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Feb 24th, 2018
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  1. (OOC) *Kyen: anyway i never got an answer is diirroehn even hot
  2. (OOC) *Bando: D2 is hot
  3. (OOC) *Diiroehn: he's lying
  4. (OOC) *Thermitelogic: You did get an answer.
  5. (OOC) *Kyen: unlikely i need proof.
  6. (OOC) *Fishy: nobody who muds is hot
  7. (OOC) *Diiroehn: ^
  8. (OOC) *Thermitelogic: ^
  9. (OOC) *Bando: I feel I'm a solid 5. Depends on the lady I guess.
  10. (OOC) *Fishy: I'm like a -4
  11. (OOC) *Kyen: as much time as I soend in the gym im a solid 8.5-9
  12. (OOC) *Diiroehn: bwahahha
  13. (OOC) *Bando: Fishy's llikely a model as a side job
  14. (OOC) *Nickneim: i believe you kyen
  15. (OOC) *Fishy: you ever watch orange is the new black?
  16. (OOC) *Diiroehn: bwahhaha
  17. (OOC) *Fishy: I look like an even uglier version of boo
  18. (OOC) *Kyen: diiroehn give me your email
  19. (OOC) *Diiroehn: um no thank you.
  20. (OOC) *CyrusRoberts: Shut down.
  21. (OOC) *Bando: Do it, woman!
  22. (OOC) *Kyen: then hush
  23. (OOC) *Diiroehn: I don't need any more dickpics, Bando sends enough for a lifetime.
  24. (OOC) *Kyen: yeah i dont so dickpics
  25. (OOC) *Bando: I've never once sent you one
  26. (OOC) *Nickneim: from:kyen to:diiroehn subject:please tell people i'm hot [1 attachment]
  27. (OOC) *Diiroehn: bwahahhaah
  28. (OOC) *Kyen: im too old and i have better manners
  29. (OOC) *Bando: I should send dick pics now though
  30. (OOC) *Bando: Be ready d2
  31. (OOC) *Kyen: PM me her number bando ill text them to her
  32. (OOC) *Bando: I got you bro
  33. (OOC) *Diiroehn: I'm going to forward them to Madelyn
  34. (OOC) *Kyen: and then what
  35. (OOC) *Bando: She got them fairly quick
  36. (OOC) *Thermitelogic: I will now send madalyn dick picks to show to you for review before forwarding to d2.
  37. (OOC) *Diiroehn: bwahahha
  38. (OOC) *Bando: D2 needs all dick pics screened by madelyn first
  39. (OOC) *Bando: Send all your dicks to madelyn
  40. (OOC) *Diiroehn: please
  41. (OOC) *Flek: Here is my big black cock
  42. (OOC) *Bando: I'm not even going to click that link, youre white as a fucking ghost
  43. (NEWBIE) Malagar: What is the # of languages to int score ratio?
  44. (OOC) *Flek: 5 to 1
  45. (OOC) *Flek: basic counts as one as does your race lang
  46. (NEWBIE) Malagar: 1 language for every 5?
  47. (OOC) *Flek: yessir
  48. (NEWBIE) Malagar: Thanks Flek
  49. (OOC) *Flek: Np
  50. (OOC) *CyrusRoberts: Also it only counts your base int now, gear no longer allows you to learn new languages unfortunately.
  51. (OOC) *Thermitelogic: max you can possibly get including your racial language is 10
  52. (OOC) *Nort: but using emote to draw dicks in the dust on the ground is always free
  53. (OOC) *Diiroehn: bwahaha
  54. (OOC) *Bando: Nort knows
  55. (OOC) *Flek: Unless you are a protocol droid.
  56. (OOC) *Fishy: well technically the max you can possibly get is all of them except for three
  57. (OOC) *Fishy: if you're a protocol droid
  58. (OOC) *Bando: I think protocol droids get a huge yeah
  59. (NEWBIE) Malagar: So a human can know a max of 3 and no more, no matter what?
  60. (OOC) *Bando: Roll a protocol droid
  61. (OOC) *Nickneim: huge yeah
  62. (OOC) *Fishy: human will probably get 4
  63. (OOC) *Flek: 5 with lucky gains and big cybers
  64. (OOC) *Fishy: once trains and gains are done
  65. (OOC) *Bando: I got a big cyber for you
  66. (OOC) *CyrusRoberts: No, 4 is caps for humans.
  67. (OOC) *CyrusRoberts: For base humans atleast.
  68. (OOC) *Fishy: base human can't get 5, yeah
  69. (OOC) *Flek: whats the random gain cap?
  70. (OOC) *CyrusRoberts: 2
  71. (OOC) *Fishy: 3 trains and 2 gains or 2 trains and 3 gains
  72. (OOC) *Flek: fair enough
  73. (NEWBIE) Malagar: Yeah, I don't understand the whole gains thing.
  74. (OOC) *Statesman: Gains happen randomly on level-up.
  75. (OOC) *Diiroehn: its confusing. I have to have gathorn explain it to me repeatedly.
  76. (OOC) *Fishy: I cope by not minmaxing
  77. (OOC) *Diiroehn: fishyrolls
  78. (OOC) *Fishy: I'm kinda sad that corel leader combat can't really be a thing anymore
  79. (OOC) *Flek: it used to be leveling before training could fuck you out of gains. Gathorn fixed it and I dont know the whole algorythem but people like fishy do.
  80. (OOC) *Thermitelogic: I do the same really.. I always have found that when I am depending on a gain for a certain skill, I never get it anyway. lol
  81. (NEWBIE) Malagar: Okay...but if I already trained to my max int, then will I still have a chance at gains?
  82. (OOC) *Fishy: saaaame
  83. (OOC) *Fishy: Yes, malagar, you still have a chance at up to 2 gains
  84. (OOC) *Fishy: unless you've gotten cybers
  85. (OOC) *Flek: dont get cybers till you finish leveling
  86. (NEWBIE) Malagar: 2 total, or 2 per stat?
  87. (OOC) *Fishy: 2 per stat
  88. (OOC) *Statesman: The "max" int according to trainers just means you've used all 3 trains. It doesn't count gains and cybers.
  89. (OOC) *CyrusRoberts: It does count cybers actually.
  90. (NEWBIE) Malagar: Awesome..Thanks! Sorry for the questions. I ask them because
  91. (OOC) *CyrusRoberts: If you cyber you lose your ability to train the stat.
  92. (NEWBIE) Malagar: <---
  93. (OOC) *CyrusRoberts: Don't ask me how I know.
  94. (OOC) *Nickneim: how do you know
  95. (OOC) *Flek: its the way cybers work they add a bonus they dont push caps
  96. (OOC) *CyrusRoberts: Because I screwed up a very expensive character this TL and I don't want to talk about it.
  97. (OOC) *Flek: ouch
  98. (OOC) *Nickneim: do you want to talk about it
  99. (OOC) *Fishy: cyrus: same thing happened to my first forcer
  100. (OOC) *CyrusRoberts: Nah, I'm good.
  101. (OOC) *Statesman: Interesting. I know you can get gains after cybers, because I got one once.
  102. (OOC) *CyrusRoberts: You can if your cyber doesn't take you 2 past your normal racial maximum.
  103. (OOC) *Fishy: with an added bonus of getting powerleveled to 15 before being able to choose my subclass so I lost a shitload of mana too
  104. (OOC) *Flek: yeah but you fucked yourself out of potentially more gains stat
  105. (OOC) *CyrusRoberts: I was in a rush fishy and only trained the stats i needed at the time, figuring I'd pick up the others later. Then I forgot until I was under the knife.
  106. (OOC) *Fishy: yeah, mine was "just put the eyes in me I'll get the rest later"
  107. (OOC) *Fishy: "oh by the way we went ahead and did them all while you were out"
  108. (OOC) *Thermitelogic: and you where a jedi so you couldn't slay them on the spot for incompetence right?
  109. (OOC) *Fishy: I wasn't awakened yet
  110. (OOC) *Fishy: or even sensed afaik, and yes, I was a jedi
  111. (OOC) *Flek: Was that Anha?
  112. (OOC) *Fishy: yes
  113. (OOC) *Flek: You got a lot of respect for me, You bought force and the imms fucked you by doing the suprise no force mini timeline
  114. (OOC) *Flek: but you kept on playing
  115. (OOC) *Flek: from me*
  116. (OOC) *Fishy: funny story, my pfile got eaten
  117. (OOC) *Flek: o.O
  118. (OOC) *Fishy: during the mini, I had to get Anna to remake me
  119. (OOC) *Fishy: so I genuinely had no idea if I still had it or not when "era 1" rolled around :P
  120. (OOC) *Flek: AAhhh!
  121. (OOC) *Flek: Well still. The fact that you said fuck it and went on playing even though imms fucked you out of force (sorta)
  122. (OOC) *Fishy: yeah lol
  123. (OOC) *Fishy: oh well, it was only 10k points
  124. (OOC) *Flek: Now thats nothing but back then that was alot
  125. (NEWBIE) Malagar: Study success messages should tell you what the subject is that you know more about.
  126. (OOC) *Fishy: that would be nice
  127. (OOC) *Thermitelogic: nothing for some people I guess. If I threw away 10k points I'd be abit bent.
  128. (OOC) *Flek: That would be.
  129. (OOC) *Fishy: I'd have been pissed but it's not like there was anything I could do about it so vOv
  130. (NEWBIE) Malagar: laters all.
  131. (OOC) *Flek: it was wierd imms waited like 2 weeks into the timeline to tell us they wernt gonna set masters no force for a while.
  132. (OOC) *Fishy: that whole situation was weird
  133. (OOC) *Fishy: anyway thermite I've accrued an assload of points by never spending them heh
  134. (OOC) *Shraik: what are we talking about
  135. (OOC) *Fishy: premature cyber install screwing characters and the no-force minitl
  136. (OOC) *Shraik: oh
  137. (OOC) *Schnob: Walking off of campus to find your car blocked in by two other cars and some decent snowfall is a joy I didn't know that I needed in my life
  138. (IMM) *Claudius: Stab someone.
  139. (OOC) *Diiroehn: Teach me how.
  140. (OOC) *Schnob: I can't. I'm Minnesotan, so I'll just stare at them and make them feel guilty when they walk by. That hurts more than knives.
  141. (OOC) *Diiroehn: and say 'jeez louise!'?
  142. (OOC) *Schnob: Uffda, yoo sure did do a good job a keeping me here! I understand yoo care about me getting an edjucation and all, but I need to get hohme and eat my lefse and hotdish!
  143. (OOC) *Schnob: Oh, do yoo need me to muve? Yoo betcha, I can get outta yoor way in a jiffy.
  144. (OOC) *Schnob: I'm going to take down these people's license plates and put a walleye in their undercarriage and tape a harmonica to the inside of their grille.
  145. (OOC) *Thermitelogic: hmm.. a little bit of snow has turned into a lot of snow.
  146. (OOC) *Fishy: RIP
  147. (OOC) *Schnob: Damn straight
  148. (OOC) *Dacen: do not try to do anything more than listening comms when you are in a train. This is an advice :)
  149. (OOC) *Flek: That 50k starter cash is so damn misleading. Sometimes its just enough sometimes it leavs you going GOD DAMNIT
  150. (OOC) *Flek: Join a clan they usually hand new recruits 100k btw
  151. (OOC) *Schnob: That's why I take it and invest it in buttcorns.
  152. (OOC) *Schnob: I'm still in favor of whoever it was that came up with the idea of having a character who sold useless novelty items that somehow swell in demand with low supply until they're super valuable for no good reason.
  153. (OOC) *Thermitelogic: I usually just throw 40k in the bank and immediately go kill mobs that pickpocket people. :P
  154. (OOC) *Odari: characters who open shops selling useless novelty items usually just end up going inactive and taking up a shop space forever
  155. (OOC) *Flek: petition the governing clan to shut down those shops
  156. (OOC) *Schnob: I'd support a wandering salesman with no shop.
  157. (OOC) *Kyen: D2
  158. (OOC) *Schnob: Wookiee has wears, if you have coin.
  159. (OOC) *Schnob: wares*
  160. (OOC) *Thermitelogic: I kinda liked that the empire last era 2 made that one of the jobs of patrolling was shutting down shops that remained empty or where abandoned. lol
  161. (OOC) *Kyen: how eo you spell her name
  162. (OOC) *Kyen: the diarrhea lady or whatever
  163. (OOC) *Flek: with the letter D and the number 2.
  164. (OOC) *Diiroehn: wut
  165. (OOC) *Bando: I've stolen from a few of you this era and it's wonderful. Especially because I really shouldn't be doing that on this character but you guys botting cargo make it so easy
  166. (OOC) *Fishy: the entire mud simultaneously check their pockets
  167. (OOC) *Bando: Its like the devil is whispering to me... "Jack that fool."
  168. (OOC) *CyrusRoberts: I'm not the devil. (jack that fool)
  169. (OOC) *Bando: And all I do is nod.
  170. (OOC) *Schnob: Bando just triggered a mud-wide "i"
  171. (OOC) *Kyen: bando how do you spell D2s name so i can stop calling her diarrhea lady
  172. (OOC) *Bando: I robbed the shit out of someone the other day legally botting
  173. (OOC) *Odari: I've been tempted to make characters whose sole purpose is stealing credits from cargo runners
  174. (OOC) *Thermitelogic: I don't bot cargo.. but that makes me think I should start running arround looking like I'm botting cargo.
  175. (OOC) *Odari: I'd even take the sticky fingers feat
  176. (OOC) *Bando: Like if you bot in a library, I'm coming for you.
  177. (OOC) *Fishy: you spell it like this: D2
  178. (OOC) *Thermitelogic: sometimes I throw my bot flag on in the library
  179. (OOC) *Thermitelogic: just for people like you bando.
  180. (OOC) *Flek: why the fuck do you think everyone calls her d2?
  181. (OOC) *Kyen: ill make sure to bot and just wait for you
  182. (OOC) *Flek: No one remembers how to spell her account name, D II is easier.
  183. (OOC) *Kyen: *surprise!!!!
  184. (OOC) *Fishy: anyway if you can't spell something that's literally on the screen in front of you then I dunno what to tell you
  185. (OOC) *Kyen: bando whats her number/email
  186. (OOC) *Fishy: other than "condolences on your severe mental retardation you fucking imbecile"
  187. (OOC) *Flek: How do you spell fishy?
  188. (OOC) *Thermitelogic: kyen, it's gone past the point of being amusing, I'd sugguest you drop it.
  189. (IMM) *Claudius: God damn
  190. (IMM) *Claudius: Facebook needs to implode
  191. (IMM) *Claudius: or the internet needs to cease to exist
  192. (OOC) *Kyen: im on my cell phone ass hat
  193. (OOC) *Bando: Or you need to log off facebook
  194. (OOC) *Schnob: ^
  195. (OOC) *Kyen: facebook is the devil
  196. (IMM) *Claudius: Reading the comments section of a Reuters article is just filled with a plethora of idiots
  197. (IMM) *Claudius: The internet can fuck right off too
  198. (OOC) *Schnob: Foozball is the devil.
  199. (OOC) *Kyen: you must be a liberal
  200. (OOC) *Bando: lol comment sections are great on the internet
  201. (OOC) *Diiroehn: send whatever you want to send to me to
  202. (IMM) *Claudius: It's allowed dumbasses to propagate their stupidity that other idiots follow and regurgitate
  203. (OOC) *Fishy: think I'm gonna make beef tacos
  204. (OOC) *Schnob: What in particular triggered your anger, Claudius?
  205. (OOC) *Thermitelogic: that is what I am having for dinner
  206. (OOC) *Schnob: What was the article about?
  207. (OOC) *Flek: premix seasoning or your own?
  208. (OOC) *Kyen: birther movement is trending today
  209. (OOC) *Kyen: and anti trumpers as usual and anti gun
  210. (IMM) *Claudius: It was a science article stating that even if we reach the goals set by the Paris Agreement, the sea level is still expected to rise within the next 2 centuries by at least a meter
  211. (OOC) *Kyen: you do realize climate change global warminh its all hype
  212. (OOC) *Flek: How you season the beef is how you make or fail at the taco....
  213. (OOC) *Fishy: add a chopped clove of garlic, then some chopped onion
  214. (OOC) *Fishy: then some bell pepper
  215. (OOC) *Flek: so your own, good.
  216. (OOC) *Flek: That sounds like a fajita.
  217. (OOC) *Kyen: its called mother earth fuxkinh with you
  218. (OOC) *Fishy: maybe a little bit of cilantro, in the browning stage
  219. (OOC) *Flek: blech cilantro
  220. (OOC) *Fishy: it's, idk..
  221. (OOC) *Flek: Soap
  222. (OOC) *Kyen: cilantto is great on hummus
  223. (OOC) *Fishy: somewhere between fajitas and tacos
  224. (OOC) *Diiroehn: im
  225. (OOC) *Diiroehn: hungry now
  226. (OOC) *Flek: Im making burgers cause I got this chipotle mayo I wanna try.
  227. (OOC) *Schnob: With how my current situation of being trapped in my car is going, I'm not going to be able to make anything.
  228. (OOC) *Schnob: Let's see if Domino's delivers to cars.
  229. (OOC) *Nort: they used to meet people in parking lots
  230. (IMM) *Claudius: Do you have an address near where you're parked?
  231. (OOC) Renderd: if you call you can just tell them where you are at
  232. (OOC) *Kyen: D2 likes D
  233. (OOC) *Flek: Kyen seriously chill the fuck out.
  234. (OOC) *Kyen: clearly
  235. (OOC) *Kyen: alright
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