
To Nichole

Jun 1st, 2018
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  1. So I have some things I wanna say.. I know I was a pretty shit friend for god... months. I wasn't fully there for you, I let my problems overshadow yours. I took you forgranted 90% of the time towards the end of our friendship and I am completely and truly sorry. I stupidly didnt listen to you about so much.. and I've thought about it over past months, and i'm finally in a place where I can get my feelings out and let you know. I miss you so much and it bothers me we got to this point. I'm sorry I didnt keep my promises. I'm sorry I was selfish and took you forgranted as my best friend. I hope someday we can be friends again. I know it's a lot to ask, but I would like to have my smol ban back in my life. As for the account stuff, I think I misunderstood you when I gave you it. I thought it would be an account we shared, and then you changed everything on me. I felt like you took it, and for that I should of asked what was going on instead of just doing what I did. Taking it, changing the name, etc. I apologize for that as well. I don't expect us to be back to a point in which we once were, but i'd at least like to try againa fter talking everything out. But on your terms of course. Love you lots Nichole♥
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