
#PastebinMonday 03/20/2023 So Now's the Time to Bring My Best Edition

Mar 20th, 2023
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  1. 'Sup, doods!
  3. The first step of my three step process of winning TA2023 is complete. I came into the match against S1x with the confidence to sweep him as I did in 2021, but not necessarily the level of play to do so. There were some shaky moments in the match while my hands tried in vain to warm up completely. My bodily circulation is completely FUBAR at this point. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not going to be able to have a reasonable warm up time before any match.
  5. So now's the time to bring my best to a matchup that I've had very little success in bringing my best to. FFR Pro is not going to lose to the times I posted on Sunday. I need to force in some time to practice while I fix up the broadcast videos from Sunday's matches. Looking at the broadcasts, I probably have a lot to do and very little time to do it. Quick editing is not something I am exceedingly capable of.
  7. Today's (permanent) extra streaming goals:
  9. Goal #5: script and record footage for my Puzzle League tutorial series. I have some scripts to touch up before feeling comfortable with moving on to recording gameplay. Maybe I do that part on stream? I still have not ruled that out. Then I will need to record my talking points and edit it all together. I definitely will NOT be able to do that on stream. I don't know if I can work on any of this during the tournament.
  10. Goal #6: clean up my own stream layout. I am brainstorming how I want the final theming to be. I probably want to give people multiple options, maybe allow spending bits to change the look. I don't have anything written down yet. I don't expect to get to this anytime soon.
  12. Will I have time to do anything besides last minute practice this Friday? Depends on the editing I have to do.
  14. That’s my life story for the week. Later, doods!
  16. --Cards
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