Guest User


a guest
Feb 22nd, 2018
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  1. GuildMember {
  2. guild:
  3. KlasaGuild {
  4. members:
  5. GuildMemberStore {
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  7. '159985870458322944' => [Object],
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  20. '392524280149311488' => [Object],
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  24. '404217213873029120' => [Object],
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  107. '172002275412279296' => [Object],
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  122. id: '404439486030938113',
  123. configs:
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  173. user:
  174. ClientUser {
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  177. username: 'FratikB0T',
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  207. prefix: null,
  208. prefixLength: null,
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  226. reakcjaBlad: '377863507489718273' } },
  227. roles:
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  248. mentionable: false },
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  252. name: 'Elektryk',
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  254. hoist: true,
  255. rawPosition: 9,
  256. permissions: [Object],
  257. managed: false,
  258. mentionable: true },
  259. '410890211313188864' => Role {
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  262. name: 'FratikB0T',
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  264. hoist: false,
  265. rawPosition: 4,
  266. permissions: [Object],
  267. managed: true,
  268. mentionable: false },
  269. member:
  270. GuildMember {
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  272. user: [Object],
  273. roles: [Object],
  274. speaking: false,
  275. nickname: 'Idiotaa',
  276. joinedTimestamp: 1518034260337,
  277. lastMessageID: null,
  278. lastMessage: null },
  279. guild:
  280. KlasaGuild {
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  282. channels: [Object],
  283. roles: [Object],
  284. presences: [Object],
  285. available: true,
  286. id: '404439486030938113',
  287. configs: [Object],
  288. name: 'Energetycy Turbiny',
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  290. splash: null,
  291. region: 'eu-central',
  292. memberCount: 20,
  293. large: false,
  294. features: [],
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  296. afkTimeout: 300,
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  300. verificationLevel: 2,
  301. explicitContentFilter: 1,
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  304. voiceStates: [Object],
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  306. speaking: false,
  307. nickname: 'Idiotaa',
  308. joinedTimestamp: 1518034260337,
  309. lastMessageID: null,
  310. lastMessage: null,
  311. _frozenVoiceState: {} }
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