
Shop inventory

Feb 2nd, 2017
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  1. /warp shop /warp crates
  2. 16 32 string iron sword looting 2, unbreaking 2
  3. 16 32 ink sac diamond boots protection 1
  4. 16 32 bones 32 bone
  5. 32 dragon head 15 emeralds
  6. 32 32 spider eyes 16 acacia
  7. 32 16 ghast tears 8 jungle sapling
  8. 32 32 cobweb 16 steak
  9. 32 zombie head diamond boots unbreaking 1
  10. bow power 1
  11. 64 cookie
  12. 12 name tag diamond shovel
  13. 12 lead yellow shulker box
  14. 12 gold horse armour 16 cooked rabbit
  15. 16 32 xp 15 lapis
  16. 32 32 leather iron pickaxe efficiency 2, silk touch, unbreaking 2
  17. 32 32 blaze rod iron chestplate protection 2, unbreaking 1
  18. 32 32 Slime 16 birch log
  19. 32 16 enderpearls 32 bread
  20. fishing rod luck of the sea 1, unbreaking 1
  21. 64 dirt
  22. 10 1 gold block iron legs protection 2, unbreak 1
  23. 10 1 lapis block 16 dark oak log
  24. 21 1 diamond block diamond axe efficiency 1, unbreaking 1
  25. 14 1 iron block diamond chestplate
  26. 8 1 coal block 32 coal
  27. 8 1 redstone block 20 iron ingots
  28. chain boots, protection 4, unbreaking 3
  29. blocks crate key
  30. 8 1 gold ore block 8 birch sapling
  31. 8 1 iron ore block diamond helmet unbreaking 1
  32. 8 1 coal ore block diamond axe, smite 2
  33. 8 1 lapis ore block iron axe, efficiency 3, unbreaking 1
  34. 8 1 diamond ore block 16 porkchop
  35. 8 1 redstone ore block iron sword smite 3, unbreaking 2
  36. 8 1 emerald ore block 16 grass block
  37. 8 1 quartz ore block 8 oak sapling
  38. iron helmet protection 2, unbreaking 1
  39. 16 oak wood
  40. 10 disk c418-13 16 cooked mutton
  41. 10 disk c418-cat 16 spruce wood
  42. 10 disk c418-blocks diamond sword sharpness 1
  43. 10 disk c418-chirp 64 pumpkin pie
  44. 10 disk c418-far 2 voter crate keys
  45. 10 disk c418-mall fishing rod lure1, unbreaking 1
  46. chain chestplate protection 3, unbreaking 3
  47. iron axe efficiency 2, unbreaking 2
  48. 7 1 cactus 32 raw fish
  49. 7 1 lilypad 64 xp
  50. 7 1 small fern 16 glowstone
  51. 7 1 large fern diamond axe efficiency 1, unbreaking 1
  52. 7 1 vine chain legs protection 3, unbreaking 3
  53. 7 oak leaf iron pickaxe efficiency 3, unbreaking 1/toke
  54. 7 dead bush
  55. 7 red mushroom
  58. 7 1 lilac
  59. 7 1 rose bush
  60. 7 1 peony
  61. 7 1 sunflower
  62. 7 1 blue orchid
  63. 7 1 dandelion
  64. 7 1 poppy
  65. 7 1 azure bluet
  68. 8 acacia sapling
  69. 8 oak sapling
  70. 8 jungle sapling
  71. 8 birch sapling
  72. 8 spruce sapling
  73. 3 dark oak sapling
  76. 10 2 carrot seed
  77. 10 2 pumpkin seed
  78. 10 2 melon seed
  79. 10 2 seed
  80. 10 2 sugarcane
  81. 10 2 cocoa bean
  82. 10 2 netherwart
  83. 10 2 brown mushroom
  86. 5 water bucket
  87. 32 cobble water bucket
  88. 16 sugarcane water bucket
  89. 16 carrot water bucket
  90. 5 lava bucket
  91. 32 cobble lava bucket
  92. 16 sugarcane lava bucket
  93. 16 carrot lava bucket
  96. 25 chicken egg
  97. 25 sheep egg
  98. 25 pig egg
  99. 25 cow egg
  100. 25 wolf egg
  101. 25 ocelot egg
  104. 16 lure 3 fishing rod
  105. 16 luck of the sea 3 fishing rod
  106. 16 unbreaking 3 fishing rod
  107. 20 mending fishing rod
  110. 4 raw fish 2
  111. 4 raw salmon 2
  112. 1 puffer fish 2
  113. 1 clown fish 2
  114. 1 saddle 1
  115. 1 lily pad 1
  116. 1 name tag 1
  119. 9 efficiency 2 iron pick
  120. 9 efficiency 2 iron axe
  121. 12 efficiency 2 diamond pick
  122. 12 efficiency 2 diamond axe
  123. 9 unbreaking 2 iron pick
  124. 9 unbreaking 2 iron axe
  125. 12 unbreaking 2 diamond pick
  126. 12 unbreaking 2 diamond axe
  129. 4 iron sword
  130. 6 diamond sword
  131. 8 unbreaking 2 iron sword
  132. 12 unbreaking 2 iron sword
  133. 8 sharp 2 iron sword
  134. 12 sharp 2 diamond sword
  135. 12 unbreaking 2 bow
  136. 12 power 2 bow
  139. 15 64 cookie
  140. 18 64 pumpkin pie
  141. 20 64 bread
  142. 20 64 raw chicken
  143. 20 64 raw rabbit
  144. 25 64 raw mutton
  145. 25 64 raw beef
  146. 25 64 raw pork
  149. 64 carrots 2 diamonds
  150. 64 potato 2 diamonds
  151. 64 melon 2 diamonds
  152. 64 seed 2 diamonds
  153. 64 cocoa beans 2 diamonds
  154. 64 sugarcane 3 diamonds
  155. 64 netherwart 3 diamonds
  156. 64 cobblestone 2 diamond
  159. 64 carrots 4
  160. 64 potato 4
  161. 64 melon 4
  162. 64 seed 4
  163. 64 cocoa beans 4
  164. 64 sugarcane 5
  165. 64 netherwart 5
  166. 64 cobblestone 4
  169. 64 jungle saplings 8
  170. 64 oak saplings 8
  171. 64 spruce saplings 8
  172. 64 birch saplings 8
  173. 64 dark oak saplings 8
  174. 64 acacia saplings 8
  177. 16 32 jungle planks
  178. 16 32 dark planks
  179. 16 32 birch planks
  180. 16 32 acacia planks
  181. 16 32 spruce planks
  182. 16 32 oak planks
  185. 16 32 moss stone
  186. 16 32 gravel
  187. 32 32 mycelium
  188. 32 32 podzol
  189. 32 32 grass
  190. 32 32 dirt
  191. 32 32 sand
  192. 32 32 obsidian
  195. 16 32 quartz
  196. 16 32 brick
  197. 16 32 nether brick
  198. 16 32 netherrack
  199. 16 32 end stone
  200. 16 32 white wool
  201. 16 32 glowstone
  202. 16 32 soul sand
  205. 16 32 ice
  206. 16 32 sponge
  207. 16 32 end stone bricks ???
  208. 16 32 red sand
  209. 16 32 purpur block
  210. 16 32 purpur pillar ???
  211. 16 32 hardened clay
  212. 16 32 packed ice
  215. 16 32 prismarine
  216. 16 32 sea lantern
  217. 16 32 dark prismarine ??
  218. 16 32 prismarine blocks ??
  219. 16 32 diorite
  220. 16 32 granite
  221. 16 32 andesite
  222. 16 32 coarse dirt
  224. /warp icecastle
  226. leather boots protection 1
  227. xp 10
  228. redstone 5
  229. blue orchid 5
  231. red sand 5
  232. polished diorite 4
  233. golden apple
  234. cookie 5
  236. steak 5
  237. lava bucket
  238. ice 5
  239. xp 10
  240. emerald 2
  242. endrod 5
  243. cyan wool 5
  244. water bucket
  245. prickly bush 5
  246. azure bluet 5
  248. leather 5
  249. lapis 2
  250. milk
  251. sea lanturn 5
  252. chain helmet unbreaking
  254. coal 5
  255. pink tulip 5
  256. bookshelf 5
  257. glass 5
  258. iron pickaxe fortune
  260. magma block 5
  261. slime ball 5
  262. emerald 2
  263. light blue carpet 5
  265. packed ice 5
  266. diamond 2
  267. dirt 2
  268. raw rabbit 5
  269. pink glass panes 5
  271. brick stairs 5
  272. grass 5
  273. lime wool 5
  274. yellow glass 5
  276. iron sword
  277. end stone 5
  278. dark blue carpet 5
  279. sandstone stairs 5
  281. acacia fence 5
  282. tripwire hook 5
  283. iron trapdoor 5
  284. stone axe efficiency 3, unbreaking
  286. polished granite 5
  287. dark blue glass 5
  288. white banner 5
  289. golden carrot 5
  291. emerald 5 ---------- 7 days
  292. lava bucket
  293. elytra
  295. fishing rod
  296. coarse dirt 5
  297. white glass 5
  299. iron pickaxe efficieny, unbreaking
  300. emerald 2
  301. stone brick slab 5
  303. lapis 6 -------- 7 days
  304. ghast tear 2
  305. diamond helmet
  307. iron boots protection 1
  308. red wool 5
  309. acacia door 5
  310. hopper 5
  312. raw chicken 5
  313. dark green glass pane 5
  314. allium 5
  316. vase 5
  317. creeper face
  318. baked potato 5
  320. large fern 5
  321. iron fence 5
  322. bread 5
  324. red tulip 5
  325. cooked mutton 5
  326. small fern 5
  328. dirt 5
  329. cracked stone bricks 5
  330. dark gray carpet 5
  331. lime dye 5
  332. clay 5
  334. fire res
  335. poppy 5
  336. yellow wool 5
  337. purple banner 5
  339. wood axe efficiency 3
  340. xp 16
  341. birch wood 5
  342. pumpkin pie 5
  344. purpur pillar block 5
  345. gold boots unbreaking
  346. redstone lamp 5
  347. snow 5
  349. glass pane 5
  350. mossy stone brick 5
  351. vine 5
  352. c418-11
  354. painting 5
  355. lily pad 5
  356. snowball 5
  357. glass bottle 5
  358. strength
  360. leaping
  361. netherrack 5
  362. emerald 5
  363. dirt 5
  364. redstone torch 5
  366. red wool 5
  367. red clay 5
  368. c418-chirp
  369. xp 6
  370. book 5
  372. purpur slab 5
  373. bucket 5
  374. magenta carpet 5
  375. purple glass pane 5
  376. prismarine brick 5
  378. mossy cobble wall 5
  379. jackolantern 5
  380. charcoal 5
  381. wheat 5
  383. c418-wait
  384. diamond
  385. swiftness
  386. cooked salmon 5
  388. iron hoe
  389. clay 5
  390. sand 5
  391. gold sword sharpness 3, unbreaking
  393. leather boots protection, unbreaking
  394. xp 16
  395. quartz pillar 5
  396. black carpet 5
  397. apple
  399. emerald 2
  400. xp 16
  401. iron ingot 5
  403. /warp icecastle villager trades
  404. c418-13 chain helmet unbreaking yellow clay 20
  405. c418-cat chain boots unbreaking orange clay 20
  406. c418-blocks chain helmet protection lime clay 20
  407. c418-chirp chain chestplate protection purple clay 20
  408. c418-far chain leggings protection light blue clay 20
  409. c418-mall chain boots protection red clay 20
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