
Shinzui **Copy**

Sep 16th, 2016
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  1. Bio
  2. Spoiler: Hide
  4. Anima__Colonel_by_Wen_M.jpg
  6. Name: Shinzui Tenken
  7. Alias:
  8. Gender: Male
  9. Age: 21
  10. Birthdate: October 11th, 1991
  11. Birthplace: Death Valley, California
  12. Currently residing: Soul Society
  13. History:
  14. Spoiler: Hide
  16. Folks Need Heroes
  17. From his birth, it was apparent that Shinzui Tenken was going to be different from those around him. First of all, despite being born in America and neither of his parents being of oriental background,save for paternal grandfather, the child was given a Japanese name. Nonetheless, the oddly named Shinzui was brought up solely his father as his mother had died shortly after childbirth. Shinzui's father had to juggle both raising a child alone as well as work on a daily basis. Luckily, the man had a well paying job throughout most of his life and therefore had enough saved up to afford a few days off of work. The Tenken Manor was a ways off from town, nestled in the thick of a forest; as Alexander Tenken enjoyed the serenity that nature brought, as did his wife, Veronica. Lacking a maternal guide in his earlier years of life, Shinzui grew up without learning sympathy for really anything. This would continue to lead the child down a life of delinquency. However, Shinzui wasn't without any memories or mementos of his late-mother. Upon Shinzui's birth, his mother left him a necklace bearing a deep red claymore. During the earlier years of his life, Shinzui's father had never explained the reasons behind his wife's absence to Shinzui. The man hid the truth behind an ocean of excuses, up until the day Shinzui stayed home from school to be home all day. He was determined to spot his mother, to know that she was around and that she cared for him. However, as the day progressed and the young Shinzui continued to try and locate his mother, he gradually came to realize that she was not coming home at any point during the day. The moment Alexander came home, Shinzui rushed him with questions as to the location of Veronica. Knowing he could not hide the truth anymore, Alexander sat Shinzui down in the den and explained the truth behind Veronica. As the story progressed and Shinzui finally learned of the event's of his mother's death, the child was broken mentally. Here he was, a young age of seven years old, learning that, to what he believed, he was the cause of his mother's death. Dead to the world around him at the news, Shinzui merely got up from his seat, left his father's den, and proceed to go to sleep. For about a month afterward, all Shinzui ever did was go to his school with the same dead-to-the-world expression and come home to sleep. There had been several days that the young one did not eat which caused Alexander to worry about his son, constantly thinking that Shinzui may try to commit suicide.
  18. Shinzui kept up his appearance of being unaware to the world around him for many years. The young Shinzui believed that if he didn't get attached to anyone or anything, he wouldn't be hurt when they inevitably left him. However, one fateful day during his junior high years, he happened to be visited by another student while the entire school was on a break. On his off days from school, Shinzui spent his time sitting on the roof of his school, thinking about his life up to that point, contemplating on how it could always end at any moment. One of his classmates had seen him all alone during any group activities that happened at the school. Being of a friendly and determined nature, the female classmate sought Shinzui out. That afternoon, the two spent their day up on the roof and, despite the minimal amount of speaking that Shinzui, the girl keep persisting that he open up to her. She introduced herself as Serenity Skye. Finally, there was one other person who was able to break through Shinzui's cold demeanor, and for once in quite a long time, he was actually happy.
  19. On an unrelated topic, Shinzui's personal growth should be noted somewhere in his life story. Now, once Shinzui hit his junior high years, he developed another task within his daily routine of going to school, occasionally eating, and sleeping. The teen had begun to exercise as a way to vent out the day's frustrations. He kept up his exercise all throughout his life, which only improved as the years went on. By the time he had entered junior high, Shinzui was finally the same height as all his other classmates. However, as he transitioned from junior high to high school, Shinzui went through a belated growth spurt. Upon entering his freshman year, he had grown a whole foot in height and continued along this steady track of outstanding growth up through his senior year. At this time, he was an outstanding seven foot two and of excellent muscle conditioning. Oddly enough, the young man did not wish to compete in any sport offered at his school.
  20. Back to the story of Shinzui and Serenity, all throughout the remainder of their junior high and high school years, the two continued to hang out with one another, eventually culminating in the pair pursuing a relationship with each other. They began to date when they were both sixteen and it seemed clear to Shinzui that letting other people into his world isn't such a bad thing. Since Shinzui had his family's money to keep him well off for a while, he bought a small house near the family estate where he asked Serenity to move in with him. Things began to look up for Shinzui, as his life went by fairly well as the man moved forward in his life, earning a job as a fireman. Being a large man of good muscle tone and control, it was the ideal job for Shinzui, as he had no issues about lifting anyone or anything out a building. However, his whole life came crumbling down during his twenty-first birthday. That night, he had gone out with Serenity to dinner at a high class restaurant, during which he had intended on proposing to the woman. Like out of a fairytale, Serenity accepted the man's proposal and the pair couldn't be happier. However, just after the two were officially engaged, Shinzui had gotten a call to a nearby fire. Having the brigade just bring his gear in the fire-engine, Shinzui promised to return to Serenity and away he went, to save another life. Arriving on the scene, Shinzui had shown up several minutes before the rest of his team, and Shinzui could easily tell that the building was close to collapsing. Going against every rational thought pulsating through his head at that moment, the young man dashed into the house, determined to save whoever was trapped inside. Searching the whole house, Shinzui thought that no one was inside until he heard a cry for help within one of the rooms. Bursting through the door at the expense of breaking his ankle, Shinzui was able to rescue a small boy from his blazing room and escorted him to the door to the house. However, as they were leaving, Shinzui heard another voice cry out from the upstairs area of the house. Telling the boy not to worry about his sibling, Shinzui shoved the boy out of the inferno and into the arms of crowd outside. Dashing up the stairs, the burnt planks collapsed one by one as Shinzui made his way up. Heading to the room where he had heard the cry for help, the firefighter had found the boy's little sister. Knowing that all the exits to the room were blocked off, Shinzui swallowed his fear and went into action. He gathered up all the blankets and pillows in the room, along with the mattress, and had the little girl bundle up against his chest. He pulled the pile of things over the two of them and proudly looked forward to stare death in the face. Within moments, the entire house collapsed, sealing the fate of the pair inside. Just as the house caved in on itself, the rescue squad was able to arrive on scene and douse the flames. Sifting through the wreckage, the squad stumbled upon an odd mountain of charred cloths. Removed the cloths layer by layer, the squad could tell by the shape and form that was appearing as to who was beneath it all. With tears in their eyes, the squad moved the cloth until it was no longer there, revealing a charred Shinzui with a little girl held against his chest. As if by some divine miracle, the little girl began to squirm her way loose of Shinzui's hold, and down onto the ground, where she was reunited with her brother, both in tears. She then spun back around to Shinzui to thank him, yet when she got close and spoke to him, he didn't move...or speak in return. It was at that time that everyone could tell, that Shinzui Tenken, firefighter, hero, was no longer amongst the living.
  21. The Soldier We Need You To Be
  22. Despite knowing that he was in a fire, Shinzui felt oddly cold for some reason. Even weirder was the fact that he was feeling anything to begin with, knowing that he had just died. However, despite the idiosyncrasies that came with his death, Shinzui slowly rose to his feet while dusting the ash off of his body. Looking around the area he was at, he recognized it as the house that collapsed on top of him. It was in that moment that Shinzui realized one thing: He was, in fact, one-hundred percent dead. Figuring that there had to be some reason he was still allowed to walk this world and not pass on, Shinzui set out to visit his friends and loved ones to find any trace of anything that would be tethering him here. Starting off with his squad that he was in during his life, he could find nothing that was holding him back there. His friends had all moved on, although they did make a small alter to remember him by. From there, he made his way over to Serenity, hoping all was well in her life. However, what he saw at Serenity's home was not the outcome he had expected. Upon entering the house, Shinzui saw Serenity with another man. Now, not even a week after his own death, his fiancee had already moved on. Understandably, Shinzui began to become filled with rage at his love being forgotten so easily. Due to the rage in his soul, Shinzui had just given off a massive beacon alerting hollow to where he was. Deciding rather than taking the aggressive route and hurting anyone, Shinzui chose to walk it off and let his head cool. While walking about, he could not shake off the feeling that something was watching him, which he thought was rather strange, being dead and all. Playing it off as merely paranoia, he continued along the street until a hulking black figure stood before him. It's skin was pitch-black and it was nearly as tall as he was. However, what truly made the creature stand out was the oddly designed skull mask on its face. Hoping to be diplomatic, Shinzui spoke to the beast in the off chance it spoke English and was not hostile. Despite his words, the creature remained motionless as he spoke waiting till he was done. After which, the beast turned around and began to walk off. Feeling confident in himself, Shinzui stood there and waved the creature off...that is...until to whipped back around and let out a blood-curdling scream. Functioning purely of his fight or flight mechanism, Shinzui did the most intelligent thing he could think of...dash and meet it with a punch to its forehead. Thinking this would be an easy prey, the Hollow had left it's guard down and was staggered back by the blow. It was completely flabbergasted that a meal would chose to stand its ground and fight rather than run and make things easy. Getting annoyed by the, albeit strong for a human, annoying blows it was taking, the hollow clutched Shinzui's hand and forced him into submission. Shinzui merely hung his head low at that point, accepting defeat for what was about to happen. Just as the hollow had opened it's massive jaws, Shinzui braced for impact...and never came. In fact, when he opened his eyes to see what happened, the hollow before him wasn't there. It was replaced by a troupe of three people to introduced themselves as Shinigami. Grabbing Shinzui by the arms, they led his back to their home and world, known as the Soul Society, where he was to be trained to become a Soul Reaper.
  23. Gods Must Be Strong
  24. Shinzui was lead to a massive wooden antique looking door by these so called, Shinigami or Soul Reapers. The young man looked around puzzled as to where this door could lead as it suddenly opened as a black butterfly fluttered through. What confused Shinzui even more is that one of the Soul Reapers was seemingly able to hear the butterfly speak and respond to it as if he was given orders from it. Keeping his own personal feelings about the happenings to himself, Shinzui followed the shinigami through the door, which functioned as a portal to another realm. A blinding light overtook Shinzui and when he opened his eyes, he could see a world that was best described as Feudal Japan. He was lead through the streets of this new land where he looked out in awe at the architecture of the buildings. However, when he finished his procession into the town, he was brought to a large room where he was sat down beside several other people that looked normal, like him, rather than in black outfits. Shinzui was told to wait here and await squad assignments. Rather than try to argue what was happening, Shinzui merely nodded and placed his head in his hands to await his grouping.
  25. Faction: Gotei 13
  26. Rank: 5th Seat in the 8th Squad
  28. Appearance
  30. Height: 7'2''/86in./2.18m.
  31. Weight: 250lbs./4000oz./113.4kg.
  32. Physical Appearance: Standing at a towering seven foot two inches, Shinzui is a behemoth of a man. However, despite his enormous height, he maintains an incredibly low percentage of body fat, causing him to have a slender appearance. His eyes are a bright, burning red which offests his snow white hair.
  33. Clothing/Armor: Shinzui wears the standard black outfit that is generally required for all Shinigami. However, the way that Shinzui wears said outfit is what makes it truly unique. Feeling that the robes would constrict his movements, Shinzui constantly has them open while wearing his preferred clothing under it. Under his robes, Shinzui wears a standard white t-shirt with a black, longsleeve jacket over it. Before any fight, Shinzui will set his shinigami robes off to the side so as not to damage them.
  34. Visual Age: 21
  36. Personality
  38. Preferred Method of Combat: Shinzui's fighting style functions off using a style akin to boxing, allowing him to take full advantage of his usual height and weight difference
  39. Values: Shinzui's main driving force in his life is his pride and honor. He will do everything in his power to uphold the image that people look up to. However, he is swift with his vengence, should anyone besmirch his reputation.
  40. Attitude: Very laid back, Shinzui tends to laze around when not on the clock. However, once he is given a mission, he snaps to attention, focusing diligently on his work. Never one to back down from a fight or shy away from a challenge, Shinzui will protect all that he cares about to his dying breath.
  41. Dislikes: Of all the things that Shinzui can't stand, he cannot stand pointless death. Its because of this that Shinzui would rather talk his way out of a fight rather than engage someone.
  42. Overall Personality: A peaceful soul hidden behind a raging fist, Shinzui, under most circumstances, is a laid back and peaceful person. However, if provoked, he can lead the fiercest charge.
  44. Zanpakutou
  46. Spoiler: Hide
  48. Zanpakutou Name:
  49. Emperor's Wrath (Kōtei no Ikari)
  51. Spirit Appearance:
  52. anima__mukui_by_wen_m-d4inr7j.jpg
  54. Inner World:
  55. 400px-Shadowfell.jpg
  57. Sealed Form:
  58. Handmade-Zatoichi-Cane-Sword-Nodachi-Bla
  63. Shikai
  64. Spoiler: Hide
  66. Shikai Release Phrase:
  67. Submit to your master
  69. Shikai Appearance:
  70. CRVNWUv.png
  72. (one on each arm)
  74. Shikai Abilities:
  75. -Impact Shockwave: Kōtei no Ikari improves Shinzui's strength to the point where his punches cause forceful blasts of pressure to follow his blows. This allows him to attack at a range, as well as provide him with a means of dealing additional damage to foes within his personal radius. (Grants +1 bonus point to Hakuda for every 10 base points of Hakuda).
  77. -Will of the Ruler: Kōtei no Ikari grants Shinzui the ability to cancel out incoming Kido attacks, with the chance to reflect them if they are significantly weaker than him. (If Shinzui's reiatsu scores is at least equal to that of the attacker's kido score, Shinzui is able to successfully guard against the attack and even reflect the attack back to it's owner)
  79. -The Emperor's Seal: The first of the limited number of utility skills granted by Kōtei no Ikari, The Emperor's Seal applies a mark to the chest of a person of Shinzui's choosing. While the mark does not harm the individual it is applied to, it grants Shinzui the ability to know where that person is at all times, eliminating the ability for them to gain a stealthy advantage. The primary downside to the skill is that it can only be applied to one individual at a time.
  83. Bankai
  84. Spoiler: Hide
  86. Bankai Name:
  87. The Hand of God (Kami no Te)
  89. Bankai Appearance:
  90. No Change
  92. Bankai Abilities:
  93. -Divine Wind: In it's newfound Bankai state, Kami no Te provides Shinzui with a fitting bout of speed to match his immense physique. (+1 Hoho for every 10 points of Strength)
  95. -Fist of Heaven and Earth: One of Shinzui's only utility moves, granted to him by the boon of achieving his bankai. In order to activate the skill, Shinzui simply must kneel and strike the ground with his fist. In doing so, Shinzui instantly creates a pseudo-cage centered around him, preventing others from leaving the area until either Shinzui falls or he releases the technique. (Creates an inescapable arena one-hundred feet in diameter centered on where Shinzui used the technique. Those with lower Reiatsu score than Shinzui are unable to escape the arena until Shinzui releases the technique or he is beaten.)
  97. -Where Mortals Tread: A special type of Flash Step that does not function as normal, this technique simply allows Shinzui to appear in front of person whom Shinzui placed The Emperor's Seal upon. (Does not function off of the Hoho, it simply materializes Shinzui by his target)
  100. Favorite Kido: Hado #31. Shakkaho; Hado #4. Byakurai
  102. Skills You start at level 9, so split 27 points between these categories however you want (If you're a Canon, leave these blank. A mod fills in Canon stats)
  103. Level: 25
  104. Reiatsu: 35
  105. Kido: 10
  106. Hoho: 15(+4 in Bankai)
  107. Zanjutsu: 0
  108. Intelligence:20
  109. Hakuda: 40 (+4 after Shikai)
  110. Strength: 40 ( +4 after Shikai)
  112. Level Cap: 72
  114. [b]Name:[/b] Shinzui Tenken
  115. [b]Gender:[/b] Guy
  116. [b]Race:[/b] Shinigami
  117. [b]Canon/OC:[/b] OC
  119. [b]Visual Appearance:[/b] [img][/img]
  120. [b]Physical Description:[/b] Standing at a towering seven foot two inches, Shinzui is a behemoth of a man. Always functioning with a stern look and a bold stance, it would be nigh impossible to mistake or misplace the man in a crowd. Wanting to maintain an easy to manage look, Shinzui keeps his dark brown hair fairly short and his beard remarkably well kept.
  121. [b]Clothing/Misc. Items:[/b] What does your character wear on a daily basis? Are there any specific items that they might have on them at any given time?
  123. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual probably
  124. [b]Goals:[/b] What to they strive for most?
  125. [b]General Personality:[/b] In detail, try to flesh out exactly who your character is.
  127. [b]History:[/b] A life is filled with stories. What’s your characters story? What events or actions have brought them to where they are now?
  128. [b]Faction:[/b] Gotei 13, 9th Division, Member of the Gotei 13 Security Force
  129. [b]Rank:[/b] 3rd Seat
  131. [b]Physical Abilities/Power:[/b] Fighting is going to be a big part of this roleplay’s process. What are your characters physical attributes? How do they engage in combat situations? The stronger your character, the more detail expected.
  132. [b]Kido:[/b] Does your character use Kido? Please list all spells your character can use.
  134. [b]Zanpakuto:[/b] The Shinigami’s most trusted tool. A Zanpakuto is closely interlinked with the personality and soul of it’s wielder. All Zanpakuto’s have a spirit, a name, and a sealed form. Include here the name of your Zanpakuto as well as a detailed description of it’s sealed form and spirit. Visual references are certainly suggested.
  135. [img][/img]
  137. [b]Shikai:[/b] Once a Shinigami learn’s the name of their Zanpakuto, a secondary stage of their weapon is unlocked. Nearly every Shinigami has achieved the Shikai stage of their Zanpakuto. Shikai is released by a phrase, which could be as short as a couple words or as long as a poem, which relate directly to the nature of their wielders spirit and abilities. In detail, provide the release phrase of your Zanpakuto as well as a description of its appearance at this stage and any abilities that it possesses after release. Visual references are suggested.
  138. [b]Bankai:[/b] The final release of the Zanpakuto. Unlike Shikai, only a few Shinigami have actually achieved Bankai. Every Zanpakuto has a Bankai, but the dedication and relationship of the wielder to their blade determines whether or not this stage is achieved. In detail, provide a description of your character’s bankai and list any abilities possessed by your Zanpakuto at this stage, as well as their Bankai release phrase. (Please feel free to include your character’s bankai. Just understand that you most likely won’t be able to use it unless you train towards such circumstances in the roleplay. I will make exceptions every now and then.
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