
MonMusu Mekton Quest: Episode 11

Feb 3rd, 2016
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  1. 2:26 PM - Kari: With a heavy sigh, Kari watches the spider scuttle off, and turns her gaze to the door. Her gaze casts downward in a moment of doubt, but soon rises to the panel once more. With a short rap of her knuckles on the door, she slides the door open and steps inside. "Hey, you two."
  2. 2:30 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: You find them sitting on the bed beside one another, hugging each other close as they chat quietly. They look up at your entrance, sitting up and disengaging their (platonic, fyi) embrace.
  3. 2:30 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: Jake smiles, "Hi, miss Kari."
  4. 2:31 PM - Kari: Kari smiles back, looking over the two without drawing much closer. "I'm sorry if I'm interrupting something. Would you prefer that I wait outside?"
  5. 2:31 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "Nuh-uh, it's 'kay," Valentine says, rubbing her eyes tiredly.
  6. 2:32 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: Her ears droop, flopping back and forth as she tries to keep them upright.
  7. 2:34 PM - Kari: "Alright," she says stepping up to the edge of the bed. Kneeling down beside it, she looks over Val with a concerned but playful smile. "Didn't sleep well, Val? You feelin okay?"
  8. 2:36 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: She nods. "Still kinda tired. But I'm feeling better thanks to you, miss Kari. You saved me."
  9. 2:36 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: Jake puts an arm around her shoulder, hugging her close. "Yeah, we owe you alot, miss Kari."
  10. 2:39 PM - Kari: "Nah. You two don't owe me anything. I was happy to help," she says with a light chirp. "But I do need to talk to the both of you. As much as I'd love to let you two get some more rest, my boss wants to find out what you two would like to do. Our job can get pretty dangerous, so if we kept you on the ship, it wouldn't be much better than sending you back to the streets. That, by the way, isn't something I'm really okay with doing either. But, there's a couple other options we can look at. We do have until tomorrow, but the sooner we talk about this the more time we have to make things work. Is now a good time for the both of you?"
  11. 2:41 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: They look at you in geninue confusion. Jake is the first to speak. "H-huh? What do you mean? I thought we were just gonna go back to the way we were..."
  12. 2:44 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes widen a touch, but she giggles a bit as she realizes what they were thinking. "Nooo, no-no. I don't think that, after all that's happened, I could just put you back there again. Spinner's not dead. I just knocked him out is all, and if that Pyhua really dove your sister's mind like that, they probably know all your hiding places. That, and you two are pretty good people. You're really brave, Jake, and Val? Sounds like you're pretty smart. The two of you deserve a chance to really live instead of just exist, so I took the liberty of asking around for some other choices."
  13. 2:46 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "You mean... like, a home? We haven't had one forever..." Valentine mumbles. Jake rubs her shoulder, still holding her close as she leans her head on him.
  14. 2:50 PM - Kari: "Mhmm," she adds with a nod. "I'm just not sure what 'you' would like. My first thoughts were to find an adoption program through your own race. That way you'd have guardians that know how to cater to your needs. Truth be told, yesterday was the first day I'd ever seen your kind, so I don't know what you eat, or drink, or anything like that. I'd want to give you the chance to have an education in a world where everything is up to the specs of this station. My coworkers assure me, however, that there are complications with that, a time constraint, and the chance that whoever we find might not take any more kids. So... I have another choice. You can live on my world, with my sisters: Ida and Yui."
  15. 2:52 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: The two of them don't seem to understand, their faces etched with utter confusion. "Your... sisters?" Jake asks, attempting to follow. "You mean, we'd live with them? In a house?"
  16. 2:52 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: Val looks down sadly. "But... is that okay? I don't want anyone to have to take care of us. You're one of the first grown-ups who's been nice after our mom and dad..." she trails off, unable to finish the thougt.
  17. 2:56 PM - Kari: Kari catches Val before she gets too down, reaching out to gently stroke the young girl's cheek with the back of her digits. "Hey... It's okay. I already talked to my sisters. It was their idea. You're not a burden, okay? They 'want' to take you in. I just... our world isn't like this station. We don't even have space travel yet. Widoia... she said maybe in two years, so I guess it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe our schools would even catch up in the time you'd be going through them. If that's the option you want, then we'll make it happen, okay?"
  18. 3:00 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "Is it really okay though?" Jake wraps his arm around Val tighter, unwilling to let her go. "I don't know if we can go back to a life like that... we got so used to being out in the streets, taking what we needed. How are we gonna be able to go back to living a..." his voice catches. "...normal life?"
  19. 3:02 PM - Kari: "With help~," Kari adds with a smile, not breaking her stride. "My sisters are good people, even if Ida's a little rough around the edges sometimes. But she's brave and tough, and she'll keep you both safe from harm. Yui is the smart caring type. She'll get you both set up with a school, and figure out all your needs. It might be hard, but... I think it would be worth it to give you both a good life. What do you think?"
  20. 3:06 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: They go quiet, looking into each others' eyes. You watch curiously as their noses and ears twitch, like some strange unspoken language. The both nod, apparently having come to an agreement. "We really don't want to get in the way," Jake says. Val continues, "B-but... if you're offering so much... I guess, we can try it."
  21. 3:06 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: Jake finishes with, "If your sisters are anything like you, they'll be really nice and helpful and pretty."
  22. 3:07 PM - Kari: Kari smiles a little brighter, opening her arms to offer them a hug. "I'm glad to hear it~. We'll each do our best."
  23. 3:10 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: The two leap forwards into your open arms, clutching you tightly. You can feel them breathing heavily, holding back sobs. "T-thanks, miss Kari," Jake murmurs into your chest.
  24. 3:11 PM - Kari: She squeezes them back just as tight, tearing up a little herself. "Yeah. No problem~. Heh." Kari just holds them to herself for a time, wings buzzing every now and again. "And this way, I can even talk to you two when I call home."
  25. 3:13 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "That sounds really really nice. I hope we don't become a burden," Val mumbles. "B-but we'll help out however we can!"
  26. 3:15 PM - Kari: Gently easing up on the hug, Kari slides one hand upward to lightly ruffle their hair. "No worries. You won't be, okay? My sisters took care of me for a while too. Then I got this job, and now I'm helping support them. They want to help just like I do, so don't you even worry about being a burden or anything like that."
  27. 3:17 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "O-okay..." Jake reluctantly gives in, accepting your logic. "So, how are we gonna get there? Are you gonna drop us off?"
  28. 3:19 PM - Kari: "Unfortunately, no," She says with a slight twinge of regret. Gently easing up, she looks into Jake's eyes as she continues. "We'll have to schedule you both a shuttle to my world. It'll be a couple days trip, and then my sisters will meet you at the space port. Is that okay?"
  29. 3:21 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "Mm..." he's apparently unwilling to go there on his own, but having no other option, he simply looks down quietly. Val is the one to hug him this time, saying, "It'll be okay. We just get there, then everything will be better. Right, miss Kari?"
  30. 3:24 PM - Kari: "Exactly. And I'll walk you as far as the shuttle." She gently lays a hand on Jake's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You're going to be okay. You were ready to risk your life to save her from those gangers. Can you show me some of that bravery now and take care of Val on the trip there?"
  31. 3:27 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: His ears perk up at your words, and he looks at you. A small smile forms on his lips. "Y-yeah! I'm the big strong brother, I'll take care of my sister, and we'll all be okay. Thanks again, miss Kari. You're like..." he pauses, thinking of an appropriate word. He finally settle son, "an angel. Like, you're here just to make everything okay. And since you showed up, everything /has/ been better. You saved my sister, and now you're giving us a home, and, and..." his eyes fill with tears once more, but he's still got a smile on his face as he looks at you.
  32. 3:29 PM - Kari: With another squeeze on his shoulder, Kari's tears well up a little more. "Th.. thank you, Jake~... I don't know what to say."
  33. 3:31 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: He rubs the back of his head sheepishly, blushing slightly. "Heh. Y-yeah."
  34. 3:33 PM - Kari: Leaning forward, she hugs the two again rather tightly for a little bit before letting go. "You're going to be pretty tough one day, Jake. I can just tell. A regular champion of justice~."
  35. 3:34 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "Y-y'think? I sure hope so, that sounds cool!" His ears perk up happily.
  36. 3:35 PM - Kari: "Very sure! What do you think, Val? Quite the dashing figure don't you think?" she asks with a giggle.
  37. 3:36 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: Val giggles herself. "Yup! Big bro's gonna be super cool when he grows up."
  38. 3:37 PM - Kari: "See? You've even got the support of your super tech-smart partner~. Together the two of you are like an action-hero duo!"
  39. 3:39 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: The two kids share a look before breaking out into grins, laughing. Seems they've cheered up now, at least.
  40. 3:41 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "Alright, miss Kari. I hope your sisters are as nice as you." Val says as she smiles at you.
  41. 3:46 PM - Kari: "They are~. Even if Ida's got some weird ideas about-... Anyway! Point is, they'll take good care of the both of you, and I'm very certain you'll get along with them! They're both good fun. Ida might even teach you both how to defend yourselves! She's pretty good with a sword, and a good huntress. Yui's really good with her hands too. She knows all about making stuff and more complex tasks. You're sure to find things in common." Standing up with a little smile, she gently pats the both of their heads. "For now though, I have to go let Mr. Silk know about your decision so we can get you both tickets. I'll swing by again later to check on you and spend some time with you if you'd like."
  42. 3:47 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "'Kay!" they both chant in unison, waving. "We'll be waiting!" Jake adds.
  43. 3:49 PM - Kari: "Heheh. Looking forward to it~." With a little wave of her own, she makes to leave. Pausing at the door for a moment, she looks back with a soft smile, and then reluctantly steps out. Breathing a sigh of relief as the door shuts, Kari has a confident little smile stuck on her lips and makes her way to Mr. Silk's office to talk business.
  44. 3:53 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: And so you do. You bugger your way through the ship's straight, easy coridoors, making for Mr. Silk's office. A knock later and you're beckoned in. You find him at a desk, facing the door as he clacks away at a terminal with his long, chitinous fingers.
  45. 3:54 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: He doffs his hat to you with one hand, continuing to type with the other. "Good day to you. Am I to presume you've come here to discuss the children?"
  46. 3:57 PM - Kari: "I have, sir," she says with a smile. Stepping into the room, she stands at ease with her hands behind her back. "It seems they've reached a decision. If it's at all possible, sir, I would like to get them a shuttle to my homeworld. My sisters have agreed to care for them for the time being."
  47. 4:00 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "Is that so? It would seem your little family is growing back home, then." He allows himself a small smile. "So a shuttle to your homeworld? That can be arranged... the cost will be taken out of your next pay, however."
  48. 4:02 PM - Kari: A little chuckle escapes Kari's lips at the jest. "I understand, sir. Thank you for helping me."
  49. 4:04 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "A webmaster should always assist his weblings. I will send word and arrange transport for the children, then."
  50. 4:04 PM - Kari: With a little nod, Kari asks, "Is there anything you need from me at the moment, sir?"
  51. 4:08 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: He stops typing, considering the question. "If there is one thing, are you certain you've never before piloted a Mekton before? Your performance was... impressive, to say the least. You've drawn some outside interest."
  52. 4:10 PM - Kari: Blinking a couple times as Kari verifies she heard the question corrently, a puzzled look crosses her face. "Um... yes, sir. I'm quite sure. Thank you for your praise, but... by outside interest, do you mean the officials that requested my combat data? Widoia made brief mention of them."
  53. 4:12 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "You could say that. Natural-born pilots do tend to attract some curiosity from certain parties. For the time being, it's nothing you'll need to concern yourself with. Simply continue your appreciable work."
  54. 4:14 PM - Kari: "I... see. Of course, sir. I'll do my best." There's a certain measure of uncertainty in her tone. Kari's eyes aren't really fixed on anything in particular as she loses herself in thought.
  55. 4:16 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "If that will be all, you're free to go." He returns his attention to typing.
  56. 4:18 PM - Kari: Snapping out of her thoughts, Kari seems a little off. "O-of course, sir. Enjoy your day." Turning and stepping towards the door, she runs a hand through her hair as the door slides open and shut once more. Her thoughts are stuck on those interested parties, and so she decides to go visit Widoia once more for a little more information.
  57. 4:21 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: You wander out, heading to Widoia's usual comm room hangout to gather some details.
  58. 4:24 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: You find her in her usual place, clicking away. Her headphones are hanging around her neck, so her ears are free to hear you enter. She spins around in the large Dryder-sized chair, opening her arms wide. "Karrrrii~! You came to visit."
  59. 4:25 PM - Kari: "Mhmm," Kari opens, still a bit pre-occupied. "The kids made their decision. Just saw Mr. Silk and thought I'd swing by."
  60. 4:26 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "Oh? What'd they decide?"
  61. 4:27 PM - Kari: "They decided they're going to live with my sisters," she replies with a distant smile.
  62. 4:28 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "That's great! why the long face? You're very distracted, it's not like you."
  63. 4:28 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: Widoia's face falls, showing a fair amount of concern. It's a tender, caring look you haven't seen on her until now.
  64. 4:30 PM - Kari: Kari looks up at the loveable spider, feeling a little guilty for making her worry. "Oh... it's nothing... Nothing bad at any rate. I just... Mr Silk mentioned something that's on my mind now. You remember those officials that asked for my combat data, right?"
  65. 4:31 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "Huh? Oh yeah, what about them?"
  66. 4:32 PM - Kari: "What... exactly did they ask for? Just the video feed?"
  67. 4:36 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "Just the video feed, yup. I think they might have been interested in the data on the Flal? To be honest, their race is generally very... aggressive. And they've been spacefairing for less than two years. They refuse to join or even acknowledge the Council or Galactic Federation, and not much is known about them. So my guess is they just wanted to get whatever they could on this mystery race that's cruising the galaxy unattended."
  68. 4:37 PM - Kari: "I... see... So no other combat data? None of our radio logs or post mission reports? Nothing else?"
  69. 4:40 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "Guess not!" she shrugs. "Just the video footage. Maybe that's all they knew we had? It's not like they knew /why/ were on a Flal planet. We weren't breaking any laws by being there or dealing with them. It's likely they just wanted to see the biomech get taken out. I dunno what Mr. Silk did with it though. Could be the same people who took that off our hands wanted the vidfootage of it in action too."
  70. 4:44 PM - Kari: "I... I suppose so..." Kari replies, feeling a bit confused about it all. "Mr Silk..." She hangs on the words, feeling like she wants to say more as her colourful eyes dance around. Finally, she breathes a little sigh and says, "Nah. Forget it. Thanks, Widoia. Well I have some time, so I'm going to jump in the simulator for a bit. I plan to spend some time with Jake and Val later on, so if you need me for anything or get some time off, swing on by."
  71. 4:45 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: She cocks her head as you trail off, leaving your thoughts unfinished, but she doesn't comment. "Okay then, if you want me at the terminal, you know where to find me~."
  72. 4:46 PM - Kari: "Thanks, Wids," Kari says, leaving with a little wave. Deciding she's had enough of the serious thoughts for now, she heads down to the simulator pods intent on getting some training time in.
  73. 4:53 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: You head off to the pods, running some basic simulations. Target practice, general training, combat reenactments. You even run over the footage from your previous battles and mentally note where you could have improved. Your efforts net you a small but no less potent 3 IP. You stop for the day, spending some time with the kids before retiring for the night.
  74. 4:54 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: The following morning, you clean up and get prepared. You find the two kids in a similar state, their (only) clothes freshly laundered and themselves prim and pressed, fresh from the shower. It's likely been the first time in a good while they've had a proper bath like that... you recall the feeling all too well.
  75. 4:55 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "So you got us a way to your house, miss Kari?" Val asks.
  76. 4:55 PM - Kari: "I sure did~. My boss set up something for you two. I'll be taking you to the shuttle bay to see you off."
  77. 4:57 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "Cool! I'm kinda nervous though... but I gotta be strong, for you and for my sis!" Jake exclaims, pounding a hand to his chest. His tiny ploof of a rabbit tail twitches.
  78. 4:59 PM - Kari: Kari giggles and ruffles their hair with a big smile. "Exactly! You two are gonna be okay. We better get a move on though so we don't miss the shuttle. Do you want to grab a snack for the walk before we head out?"
  79. 5:00 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: Before he can answer, Jake's stomach rumbles loudly, giving you all the answer you need. He puts his hands to his gut, a sheepish look crossing his face.
  80. 5:02 PM - Kari: "I think that answers that~," she adds with a giggle. "Come on. I'll fix you both some breakfast before we go." Taking their hands, she leads the two bunnies to the mess hall, asking them what they'd like. Preparing a little breakfast and a to-go snack, she dotes on the two until they're ready to leave.
  81. 5:04 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: The two thoroughly enjoy the doting, being unused to such treatment. They're got cheery, blushing smiles and full tummies by the time you lead them out of the airlock. Once back into the station, their faces fall slightly. Both from recalling their time on the streets, and not wanting to leave your caring (Karing) presence.
  82. 5:07 PM - Kari: Noticing their hesitation, Kari gives their hands a reassuring squeeze. "I know you're a little nervous, but you know what's great about seeing the sation right now?" A little smirk spreads across her face, and she chuckles under her breath. "This is the last time you'll have to see it for a long time~."
  83. 5:08 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "Heh... yeah, I guess that's true." Jake's brave front wavers, but he tries his best to keep it together. Val nods, nervously biting her thumbnail, saying nothing.
  84. 5:10 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: You continue to walk through the station, passing a variety of people out and about on their businesses, be it shopping, dates or anything of the sort.
  85. 5:11 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: You stop at the shuttlebay. Much like a bus stop back on your homeworld, only with space ships, you find people from all walks of life gathered and awaiting the transport, tickets in hand. You give the children their tickets, as given to you by Widoia. The nervously clutch the small pieces of plastic.
  86. 5:14 PM - Kari: Kari kneels down as she waits for their shuttle to arrive. Still holding their hands she gently rubs the backs with her thumbs. "Alright. This is it. I'm going to stay with you until I see you get on that shuttle, okay?"
  87. 5:15 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "T-thanks, miss Kari." Val mumbles, fiddling with her ticket.
  88. 5:16 PM - Kari: "... What's wrong?"
  89. 5:17 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "Just scared, is all. I know big bro is here, and you too, but... I don't wanna leave you now, now that... you're so nice, miss Kari." Val's eyes water, and she clutches your arm tightly.
  90. 5:19 PM - Kari: With a gentle, caring smile, Kari pulls the girl into a hug. Tears well up in her eyes, and rests her cheek against the top of Val's head. "Hey now... this isn't 'goodbye', okay? It's just 'see you later'. We'll talk again soon enough, and I'll visit when I have the chance. You're going to be part of the family now, after all~."
  91. 5:20 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: She nods, her tears soaking your shirt. Jake comes in from the side, hugging the both of you as well.
  92. 5:22 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: It isn't long later, but by the time Val gets herself under control the shuttle pulls into the station. The airlock ahead blares and cycles, and in flies a rather long, flat-looking shuttle, with a number of fins on its surface. You can spot glowing blue orbs line the tips of its wings and the booster nozzels on its rear. It pulls silently up to the edge of the platform, settling in and being locked into place with magnetic clamps from the ceiling before a ramp on its side opens up. The assembled people funnel into the shuttle in an orderly fashion, sliding their tickets into a slot on the side of the door as they enter.
  93. 5:26 PM - Kari: "Alright, you two. This is it." Giving them both a big, tight hug, Kari gives the two a nuzzle on the head. "Be safe. Stay in your room and stay out of trouble, okay? You're the man in charge now, Jake."
  94. 5:27 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: Jake nods, rubbing his stinging eyes as he take several deep breaths. "Right. O-okay. Um... m-miss Kari?" he asks hesitatingly.
  95. 5:28 PM - Kari: "Yes, Jake?" she asks, a soft smile on her face and tears in her eyes.
  96. 5:29 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: "C-can I... can we," he gestures to Val. "Call you... s-sis?"
  97. 5:30 PM - Kari: Kari jolts a bit from the sudden critical hit to the feels. A strong blush spreads across her face, and swiftly behind it follows a smile. "Of course, little bro~."
  98. 5:34 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: His face lights up, and Val's along with it. "T-thanks, sis! You're the best!" They give you one last, lingering hug before you lead them to the shuttle ramp, herding them along among the passengers to enter the ship. Once inside, you step back from the ramp, waiting until the shuttle departs. You watch as they wave goodbye, faces pressed against the glass of a window on the side. The ship's flight systems glow once more, and it rises, heading into the airlock. The air buzzes with the klaxon siren, and the door closes behind the ship, leaving you staring at the cold metal barrier.
  99. 5:34 PM - Gendan Senpai the Meknificent: And we can call it here, if that's okay with you
  100. 5:35 PM - Kari: Kari waves the whole time as they look through the glass. She stops to wipe the tears from her eyes every now and again, but she never turns to leave until they shuttle is fully gone.
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