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Oct 8th, 2018
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  1. Hi, so i'm writing this ticket because me and my raid group that comes from a community called wpsg are hoping to raid on again on wowfreakz despite its obvious population decline to test and see how well it is faring. Our community has over 600 people that play on private servers from all around the world and we hope to be able to test throne of thunder and siege of orgrimmar again to help shed some light on the quality of the server but there's some problems we're having from a basic level that we hope you guys can help us with.
  3. I'll just start listing the problems the first being the population / crafting problem. we were hoping if we could get profession boosts or just in general get raid materials like feasts, sha crystals, leatherworking enchants, inscription shoulder enchants, glyphs. with the server having such a little population it's actually become a huge grind just to get everyone to have professions at max level for raid benefits and with instant 90 already on the table we were hoping we could get help for this too so we could get into raids as soon as possible.
  5. Another big problem for us is the legendary grind, we would like to not get walled by this during siege of orgrimmar and going back and remembering just how long even with the retail catchup mechanic the legendary questline was we were hoping that we could also get a boost on that even if it's just a miniscule amount to be boosted from mainly just to avoid the 3 week long valor grind quest at least. basically anything to help us raid that wouldn't cause any troubles for you guys.
  7. We do like the server, we played during throne of thunder when it was current content and sent in numerous bug reports during our stay here, if you'd like i could find them and show you some of the work some of our players did to help out.
  9. Thanks for your time and help!
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