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Dec 12th, 2019
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  1. # Here is where all messages can be configured completely.
  2. language-section:
  3. no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this."
  4. must-be-player: "&cYou must be a player to use this."
  5. reload: "&aYou have re-loaded all shops and the configuration file."
  6. player-invalid: "&cThe player entered is either invalid or offline."
  7. shop-invalid: "&cThere is no shop at this location. Please look directly at the base block of the shop."
  8. invalid-amount: "&cThe amount entered must be numerical."
  9. max-shops: "&cYou have reached the maximum shops you can have at once."
  10. shop-admin: "&aYou have set this shop to a &cAdmin &ashop. It now has unlimited stock and no owner."
  11. shop-admin-revert: "&aThis shop has been reverted from an admin shop and turned into your shop!"
  12. shop-deleted: "&cYou have destroyed a display shop. The shop's entire stock was dropped at the base location."
  13. shop-created: "&aYou have created a new display shop! &eShift + Right-Click &athe base block of the shop with
  14. the item you want it to buy or sell to finish the shop."
  15. shop-edit-invalid: "&cYou are not currently editing a shop."
  16. shop-invalid-item: "&cThis shop has no valid item to sell or buy."
  17. shop-low-stock: "&cThis shop is too low on stock."
  18. shop-buy: "&aYou have purchased &r{item}&r &ex&6{amount} &afrom this shop &afor &e${price}&a!"
  19. shop-buy-invalid: "&cThis shop does not sell items."
  20. shop-sell: "&aYou have sold &r{item}&r &ex&6{amount} &ato this shop &afor &e${price}&a!"
  21. shop-sell-invalid: "&cThis shop does not buy items."
  22. insufficient-funds: "&cYou do not have &e${price} &cto buy from this shop."
  23. shop-max-stock: "&cThis shop is maxed out at &e{max} &cstock (Max Stock)."
  24. shop-invalid-amount: "&cYou need at least &e{amount} &cof the item used by the shop to sell it to the shop."
  25. received-creation-item: "&aYou have been given &e{amount} &ashop creation items."
  26. given-creation-item: "&e{player} &ahas been given &e{amount} &ashop creation items."
  27. set-item-invalid: "&cPlease hold an item and set the item of the shop by &eRight-Clicking &cthe base block of the shop."
  28. shop-item-set: "&aYou have set the item of the shop. &eRight-Click &athe base block of the shop to edit the shop."
  29. buy-price-change: "&aPlease enter the new buy price per unit (Type &e{cancel} &ato cancel):"
  30. sell-price-change: "&aPlease enter the new sell price per unit (Type &e{cancel} &ato cancel):"
  31. withdraw-stock: "&aPlease enter the amount you would like to withdraw from the stock of this shop (Type &e{cancel} &ato cancel):"
  32. deposit-stock: "&aPlease enter the amount you would like to deposit into the stock of this shop. You have &e{contents} &atotal. (Type &e{cancel} &ato cancel):"
  33. item-change: "&aThe stock of this shop was dropped at the base location and the shop item was cleared.
  34. Please &eShift + Right-Click &athe shop with the new item you would like it to use!"
  35. item-change-amount: "&aPlease enter the stack size you would like the shop item to have (Type &e{cancel} &ato cancel):"
  36. buy-price-set: "&aYou have set the buy price of this shop to &e${price}&a."
  37. sell-price-set: "&aYou have set the sell price of this shop to &e${price}&a."
  38. buying-disabled: "&aYou have blocked players from being able to buy from this shop."
  39. selling-disabled: "&aYou have blocked players from being able to sell to this shop."
  40. stock-withdraw-fail: "&cThere is not enough stock in this shop to withdraw &e{amount}&c."
  41. stock-deposit-fail: "&cThe shop is either at max stock or you do not have enough items."
  42. insufficient-items: "&cYou do not have items to deposit into the stock of the shop."
  43. owner-insufficient-funds: "&cThe owner of this shop does not have enough money to purchase these items from you."
  44. shop-buy-bypass: "&aYou have purchased &r{item}&r &ex&6{amount} &afrom this shop! (Bypassed Transaction)"
  45. invalid-stock: "&cThe stock amount you entered was invalid. Please ensure the value is positive and less than the max stock."
  46. stock-set: "&aThe stock of the shop has been set to &e{amount}&a."
  47. stock-set-fail: "&cYou are unable to set the stock of a admin shop. Please re-create the shop to make these types of adjustments."
  48. deposit-admin: "&cThere is no need to deposit into an admin shop."
  49. withdraw-admin: "&cYou are unable to withdraw from an admin shop."
  50. limit-admin: "&cYou are unable to set the buy or sell limit of an admin shop."
  51. shop-set-owner: "&aThe owner of the shop has been set to &e{player}&a."
  52. owner-set-fail: "&cYou are unable to set the owner of a admin shop."
  53. too-close: "&cYou are unable to create a shop at this location since another shop is nearby."
  54. purchased-creation-item: "&aYou have purchased a shop creation item for &e${price}&a."
  55. preview-item-action-bar: "&7\u2B05 &aHover over the text in the chat to preview."
  56. quick-withdraw: "&aYou have withdrew &e{amount} &astock from this shop."
  57. quick-deposit: "&aYou have deposited &e{amount} &astock into this shop."
  58. limit-reset: "&aYou have reset the buy and sell limit of this shop."
  59. buy-limit: "&aPlease enter the buy limit you wish to give the shop (Type &e{cancel} &ato cancel):"
  60. sell-limit-set: "&aYou have set the sell limit of this shop to &e{amount}&a."
  61. sell-limit-reached: "&cThis shop has reached its sell limit."
  62. sell-limit: "&aPlease enter the sell limit you wish to give the shop (Type &e{cancel} &ato cancel):"
  63. invalid-limit: "&cThe limit value you entered was invalid."
  64. buy-limit-set: "&aYou have set the buy limit of this shop to &e{amount}&a."
  65. buy-limit-reached: "&cThis shop has reached its buy limit."
  66. selection-mode-disabled: "&cYou have exited selection mode and your current region selection was cleared."
  67. selection-mode-enabled: "&aYou have entered selection mode. &eLeft-Click &aa block to set your first point and &eRight-Click &ato set your second selection."
  68. selection-one-set: "&ePoint One &aof your region selection has been updated."
  69. selection-two-set: "&ePoint Two &aof your region selection has been updated."
  70. no-selection: "&cYou must make a selection while in selection mode first. Use the &e/displayshops sm &ccommand."
  71. region-exists: "&cA market region with that Id already exists. Please try another Id."
  72. market-region-created: "&aA new market region with the id &e{id} &ahas been created."
  73. market-region-deleted: "&cThe market region with the id &e{id} &chas been deleted."
  74. region-invalid: "&cThere are no market regions with that Id."
  75. market-region-list: "&aCurrent Market Regions: &e{list}"
  76. deposit-currency-admin: "&cYou are unable to deposit into a admin shop."
  77. deposited-currency: "&aYou have deposited &e{amount} &acurrency/items into this shop."
  78. claim-currency-admin: "&cYou are unable to claim what is held by an admin shop."
  79. currency-claimed: "&aYou have claimed &e{amount} &acurrency/items that was held by this shop."
  80. deposit-currency-fail: "&cYou are unable to deposit into this shop at this time."
  81. shop-not-admin: "&cThis is not an Admin shop."
  82. shop-commands: "&aCommand List: &e[ {commands} ]"
  83. command-only: "&aCommand only mode has been set to &e{status} &afor this shop."
  84. command-added: "&aThe command &e{command} &ahas been added to this shop."
  85. invalid-command-index: "&cThe index you entered was invalid."
  86. command-removed: "&aYou have remove the command at index &e{index} &afrom this shop."
  87. commands-sell-fail: "&cYou can't sell to a shop that has command functionality."
  88. owner-offline: "&cThe owner of this shop is either invalid or offline."
  89. buy-price-limit: "&cThe buy price you entered exceeds the buy price limit."
  90. sell-price-limit: "&cThe sell price you entered exceeds the sell price limit."
  91. shop-buy-owner: "&e{buyer} &ahas purchased &r{item} &ex{amount} &afrom one of your shops for &e${price}&a."
  92. shop-sell-owner: "&e{buyer} &ahas sold &r{item} &ex{amount} &ato one of your shops for &e${price}&a."
  93. invalid-stack-size: "&cThe stack size you entered has either exceeded the maximum stack size a shop item can have or is below/equal to zero."
  94. stack-size-set: "&aYou have set the stack size of the shop item of this shop to &e{amount}&a."
  95. deposited-stock: "&aYou have deposited &e{amount} &aof the shop item into this shop."
  96. withdrew-stock: "&aYou have withdrawn &e{amount} &aof the shop item from this shop."
  97. chat-interaction-cancelled: "&cYou have cancelled the chat interaction."
  98. trade-item-invalid: "&cThe item in your hand seems to be invalid."
  99. trade-item-set: "&aThe trade item for this shop has been set to your match your hand item."
  100. trade-item-similar: "&cYour hand item is identical to the current trade item of this shop."
  101. creative-blocked: "&cYou are unable to do this while in creative mode."
  102. blocked-world: "&cShop creation is blocked in this world."
  103. shop-delete-fail: "&cYou do not have access to delete this shop."
  104. set-item-blocked: "&cThe item you are attempting to set in as the shop item is blocked."
  105. insufficient-edit-funds: "&cYou do not have enough money to perform this action."
  106. successful-edit-transaction: "&aYou successfully performed a edit action for &e${price}&a."
  107. admin-help-message:
  108. - "&e&m---------------&r&e[ &b&lDisplay Shops &e]&m---------------&r"
  109. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops reload &7- Reloads all shops and the configuration file."
  110. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops give <player> <amount> &7- Gives the defined player the defined amount of creation shop items."
  111. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops admin &7- Sets the shop the sender is looking directly at to an Admin shop or reverts it from an admin shop."
  112. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops stock <amount> &7- Sets the stock of the shop the sender is looking directly at."
  113. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops owner <player> &7- Sets the owner of the shop the sender is looking directly at."
  114. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops buy &7- Buys one shop creation item from the server."
  115. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops <selectionmode/sm> &7- Enables selection mode for market regions."
  116. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops <deletemarketregion/dmr> <id> &7- Deletes the market region with the defined Id."
  117. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops <createmarketregion/cmr> <id> &7- Creates a market region with the defined Id."
  118. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops <marketregionlist/mrl> &7- Displays all market region ids."
  119. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops commands &7- Displays all commands with their indexes of the shop the sender is looking directly at."
  120. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops <addcommand/addcmd> <command> &7- Adds a command to the shop the sender is looking directly at."
  121. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops <removecommand/removecmd> <index> &7- Removes the command at the specified index from the shop the sender is looking directly at."
  122. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops <commandmode/cm> &7- Toggles command only mode for the shop the sender is looking directly at."
  123. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops delete &7- Deletes the shop you are looking at, if access to the shop is granted."
  124. - "&e&m----------------------------------------------"
  125. user-help-message:
  126. - "&e&m---------------&r&e[ &b&lDisplay Shops &e]&m---------------&r"
  127. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops buy &7- Buys one shop creation item from the server."
  128. - "&b\u2022 &6/displayshops delete &7- Deletes the shop you are looking at, if access to the shop is granted."
  129. - "&e&m----------------------------------------------"
  131. shop-options:
  132. # If this is disabled, Vault will be ignored and the built-in physical item currency will be used.
  133. use-vault: true
  134. # If this is disabled, transactions to shops where the owner is not online will be blocked.
  135. offline-mode: true
  136. # If this is enabled, the shops.yml will be copied to another file every time before it is loaded.
  137. shop-backups: true
  138. # If this is enabled, players in creative can not perform certain actions on a shop.
  139. block-creative: false
  140. # This is how long a shop must remain untouched before it is purged (In seconds). This can be set to -1 to disable shop purging.
  141. purge-time-check: -1
  142. # How long in seconds should the plugin wait before the player is removed from the chat interaction.
  143. chat-cancel-duration: 12
  144. # This is how many seconds are in between each shop base-block sync (Lower durations could affect performance, set to -1 to disable the sync).
  145. # The shop sync will remove shops that have no base-block or an incorrect material base-block automatically after the duration defined below.
  146. shop-sync-duration: -1
  147. # If this is enabled, the display item above the shop's base block will always be a single item.
  148. force-single-stack: false
  149. # If this is enabled and a shop is deleted, the creation item will drop as well.
  150. creation-item-drop: false
  151. # This is the auto save task interval in seconds.
  152. auto-save-interval: 900
  153. # This is the price the player must pay to get a shop creation item.
  154. creation-item-price: 250
  155. # This is used to enhance the format of the numbers displayed throughout the plugin. (Note: Set this to 0 for whole numbers)
  156. minimum-fraction-digits: 2
  157. # If this option is enabled, numbers will be formatted into a short manner (e.g 1.2k or 1.4m)
  158. # (Note: The 'minimum-fraction-digits' option only affects the number before this format, the short format has around three decimal places respectfully)
  159. short-number-format: false
  160. # This is the message the player must type to exit a chat interaction.
  161. chat-interaction-cancel: "cancel"
  162. # This is the DEFAULT base material of the shop itself. This material MUST be a block and will ONLY be used when the player has no permission based base-block or an invalid one.
  163. shop-block-material: "END_PORTAL_FRAME"
  164. # This is the data used for the material above. It is normally used to change wool colors in versions under 1.9.
  165. # (Note: Don't interact with this value if you are on 1.9+)
  166. shop-block-data: 0
  167. # If this is enabled, the glass display will be ignored.
  168. hide-glass: false
  169. # If a player is this amount of blocks away from a shop it will be hidden; however, it will re-appear when the shop is approached.
  170. shop-display-distance: 16
  171. # If this is enabled, shops players are directly looking at will only be shown. The "shop-display-distance" will not act the same.
  172. # Instead it will determine the range at which this in-sight feature will function.
  173. shop-display-view-only: false
  174. # These are the offsets for each material that allow you to mess with the entire display of shops to make them look
  175. # better on the base material.
  176. material-based-offsets:
  177. - "END_PORTAL_FRAME:0.5,-0.4,0.5"
  178. - "ENDER_PORTAL_FRAME:0.5,-0.4,0.5"
  179. - "CHEST:0.5,-0.2,0.5"
  180. # This is the hologram format that is used when a shop is created or when the shop item is invalid.
  181. invalid-item-format:
  182. - "&cEmpty Display Shop"
  183. - "&7Owner: &e{owner}"
  184. # This is the hologram format that is used when a shop is fully created and has a shop item.
  185. valid-item-format:
  186. - "{item}&r &7x&a{amount}"
  187. - "&7Buy from shop for &e${buy-price}"
  188. - "&7Sell to shop for &e${sell-price}"
  189. - "&7Stock: &e{stock} &7Owner: &e{owner}"
  190. # This is the hologram format that is used when a shop has a unlimited stock amount and has no owner.
  191. admin-shop-format:
  192. - "{item}&r &7x&a{amount}"
  193. - "&7Buy from shop for &e${buy-price}"
  194. - "&7Sell to shop for &e${sell-price}"
  195. - "&7This is an &cAdmin &7shop"
  196. # This is the hologram format that is used when a shop has a unlimited stock amount and has no owner,
  197. # but has no valid shop item.
  198. admin-invalid-item-format:
  199. - "&cEmpty Admin Shop"
  200. - "&7Please come back later"
  201. # This is the maximum sell price a player can set on their shop.
  202. sell-price-limit: 100000
  203. # This is the maximum buy price a player can set on their shop.
  204. buy-price-limit: 100000
  205. # This is the maximum amount size a player can set on the item inside the shop.
  206. max-item-stack-size: 256
  207. # This is the default shop limit a player can have at one time.
  208. # (Note: This can be change for each player via permissions)
  209. default-shop-limit: 5
  210. # These are the default prices for shops.
  211. default-buy-price: 100
  212. default-sell-price: 25
  213. # This is the overall maximum stock a single shop can have at one time.
  214. max-shop-stock: 1000
  215. # This is the block distance a shop must be from another shop.
  216. required-shop-distance: 3
  217. # Worlds in this list will not allow shop creations.
  218. blocked-worlds:
  219. - "creative_world"
  220. # Materials in this list will block shops from being created on them.
  221. blocked-material-list:
  222. - "PORTAL"
  223. - "END_PORTAL"
  224. - "LAVA"
  226. # Item materials in this list are unable to be sold in the shops.
  227. # (Please not that shops whom already contain these items will NOT be affected.)
  228. # Format: <material:durability> (Don't put a durability if it doesn't matter)
  229. blocked-item-list:
  230. - "END_PORTAL_FRAME:0"
  231. # This is the list where specific materials can be given direct limitation to buy and sell price.
  232. max-material-prices:
  234. buy: 50000
  235. sell: 25000
  237. # Here you can customize sounds and effects.
  238. # (Note: Make sure these always match your MC version)
  239. immersion-section:
  240. shop-creation-sound: "ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP"
  241. shop-creation-particle: "CLOUD"
  242. shop-delete-sound: "BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK"
  243. shop-delete-particle: "SMOKE_NORMAL"
  245. # Here is where the shop creation item can be fully configured.
  246. # (Note: The material is the 'shop-block-material' defined under the 'shop-options' section)
  247. shop-creation-item:
  248. display-name: "&b&lDisplay Shop"
  249. lore:
  250. - ""
  251. - "&aPlace &7to create a new empty shop."
  253. # Here is where the shop currency item can be fully configured.
  254. # (Note: This is only used as the currency if Vault is disabled)
  255. shop-currency-item:
  256. # If this is enabled, shop owners will not be able to change the trade item and this item will be used.
  257. force-use: false
  258. material: "GOLD_INGOT"
  259. durability: 0
  260. # Leave the display name and lore blank for no item meta (Vanilla Item).
  261. display-name: ""
  262. lore: []
  264. # These are pretty self-explanatory. You are unable to add new items, but ensure that
  265. # all materials etc. match your MC version.
  266. shop-edit-menu:
  267. title: "&d&lShop Edit Menu"
  268. # If this size is below 9, the menu will be displayed as a chest container. Otherwise, it will be shown as a hopper container.
  269. # (Note: This MUST be divisible by 9 and less than or equal to 54)
  270. size: 5
  271. background-item:
  272. material: "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE"
  273. durability: 0
  274. amount: 1
  275. display-name: "&6"
  276. lore: []
  277. stock-manage-item:
  278. slot: 0
  279. material: "CHEST"
  280. durability: 0
  281. amount: 1
  282. price: 0
  283. display-name: "&6&l\u25A0 &c&lStock Management &6&l\u25A0"
  284. # The placeholder {no-vault} will remove that entire line if the 'use-vault' is disabled.
  285. lore:
  286. - ""
  287. - "&aLeft-Click &7to begin the process of"
  288. - "&7depositing into this shop's stock."
  289. - ""
  290. - "&aRight-Click &7to begin the process of"
  291. - "&7withdrawing from this shop's stock."
  292. - "{no-vault}"
  293. - "{no-vault}&aShift + Left-Click &7to deposit all"
  294. - "{no-vault}&7currency in your inventory into the"
  295. - "{no-vault}"
  296. - "{no-vault}&aShift + Right-Click &7to claim all"
  297. - "{no-vault}&7currency the shop currently holds."
  298. - "{no-vault}&7shop."
  299. limits:
  300. slot: 1
  301. material: "GOLD_INGOT"
  302. durability: 0
  303. amount: 1
  304. price: 25
  305. display-name: "&b&l\u2219 &a&lLimit Manager &b&l\u2219"
  306. lore:
  307. - ""
  308. - "&aLeft-Click &7to begin the process of"
  309. - "&7setting the shop's buy limit."
  310. - ""
  311. - "&aRight-Click &7to begin the process of"
  312. - "&7setting the shop's sell limit."
  313. - ""
  314. - "&aShift + Click &7to reset the limit"
  315. - "&7counters."
  316. - ""
  317. - "&7Usage Cost: &e$25"
  318. change-item:
  319. slot: 2
  320. material: "DIAMOND"
  321. durability: 0
  322. amount: 1
  323. price: 100
  324. display-name: "&d&l\u2726 &b&lShop Item Management &d&l\u2726"
  325. lore:
  326. - ""
  327. - "&aLeft-Click &7to begin the process of"
  328. - "&7changing the item of the shop."
  329. - ""
  330. - "&aRight-Click &7to begin the process of"
  331. - "&7changing stack size of the shop item."
  332. - "{no-vault}"
  333. - "{no-vault}&aShift-Click &7to begin the process of"
  334. - "{no-vault}&7changing the trade item of the shop."
  335. - ""
  336. - "&7Usage Cost: &e$100"
  337. change-price-item:
  338. slot: 3
  339. material: "EMERALD"
  340. durability: 0
  341. amount: 1
  342. price: 25
  343. display-name: "&6&l$ &e&lChange Prices &6&l$"
  344. lore:
  345. - ""
  346. - "&aLeft-Click &7to begin the process of"
  347. - "&7changing the buy price of the shop."
  348. - ""
  349. - "&aRight-Click &7to begin the process of"
  350. - "&7changing the sell price of the shop."
  351. - ""
  352. - "&7Usage Cost: &e$25"
  353. destroy-item:
  354. slot: 4
  355. material: "BARRIER"
  356. durability: 0
  357. amount: 1
  358. price: 0
  359. display-name: "&c&l\u2716 &4&lDestroy Shop &c&l\u2716"
  360. lore:
  361. - ""
  362. - "&bInfo: &7All stock will be returned."
  363. - ""
  364. - "&aClick &7to begin destroy the shop."
  366. # These are pretty self-explanatory. You are unable to add new items, but ensure that
  367. # all materials etc. match your MC version.
  368. shop-transaction-menu:
  369. title: "&6&lShop Transaction"
  370. # If this size is below 9, the menu will be displayed as a chest container. Otherwise, it will be shown as a hopper container.
  371. # (Note: This MUST be divisible by 9 and less than or equal to 54)
  372. size: 5
  373. # This is the slot where the shop item will be replicated as a preview for the player.
  374. preview-slot: 2
  375. background-item:
  376. material: "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE"
  377. durability: 0
  378. amount: 1
  379. display-name: "&6"
  380. lore: []
  381. buy-item:
  382. slot: 0
  383. material: "CHEST_MINECART"
  384. durability: 0
  385. amount: 1
  386. display-name: "&e&l$ &a&lPurchase &e&l$"
  387. lore:
  388. - ""
  389. - "&aClick &7to purchase &e{unit-count} &7of this item"
  390. - "&7from this shop for &e${buy-price}&7."
  391. - ""
  392. - "&aShift + Click &7to purchase as many as possible."
  393. sell-item:
  394. slot: 4
  395. material: "HOPPER_MINECART"
  396. durability: 0
  397. amount: 1
  398. display-name: "&e&l$ &c&lSell &e&l$"
  399. lore:
  400. - ""
  401. - "&aClick &7to sell &e{unit-count} &7of this item"
  402. - "&7to this shop for &e${sell-price}&7."
  403. - ""
  404. - "&aShift + Click &7to sell as many as possible."
  405. blocked-item:
  406. material: "BARRIER"
  407. durability: 0
  408. amount: 1
  409. display-name: "&c&l\u2716 &4&lAction Blocked &c&l\u2716"
  410. lore:
  411. - ""
  412. - "&7This shop has blocked this action from"
  413. - "&7being used. Please inform the owner of"
  414. - "&7this shop for more information!"
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