
MAM Sparring Session 2011.0609 D

Jun 10th, 2011
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  1. [06:46:00] <Iced> You might have to do something if you throw mooks at us.
  2. [06:46:15] <Iced> But for real fights this seems cool.
  3. [06:46:26] <Sect> Hey, wanna try a mook fight?
  4. [06:46:33] <Natsuki> YES.
  5. [06:46:47] <Roukan> Alright! I will throw mooks at you!
  6. [06:46:51] <Sect> Wait for Zengar to get here, then us versus A HUNDRED.
  7. [06:46:57] * Natsuki is hit in the face with a mook.
  8. [06:47:05] <Natsuki> ... Not like that!
  9. [06:47:38] <Lloyd> Ahah xD
  10. [06:47:49] <rdj522> Ah, so Trap is different now.
  11. [06:47:59] <Natsuki> Spideryou'redead.
  12. [06:48:18] -->| JinTheFirst ( has joined #martial-meido
  13. [06:48:20] -->| JinTheSecond ( has joined #martial-meido
  14. [06:48:22] -->| JinTheThird ( has joined #martial-meido
  15. [06:48:27] <rdj522> o_O
  16. [06:48:35] <Natsuki> Oh crap.
  17. [06:48:36] <JinTheFirst> Hey there, ladies!
  18. [06:48:37] <Natsuki> Clones.
  19. [06:48:38] <rdj522> They're all gonna get drunk at us!
  20. [06:48:43] <JinTheSecond> We couldn't help but feel-
  21. [06:48:51] <JinTheThird> That you hadn't had enough Jin to go around!
  22. [06:49:01] <Iced> Kill it.
  23. [06:49:07] <rdj522> Painfully.
  24. [06:49:09] * Natsuki throws a bottle at Jin3.
  25. [06:49:11] <Natsuki> o.o
  26. [06:49:13] <JinTheFirst> D:
  27. [06:49:17] <JinTheSecond> D:
  28. [06:49:18] <JinTheThird> D:
  29. [06:49:30] <Roukan> (Roll initiative!)
  30. [06:49:32] <Lloyd> O_O
  31. [06:49:33] <rdj522> (how many times is your IRC client logging all this, Rou? :P)
  32. [06:49:42] <Roukan> (4 now.)
  33. [06:49:45] <Natsuki> ...Pff...
  34. [06:49:48] <rdj522> (17 + 3 Skill = 20)
  35. [06:49:57] <Iced> (Lol 6+1=7)
  36. [06:50:01] <Natsuki> 1 + 4 = 5...
  37. [06:50:06] =-= Sect is now known as RenPracticeMode
  38. [06:50:17] =-= rdj522 is now known as Chizuru|RollingMooks
  39. [06:50:26] <RenPracticeMode> 13
  40. [06:50:35] =-= Iced is now known as Kimi|FTW
  41. [06:50:51] =-= Natsuki is now known as Natsuki|MookStompings
  42. [06:50:54] <Natsuki|MookStompings> ^.^;;
  43. [06:51:01] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (I roll, you stomp.)
  44. [06:51:05] <Roukan> (Jins roll 14, 20 and 17.)
  45. [06:51:14] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (6 skill what)
  46. [06:51:17] =-= Natsuki|MookStompings is now known as Natsuki
  47. [06:51:22] <Roukan> Oh wait, skill not grace
  48. [06:51:23] <Roukan> derp
  49. [06:51:36] <Roukan> (10, 16, 13 then.)
  50. [06:51:58] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (Waiting on Zengar, then?)
  51. [06:52:09] * Natsuki is apparently a bit messed up from Kimi's beating. >>
  52. [06:52:12] <RenPracticeMode> (Nah, we don't know when he'll be back)
  53. [06:52:32] <Roukan> (Chizuru to start)
  54. [06:53:26] * Chizuru|RollingMooks looks at Jin 1 and smirks. "Hey, you know that punch I gave you that last time? That was just a warm-up!" she says as she goes to punch his face!
  55. [06:53:36] <Roukan> @dice 1d20
  56. [06:53:39] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (20 + 7 Grace = 27 o_O)
  57. [06:54:31] <JinTheFirst> (15 + 6 Force = 21. You get a +1 advantage, so 28. 4 damage!)
  58. [06:54:41] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (And Rapid Strikes to activate!)
  59. [06:54:43] <JinTheFirst> Baby, don't hate me cause I'm beau-OH GOD MY FACE
  60. [06:54:57] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (19 + 7 - 5 = 21)
  61. [06:54:59] <JinTheFirst> (RAPID STRIKES HIIIIT)
  62. [06:55:27] <JinTheFirst> (6 + 6 Force = 12. 5 damage. Don't forget your +1 for advantage!)
  63. [06:55:38] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (Noted.)
  65. [06:56:01] * JinTheSecond charges at Chizuru!
  66. [06:56:14] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (11 + 5 Blessing = 16)
  67. [06:56:21] <JinTheSecond> (6 + 6 Grace = 12)
  68. [06:56:30] <JinTheThird> EY! QUIT DODGIN'!
  69. [06:56:48] * JinTheThird is apparently the smart one, and goes for the little bunny instead!
  70. [06:57:03] <JinTheThird> (But he still rolls like shit, so)
  71. [06:57:06] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (You really like rolling 6 today!)
  72. [06:57:22] <Kimi|FTW> 16+6 force= 22
  73. [06:57:27] <JinTheFirst> Eeeeeeeeeeey! Wuz goin' on? Weren't I a genuine threat last session!?
  74. [06:57:33] * JinTheFirst attacks Chizuru again!
  75. [06:57:34] <Kimi|FTW> Karma~
  76. [06:57:45] <JinTheThird> Wait wha-
  77. [06:57:49] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (15 + 5 Blessing = 20)
  78. [06:57:57] <RenPracticeMode> (Hey, uh... do I get to go?)
  79. [06:58:10] <JinTheThird> (6 + 6 Force + 1 adv = 13. 4 damage!)
  80. [06:58:12] * Natsuki (Waves.)
  81. [06:58:16] <JinTheThird> (Wait, what did you roll on init?)
  82. [06:58:19] <Kimi|FTW> (Sorry. Confusion)
  83. [06:58:21] <RenPracticeMode> (13)
  84. [06:58:30] <Roukan> (Oops)
  85. [06:58:31] <Natsuki> (5~)
  86. [06:58:46] <Roukan> (Sorry, you go before mook number three, Ren.)
  87. [06:58:49] <Kimi|FTW> (I'll skip the karma to keep things sane)
  88. [06:58:57] <RenPracticeMode> (No, karma's fine)
  89. [06:59:04] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (So wait, who took damage there?)
  90. [06:59:08] <RenPracticeMode> (I'll go after three, go ahead and resolve the karma)
  91. [06:59:09] <Roukan> (That was Jin #3.)
  92. [06:59:14] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (Ah.)
  93. [06:59:18] <Roukan> (Karma's already resolved~)
  94. [06:59:19] <RenPracticeMode> (Put me on initiative count 12)
  95. [06:59:32] <Kimi|FTW> (Uh.... okay....?)
  96. [06:59:35] <Roukan> Done. Which means it's still your turn right now.
  97. [07:00:04] <RenPracticeMode> (Wait, did Kimi even attack?)
  98. [07:00:31] <Natsuki> (Just go. You're confusing me.)
  99. [07:00:33] <Natsuki> (>>)
  100. [07:00:50] <RenPracticeMode> (Okay... Anyways, attacking #3)
  101. [07:00:56] <RenPracticeMode> (With two spirit!)
  102. [07:01:05] <JinTheThird> WUZZIS?!
  103. [07:01:12] <RenPracticeMode> (Force/Grace)
  104. [07:01:28] <RenPracticeMode> (9+5Force+6Spirit= 20!)
  105. [07:01:38] <JinTheThird> (7 + 6 Force = 13. 4 damage!)
  106. [07:01:58] <JinTheThird> Owowowowowowow
  107. [07:02:07] <JinTheFirst> OK, NOW DO I GET TO PUNCH SOMEONE?!
  108. [07:02:13] * JinTheFirst charges at Chizuru again!
  109. [07:02:18] <Natsuki> (... Um.)
  110. [07:02:21] <Natsuki> (Hai.)
  111. [07:02:23] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (;_;)
  112. [07:02:34] <JinTheSecond> (Jin rolled 10, you rolled 5)
  113. [07:02:36] <RenPracticeMode> (No, Natsuki, #1 goes before you.)
  114. [07:02:43] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (1 + 5 Blessing = 6)
  115. [07:03:01] <JinTheFirst> (3 + 6 Grave = 9. Because of your +1 bonus, you only take 1 damage)
  116. [07:03:02] <Natsuki> (... But didn't he go second?)
  117. [07:03:19] <RenPracticeMode> (No, number three did)
  118. [07:03:21] <JinTheFirst> (No, that was Jin #2. Then Jin #3, and finally Jin #1.)
  119. [07:03:28] * Chizuru|RollingMooks stands her ground.
  120. [07:03:35] <JinTheFirst> (Next. Kimi!)
  121. [07:03:57] <JinTheFirst> (Jins 1 and 3 are looking ropey.)
  122. [07:04:08] <Kimi|FTW> #3 = face broken (18+7 blessing)
  123. [07:04:54] <JinTheThird> (16 + 6 + 1 adv = 23. 1 damage!)
  124. [07:05:10] <JinTheThird> (His face remains tragically unbroken.)
  125. [07:05:12] <Kimi|FTW> (One day I'll fight someone who doesn't have advantage....)
  126. [07:05:14] <Roukan> Natsuki?
  127. [07:05:28] * Natsuki attacks Jin 2!
  128. [07:05:40] <JinTheSecond> Eyy, 'bout time a lady gave me some attention!
  129. [07:05:42] <Natsuki> 19 + 5 = 24!
  130. [07:05:54] <JinTheSecond> (What type?)
  131. [07:06:02] <Natsuki> (Grace.)
  132. [07:06:15] <JinTheSecond> (6 + 6 Force = 12. Adding your +1 advantage, that's 7 damage!)
  133. [07:06:21] * Natsuki slicesliceslices~
  134. [07:06:23] <JinTheSecond> Oof! Bad attention! Bad attention! >_<
  135. [07:06:37] <Roukan> And we're back around to Chizuru.
  136. [07:06:39] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (someone needs to roll Affection and see how they react :P)
  137. [07:07:04] * Chizuru|RollingMooks glances between Jin 1 and Jin 3, and decides to see if she can take them both out in the same round!
  138. [07:07:12] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (attack Jin 1, using 1 spirit
  139. [07:07:30] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (16 + 7 Grace + 2 spirit + 1 advantage = 26)
  140. [07:07:45] |<-- JinTheFirst has left (Quit: MY BEAUTIFUL FAAAAAAAAAAACE)
  141. [07:07:52] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (bahahaha)
  142. [07:07:59] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (Rapid Strikes on 3, also with 1 spirit)
  143. [07:08:15] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (5 + 7 + 2 + 1 - 5 = 10)
  144. [07:08:24] <JinTheThird> (Rapid Strikes never hit. 10 on the dice.)
  145. [07:08:31] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> :<
  146. [07:08:58] <JinTheSecond> EY U! Y U PUNCH MY FRIEND?!!??!
  147. [07:09:06] * JinTheSecond stumbles into Chizuru!
  148. [07:09:14] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> Learn to use proper spelling! >_<
  149. [07:09:23] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (...)
  150. [07:09:29] <JinTheSecond> (I DUN NEED SPELLIN, I HAZ DAMAJ!)
  151. [07:09:30] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (1 + 5 Blessing = 6)
  152. [07:09:52] <JinTheSecond> (17 + 6 Grace = 23. Adding in your +1 advantage...8 damage.)
  153. [07:10:04] <JinTheThird> Eeey! We're gettin' somewhere!
  154. [07:10:16] * Chizuru|RollingMooks stumbles, but catches herself.
  155. [07:10:16] * JinTheThird decides to emulate his partner's luck, wailing in on Chizuru!
  156. [07:10:27] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (oh come on guys give a lady a break ;_;)
  157. [07:10:36] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (10)
  158. [07:10:38] <JinTheThird> (Oh man)
  159. [07:10:48] <Kimi|FTW> Hey! :<
  160. [07:11:05] <JinTheThird> (20 + 6 Grace = 26. Adding in your +1 advantage, it's still 8 damage.)
  161. [07:11:06] <RenPracticeMode> "Chizuru! Watch out!"
  162. [07:11:27] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> I guess I'm not really focused today...
  163. [07:11:38] * JinTheThird turns drunken steps into an art form, mumbling something about Cat's Random Walk...
  164. [07:11:49] <Roukan> Ren to go
  165. [07:12:05] <RenPracticeMode> Attacks #3! (F17 S4 1 for 1 Spirit 1 F16 S4)
  166. [07:12:06] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (16 damage in two hits, though...ow)
  167. [07:12:25] <JinTheThird> (3 + 6 Force = 9)
  168. [07:12:37] <RenPracticeMode> (... you, uh, rolled 1d6)
  169. [07:12:50] <RenPracticeMode> (10 + 5 Force + 3 Spirit = 18)
  170. [07:12:52] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (you just had to tell him)
  171. [07:12:58] <RenPracticeMode> ( :/)
  172. [07:12:58] <JinTheThird> (Yeah, rolled a 20. :V)
  173. [07:13:11] <JinTheThird> (NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED, REN.)
  174. [07:13:17] <RenPracticeMode> (... +1 spirit for honesty?)
  175. [07:13:31] <Roukan> (Kimi! Learn from your partner's mistake. THE GM IS NOT YOUR FRIEND.)
  176. [07:13:44] * Roukan gives Ren 1 favour for honesty.
  177. [07:13:56] -->| ZengarZombolt (DGGXAM001@E66A8ADD.68EBBB8B.20249325.IP) has joined #martial-meido
  178. [07:13:56] <Roukan> DO NOT SAY I AM NOT A KIND GM.
  179. [07:14:02] <RenPracticeMode> (Wait, really?)
  180. [07:14:04] <Kimi|FTW> Fuck
  181. [07:14:14] <Kimi|FTW> Whiff
  182. [07:14:17] <Roukan> (Why not? :V)
  183. [07:14:27] <RenPracticeMode> (... Ouch, Kimi...)
  184. [07:14:32] <JinTheSecond> (Which one did you attack?)
  185. [07:14:49] <Kimi|FTW> 3
  186. [07:14:56] <JinTheThird> Countaaaaaaaaaaaa
  187. [07:15:10] <JinTheThird> (11 + 6 Grace = 17)
  188. [07:15:16] <Kimi|FTW> 12 force
  189. [07:15:30] <JinTheThird> (+1 to Jin for advantage. Either way, 3 damage.)
  190. [07:15:37] <Roukan> Natsuki!
  191. [07:15:56] <Natsuki> (Mm, let's see...)
  192. [07:16:24] * Natsuki slices Jin2 again. 11 + 5 = 16.
  193. [07:16:28] <ZengarZombolt> (Is this a 4 sided battle?)
  194. [07:16:35] <Natsuki> (Mook fight.)
  195. [07:16:38] <RenPracticeMode> (4 on 3)
  196. [07:16:42] <ZengarZombolt> (Oh wait, it's Jin.)
  197. [07:16:56] <RenPracticeMode> (He learned how to asexually reproduce)
  198. [07:17:02] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (Mitosis!)
  199. [07:17:02] <JinTheSecond> (11 + 6 Force = 17. Miss, even with advantage!)
  200. [07:17:11] <Roukan> (Back to Chizuru again!
  201. [07:17:11] <Roukan> )
  202. [07:17:35] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> Ugh... You think I'm gonna let that double-team go unpunished?
  203. [07:17:38] * JinTheSecond starts performing the MC Hammer dance. "Canned tuchis..."
  204. [07:17:39] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (attack on 3, with 2 spirit!)
  205. [07:18:01] <JinTheThird> (1 + 6 Force = 7. :ohdear:)
  206. [07:18:03] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (5 + 7 Grace + 4 spirit + 1 advantage = 17)
  207. [07:18:12] <RenPracticeMode> (WHAM!)
  208. [07:18:21] |<-- JinTheThird has left (Quit: WHAM, BAM, THANK YOU, MA'AM!)
  209. [07:18:33] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (Rapid Strikes on 2, with 1 spirit!)
  210. [07:18:38] <JinTheSecond> QUIT PUNCHIN' OUT ALL MY FWENDS! ;_;
  211. [07:18:49] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> (14 + 7 + 2 + 1 - 5 = 19)
  212. [07:18:51] <JinTheSecond> (10 Force)
  213. [07:18:57] <RenPracticeMode> Hey, Jin? Roukan said to knock ya out.
  214. [07:19:19] |<-- JinTheSecond has left (Quit: SHE'S GONNA KNOCK ME OUT! PAPA SAID KNOCK ME OUT! >_<)
  215. [07:19:28] <Chizuru|RollingMooks> :FFvictorytheme.wav:
  216. [07:19:32] <Kimi|FTW> Lower HP?
  217. [07:19:34] <RenPracticeMode> Yay.
  218. [07:19:36] <Roukan> They're mooks, so.
  219. [07:19:39] =-= Kimi|FTW is now known as Iced
  220. [07:19:42] =-= Chizuru|RollingMooks is now known as rdj522
  221. [07:19:43] <Iced> Good plan/
  222. [07:19:43] <Roukan> They had 12 Fort each.
  223. [07:19:46] <ZengarZombolt> Ahem.
  224. [07:19:52] <ZengarZombolt> YOU JUST GOT PWND
  225. [07:19:56] <ZengarZombolt> FTW~~~~
  226. [07:19:59] <Roukan> How's Chizuru?
  227. [07:20:07] <rdj522> Was down to 3 Fort there.
  228. [07:20:11] <Roukan> whoa. :o
  229. [07:20:30] <Natsuki> >>
  230. [07:20:41] * Natsuki applies healing to Chizuru.
  231. [07:20:58] <rdj522> Chizuru is grateful for the treatment!
  232. [07:21:28] <Roukan> So, how'd it go?
  233. [07:21:35] <Roukan> Besides that one moment where Karma got confusing.
  234. [07:21:55] <Iced> Other then that it went well.
  235. [07:22:03] <rdj522> I rather like Rapid Strikes. :3c
  236. [07:22:19] <Natsuki> I forgot to use my Stun again...
  237. [07:22:21] <Natsuki> I think...
  238. [07:22:27] <Roukan> Ah. :V
  239. [07:22:31] <Natsuki> Yeah, I did.
  240. [07:22:33] * Natsuki facepalms.
  241. [07:22:51] =-= RenPracticeMode is now known as Sect
  242. [07:23:04] <Sect> It's nice to not get my ass handed to me.
  243. [07:23:17] <ZengarZombolt> You better post logs people. >:|
  244. [07:23:41] <Lloyd> H-hai! o-o;;;;
  245. [07:28:01] <ZengarZombolt> I guess we're done with practicing today, then.
  246. [07:28:06] <rdj522> Good show, everyone.
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