
GodsEye checks.yml

Jul 12th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. #=========================
  2. # checks Settings
  3. #=========================
  4. # You can enable/disable checks and customize them
  6. # Time-Unit: seconds
  7. # Set how many time after player logs in GodsEye should
  8. # start checking the player (recommended to not set below 2)
  9. Login checks activation delay: 3
  11. #=========================
  12. # Alerts settings
  13. #=========================
  14. # if you set an alert to be sent at (Max Violations - 5) it will be colored red
  15. # if you set an alert to be sent at (Smaller then or equal to (Max Violations / 3)) it will be colored green
  16. # every alert that is not at the limit of the two above will be colored orange
  18. # This colors can help your staff know if a hacker is heavily suspected or not
  19. # If you found this settings to complicated you can leave the settings at default or
  20. # ask for help on our discord server
  22. # Evey player that is in this worlds will not be checked by GodsEye
  23. Disabled_Worlds:
  24. - Lobby
  26. #=========================
  27. #Prevent system settings
  28. #=========================
  29. SetBack-system:
  30. # Force godseye to create a new setback location after a certain distance
  31. Check_distance:
  32. state: Enabled
  33. max: 10
  34. # Reset location timer (ticks)
  35. timer: 160
  37. #=========================
  38. # Almost every checks has Types
  39. # every type is basically a different way to block the cheat
  40. # that the check is meant to block, some types are better then
  41. # others, if a check causes problems you can disable the specific type
  42. # that caused the issue and still use the other types, that way you still
  43. # have a fair level of protection against that cheat
  44. #=========================
  46. Fly:
  47. Check: Enabled
  48. Max flags: 35
  49. Prevent:
  50. state: Enabled
  51. flags: 4
  52. Types:
  53. TypeA: Disabled
  54. TypeB: Enabled
  55. TypeC: Enabled
  56. TypeD: Enabled
  57. TypeE: Enabled
  58. TypeF: Enabled
  59. TypeG: Disabled
  60. TypeH: Enabled
  61. Alert violations:
  62. - 10
  63. - 18
  64. - 30
  65. Kick player: Enabled
  66. Ban player: Disabled
  69. Movement:
  70. Check: Enabled
  71. Max flags: 30
  72. Prevent:
  73. state: Enabled
  74. flags: 5
  75. Types:
  76. TypeA: Enabled
  77. TypeB: Enabled
  78. TypeC: Enabled
  79. TypeD: Enabled
  80. TypeE: Enabled
  81. TypeF: Disabled
  82. TypeG: Enabled
  83. TypeH: Enabled
  84. TypeI: Enabled
  85. Alert violations:
  86. - 10
  87. - 18
  88. - 25
  89. Kick player: Enabled
  90. Ban player: Disabled
  93. Speed:
  94. Check: Enabled
  95. Max flags: 40
  96. Prevent:
  97. state: Enabled
  98. flags: 5
  99. Types:
  100. TypeA: Disabled
  101. TypeB: Enabled
  102. TypeC: Enabled
  103. TypeD: Enabled
  104. TypeE: Enabled
  105. Alert violations:
  106. - 10
  107. - 25
  108. - 35
  109. Kick player: Enabled
  110. Ban player: Disabled
  113. Teleport:
  114. Check: Enabled
  115. Max flags: 10
  116. Max blocks per tick: 8
  117. Prevent:
  118. state: Enabled
  119. flags: 0
  120. Alert violations:
  121. - 1
  122. - 2
  123. Kick player: Enabled
  124. Ban player: Disabled
  127. Timer:
  128. Check: Enabled
  129. Max flags: 35
  130. Prevent:
  131. state: Enabled
  132. flags: 3
  133. Types:
  134. TypeA: Enabled
  135. TypeB: Enabled
  136. Alert violations:
  137. - 11
  138. - 22
  139. - 30
  140. Kick player: Enabled
  141. Ban player: Disabled
  144. NoFall:
  145. Check: Enabled
  146. Max flags: 20
  147. Prevent:
  148. state: Enabled
  149. flags: 1
  150. Types:
  151. TypeA: Enabled
  152. TypeB: Enabled
  153. Alert violations:
  154. - 6
  155. - 12
  156. - 15
  157. Kick player: Enabled
  158. Ban player: Disabled
  161. InventoryActions:
  162. Check: Enabled
  163. Max flags: 35
  164. Prevent:
  165. state: Enabled
  166. flags: 9
  167. Types:
  168. TypeA: Enabled
  169. TypeB: Enabled
  170. TypeC: Enabled
  171. Alert violations:
  172. - 11
  173. - 22
  174. - 30
  175. Kick player: Enabled
  176. Ban player: Disabled
  179. ChestStealer:
  180. Check: Enabled
  181. Max flags: 35
  182. Max clicks: 6
  183. Prevent:
  184. state: Enabled
  185. flags: 2
  186. Types:
  187. TypeA: Enabled
  188. TypeB: Enabled
  189. Alert violations:
  190. - 10
  191. - 20
  192. - 30
  193. Kick player: Enabled
  194. Ban player: Disabled
  197. Criticals:
  198. Check: Enabled
  199. Max flags: 8
  200. Prevent:
  201. state: Enabled
  202. flags: 2
  203. Alert violations:
  204. - 2
  205. - 4
  206. - 6
  207. Kick player: Enabled
  208. Ban player: Disabled
  211. Reach:
  212. Check: Enabled
  213. Max flags: 30
  214. Prevent:
  215. state: Enabled
  216. flags: 5
  217. Types:
  218. TypeA:
  219. State: Enabled
  220. Max: 3.18
  221. TypeB:
  222. State: Enabled
  223. Max: 3.18
  224. Alert violations:
  225. - 7
  226. - 15
  227. - 25
  228. Kick player: Enabled
  229. Ban player: Disabled
  232. Killaura:
  233. Check: Enabled
  234. Max flags: 30
  235. Prevent:
  236. state: Enabled
  237. flags: 3
  238. Types:
  239. TypeA: Enabled
  240. TypeB: Enabled
  241. TypeC: Enabled
  242. TypeD: Enabled
  243. TypeE: Enabled
  244. TypeF: Enabled
  245. TypeG: Enabled
  246. TypeH: Enabled
  247. TypeI: Disabled
  248. TypeJ: Enabled
  249. Alert violations:
  250. - 8
  251. - 13
  252. - 25
  253. Kick player: Enabled
  254. Ban player: Disabled
  257. HitBox:
  258. Check: Enabled
  259. Max flags: 15
  260. Prevent:
  261. state: Enabled
  262. flags: 5
  263. Types:
  264. TypeA: Enabled
  265. TypeB: Enabled
  266. Alert violations:
  267. - 5
  268. - 10
  269. - 15
  270. Kick player: Enabled
  271. Ban player: Disabled
  274. # -> Beta <-
  275. AutoClicker:
  276. Check: Enabled
  277. Max CPS: 20
  278. Max flags: 25
  279. Types:
  280. TypeA: Enabled
  281. TypeB: Enabled
  282. TypeC: Enabled
  283. TypeD: Enabled
  284. TypeE: Enabled
  285. TypeF: Enabled
  286. TypeG: Disabled
  287. TypeH: Enabled
  288. TypeI: Enabled
  289. TypeJ: Enabled
  290. TypeK: Enabled
  291. Alert violations:
  292. - 6
  293. - 11
  294. - 15
  295. Kick player: Enabled
  296. Ban player: Disabled
  299. AimAssist:
  300. Check: Enabled
  301. Max flags: 25
  302. Types:
  303. TypeA: Enabled
  304. TypeB: Disabled
  305. TypeC: Enabled
  306. TypeD: Enabled
  307. TypeE: Enabled
  308. TypeF: Enabled
  309. TypeG: Enabled
  310. TypeH: Enabled
  311. TypeI: Disabled
  312. Alert violations:
  313. - 7
  314. - 15
  315. - 20
  316. Kick player: Enabled
  317. Ban player: Disabled
  320. KnockBack:
  321. Check: Enabled
  322. Max flags: 25
  323. Prevent:
  324. state: Enabled
  325. flags: 3
  326. Alert violations:
  327. - 5
  328. - 9
  329. - 15
  330. Kick player: Enabled
  331. Ban player: Disabled
  334. # -> Beta <-
  335. Velocity:
  336. Check: Enabled
  337. Max flags: 25
  338. Prevent:
  339. state: Enabled
  340. flags: 6
  341. Types:
  342. # Vertical
  343. TypeA: Enabled
  344. # Horizontal
  345. TypeB: Disabled
  346. Alert violations:
  347. - 5
  348. - 9
  349. - 15
  350. Kick player: Enabled
  351. Ban player: Disabled
  354. # Disables Automatically on 1.12 servers and above
  355. PingSpoof:
  356. Check: Enabled
  357. Max flags: 45
  358. Alert violations:
  359. - 10
  360. - 15
  361. - 20
  362. Kick player: Disabled
  363. Ban player: Disabled
  366. # Check will disable Automatically in servers that are below 1.10.X
  367. AutoFish:
  368. Check: Enabled
  369. Max flags: 20
  370. Alert violations:
  371. - 10
  372. - 15
  373. - 20
  374. Kick player: Enabled
  375. Ban player: Disabled
  378. NoSwing:
  379. Check: Enabled
  380. Max flags: 10
  381. Alert violations:
  382. - 5
  383. - 7
  384. - 10
  385. Kick player: Enabled
  386. Ban player: Disabled
  389. FastBow:
  390. Check: Enabled
  391. Max flags: 10
  392. Prevent:
  393. state: Enabled
  394. flags: 2
  395. Alert violations:
  396. - 3
  397. - 5
  398. - 8
  399. Kick player: Enabled
  400. Ban player: Disabled
  403. BadPackets:
  404. Check: Enabled
  405. Max flags: 25
  406. Types:
  407. TypeA: Enabled
  408. TypeB: Enabled
  409. TypeC: Enabled
  410. TypeD: Enabled
  411. TypeE: Enabled
  412. TypeF: Enabled
  413. TypeG: Enabled
  414. TypeH: Enabled
  415. TypeI: Enabled
  416. TypeJ: Enabled
  417. TypeK: Enabled
  418. TypeL: Enabled
  419. TypeM: Enabled
  420. TypeN: Enabled
  421. TypeO: Enabled
  422. Alert violations:
  423. - 5
  424. - 10
  425. - 13
  426. Kick player: Enabled
  427. Ban player: Disabled
  430. Scaffold:
  431. Check: Enabled
  432. Max flags: 20
  433. Prevent:
  434. state: Enabled
  435. flags: 3
  436. TypeA: Enabled
  437. TypeB: Enabled
  438. TypeC: Enabled
  439. TypeD: Enabled
  440. TypeE: Enabled
  441. TypeF: Enabled
  442. Alert violations:
  443. - 5
  444. - 13
  445. - 18
  446. Kick player: Enabled
  447. Ban player: Disabled
  450. Regen:
  451. Check: Enabled
  452. Max flags: 20
  453. Prevent:
  454. state: Enabled
  455. flags: 3
  456. Alert violations:
  457. - 7
  458. - 14
  459. - 20
  460. Kick player: Enabled
  461. Ban player: Disabled
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