

Apr 11th, 2020
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  1. Key:Autism Listens
  2. Char Name: Gao
  3. Rank going for: Warlord
  4. What will you do with this rank: Cull resistance, and destroy the Ugandan Knuckles.
  5. Topic: Somebody is challenging your status, how do you respond to them?
  6. (you can request a different topic if you desire)
  7. Roleplay: A show of rebellion required a show of force in return. Gao was no stranger to this. Theirs was a will that would not be questioned. Utilizing resources, his actions would be swift -- sending out death squadrons to cripple their resources. They isolate their opponent. Leaving alone, powerless, and above all- desperate.
  9. At this point, they'd strike. Leaving them with no other way, but a one on one battle. But why give them the benefit? The might of the Warlord was in their ability to stand above the others, to show their elite status, and to topple any who would be foolish enough to contest their right. So of course they were underhanded. The pride of a saiyan was not something that the rebellious deserved, and so- a fucking ROCK is used. Bashing the rebellious party's leader square in the head. Hoping to topple them over.
  11. It was the just the start of the onslaught. Hounding on them, the Warlord Gao's vengeance is cruel as they batter their target. A maniacal cry; a mixture of rage and joy echoes from them as they seem intent on just outright killing them. Sparing nothing, their energy is expended into their body. Their physical blows pelt them.
  13. It ends with a toss up- into the air- "I want everyone to see what happens when you challenge me! Only the fleas will remember this whelp!" The statement booms out towards any, and all onlookers. A stance is taken up. Their hands are both cocked back- one over the other. Energy begins to concentrate in an open palm. "Galick..." A brilliant gleam of iridescent violet accumulates as if by beckoned by the word uttered. "....GUN!" It builds in power, and the culmination of it's power is a sudden expansion of it's size. An orb the size of the palm becomes a globe-sized object.
  15. "HAAAA!" Thrusting arms up, and towards the air where the body of the rebellion leader is suspended, and currently falling. Expelled towards them, with the intent of enveloping, and turning their body to dust.
  19. Alternative Topic:
  20. u are waiting on your map change and tay just logged out to go to bed. scott and ivan pull up from under a tree and start to engage you. they seem to be about b rank level on fresh drs, liekly empowered. you are a day 1 char and jordan/kamu are online as admins, what do you do ?
  22. I casually engage, striking at Ivan first with my agility, and strength. Throwing him off guard, but I keep the attack basic giving me room to evade what Scott may try to do. Ivan's cries in looc are silenced by a "shut the fuck up" and I continue rp as Scott is not likely to respond, and begin godmodding soon. Utilizing my stats, I call on an admin ruling mid fight as time has began to stretch too long. Scott is bound to say he has work in the morning... He'll retire.
  24. Ivan's confidence begins to wane. I exploit this. Pummeling him with moves that are carefully crafted into rps with descriptions akin to Scott's own. Rping that I effortlessly tear through defenses, and move seamlessly to dodge his attacks. On his own- he doesn't contest anything. With my day 1 stats also guiding me, and admins like Kamu, and Jordan supporting this through sarcasm, and hood antics I get away with Ivan attempting to flee, and Polokira surprise appearing to allow him to do so. I grit my teeth as plans are foiled, but I save Ivan in contacts from "the lavish lad" to "stupid br, kill on sight." And call it a night.
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