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Jan 28th, 2015
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  1. "Are you-" Started Chrysalis, but Nightmare cut her with her gaze "Do you want to talk about it?"
  2. "No."
  3. Chrysalis placed her hoof on Nightmare's back, but the alicorn grabbed it and threw her against the carpeted floor of the hallway. In the moment it took Chrysalis to regain her bearings, she was pinned against it by her gossamer wings, and Nightmare's misty-eyed face was centimeters away from hers.
  4. "Snap your neck. Pierce your jugular or eyes with my horn. Bit your horn in just the right way to send you into epileptic seizures. Destroy your wings. Rip open your throat with my teeth. Punch you between your abdominal plates." She spat. There was hate coming from her, yes, but it was mixed with something else, something that, if nurtured, Chrysalis could live off "Why can't I get myself to do any of those things?"
  5. "Because you are not what Celestia told everyone you are," Too unstable, keep your voice even. "And those who really know you are aware of that."
  6. "And who do you think I am?" She clenched her jaw and got their faces nearer "Who is in front of the parasite?"
  7. «Concentrate. Don't think on how her breath washes over your face, or how-»
  8. «Stop.»
  9. "Someone who is angry at her sister for making the same mistake again and again, even when trying to fix it."
  10. "And?" The anger was draining, going away bit by bit as it had done since the moment her masquerade started to crack. Their faces where almost touching now.
  11. «Do it.»
  12. "Someone who has been alone for far too long, and someone who..." Who I want to kiss me right now "...knows too well the feel of betrayal."
  13. "What do you know about loneliness? How could the psionic bug know how it feels to... just..." Nightmare grunted and closed her eyes, trying to put some rein on herself.
  14. "You knew my mother. You once connected to the hivemind when it was hers. I know how it feels to be alone as well as you." No. Don't think about her, not right now.
  15. Inch by inch, Nightmare released her wings. Neither of them moved.
  16. "Why do you insist so much on me? On that you..." She left the word in the air, not daring say it again after so long.
  17. "I don't love you, not yet. Love needs to be reciprocated for years to really be such," Only raise my head a little, it's all I'd have to do "But I do like you."
  18. «Just lower your head. Please.»
  19. Luna's head fell a few millimeters and stopped.
  20. «Do it do it doitdoit!»
  21. Each looked into the eyes of the other.
  22. «I am sorry.»
  23. "Luna, stop," their lips made contact, and Chrysalis forced them to separate again "Not like this"
  24. "What!?" There was hurt and need on Luna's eyes, but only a part of the hurt was because of her and the need was shallow.
  25. "You are trying to... use me to forget about Celestia. No." Chrysalis stood up to a more comfortable position "Cadance asked me to make Cotton safer. We'll do that, and you will talk about how much you hate Celestia, is that fine?"
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