
CM-SS13 Medical 101 3

Oct 7th, 2018
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  1. [h3]1. Thou shall not auto the autodoc.[/h3][small]
  2. The autodoc is about 50% faster if manually confiqured. Don't EVER use automatic. The autodoc AI is also quite stupid and can enter loops for multiple reasons such as trying to layer flesh on robotic organs. [b]Have I made myself clear? [/b]
  3. [/small]
  5. [h3]2. Thou shall fix ruptured lungs properly.[/h3][small]
  6. Patients with a lung rupture can't breathe. Connecting them to the surgery table anethetics system is therefore not enough. Use anethetic injectors or administer soporific and/or oxycodone until the lungs have been mended.
  7. [/small]
  9. [h3]3. Thou shall triage properly.[/h3][small]
  10. Orange or red triage is not about how wounded the patient is. It's for whether they should be taken into surgery sooner than others.
  12. Red triage is for urgent patients, they should treated as soon as possible. Heavy organ damage, shrapnel, IB, extreme blood loss, lung rupture ect.
  14. Orange triage is for patients that can wait, won't die untreated and can move around. When choosing among orange triage patients, pick the one that can be treated fastest first, so that patients won't queue up as fast. Taking orange patients through the autodoc when all rooms are in use is the best way to do this.
  16. Always treat red triage before orange, unless in the case of section 4 or because it's a high ranked marine that needs to get be treated sooner.
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