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a guest
Sep 22nd, 2017
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  1. My Thunder******* joined.
  2. SGR joined.
  3. Format:
  4. [Gen 3] Ubers
  5. Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
  6. Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
  7. OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
  8. Moody Clause: Moody is banned
  9. Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
  10. Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned
  11. HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages
  12. Battle between My Thunder******* and SGR started!
  13. Go! Wobbuffet!
  14. SGR sent out Smeargle!
  15. Turn 1
  16. My Thunder*** made this room hidden.
  17. DeltaRott joined.
  18. magsy☭ joined.
  19. The opposing Smeargle used Spore!
  20. Wobbuffet fell asleep!
  21. Wobbuffet ate its Lum Berry!
  22. Wobbuffet woke up!
  23. Wobbuffet used Safeguard!
  24. Your team cloaked itself in a mystical veil!
  25. Turn 2
  26. magsy☭: damn both ppl
  27. magsy☭: brought batonpass
  28. magsy☭: LOL
  29. The opposing Smeargle used Ingrain!
  30. The opposing Smeargle planted its roots!
  31. Wobbuffet used Encore!
  32. The opposing Smeargle received an encore!
  33. Turn 3
  34. ☆My Thunder*******: Hell yeah
  35. Wobbuffet, come back!
  36. Go! Ninjask!
  37. The opposing Smeargle used Ingrain!
  38. But it failed!
  39. Turn 4
  40. Ninjask used Swords Dance!
  41. Ninjask's Attack rose sharply!
  42. The opposing Smeargle used Ingrain!
  43. But it failed!
  44. [Ninjask's Speed Boost!]
  45. Ninjask's Speed rose!
  46. Turn 5
  47. Ninjask used Substitute!
  48. Ninjask put in a substitute!
  49. Ninjask lost 25% of its health!
  50. The opposing Smeargle used Ingrain!
  51. But it failed!
  52. Your team is no longer protected by Safeguard!
  53. [Ninjask's Speed Boost!]
  54. Ninjask's Speed rose!
  55. Turn 6
  56. magsy☭: thats a gg
  57. Ninjask used Swords Dance!
  58. Ninjask's Attack rose sharply!
  59. The opposing Smeargle used Ingrain!
  60. But it failed!
  61. [Ninjask's Speed Boost!]
  62. Ninjask's Speed rose!
  63. Turn 7
  64. Ninjask used Swords Dance!
  65. Ninjask's Attack rose sharply!
  66. The opposing Smeargle used Ingrain!
  67. But it failed!
  68. [Ninjask's Speed Boost!]
  69. Ninjask's Speed rose!
  70. Turn 8
  71. Ninjask used Baton Pass!
  72. Go! Groudon!
  73. [Groudon's Drought!]
  74. The sunlight turned harsh!
  75. The opposing Smeargle used Ingrain!
  76. But it failed!
  77. The opposing Smeargle's encore ended!
  78. Turn 9
  79. magsy☭: forfeit sgr LOL
  80. Groudon used Earthquake!
  81. The opposing Smeargle lost 100% of its health!
  82. The opposing Smeargle fainted!
  83. ☆SGR: lol
  84. The Trap God joined.
  85. ☆SGR: well, I didn't see this coming
  86. SGR sent out Ninjask!
  87. Turn 10
  88. magsy☭: dude i told u at turn 1
  89. magsy☭: it was batonpass
  90. Groudon used Rock Slide!
  91. The opposing Ninjask avoided the attack!
  92. The opposing Ninjask used Substitute!
  93. The opposing Ninjask put in a substitute!
  94. The opposing Ninjask lost 24% of its health!
  95. [Opposing Ninjask's Speed Boost!]
  96. The opposing Ninjask's Speed rose!
  97. Turn 11
  98. magsy☭: nigga hp ghost
  99. magsy☭: killed
  100. magsy☭: lmaooo
  101. ☆My Thunder*******: Hell to the yeah bro
  102. Groudon used Rock Slide!
  103. It's super effective! The opposing Ninjask's substitute faded!
  104. The opposing Ninjask used Substitute!
  105. The opposing Ninjask put in a substitute!
  106. The opposing Ninjask lost 25% of its health!
  107. [Opposing Ninjask's Speed Boost!]
  108. The opposing Ninjask's Speed rose!
  109. Turn 12
  110. The opposing Ninjask used Substitute!
  111. The opposing Ninjask already has a substitute!
  112. Groudon used Hidden Power!
  113. A critical hit! The opposing Ninjask's substitute faded!
  114. [Opposing Ninjask's Speed Boost!]
  115. The opposing Ninjask's Speed rose!
  116. Turn 13
  117. ☆SGR: oops
  118. The opposing Ninjask used Baton Pass!
  119. SGR sent out Gorebyss!
  120. Groudon used Hidden Power!
  121. The opposing Gorebyss lost 100% of its health!
  122. The opposing Gorebyss fainted!
  123. ☆SGR: gg
  124. SGR forfeited.
  125. My Thunder******* won the battle!
  126. ☆My Thunder*******: Gg
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