outcry has come from fans of Bass Cannon Racing, along with a few others. Soarin of Wonderbolts Racing had this to say a few days ago:*
  43. >*S: "I would understand the penalty if Rainbow was hurt worse than she actually was. But a 4000 bit fine for something that minor? I feel like I need to line my car with pillows if this is how bad the penalties are going to be."*
  44. >*Click*
  45. >Annoyed slightly, you change the channel.
  46. "Enough of that. I was never one for watching debates."
  47. >Rainbow looks up to you from your side.
  48. >RD: "But that concerned us dude. We're drivers."
  49. "You want to avoid unreasonable penalties? follow the fucking rules. It's that simple. Vinyl knows that rough driving is heavily frowned upon."
  50. >RD: "Yet she still drives like that."
  51. "Some drivers are just naturally stubborn. I've seen some stubborn pilots before and trust me, that p0ny is one of the worst."
  52. >No one back home had such a disregard of the rules. I mean, fuck dude. Two penalties and a ban warning. That's gotta at least tell you something about her.
  53. >Although, you might have to have a chat with Celestia about these Stewards. Rainbow wasn't maimed, the most Vinyl should have gotten was a 10 second penalty and MAYBE a one race disqualification.
  54. >RD: "Alright, I don't feel like watching a deep sea documentary. Keep going."
  56. >*Click*
  57. >RD: "No."
  58. >*Click"
  59. >RD: "Nope."
  60. >*Click*
  61. >
  62. >RD: "Daring Do! YES! Keep it here!"
  63. >Daring do?
  64. >Oh yeah! You remember now. This got Dash into books, yeah.
  65. "Hmm. You know, she kinda looks like you."
  66. >RD: "Everyone says that. I'm thinking about going as her for this years Nightmare Night."
  67. "That'd be c-"
  68. >RD: "Shhhhh. Its starting!" she says, jabbing you in the side.
  69. >Ow.
  71. --
  73. >*DD: "You won't get away with this Ahuitzotl!"*
  74. >*A: "Oh, but I already have!"*
  76. *zzzzzz*
  77. >RD: *zzzzzz*
  79. >Yep. No matter how exciting this movie may be. You both have fallen asleep right there on the couch.
  81. ----
  83. That morning.
  85. >Twilight, being the early bird that she is, Got up and began to search for you two.
  86. >You're not in Dash's room so the only other place would obviously be yours.
  87. >Twilight peeks her head in through the door linking the rooms.
  88. >TS: *Yawn* "Hey you guys in here? OH MY!"
  89. >Twilight quickly retreats back into Dash's room upon seeing the both of you sleeping there.
  90. >Only it doesn't quite look like you two are sleeping.
  91. *Snort* "Wha-?"
  92. >TS: "IMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRY! I didn't mean to walk in on you!"
  93. >Walk in? On what?
  94. >You look down.
  95. "Uhhhhhh..."
  96. >Over the course of the night, Dash somehow got positioned in a way to where she is face down in your crotch.
  97. >That explains alot.
  98. >Okay. Slowly take the p0ny off of your lap, and...
  99. >*Thud*
  100. >Onto the floor. Smooth.
  101. >Well, shes a heavy sleeper if anything.
  102. >Personal check. Clothes are still on, zipper is still up. So nothing happened. She just slipped down. Alright.
  103. "It wasn't what it looked like Twi."
  104. >TS: "I bet."
  105. >You walk over to the door connecting the rooms and peek your head in.
  106. "Seriously, my zipper was still up. Were good. She got like that while we were sleeping apparently."
  107. >Twi exhales, then says "And here I thought she was giving you a quickie."
  108. >Damn, were all a bit blunt with each other this morning. Aren't we?
  109. "No, we fell asleep watching the Daring Do movie. Then we got like that somehow. Lets just drop it okay, whats for breakfast?"
  110. >TS: "The hotels got a huge breakfast buffet down stairs. Wanna go?"
  111. "Yeah."
  112. >TS: "Then get Rainbow Dash up."
  113. >Challenge accepted.
  114. >You walk back into your room to see Dash still sleeping like a log on the floor.
  115. >Getting down on one knee, you begin to try to get this equine awake.
  116. "Hey Dash." You say while shaking her shoulder.
  117. >Nothing.
  118. "Dash."
  119. >You shake her a little harder.
  120. "RAIN BOW."
  121. >Fast asleep. Snot bubble forming from her snout.
  122. >Gross.
  123. >Alright, Time to bring out the big guns.
  124. >You walk over to the kitchen in your room, grab a cup, and fill it to the brim with water.
  125. >Then you walk back to where Dash is laying, and while standing over her, proceed to pour the entire contents of the cup on her face.
  126. >RD: "WA- Pfftftfffftf. Ptoo- What the hell!?"
  127. "Mornin' sleepy head."
  128. >RD: "Geez, couldn't find another way to get me up or something?" she says shaking herself dry.
  129. "Yeah, exactly."
  130. >RD: "And why am I on the floor?"
  131. "You fell off the couch last night. Come on lets go to breakfast. Twilight and I are starving."
  132. >RD: "Okay, okay. Lemme get dry, dick."
  134. ---
  136. >Fast forward 30 minutes.
  137. >After having enjoyed a nice breakfast in the hotels very sophisticated cafe, the 3 of you have hailed a taxi carriage, and are on your way to the Fillydelphia Street Circuit.
  138. >Slowly.
  139. >Very slowly.
  140. >TS: "Sweet Celestia. Can't you get this thing going any faster!?"
  141. >The frustrated cab driver replies "I'm trying ma'am but the traffic is insane right now!"
  142. >TS: "Find a shortcut or something! We have 45 minutes before practice starts."
  143. >CD: "On it!" He pokes his head out the window. "WHERE'S YOUR TURN SIGNAL ASSHOLE?!"
  144. >Carriages have turn signals?
  145. >TS: "I completely forgot that this city is notorious for its traffic."
  146. "I bet we're not helping in the slightest."
  147. >RD: "Probably not, no."
  148. >A Formula One event does have a tendency to bring in a whole lot of people, p0nies in this case, to one location at the same time.
  149. >Whats even better is that the track is on an island, and there is only one bridge linking it to the mainland.
  150. >Granted, it does have 3 lanes on each side, but that apparently still isn't enough.
  152. ---
  154. >35 minutes have passed by and you haven't even gotten 3/4 of the way there.
  155. >Right now, you are halfway across the bridge. The track is in sight, but you're still pretty fucking far away.
  156. >Traffic is moving. But to be honest you could probably walk faster than this.
  157. >Dash, with her head in her forearms, says "Don't tell me we're going to miss the session."
  158. >TS: "We might be able to get there with 40 minutes left. That'll be enough to get some info on how the cars act here."
  159. >*CRUNCH*
  160. >Immediately after Twi finishes her sentence, Something forces the carriage forward.
  161. >All of you get thrown into the front seats pretty hard.
  162. "Shit. Ow."
  163. >RD: "What the fuck was that?"
  164. >The cab driver exclaims "Bucker just rear ended me."
  165. >Great. Car accident. Perfect. Just what an F1 team in a hurry needs this morning.
  166. "Everyone alright?"
  167. >TS: "Yeah."
  168. >RD: "I'm good."
  169. >CABBIE: "I'm used to this shit." he says as he opens the door to exchange info with the guy who hit you.
  170. >You all give unsure glances at one another, realizing your one way to get to the track has all of a sudden been rendered useless.
  171. >RD: "Now what?"
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