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a guest
Dec 5th, 2019
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  1. <template>
  2. <div>
  3. <v-container fluid>
  4. <v-row style="margin-bottom: -20px ">
  5. <v-col cols="4">
  6. <v-autocomplete
  7. v-model="selected"
  8. item-value="id"
  9. item-text="name"
  10. label="Wybierz sprint"
  11. :items="sprintList"
  12. filled
  13. dense
  14. attach
  15. chips
  16. multiple
  17. solo
  18. rounded
  19. clearable
  20. >
  21. <template v-slot:append-outer>
  22. <v-btn icon :medium="true">
  23. <v-icon>fas fa-sync</v-icon>
  24. </v-btn>
  25. </template>
  26. </v-autocomplete>
  27. </v-col>
  28. <v-col cols="6">
  29. <div style="position: relative; height:0.1rem; width:60vw;">
  30. <canvas id="myChart"></canvas>
  31. </div>
  32. </v-col>
  33. </v-row>
  34. <v-row>
  35. <v-col cols="2">
  36. <v-card color="grey" class="white--text" elevation="5" height="90">
  37. <v-card-title primary title class="justify-center">
  38. <div>
  39. <h2 class="title font-weight-light text-sm-center">
  40. Cel sprintu
  41. <br />
  42. {{sprintReport["spPlanned"]}} SP
  43. </h2>
  44. </div>
  45. </v-card-title>
  46. </v-card>
  47. </v-col>
  48. <v-col cols="2">
  49. <v-card
  50. :color="sprintColor"
  51. class="white--text"
  52. elevation="5"
  53. height="90"
  54. v-on:click="changeResult"
  55. >
  56. <v-card-title
  57. primary
  58. title
  59. class="justify-center"
  60. style="line-height:60px; height:60px;"
  61. >
  62. <div>
  63. <v-layout row>
  64. <h2 class="title font-weight-light text-sm-center">
  65. Zrealizowane
  66. <br />
  67. {{sprintReport["spDelivered"]}} SP
  68. </h2>
  69. </v-layout>
  70. </div>
  71. </v-card-title>
  72. </v-card>
  73. </v-col>
  74. </v-row>
  75. <v-row>
  76. <v-col cols="4">
  77. <costBox
  78. name="Projektowe"
  79. color="#009c08"
  80. :storyPoints="sprintReport['groupedCosts']['Projektowe']"
  81. ></costBox>
  82. <costBox
  83. name="Rozwój"
  84. color="#ffe100"
  85. :storyPoints="sprintReport['groupedCosts']['Rozwój']"
  86. ></costBox>
  87. <costBox
  88. name="Rozwój techniczny"
  89. color="black"
  90. :storyPoints="sprintReport['groupedCosts']['Rozwój techniczny']"
  91. ></costBox>
  92. <costBox
  93. name="Maintenance"
  94. color="#e63737"
  95. :storyPoints="sprintReport['groupedCosts']['Maintenance']"
  96. ></costBox>
  97. <costBox
  98. name="Organizacyjne"
  99. color="#919191"
  100. :storyPoints="sprintReport['groupedCosts']['Organizacyjne']"
  101. ></costBox>
  102. <costBox
  103. name="Sprzedaż"
  104. color="#266afc"
  105. :storyPoints="sprintReport['groupedCosts']['Sprzedaż']"
  106. ></costBox>
  107. </v-col>
  108. </v-row>
  109. <v-row style="margin-top: -15px">
  110. <v-col cols="4">
  111. <v-dialog v-model="dialog_details" width="500">
  112. <template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
  113. <v-btn
  114. large
  115. color="primary"
  116. class="mt-2"
  117. :disabled="pieChart == null"
  118. dark
  119. v-on="on"
  120. >Szczegóły</v-btn>
  121. </template>
  122. <v-card class="mx-auto">
  123. <v-card-text>
  124. <p class="title font-weight-bold">Zakończone</p>
  125. <li v-for="(value,name) in sprintReport['sprintDetails']">
  126. <a v-bind:href="'http://jira.contman.local/browse/' + name">{{name}}</a>
  127. : {{ value }}
  128. </li>
  129. <br />
  130. <p class="title font-weight-bold">Dodatkowe</p>
  131. <li v-for="(value,name) in sprintReport['tasksAdded']">
  132. <a v-bind:href="'http://jira.contman.local/browse/' + name">{{name}}</a>
  133. </li>
  134. </v-card-text>
  135. <v-card-actions>
  136. <v-spacer></v-spacer>
  137. <v-btn color="primary" text @click="dialog_details = false">Zamknij</v-btn>
  138. </v-card-actions>
  139. </v-card>
  140. </v-dialog>
  141. <taskManagement v-bind:report="this.datamodelForRecalculate"></taskManagement>
  142. </v-col>
  143. </v-row>
  144. </v-container>
  145. </div>
  146. </template>
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