
Lesta Nediam LNC2015-12-30 0315 +st0rmforce

Dec 29th, 2015
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2015-12-30 0315 +st0rmforce
  4. __
  7. +st0rmforce __ Let us agree on something. *You wrote:* _"If they released videos of the crew performing tasks inside, that looked like they were in microgravity and were long enough to rule out a parabolic flight, that's another point."_ <<< This is the only thing that matters. The other points you have made are irrelevant. *Imagine a compulsive liar telling you about a trip to Thailand that he never went on.* He could describe it in vivid detail. *He could even have one of his compulsive lying friends verify his "holiday".* But without photos and video to prove it we should remain skeptical (because - _after all_ - he is a compulsive liar). It is not paranoia to wonder, _"My friend can give so many details but yet where are any of his photos?!"_
  9. Just as it is not paranoia to reasonably to expect some photos of our compulsive liar's (imaginary) trip to Thailand so too it is not paranoia to expect footage of a zero gravity environment given that it is the only way (apart from _being there_) that we can know it is real. *And sustained duration zero gravity footage is the only way we can know that it is permanent.* The alleged "ISS" purports to be a permanent "micro/zero gravity [work, rest and play] environment".
  11. *Therefore, despite everything else - the only thing that can necessarily prove someone is in a permanent micro/zero gravity environment is if we can see sustained duration zero gravity footage that is free from clever cuts, sneaky edits and misdirecting pans.*
  13. We must not ever assume the conclusion. When we doubt the alleged "ISS" we are NOT doubting the bright flash that whizzes past in the sky (no one disputes that exists) - what we are REALLY skeptical of is the PERMANENT ZERO/MICRO GRAVITY ENVIRONMENT. That's all. And it is not at all paranoid to explore that claim. If we are skeptical of a claim about "permanent zero gravity" then we must look for sustained duration footage that's of a fixed camera and continuous.
  15. If YOU are NOT skeptical of that claim then you should have nothing to fear or worry about by exploring this issue. If the alleged "ISS" is real then this will be the easiest thing in the world for you to talk about. There are dozens of cameras aboard the alleged "ISS" and there are hundreds of videos. Some go for an hour or more. There is no need to feel uncomfortable and there is no need to make excuses about the existing footage. There is also no need to control the conversation and turn it back onto something else (away from the footage).
  17. Quite simply, all of the other points are irrelevant. The question we are asking is not "is it likely?" Rather, we are asking "is it true?" We are looking for CERTAINTY (as much as we can without being there) and footage that has been filmed by people purporting to be there must be our satisfactory substitute.
  19. There are of course ways to simulate zero gravity. You have already mentioned "parabolic flights". There are perhaps many other methods. For example, a person could be in a water tank that has been prepared in such a way so as to simulate "zero gravity" (i.e., neutral buoyancy). Of course - if a person is underwater then they must hold their breath! That is to say - it would not be possible to show continuous footage of a person underwater if the "water" part could be rendered invisible and so such footage would necessarily contain edits (during those moments of taking in air).
  21. *So before we continue to the next point can we agree in principle that the ONLY way for us on the ground to KNOW WITH AS MUCH CERTAINTY AS WE CAN WITHOUT ACTUALLY BEING THERE* is to have "sustained duration zero gravity footage that remains free from clever cuts, sneaky edits and misdirecting pans"? And that if such footage were to exist then it would constitute as proof? (And would be better "proof" than anything else.) Furthermore - if you are confident that the alleged "ISS" is real then this should not be controversial. Can we get agreement on this?
  25. __________________________________________
  26. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  29. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  32. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  35. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
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