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Dec 26th, 2017
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  1. rails:rails
  2. rails:rails123
  3. sshvpn:sshvpn
  4. sshvpn:123456
  5. openvpn:openvpn
  6. open:open
  7. vpn:vpn
  8. root:root
  9. takim:takim
  10. indra:indra
  11. html:html
  12. odoo:odoo
  13. frappe:frappe
  14. frappe:frappe123
  15. wang:wang
  16. ghost:ghost
  17. javira:javira
  18. uftp:uftp
  19. uftp:uftp123
  20. uftp:123456
  21. root:redhat
  22. root:123456
  23. root:password
  24. frappe:123456
  25. frappe:password
  26. frappe:passwd
  27. admin:admin
  28. cron:cron
  29. bot:bot
  30. openvpn:openvpn
  31. cs:cs
  32. csgo:csgo
  33. frappe:123456
  34. wp-user:wp-user
  35. redhat:redhat
  36. dev:dev
  37. ts:ts
  38. ts3:ts3
  39. ts3bot:ts3bot
  40. bng:bng
  41. deepak:deepak
  42. ace:ace
  43. abc:abc123
  44. black:black
  45. alex:alex
  46. vps:vps
  47. abc:abc
  48. a1:a1
  49. abc:123456
  50. chris:chris
  51. newsletter:newsletter
  52. named:named
  53. linode:linode
  54. bob:bob
  55. sunos:sunos
  56. xbox:xbox
  57. mfs:mfs
  58. support:support
  59. spark:spark
  60. www1:www1
  61. www2:www2
  62. worker:worker
  63. apache:apache
  64. cloud:cloud
  65. share:share
  66. rainbow:rainbow
  67. stats:stats
  68. wp:wp
  69. transfer:transfer
  70. appuser:appuser
  71. uploader:uploader
  72. pub:pub
  73. ak47:ak47
  74. afk:afk
  75. glassfish:glassfish
  76. landscape:landscape
  77. jboss:jboss
  78. maverick:maverick
  79. maurice:maurice
  80. marcus:marcus
  81. margaret:margaret
  82. lucas:lucas
  83. leslie:leslie
  84. leroy:leroy
  85. leonard:leonard
  86. smmsp:smmsp
  87. peter:peter
  88. test1:test1
  89. root:root
  90. test2:test2
  91. debian-spamd:debian-spamd
  92. clamav:clamav
  93. contact:contact
  94. lxd:lxd
  95. dnsmasq:dnsmasq
  96. _lldpd:_lldpd
  97. libuuid:libuuid
  98. ubnt:ubnt
  99. tss:tss
  100. gnats:gnats
  101. sys:sys
  102. proxy:proxy
  103. web:web
  104. ntp:ntp
  105. apache:apache
  106. git:git
  107. avahi-autoipd:avahi-autoipd
  108. tss:tss
  109. polkitd:polkitd
  110. adm:adm
  111. halt:halt
  112. shutdown:shutdown
  113. operator:operator
  114. gopher:gopher
  115. gopher:gopher
  116. composer:composer
  117. operator:operator
  118. news:news
  119. ntp:ntp
  120. snmp:snmp
  121. quagga:quagga
  122. radvd:radvd
  123. mail:mail
  124. dnsmasq:dnsmasq
  125. uuidd:uuidd
  126. pollinate:pollinate
  127. nobody:nobody
  128. list:list
  129. vcsa:vcsa
  130. games:games
  131. uucp:uucp
  132. abrt:abrt
  133. nginx:nginx
  134. man:man
  135. build:build
  136. tcpdump:tcpdump
  137. postfix:postfix
  138. o2o:o2o
  139. nfsnobody:nfsnobody
  140. postfix:postfix
  141. bind:bind
  142. courier:courier
  143. lp:lp
  144. gnats:gnats
  145. libuuid:libuuid
  146. dovecot:dovecot
  147. systemd-timesync:systemd-timesyn
  148. systemd-network:systemd-resolve
  149. systemd-resolve:systemd-bus-proxy
  150. systemd-bus-proxy:systemd-bus-proxy
  151. _apt:_apt
  152. messagebus:messagebus
  153. support:support
  154. mongodb:mongodb
  155. dovenull:dovenull
  156. irc:irc
  157. sshd:sshd
  158. daemon:daemon
  159. thibault:thibault
  160. advertisers:advertisers
  161. contact:contact
  162. ftp:ftp
  163. support:support
  164. vmail:vmail
  165. bot:bot
  166. root:12345
  167. root:123qwe
  168. git:123qwe
  169. git:git
  170. user:qwe123
  171. centos:centos
  172. root:toor
  173. user:passwd
  174. user:ubuntu
  175. user:operator
  176. user:admin
  177. admin:admin
  178. administrator:administrator
  179. root:qwerty123
  180. root:qwerty1234567
  181. root:qwerty12345
  182. bin:bin
  183. stpi:stpi
  184. root:Root123
  185. root:root123
  186. root:ROOT
  187. root:RooT
  188. root:admin
  189. root:test
  190. root:guest
  191. root:server
  192. root:passwd
  193. mongo:mongo
  194. default:default
  195. root:1
  196. root:2
  197. root:3
  198. root:123
  199. root:321
  200. root password
  201. root:Password
  202. root:password123
  203. root:P@ssw0rd
  204. root:1234qwer
  205. root:qwer1234
  206. root:Password123
  207. root:password123
  208. root:12345678
  209. root:123456789
  210. root:123root123
  211. root:root'123
  212. root:Passw0rd
  213. root:passw0rd
  214. root:passpass
  215. root:pass123
  216. root:pass1234
  217. root:Pass123
  218. root:Pass1234
  219. root:root01
  220. root:shit
  221. root:wasd
  222. root:aqswde
  223. root:qawsed
  224. root:azsxdc
  225. root:zaxscd
  226. root:qwertyui
  227. root:qwertyu
  228. root:1qaz2wsx
  229. root:qwertyuiop
  230. root:abc123
  231. root:qweasd
  232. root:a
  233. root:b
  234. root:c
  235. root:alex
  236. root:john
  237. root:1qazxsw2
  238. root:rootoor
  239. root:q1w2e3
  240. root:q1w2e3r4
  241. root:1q2w3e
  242. root:1q2w3e4r
  243. root:1q2w3e4
  244. root:1q2w3e4r5
  245. root:1q2w3e4r5t
  246. root:111111
  247. root:qwe123
  248. root:pass
  249. root:12345
  250. root:123
  251. root:qwerty
  252. root:qwerty123
  253. root:qwerty123456
  254. root:123456
  255. root:123321
  256. root:r00t
  257. root:aaa123
  258. root:apache
  259. root:PASSWORD
  260. root:ubuntu
  261. user:12345
  262. user:passwd
  263. user:user
  264. user:wasd
  265. user:111111
  266. user:qwe123
  267. user:pass
  268. user:123
  269. user:qwerty123
  270. user:qwerty123456
  271. user:qwerty
  272. user:123456
  273. user:123321
  274. user:321
  275. user:test
  276. user:password
  277. test:123
  278. test:wasd
  279. test:pass
  280. test:test123
  281. test:passwd
  282. test:testing
  283. test1:test1
  284. test2:test2
  285. test3:test3
  286. test:test
  287. test:321
  288. test:password
  289. test:qwerty
  290. guest:guest
  291. admin:admin
  292. server:server
  293. vps:vps
  294. ts:ts
  295. ts:password
  296. teamspeak:password
  297. teamspeak:teamspeak
  298. ts3:password
  299. ts3:ts3
  300. ts3:teamspeak
  301. postgres:password
  302. postgres:321
  303. postgres:123
  304. deploy:deploy
  305. postgres:postgres
  306. Soporte:Soporte
  307. nagios:nagios
  308. git:git
  309. apache:test123
  310. debian:debian
  311. postgres:password1
  312. web:web
  313. isadmin:isadmin
  314. vnc:vnc
  315. databse:database
  316. weblogic:weblogic
  317. guest:password
  318. ubnt:ubnt
  319. ubuntu:ubuntu
  320. vnc:123
  321. oracle:oracle123
  322. oracle:123456
  323. oracle:123
  324. oracle:321
  325. oracle:password
  326. oracle:oracle
  327. oracle:test
  328. shit:shit
  329. hadoop:hadoop
  330. webmaster:webmaster
  331. apache:apache
  332. pma:pma
  333. PMA:PMA
  334. www-data:www-data
  335. unix:unix
  336. linux:linux
  337. www:www
  338. content:content
  339. zabbix:zabbix
  340. test:test
  341. vyatta:vyatta
  342. debian:debian
  343. service:service
  344. dev:dev
  345. michael:michael
  346. webadmin:webadmin
  347. alex:alex
  348. tom:tom
  349. prova:prova
  350. app:app
  351. openbravo:openbravo
  352. pi:pi
  353. client:client
  354. data:data
  355. media:media
  356. bin:bin
  357. backup:backup
  358. nagios:nagios
  359. oracle:oracle
  360. git:git
  361. vnc:vnc
  362. hadoop:hadoop
  363. next:next
  364. nexus:nexus
  365. tester:tester
  366. jenkins:jenkins
  367. ali:ali
  368. upload:upload
  369. student:student
  370. testing:testing
  371. testuser:testuser
  372. user1:user1
  373. user:123456
  374. status:status
  375. minecraft:minecraft
  376. recruit:recruit
  377. qtss:qtss
  378. GTR:GTR
  379. to:to
  380. cat:cat
  381. httpd:httpd
  382. pgsql:pgsql
  383. osmc:osmc
  384. redhat:redhat
  385. postfix:postfix
  386. master:master
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