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Sep 16th, 2019
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  1. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `dates`;
  2. CREATE TABLE `dates` (
  3. date_key int NOT NULL,
  4. full_date date NULL,
  5. day_name char(10) NOT NULL,
  6. day_abbr char(3) NOT NULL,
  7. day_of_month tinyint NOT NULL,
  8. day_of_year smallint NOT NULL,
  9. day_type char(10) NOT NULL,
  10. week_day tinyint NOT NULL,
  11. month_name char(10) NOT NULL,
  12. month_abbr char(3) NOT NULL,
  13. calendar_year smallint NOT NULL,
  14. calendar_year_name CHAR(6) NOT NULL,
  15. calendar_year_quarter char(10) NOT NULL,
  16. calendar_year_month char(10) NOT NULL,
  17. calendar_year_week char(10) NOT NULL,
  18. calendar_quarter tinyint NOT NULL,
  19. calendar_month tinyint NOT NULL,
  20. calendar_week tinyint NOT NULL,
  21. fiscal_year int NOT NULL,
  22. fiscal_year_name CHAR(6) NOT NULL,
  23. fiscal_year_quarter char(10) NOT NULL,
  24. fiscal_year_month char(10) NOT NULL,
  25. fiscal_year_week char(10) NOT NULL,
  26. fiscal_quarter tinyint NOT NULL,
  27. fiscal_month tinyint NOT NULL,
  28. fiscal_week tinyint NOT NULL,
  29. PRIMARY KEY (`date_key`),
  30. KEY `idx_full_date` (`full_date`),
  31. KEY `idx_week_day` (`week_day`),
  32. KEY `idx_calendar_year` (`calendar_year`),
  33. KEY `idx_fiscal_year` (`fiscal_year`),
  34. KEY `idx_calendar_year_month` (`calendar_year_month`),
  35. KEY `idx_fiscal_year_month` (`fiscal_year_month`)
  38. DELIMITER //
  39. DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS PopulateDateDimension//
  41. CREATE PROCEDURE PopulateDateDimension(BeginDate DATETIME, EndDate DATETIME, FiscalYearMonthsOffset INT)
  42. BEGIN
  43. # These two counters are used in our loop.
  44. DECLARE DateCounter DATETIME; #Current date in loop
  45. DECLARE FiscalCounter DATETIME; #Fiscal Year Date in loop
  47. # Start the counter at the begin date
  48. SET DateCounter = BeginDate;
  50. WHILE DateCounter <= EndDate DO
  51. # Calculate the current Fiscal date as an offset of the current date in the loop
  52. SET FiscalCounter = DATE_ADD(DateCounter, INTERVAL FiscalYearMonthsOffset MONTH);
  54. # add a record into the date dimension table for this date
  55. INSERT INTO `dates` (
  56. date_key,
  57. full_date,
  58. day_name,
  59. day_abbr,
  60. day_of_month,
  61. day_of_year,
  62. day_type,
  63. week_day,
  64. month_name,
  65. month_abbr,
  66. calendar_year,
  67. calendar_year_name,
  68. calendar_year_quarter,
  69. calendar_year_month,
  70. calendar_year_week,
  71. calendar_quarter,
  72. calendar_month,
  73. calendar_week,
  74. fiscal_year,
  75. fiscal_year_name,
  76. fiscal_year_quarter,
  77. fiscal_year_month,
  78. fiscal_year_week,
  79. fiscal_quarter,
  80. fiscal_month,
  81. fiscal_week
  82. )
  83. VALUES (
  84. (YEAR(DateCounter)*10000)+(MONTH(DateCounter)*100)+DAY(DateCounter), # date_key
  85. DateCounter, # full_date
  86. DAYNAME(DateCounter), # day_name
  87. DATE_FORMAT(DateCounter, '%a'), # day_abbr
  88. DAYOFMONTH(DateCounter), # day_of_month
  89. DAYOFYEAR(DateCounter), # day_of_year
  90. CASE DAYNAME(DateCounter)
  91. WHEN 'Saturday' THEN 'Weekend'
  92. WHEN 'Sunday' THEN 'Weekend'
  93. ELSE 'Weekday'
  94. END, # day_type
  95. WEEKDAY(DateCounter), # day_week_day
  96. MONTHNAME(DateCounter), # month_name
  97. DATE_FORMAT(DateCounter, '%b'), # month_abbr
  98. YEAR(DateCounter), # calendar_year
  99. CONCAT('CY', YEAR(DateCounter)), # calendar_year_name
  100. CONCAT(CAST(YEAR(DateCounter) AS CHAR(4)), '-Q', QUARTER(DateCounter)), # calendar_year_quarter
  101. CONCAT(CAST(YEAR(DateCounter) AS CHAR(4)), '-', DATE_FORMAT(DateCounter,'%m')), # calendar_year_month
  102. CONCAT(CAST(YEAR(DateCounter) AS CHAR(4)), '-W', WEEKOFYEAR(DateCounter)), # calendar_year_week
  103. QUARTER(DateCounter), # calendar_quarter
  104. MONTH(DateCounter), # calendar_month
  105. WEEKOFYEAR(DateCounter), # calendar_week
  106. YEAR(FiscalCounter), # fiscal_year
  107. CONCAT('FY', YEAR(FiscalCounter)), # fiscal_year_name
  108. CONCAT(CAST(YEAR(FiscalCounter) AS CHAR(4)), '-Q', QUARTER(FiscalCounter)), # fiscal_year_quarter
  109. CONCAT(CAST(YEAR(FiscalCounter) AS CHAR(4)), '-', DATE_FORMAT(FiscalCounter,'%m')), # fiscal_year_month
  110. CONCAT(CAST(YEAR(FiscalCounter) AS CHAR(4)), '-W', WEEKOFYEAR(FiscalCounter)), # fiscal_year_week
  111. QUARTER(FiscalCounter), # fiscal_quarter
  112. MONTH(FiscalCounter), # fiscal_month
  113. WEEKOFYEAR(FiscalCounter) # fiscal_week
  114. );
  116. # Increment the date counter for next pass thru the loop
  117. SET DateCounter = DATE_ADD(DateCounter, INTERVAL 1 DAY);
  118. END WHILE;
  119. END//
  121. # Call by executing: CALL PopulateDateDimension('1970-01-01', '2050-12-31', 6);
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