
OpFuckMohammad Israel Solidarity

Nov 23rd, 2012
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  1. #OpFuckMohammad Israel Solidarity
  3. Greetings from th3inf1d3l - The ceasefire holds but Hamas and Hezabollah and ultimately Iran will continue to threaten Israel until she is destroyed or until Obama convinces the American people to forsake her because she is the aggressor. Wherevever Israel stands, in the middle of a hateful, merciless enemy, so will I stand. America has already fallen to the liberal fantasy that Jihad is a lie, that if we give them what they want, they will relent. Only those who have seen the horror they bring understand. American has fallen but Israel stands fast. To that extent, I have begun a foray into Iran. To date only minor vulns have been released. Below is a list of emails with corresponding phone numbers of This is a declaration of Jihad against Iran.
  5. Lots of tables here with emails all over have fun.
  7. Table: users
  8. [1 entry]
  9. +----+---------+----------+----------------------------------+-----------+
  10. | id | Actived | UserName | Password | UserLevel |
  11. +----+---------+----------+----------------------------------+-----------+
  12. | 1 | 1 | google | 551ffda4fe376ad39ba09c13a21d5b74 | 1 |
  13. +----+---------+----------+----------------------------------+-----------+
  15. Database: apadanawooddb
  16. [23 tables]
  17. +------------------------+
  18. | aftersales |
  19. | custumerinfo |
  20. | employment |
  21. | menuimage |
  22. | news |
  23. | newslatter |
  24. | p_choices |
  25. | p_ip |
  26. | p_question |
  27. | polls |
  28. | pricelist |
  29. | products_detiles |
  30. | productsdetilesimages1 |
  31. | productsinfo |
  32. | repreqform |
  33. | represantion |
  34. | smp_ad |
  35. | smp_answer |
  36. | smp_cust |
  37. | smp_quiz |
  38. | smp_result |
  39. | tablebase |
  40. | users |
  41. +------------------------+
  43. "Email","Phone"
  44. "",9133010170
  45. "",9355526685
  46. "",9111561228
  47. "","0935 932 1910"
  48. "",9353184982
  49. "DEVILHAMI@YAHOO.COM",9379817588
  50. "",9355386133
  51. "",1313225080
  52. "",9373025161
  53. "",6112238504
  54. "",9196836067
  55. "MOLHAJ1369.YAHOO.COM",9361655944
  56. "",9122099613
  57. "","<blank>"
  58. "mehdi@mesami","0641-5251370"
  59. "",9117307497
  60. "",9365432124
  61. "",9361124755
  63. "",9376157360
  64. "","0935-2161073"
  65. "",1413226994
  66. "",9392379895
  67. "",9195703305
  68. "",9195703305
  69. "",9124198984
  70. "BILMAZ24@YAHOO.COM",9359954130
  71. "BILMAZ24@YAHOO.COM",9359954130
  72. "",9146872679
  73. "",9383948648
  74. "",9166694603
  75. "",9102008860
  76. "",9102008860
  77. "",3518212743
  78. "",9372762848
  79. "",9356070011
  80. "",9112813967
  81. "",9364221331
  82. "",9361317400
  83. "",9188642634
  84. "",9119359303
  85. "",9358869947
  86. "",9122394973
  87. "","021-44060192"
  88. "",9139392686
  89. "",9125361730
  90. "sarakarimi736",9155232414
  91. "","۰۹۱۲۱۷۶۱۴۴۲"
  92. "msa.sa61",9126232297
  93. "shahoo.comadmanielham@y",9117210339
  94. "",9353424001
  95. "",2122460831
  96. "",9125580726
  97. "","0912-5805925"
  98. "",9141504867
  99. "",9144052848
  100. "",9380500548
  101. "","026-36773590- 09193803641"
  102. "",9126501676
  103. "",9186021997
  104. "",9356056907
  105. 181814548,"0919-9237195"
  106. "",9378801755
  107. "",9123738185
  108. "",9382616155
  109. "",9139793950
  110. "",9364792470
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