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Nov 17th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. prefix: &8[&eGANGS&8] &f
  3. version: 1.0
  4. author: jeelzzz & SupremeDarty
  5. broadcastNewGangs: true
  6. customChatFormat: true
  7. noFriendlyPvP: true
  9. Command /gang [<text>] [<text>]:
  10. aliases: g
  11. trigger:
  12. arg-1 is set:
  13. arg-1 is "create":
  14. {gang.%uuid of player%} is set:
  15. send "{@prefix} &c&lERROR! &7You're already in a gang!"
  16. else:
  17. {gangowner.%arg-2%} is set:
  18. send "{@prefix} &c&lERROR! &7A gang with this name already exists."
  19. else:
  20. arg-2 is set:
  21. set {gang.%uuid of player%} to arg-2
  22. set {gangowner.%arg-2%} to uuid of player
  23. send "{@prefix} &a&lSUCCESS! &7You created a gang!"
  24. {@broadcastNewGangs} is true
  25. broadcast "{@prefix} &7%player% created new gang &a%arg-2%"
  26. else if arg-1 is "join":
  27. {gangowner.%arg-2%} is set:
  28. {gang.isOpen.%arg-2%} is true:
  29. {gang.%uuid of player%} is set:
  30. send "{@prefix} &c&lERROR! &7You are already in a gang."
  31. else:
  32. loop all players:
  33. {gang.%uuid of loop-player%} is arg-2
  34. send "{@prefix} &a%player% &7joined the gang." to loop-player
  35. set {gang.%uuid of player%} to arg-2
  36. add uuid of player to {gangmembers.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%::*}
  37. {gang.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%.motd} is set
  38. send "%{gang.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%.motd}%"
  39. else:
  40. send "{@prefix} &c&lERROR! &7This gang requires invitiation to join."
  41. else:
  42. send "{@prefix} &c&lERROR! &7That gang does not exist!"
  43. else if arg-1 is "invite":
  44. arg-2 is set:
  45. send "{@prefix} &c&lERROR! &7You must specify a player."
  46. else:
  47. set {gang.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%.invited.%arg-2%} to true
  48. send "{@prefix} &aYou've been invited to join %{gang.%uuid of player%}%. Type /gang join %{gang.%uuid of player%}% to join. (You have 5 minutes until this invite expires.)" to arg-2 parsed as player
  49. send "{@prefix} &aInvite successfully sent. Expires in 5 minutes."
  50. wait 5 minutes
  51. set {gang.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%.invited.%arg-2%} to false
  52. {gang.%arg-2%} is not {gang.%uuid of player%}
  53. send "{@prefix} &aYour invite has expired." to arg-2 parsed as player
  54. send "{@prefix} &aInvite sent to %arg-2% has expired."
  55. else if arg-1 is "disband":
  56. {gangowner.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%} is uuid of player:
  57. loop {gangmembers.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%::*}:
  58. delete {gang.%uuid of loop-value parsed as offlineplayer%}
  59. {@broadcastNewGangs} is true:
  60. broadcast "{@prefix} &7%player% disbanded gang &a%{gang.%uuid of player%}%"
  61. else:
  62. send "{@prefix} &7You disbanded your gang."
  63. delete {gang.%uuid of player%}
  64. delete {gangowner.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%}
  65. else:
  66. send "{@prefix} &c&lERROR! &7Only the guild owner can disband the guild."
  67. else if arg-1 is "settings":
  68. send "&a&lGANG SETTINGS &8:: {@version}"
  69. send ""
  70. send "{@prefix}&7 /gang joinoption (open/closed)"
  71. send "{@prefix}&7 /gang motd (text)"
  72. send ""
  73. send "&7Created by {@author}"
  75. # settings subcommands VV
  76. else if arg-1 is "joinoption":
  77. {gangowner.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%} is uuid of player:
  78. arg-2 is "open":
  79. set {gang.isOpen.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%} to true
  80. send "{@prefix} &7Gang is now open!"
  81. else if arg-2 is "closed":
  82. set {gang.isOpen.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%} to false
  83. send "{@prefix} &7Gang is now closed!"
  84. else:
  85. send "{@prefix} &c&lERROR! &7Available argument(s): open, closed"
  86. else:
  87. send "{@prefix} &c&lERROR! &7Only the gang owner can edit this option!"
  88. else if arg-1 is "motd":
  89. {gangowner.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%} is uuid of player:
  90. set {gang.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%.motd} to arg-2
  91. send "{@prefix} Gang MOTD updated successfully"
  92. else:
  93. send "{@prefix} &c&lERROR! &7Only the gang owner can edit this option!"
  94. else if arg-1 is "kick":
  95. {gangowner.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%} is uuid of player:
  96. arg-2 is player:
  97. send "{@prefix} &c&lERROR! &7You cannot kick yourself from the gang."
  98. else:
  99. remove (uuid of arg-2 parsed as offline player) from {gangmembers.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%::*}
  100. clear {gang.%uuid of arg-2 parsed as offline player%}
  101. send "{@prefix} &aSuccessfully kicked player."
  102. else:
  103. send "{@prefix} &c&lERROR! &7Only the gang owner can run this command!"
  104. else:
  105. send "{@prefix} &c&lERROR! &7Invalid argument. Type &o/gang &cfor more information"
  106. else if arg-1 is "chat":
  107. arg-2 is set:
  108. loop all players:
  109. {gang.%uuid of player%} = {gang.%uuid of loop-player%}
  110. send "&8[&2&l%{gang.%uuid of player%}%&8] &7%player% &8: &f%message%"
  111. else:
  112. send "{@prefix} &c&lERROR! &7You have to be in a gang to execute this command"
  113. else:
  114. send "&a&lGANG COMMANDS &8:: {@version}"
  115. send ""
  116. send "{@prefix}&b /gang create (name)"
  117. send "{@prefix}&b /gang join (name)"
  118. send "{@prefix}&b /gang invite (player)"
  119. send "{@prefix}&b /gang disband"
  120. send "{@prefix}&b /gang kick (player)"
  121. send "{@prefix}&b /gang settings"
  122. send "{@prefix}&b /gang chat (message)"
  123. on damage:
  124. {gang.%uuid of attacker%} = {gang.%uuid of victim%}
  125. {@noFriendlyPvp} is true
  126. cancel event
  127. send "&c&lERROR! &7You can't attack your gang members" to attacker
  128. send "&7%attacker% tried to attack you." to victim
  129. on join:
  130. {gang.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%.motd} is set
  131. send "%{gang.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%.motd}%"
  133. on chat:
  134. {@customChatFormat} is true
  135. cancel event
  136. if {gang.%uuid of player%} is set:
  137. broadcast "&8[&7%{gang.%uuid of player%}%&8] &7%player%&f: %message%"
  138. else if {gangowner.%{gang.%uuid of player%}%} is uuid of player:
  139. broadcast "&8[&6&lāœ°&7%{gang.%uuid of player%}%&8] &7%player%&f: %message%"
  140. else if {gang.%uuid of player%} is not set:
  141. broadcast "&7%player%&f: %message%"
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