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Sep 19th, 2014
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  1. I suppose this shall be my final post on the Independence referendum.
  3. I don't know how I could have misread everything as much as I did, amongst the people I know it was 75-90% in favour of Yes. Which I initially thought to be a confirmation bias but then it was backed up by things I and others were seeing - social media, rallies, etc. Watching the counts even the Better Together/No supporters were surprised at the results.
  5. It would be nice to have a demographic breakdown of the vote as I suspect we've been screwed over again by the same group that caused the economic collapse and so many other problems, the "I'm all right, I've got mine, screw everyone else" crowd. That group in which baby boomers and the elderly are overly represented. It's just strange that we didn't hear from them before now.
  7. I would consider moving and abandoning the place, except there's no frontier left and every country comes with its own bullshit, also I'd be like one of those pricks that moves to London. Pity there aren't any orbital or deep sea colonies, guess I was just born too early.
  9. I don't even feel angry, what I feel is disgust, possibly disbelief and like I'm going to vomit. Scotland was given the opportunity for self determination, more power and the chance to breakaway from a corrupt political system and it choose not to, it choose to believe the crap it was spoon fed by a corrupt elite. Scotland now looks like an idiot on the international stage, if you're a member of any other group that wants independence you'd be well justified to feel angry. I'm embarrassed to even admit my nationality at this stage.
  11. I've never been a fan of the overly romanticised and quite frankly false and manufactured aspects of Scottish culture and history, if I hear anyone mention them from now on though I think I'll remind them that it should be 'Scotland the inferior' or 'Scotland the cowardly'. Similarly if I hear anyone complain about something related to politics I'm going to ask them how they voted in the Independence referendum before responding.
  13. Regarding the media bias: I know people on the Better Together/No side don't think there was any. I think we both know the real answer and all that I would urge is that while it worked in your favour this time you could just as easily be on the other side of the machine next time with a different issue. Anyway you may want to look into fixing that.
  15. In closing...
  17. It's not a bad result considering 99% of the media were against it and considering there was that last push of scaremongering and promises of more powers and I don't imagine that it's over. Still disappointing though.
  19. I suppose we'll see how many of the promised new powers materialise, how much is cut and how much of the scaremongering turned out to be false as time goes on. For my part I suspect that UK will become even more centralised and focused on one area and that Scotland will become some mix of a retirement home, tourist trap, strip mine and dumping ground.
  21. I think this entire thing has finally stripped away the last vestiges of concern for other people and empathy that I had.
  23. We did battle with ignorance today and ignorance won. I'll admit that I'm often vexed at the behaviour of my own people, you do your best to help them and they make you wonder why you even bother.
  25. Would the last person to leave please turn the lights out.
  27. I don't even like cereal.
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