
handling pygmies with saber

May 1st, 2019
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  2. if(get_property("_drunkPygmyBanishes").to_int() == 0){
  3. cli_execute("acquire 69 bowl of scorpions");
  4. }
  5. /*
  6. while(get_property("_drunkPygmyBanishes").to_int() < 11){
  7. adv1(to_location(344),-1,"");
  8. while(in_multi_fight()){
  9. run_combat();
  10. }
  11. cli_execute("cast cannelloni cocoon");
  12. bjorn_stuff();
  13. }
  14. */
  16. //new version using May 2019's iotm.
  18. if(get_property("_force_used").to_int() < 5){
  19. //just so we don't trigger this after the block is done. probably don't need it anyway.
  20. cli_execute("outfit npzr bullshit");
  21. }
  22. while(get_property("_drunkPygmyBanishes").to_int() < 10){
  23. //use 10/11 of the daily drunk pygmy free kills, saving the last for saber degeneracy.
  24. adv1(to_location(344),-1,"");
  25. while(in_multi_fight()){
  26. run_combat();
  27. }
  28. cli_execute("cast cannelloni cocoon");
  29. bjorn_stuff();
  30. }
  32. //checking for timer 1 so that script failing doesn't eat up literally all my turns.
  33. while(get_property("_force_used").to_int() < 5 && have_effect($effect[timer 1]) > 0 ){
  34. //we want to stasis drunk pygmies to get boa meat before saber copying, so hide our bowls of scorpions.
  35. cli_execute("try; closet put * bowl of scorpions");
  36. //autoattack that stasises for boa meat before using the saber skill.
  37. set_auto_attack("drunk pygmy force bullshit");
  38. //this adv1() might need to be visit_url("adventure.php?snarfblat=344") followed by visit_url("fight.php") or visit_url("main.php") to deal with this behaving a lot like a rollover run.
  39. //adv1(to_location(344),-1,"");
  40. //encounter drunk pygmy that gets stasised and sabered.
  41. visit_url("adventure.php?snarfblat=344");
  42. //make mafia understand fight has ended.
  43. visit_url("fight.php");
  44. //at this point we should be in the choice adventure for the force thing.
  45. while(available_choice_options().count() >= 3){
  46. //incrementing flag here to fail more gracefully with bad internet.
  47. set_property("_force_used",get_property("_force_used").to_int() + 1);
  48. //choose the option that makes 3 more pygmies.
  49. cli_execute("try;choice friends;");
  50. }
  51. //switch to regular autoattack.
  52. set_auto_attack("(npzr bullshit");
  53. //at this point we want pygmies to explode into a fine bloody mist, much like a level 2 druid, thus we unhide our bowls of scorpions.
  54. cli_execute("try; closet take * bowl of scorpions");
  55. //do the first of three pygmies normally.
  56. adv1(to_location(344),-1,"");
  57. while(in_multi_fight()){
  58. run_combat();
  59. }
  60. //likewise with the second.
  61. adv1(to_location(344),-1,"");
  62. while(in_multi_fight()){
  63. run_combat();
  64. }
  65. //the third we only do normally if we're out of saber goodness.
  66. if(get_property("_force_used").to_int() == 5){
  67. adv1(to_location(344),-1,"");
  68. while(in_multi_fight()){
  69. run_combat();
  70. }
  71. }
  72. //rinse and repeat.
  73. }
  76. //&& get_property("_marco_polo").to_int() >= 10
  77. while(get_property("_timeSpinnerMinutesUsed").to_int() < 8 ){
  78. cli_execute("/use time-spinner");
  79. run_choice(1);
  80. //3 more pygmy drunks
  81. visit_url("choice.php?whichchoice=1196&monid=1431&option=1&pwd");
  82. run_combat();
  83. while(in_multi_fight()){
  84. run_combat();
  85. }
  86. cli_execute("cast cannelloni cocoon");
  87. bjorn_stuff();
  88. }
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