
Grimm Justice Rules

Mar 8th, 2017
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  1. ▽ RULES:
  2. ROLE-PLAYERS: Roleplayers who love fantasy and comic books, as well as a good time are what we seek. Message Abigail or one of the mods to be added to the Roster. Limited to three characters per body. If you really want to go past this? Talk to Abbey. She is the one who can OKAY that stuff. Not a mod.
  4. ROLE-PLAY: When a role-play is active, it may be room order, or members can decide for themselves. It would be best to set a number as a status for posting order. As for OOC banter, that is fine and dandy. It makes part of it fun. However please if an RP is going on, feel free to please cut back.
  6. JOINING: All characters must be approved by a mod or Admin before you can entirely engage.
  8. CHARACTERS: OCs are accepted, in fact they are what we seek! All characters must have a slight base or splash of their original counterpart. For example, it can be something as trivial as the attire, or the insignia on their costume if they wear one.
  9. Even their personality or abilities can be a nod.
  10. This is a strictly OC driven room. Keep it that way.
  11. Be a little creative.
  12. If you need help at all? Ask Abigail. She will be more than willing to give you a list of Grimm fairy tales.
  13. A list of accepted sources will be below the rules.
  15. FACTIONS: So, there as of right now are four factions.
  16. The Blanche Family{A Mafia-type family}
  17. The Gryphons {A group dedicated to bringing down the Blanche Family and their allies}
  18. The Coven {A group that remains shrouded in mystery, and all that is known is that some members claim to be witches.... Whether this is true or not has yet to be proven.
  19. The Hatter's Tea Party {A large ring of drug traffickers run by a figure only known as 'The Mad Hatter'. They remain the main Rivals o the Blanche family in regards to turf and dealings with illegal material. Guns, drugs, humans...
  21. MAGIC AND POWERS:So magic? Yes. Fine. Science based powers? Okay! No natural powers but you want to use tech? Sure! All powers must be run by a mod or admin.
  23. RACES: Okay now here is where the fun comes in, no gods, not goddesses. Experiments and humans are allowed.Witches and such as well. Lycans/werewolves. Werecats. They are okay if you specific who the another base is. I DO NOT want Cinderella's counterpart becoming a freaking Gryphon for the hell of it. Unless you can give me some way it can tie to the character. If you're unsure ask. But I repeat NO GODS! NO GODDESSES! NO NOPE!
  25. COMMON DECENCY: If a member has another member in the group, it is advised that if bickering were to take place, it is kept in a PM. Check your drama at the door. This is honestly a place to have fun.
  27. DOUBLES: Doubles/bases are iffy. This is a case by case basis. Big Bad Wolf from Little Red Riding hood taken? Use the Big Bad wolf from the three little pigs. It's easy to work around.
  29. CODING: Okay, so this. This is a thing. I don't care if you have a basic profile. No fancy layout. But please have your information on. Do not expect a mod or admin to do everything for you. We will help you to the best of our ability. But we will not do the entire character for you.
  31. ADULT ROLE-PLAY: If you are here to indulge your sexual fantasies, please do not come in, or keep it in a private chat. If you have a sexual profile, it's an automatic nope. However, you are more than welcome to discuss with a mod about joining.
  33. NPCING ETC.: Do not NPC other people's characters. It may kill other's drives to role-play within the room, and it's honestly pointless. You can NPC as NPC's though. That is just fine! Plot devices and all!
  35. COMBAT: So combat rp is expected. But any 'death' matches must have a mod present. If the Mod is the one fighting? Then another mod will have to spectate. Or simply log the fight, and store it onto pastebin. And present the link to Combat overseer. be given the message log, be sure to get the log and give it to the admin or a mod. For death battles and all.
  37. OOC ISSUES:If you are having problems with another member? Please bring it to the attention of a mod. And it will further be discussed. And handled as the mods and admins see fit. I
  39. MODS: Well this is more towards the mods but the members should know this too. The Moderators are held to stricter rules them members due to being in a position of power. You are expected to act as an adult, and as a model. Even as just a set of eyes and ears. I trust my mods and in term expect this trust to not be broken. Past squabbles with people who are either in the group or interested in joining will not be catered to and all are welcome with open arms until they loose that right.
  41. DRAMA: So I can't believe I am putting this here. But it needs to be as I want this to be VERY clear. Drama is GREAT ICly. But ooc? No. Fuck no. This situation will be handled on a case by case basis. Past problems are just that past. So keep it there.
  43. SKYPE GROUP: There is an OOC skype group. While joining is NOT mandatory it is suggested. If you are interested in joining you can ask to be added. And we can help. But if you don't intend on joining I ask you do not. And we are just a bunch of goofballs. but you are asked to keep drama out of the skype group. It is fine to talk to people but do not go in expecting someone to pander to you and such. Do not Rag on another member. Harmless teasing is fine. However, the moment it seems malicious a mod or the admin will step in.
  45. If you see any rules being broken or something concerns you, there are no active mod and the admin is not present screen cap and message send it as an IM to the GRIMM JUSTICE profile. This account is checked daily and even if offline it will still show up in the chat log for up to twenty-four hours. However, any attempts to file false claims will be met with an instant ban and having your name added to the black list.
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