
The Letter That Changed My Life

Jul 3rd, 2019
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  1. I can not see that it is too much to ask of me. It is worth giving a large measure of time to...perhaps one’s life. You cannot single out the individual and say definitely it is unfair that he has to go. For there are thousands of others who have gone, and will go. I not any different from them. I would not want to be any exception. It is a job to be done and I’m going to give it everything that I have to give. No matter what an individual does he always has to face up to himself. Personally that self of mine can be a tough guy at times. He does not let off with the easiest way. And I’m glad that he is that way. If you cannot or do not give everything to what you are doing then is it really worth doing at all? There is one type of individual that gets to me more than any other. I feel sorry for this kind of person for he will never, never change his way. Let’s call him JOE SAVER. He was in college, I have seen him in the Marine Corps, and I’ll see him again in civilian life.
  2. We might as well look at Joe in college for he was much the same in his childhood. In college, Joe never really worked that hard. Why should he study? Not much sense in that for he will get by with passing grades and graduate all the same. He isn’t too interested in the work, and it doesn’t make too much difference now. He tells himself if he really wanted to work, he could get good grades like the other guys on the dean’s list. But it can’t make that much difference in getting a job on the outside.
  3. He is now a college graduate. Wonderful opportunity that many others wish they had. But he did not give his all. Rather he is waiting until he starts work. That is when he is will start grinding and making a success of himself. Then into the service he goes like millions of other Americans. Not different from any of the others, but...there is no sense to working hard, doing everything right, he’s not going to make a career of this service. So instead things are done half right. No one but his buddies know the difference.
  4. Boy, wait until he is out, then he is going to put on the steam. He does get out. He goes through good jobs. Doesn’t like them. He hasn’t found the job which suits him. For when he does, then he is going to go to town. Years and years go by. Then one day Joe Saver suddenly discovers that he is going to die. Going to die. That’s one thing you can do only once. Joe sees the light. He has been holding himself back all these years, just waiting to do that extra good job. But he never quite got around to it. Now it's too late. He saved too much, and for what? Death? That’s Joe’s story.
  5. Well I’m not like Joe. I just can’t see this waiting to do the good job. If you hold back all the time you cannot ever expect to get ahead of the race. Much the same with going to Korea. There is a job to do and this lad is going to do the very best he can. From it I expect to learn. Learn so much about many, many things. I’d be an idiot if I was not looking forward to it. There’s not much percentage in going into a task partially defeated and without spirit. Personalities have to grow too. You cannot stop learning at any age. There is always room for improvement. Going under the assumption that you are ignorant and have a vast amount to learn and understand gives you millions of things to do and look for. For my part, I am given a group of men under my control and care. A fabulous experience in it’s own right. I’m going to put all my studying to work. I’m going to new horizons, new faces, new ways of life, beliefs, so much to see, know and understand. And for it, be the more rounded individual. Look at the better understanding and viewpoints I’ll have. Every being seeks adventure, and I cannot say that I’m any different. It will be a new living and learning, not always enjoying it all...but there is not always egg in that heady beer of ours.
  6. I’ve told you now where I am going, but I do not believe I stated how I feel towards this other than that I will miss you ever so dearly. There is an awful lot to it really. I don’t want to sound too much like a flag waver. The following may appear that way. However, it is not meant to. I’m in the Marine Corps and they have given a job to me. It is a job not only which I must do for my own respect, but for the Marine Corps, and above all my country. You can be very idealistic about it, but I don’t think that it has to be that way. Just to face up to it rationally, the people of the USA are mighty lucky people the way they can live.
  7. Thus my sweet I pray you see that I’m really in the mood to take what is coming. The only regret is you. For that, as you said, one year is very small compared to that lifetime we have ahead of us. Pining hearts are not the way to face it. Saving up for the time when we get together is not the means either. There are lives and times we must live apart. And live them with our whole being. For the richer in understanding of all things that we are as individuals then the wealthier we will be as a couple. I have no fears of the future. Not one. For with you as being my favorite backer and complete understanding I can ask for no more. Our love is here to stay.
  8. That meeting we will have for the first time and then know that everything is alright. You cannot plan on what you will say or what you will do. It will all be swept away from both of us...the moment will rule all. I’m not afraid of that either my darling. We do have the intangibles. Yes, we will both have changed and will have grown. Then there is always that lifetime to get to know one another. Each will benefit from the other. That is the way married life should be. It all goes back to Joe Saver. You have to take a chance on yourself. Love, Barry
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