
RWBYKantoVerse Episode 5

Jan 26th, 2018
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  1. RWBYKantoVerse Episode 5
  3. Jalen watches as his Starly lay the last Wing Attack on Yang's Chespin to net him the win. Chespin is sent flying to a tree past her, all the while Ruby is filming this with a shocked face and Blake's wonder....Yang meanwhile is gritting her teeth and returns her Chespin and point angrily at Jalen.
  5. {You fucking asshole! How dare you!?}
  6. Jalen sighs and recall how they all got here...
  8. The stroll through Viridian Forest has been a pleasant one, both him and Blake spend the time getting to know one another...well, as best as Jalen could with Blake since she didin't really said much about her...all he knows of her is that Dark is her favorite type, she hail from Viridian City, and her 1st Pokemon is a Purrloin. She asked about him and he tells her that he hails from Pallet Town and have 2 parents who were decent trainers in their prime before retiring. His Pokemon team at the moment is his starter mon, Chimchar...and a Starly. Speaking of Pokemon, Blake managed to catch a Pokemon in here. She was able to spot a Skorupi of all things and after weakening it, she caught it! Naturally, she was quite happy about the capture and that inspired Jalen to try and do the same. Sadly, he didn't come across any Pokemon he wanted.
  10. However, he ended up being confronted by those 2 girls who stole his bike from yesterday...They came up to him from behind and before he could even speak to them about his bike, the blonde one(Who introduced herself as Yang Xian Long....And he couldn't help but notice how good looking she really was) challenged him to a battle. He could tell that there was something more to this simple request judging by her confident smirk and her YOUNGER SISTER(Really, that threw him for a loop...Luckily, said sister who is Ruby Rose told him and Blake that they have different moms) holding a camera.
  12. Yang doesn't hide her intentions and tell Jalen that she's not only gonna thrash him, but she have her sister filming it to share it with Inigo for his Epic Fails Compilations. Not worried about losing..Jalen accepts the challenge and the 4some head to a wide open part of the forest. Ruby and Blake are at the sides of the field where Jalen and Yang stood apart from each other. Yang started the battle with her Elekid coming out 1st against Jalen's Chimchar. Even tho Yang's a good trainer, it's clear that Jalen's way better than her with his 1st move being to Taunt Elekid and stop the Thunder Wave from coming.
  14. Ofc this angers both Yang and Elekid who runs in for a Thunderpunch, however Chimchar dodges it and throw a Growl out to further hinder the Electric Pokemon's ATK.
  16. Blake notes that Jalen seems to like to hinder his opponents and then attack with his fight against Inigo being proof, Ruby agrees and sadly note that even tho she knew that she herself couldn't beat Jalen...she had secretly thought Yang would win, but judging by how things are going...that won't be true. And to prove that point, Elekid goes down after some Embers from Chimchar hit him for multiple times while he was dodging Thunderpunches. Yang growls as she return her Pokemon and is understandably pissed...and send out her last Pokemon, Chespin, which makes Jalen return his Chimchar and send out Starly...And after a very one-sided battle...We find ourselves with Yang stalking towards Jalen and poking his chest with a scowl
  17. {You fucking asshole, why the hell are you so damn good!}
  18. "Cause I studied about Pokemon, possibly more than you ever did."
  20. Yang growls and rubs her hair in anger as Ruby and Blake walk up to the 2, Ruby with a nervous smile on while Blake have a more pleasant one.
  21. ^That was a rather good battle, Jalen...^
  22. "Thanks!"
  23. [I gotta're pretty good...You were able to take advantage of how stubborn Yang can be...]
  25. Yang turns around with a scowl at Ruby who meeps and looks elsewhere while whistling...
  26. She sighs and turn towards Jalen with a calm look and extend a hand out
  28. {Look, you're good,I'll admit that..but You do realize that this means we're now rivals, right?}
  29. "Yeah, something tells me that you won't leave me alone, so yeah.."
  31. Yang giggles and pull him to a hug, Jalen's face is very close to her big tits now
  32. {You're right about me not leaving you alone...cause me and Ruby will travel with you and your friend here!}
  34. "???"
  35. ^Friend...?^
  37. [W-W-We are?]
  38. Jalen's eyes are fixed on Yang's tits while Blake blush from being called a friend as Ruby looks confused...
  41. [Wh-What about his bi-bike? How will we pay him off!?!]
  43. Yang turns towards Ruby while still holding Jalen's face towards her tits with a wide smile. Blake notes that Jalen's eyes are looking at her tits and frowns as she look at her own smaller chest.
  44. ^(Damned genetics....)^
  46. {Why, we will pay him back with our company, sis! Look at it this way, This stud here gets to have not one, nor two..but THREE hot ladies with him!}
  48. She let go of him and allow Jalen to catch his breath...
  49. {So...What do you say?}
  51. Jalen look at the 3 girls before him..a nervously smiling Ruby, a calm and yet smiling Blake..and a beaming and sunny Yang with a wide smile.
  52. "(Just a min ago, Yang here was mad and now she's all friendly....Dad's right, women are weird...)"Jalen shakes his head of his thoughts and nods at them "Fine with me, now let's go and get out of here."
  54. {Aye aye, Captain!} Yang salutes and walk next to Jalen and begin to talk his ear off while Blake and Ruby shrugs and follow the 2. Along the way, Ruby managed to catch her 1st Pokemon in a Joltik. A moment both sister celebrated rather loudly...Eventually, the 4some manage to leave the Viridian Forest..and they stand on the hill before Pewter City.
  57. "Well, took us some time...but we made it."
  58. {Hell yeah we did!}
  59. ^I must admit that everything went better than expected.^
  61. [Well, what are we waiting for!?! Let's go!] Ruby runs ahead with a smile as Yang follows her. Blake shakes her head with a smile and walk behind them...Jalen look back at the forest and is proud of how far he came so far...And turn back to follow the 3 girls.
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