
ww tree dragonlands

Jul 30th, 2022
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  1. 1.3.5:custom:1:Windwalker Monk:IMPORTANT__n____n__-Fists of Fury reworked__cm__ scales with haste like Fel Barrage. Is a bunch of quick__cm__ small hits __n__ending with one final punch.__n____n__-Touch of Karma only provides an absorb shield to yourself.__n____n__-Tiger Style would allow you to hold spacebar and go diagonally upwards while moving forward__n__allowing you to scale small cliffs with ease.__n____n__-Initially wanted to make Tigereye Brew main CD but was unsure of what to do SEF.__n____n__::41:0;0:Fists of Fury:Pummels all targets in front of you with rapid strikes__cm__ dealing Physical damage over 2 sec to your primary target and SMALLER AMOUNT of physical damage over 2 sec to all other enemies. At the end of the channel deliver one final blow dealing LARGER AMOUNT physical damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Can be channeled while moving.:0:1:9:1:0:0::2,1,3:fistsofFury.png,default.png;1:Invoke Xuen the White Tiger:Summons an effigy of Xuen__cm__ the White Tiger for 24 sec. Xuen attacks your primary target__cm__ and strikes 3 enemies within 10 yards every 1 sec with Tiger Lightning for (23% of Attack power) Nature damage.:0:3:7:1:0:0:0:4:invokeXuen.png,default.png;2:Windwalking:Your and your allies within 40 yards have 10% increased movement speed.:1:3:9:1:0:0:0:5:windwalking.png,default.png;3:Storm Earth and Fire,Serenity:1 Charges 1.5 min recharge__n____n__Split into 3 elemental spirits for 15 sec__cm__ each spirit dealing 45% of normal damage and healing.__n____n__You directly control the Storm spirit__cm__ while Earth and Fire spirits mimic your attacks on nearby enemies.__n____n__While active__cm__ casting Storm__cm__ Earth__cm__ and Fire again will cause the spirits to fixate on your target.,2 Charges 30 sec recharge__n____n__Enter an elevated state of mental and physical serenity for 4 sec. While in this state__cm__ you deal 30% increased damage and healing__cm__ all Chi consumers are free__cm__ cool down 100% more quickly__cm__ and always benefit from Mastery__cl__ Combo Strikes.:2:3:11:1:0:0:0:6:stormearthandfire.png,serenity.png;4:Flying Serpent Kick:Soar forward through the air at high speed for 1.5 sec.__n____n__If used again while active__cm__ you will land__cm__ dealing (8.7892% of Attack power) damage to all enemies within 8 yards and reducing movement speed by 70% for 4 sec.:0:5:5:1:0:0:1:7:flyingSerpentkick.png,tumultuousFissures.png;5:March of the Legion,Wind Waker:Windwalking increases movement speed by an additional 15%.,When you or allies within your Windwalking are snared__cm__ the snare is instantly removed and their movement speed is prevented from being reduced below 100% for 4 sec.__n____n__This effect cannot occur more than once every 60 sec per target.:2:5:9:1:0:0:2:8:momentum.png,windwalking.png;6:Touch of Karma:Absorbs all damage taken for 10 sec__cm__ up to 50% of your maximum health.:0:5:13:1:0:0:3:9:touchofKarma.png,Vivify.png;7:Tiger Style,Improved Flying Serpent Kick:The agile essence of Xuen infuses your Flying Serpent Kick__cm__ allowing you to control the winds during flight but reduces duration by .5 sec.,Increases duration of Flying Serpent Kick by 1 sec.:2:7:5:1:0:0:4:10,11:giftoftheSerpent.png,flyingSerpentkick.png;8:Sunrise Technique:Attacking a target with Rising Sun Kick causes your damaging abilities to deal 2% damage to that target for 10 sec.:1:7:9:1:0:0:5:12,11,13:risingSunkick.png,default.png;9:Good Karma,Shared Karma:100% of the damage absorbed by Touch of Karma also heals you over time.,Touch of Karma protects a targeted ally from harm instead__cm__ absorbing damage equal to 50% of your maximum health for 10 sec.:2:7:13:1:0:0:6:14,13:touchofKarma.png,chiShroud.png;10:Katsuo's Eclipse:Reduce the cost of Fists of Fury by 1 Chi.:1:9:3:1:8:0:7:15:fistsofFury.png,default.png;11:Heavy Handed Strikes:Damaging a target with Fists of Fury applies a stacking debuff that causes the target to take 3% more damage from Fists of Fury for 4 sec.:1:9:7:1:8:0:8,7:17,16:fistsofFury.png,default.png;12:Improved Rising Sun Kick:You gain an additional charge of Rising Sun Kick.:1:9:9:1:8:0:8:17:risingSunkick.png,default.png;13:Inner Peace:Increases maximum energy by 30.:1:9:11:1:8:0:8,9:17,18:healingElixir.png,default.png;14:Strength of Xuen:Increases the chance for Tiger Palm to make your next Blackout Kick cost no Chi by 6%.:1:9:15:1:8:0:9:19,18:invokeXuen.png,default.png;15:Mark of the Crane:Spinning Crane Kick's damage is increased by 18% for each unique target you've struck in the last 20 sec with Tiger Palm__cm__ Blackout Kick__cm__ or Rising Sun Kick. Stacks up to 5 times.:1:11:3:1:8:0:10:21,20:Spinningcranekick.png,default.png;16:Crosswinds,The Wind Blows:During Fists of Fury__cm__ Wind Spirit images of you attack your Fists of Fury targets dealing additional Physical damage and applying a stack of Heavy Handed Strikes,The final hit of Fists of Fury makes your next Blackout Kick cost no chi and deal 50% more damage.:2:11:7:1:8:0:11:21,22:pressurePoints.png,blackoutKick.png;17:Power Strikes,Open Palm Strikes:Every 15 sec__cm__ your next Tiger Palm will generate 1 additional Chi__cm__ or a Chi Sphere if already at maximum Chi.,When Fists of Fury deals damage__cm__ it has a 5% chance to refund 1 Chi.:2:11:9:1:8:0:12,11,13:22:powerStrikes.png,fistsofFury.png;18:Spiritual Bond:Increases the maximum number of charges of Storm__cm__ Earth__cm__ and Fire and Serenity by 1.:1:11:13:1:8:0:14,13:23:stormearthandfire.png,default.png;19:Wisdom of Chi-Ji:When you consume Blackout Kick!__cm__ you generate 1 Chi.:1:11:15:1:8:0:14:23,24:wisdomofChiJi.png,default.png;20:Dance of Chi-Ji:Your Spinning Crane Kick critical hits have a chance to make your next Spinning Crane Kick free and apply Mark of the Crane.:1:13:1:1:8:0:15:25,29:chiTorpedo.png,default.png;21:Swift Fists:Reduces the cooldown of Fists of Fury by 2 sec.,Reduces the cooldown of Fists of Fury by 4 sec.:1:13:5:2:8:0:15,16:26,25,30:fistoftheWhiteTiger.png,default.png;22:Spiritual Focus:Increases the damage and healing bonus of Serenity by 2.5%.__n__Increases the damage dealt by Storm__cm__ Earth__cm__ and Fire spirits by 2.5%.,Increases the damage and healing bonus of Serenity by 5%.__n__Increases the damage dealt by Storm__cm__ Earth__cm__ and Fire spirits by 5%.:1:13:9:2:8:0:17,16:26,32,27:stormearthandfire.png,default.png;23:Tiger Claws:Increases the damage of Tiger Palm by 15%.,Increases the damage of Tiger Palm by 30%.:1:13:13:2:8:0:19,18:34,28,27:tigerPalm.png,default.png;24:Gaining the Upper Hand:Blackout Kick! reduces the cooldown of affected abilities by an additional 1 sec.:1:13:17:1:8:0:19:35,28:blackoutKick.png,default.png;25:Fury of Xuen:Your Combo Strikes grant a stacking 1.5% chance for your next Fists of Fury to grant 15% haste and invoke Xuen__cm__ the White Tiger for 8 sec.:1:15:3:1:20:0:21,20:29,30:furyofXuen.png,whirlingDragonpunch.png;26:Weapons of Order: Windwalker__n__For the next 30 sec__cm__ your Mastery is increased by 12.5%. Additionally__cm__ Rising Sun Kick reduces Chi costs by 1 for 5 sec__cm__ and Blackout Kick reduces the cooldown of affected abilities by an additional 1 sec.__n____n__ Brewmaster__n__For the next 30 sec__cm__ your Mastery is increased by 10%. Additionally__cm__ Keg Smash cooldown is reset instantly and enemies hit by Keg Smash take 8% increased damage from you for 10 sec__cm__ stacking up to 4 times.__n____n__ Mistweaver__n__For the next 30 sec__cm__ your Mastery is increased by 42%. Additionally__cm__ Essence Font cooldown is reset instantly and heals up to 6 nearby allies for (40% of Spell power) health on channel start and end.:0:15:7:1:20:0:21,22:31,32,30:weaponsOfOrder.png,default.png;27:Drinking Horn Cover,Primal Split:The duration of Storm__cm__ Earth__cm__ and Fire is extended by 0.4 sec for every Chi you spend.__n____n__The duration of Serenity is extended by 0.3 sec every time you cast a Chi Spender.,During Storm__cm__ Earth__cm__ and Fire/Serenity__cm__ your successive Combo Strikes increase the damage of your abilities that proc Combo Strikes by 3%. Stacks 6 times.:2:15:11:1:20:0:23,22:32,34,33:drinkinghorncover.png,stormearthandfire.png;28:Whirling Dragon Punch,Strike of the Windlord:Performs a devastating whirling upward strike__cm__ dealing [3 * (82.9319% of Attack power)] damage to all nearby enemies. Only usable while both Fists of Fury and Rising Sun Kick are on cooldown.,Strike with both the power of the Windlord at all enemies in front of you__cm__ dealing (933% + 933%) damage and reducing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec.:2:15:15:1:20:0:23,24:34,35:whirlingDragonpunch.png,strikeoftheWindlord.png;29:Calculated Strikes:Spinning Crane Kick's bonus from striking a unique target with Tiger Palm__cm__ Blackout Kick__cm__ or Rising Sun Kick is increased by an additional 10%.,Spinning Crane Kick's bonus from striking a unique target with Tiger Palm__cm__ Blackout Kick__cm__ or Rising Sun Kick is increased by an additional 20%.:1:17:1:2:20:0:25,20:36:calculatedStrikes.png,default.png;30:Strike with the Tiger:Xuen's damage is increased by 10%.,Xuen's damage is increased by 20%.:1:17:5:2:20:0:26,25,21:36:whiteTigerinfusion.png,default.png;31:Strike with Clarity:Weapons of Order's duration is increased by 2.5 sec__cm__ and it increases your Mastery by an additional 1.25%.,Weapons of Order's duration is increased by 5 sec__cm__ and it increases your Mastery by an additional 2.50%.:1:17:7:2:20:0:26:37:strikeWithClarity.png,default.png;32:Glory of the Dawn:Rising Sun Kick has a 50% chance to strike a second time for 25% additional damage.,Rising Sun Kick has a 100% chance to strike a second time for 25% additional damage.:1:17:9:2:20:0:26,22,27:38:gloryoftheDawn.png,default.png;33:A Bit of Pepper:While Storm__cm__ Earth__cm__ and Fire/Serenity is active you gain 5% additional Critical Strike chance.,While Storm__cm__ Earth__cm__ and Fire/Serenity is active you gain 10% additional Critical Strike chance.:1:17:11:2:20:0:27:39:fortifyingIngredients.png,default.png;34:Persistant Pummeling:Fists of Fury lasts 1 additional sec.,Fists of Fury lasts 2 additional sec.:1:17:13:2:20:0:23,28,27:40:pressurePoints.png,default.png;35:Transfer the Power:Blackout Kick and Rising Sun Kick increase the damage dealt by your next Fists of Fury by 2%__cm__ stacking up to 10 times.,Blackout Kick and Rising Sun Kick increase the damage dealt by your next Fists of Fury by 4%__cm__ stacking up to 10 times.:1:17:17:2:20:0:24,28:40:fistsofFury.png,default.png;36:Empowered Tiger Lightning,Tiger and Crane Figurines:Xuen strikes your enemies with Empowered Tiger Lightning every 4 sec__cm__ dealing 20% of the damage you have dealt to those targets in the last 4 sec.,Xuen's Tiger Lightning strikes enemies affected by your Mark of the Crane. If his Tiger Lightning only damages 3 or less enemies affected by Mark of the Crane__cm__ it strikes them twice for 50% damage.:2:19:3:1:20:0:29,30::invokeXuen.png,tigerandCranefigurines.png;37:Balancing Stave,Call to Arms:The mastery effect of Weapons of Order also affects critical strike__cm__ haste__cm__ versatility__cm__ and leech ratings.,Weapons of Order calls forth Xuen__cm__ the White Tiger to assist you for 15 sec.:2:19:7:1:20:0:31::balancingStave.png,weaponsOfOrder.png;38:Xuen's Treasure:Rising Sun Kick critical strikes reduce the cooldown of Fists of Fury by 6 sec.__n____n__When Fists of Fury ends__cm__ the critical strike chance of Rising Sun Kick is increased by 65% for 5 sec.:1:19:9:1:20:0:32::windwalking.png,default.png;39:Tigereye Infusion:During Storm__cm__ Earth__cm__ and Fire/Serenity__cm__ Your abilities have a 50% chance to affect the target a second time at 40% effectiveness as Nature damage or healing.:1:19:11:1:20:0:33::tigereyeBrew.png,default.png;40:Jade Ignition,Emperor's Capacitor:Whenever you deal damage to a target with Fists of Fury__cm__ you gain a stack of Chi Energy up to a maximum of 100 stacks.__n____n__Using Spinning Crane Kick will cause the energy to detonate in a Chi Explosion__cm__ dealing (200% of Attack power) damage to all enemies within 8 yards. The damage is increased by 2% for each stack of Chi Energy.,Chi spenders increase the damage of your next Crackling Jade Lightning by 100% and reduce its cost by 5%__cm__ stacking up to 20 times.__n__:2:19:15:1:20:0:34,35::jadeIgniton.png,emperorsCapacitor.png;
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