

Jan 8th, 2018
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  1. SuperUser
  2. !setmultiplier [multiplier]
  3. Sets the multiplier in time mode to a specific multiplier, minimum of 1.0, max of 10.0
  4. !solvebomb
  5. Automatically solve the currently held bomb
  6. !runraw [any mission by exact fully qualified mission ID]
  7. Runs a mission by its full string. You must get this string EXACTLY right, including the case, or the game WILL soft-lock
  8. Admin
  9. !bomb [add|subtract] time [0d] [0h] [0m] [0s] [0.5ms]
  10. Adds/Removes time to/from the clock. If for example, you wish to add 2 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes, 22.542 seconds, use the following.
  11. !bomb add time 2d 12h 53m 22s 542ms
  12. !bomb [add|subtract] strikes [strike count]
  13. Adds/Removes strikes from the bomb.
  14. !bomb [add|subtract] strikelimit [limit count]
  15. Adds/Removes the specified count from the totatl strike limit.
  16. If the strikes/strikelimit added/removed causes the two of them to be equal, the bomb detonates instantly.
  18. ![id] solve
  19. Solves the specified module instantly.
  21. Mod
  22. !filledgework
  23. Fills the Edgework automatically for ALL bombs.
  25. !timemode
  26. Enables/Disables time mode. When time mode is enabled, the bomb will start off with 5 minutes and time is added for each module solved, at the rate of time multiplier * module score seconds, and adds 0.1 to the multiplier, to a max of 10.0. Strikes reduce the multiplier by 1.5, to a minimum of 1.0, and reduces the time by the greater of 25% or 15 seconds.
  28. !run [any mission by mission id]
  29. Similar to !runraw, except that this one searches for a mission id, and if found runs that mission. In this instance, make 100% sure you have ALL of the required mods for that mission, or the game will softlock.
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