
Rebels in Equestria 10

Sep 7th, 2012
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  3. > You open the window and poke your head out like a dog in a car
  4. > The way the wind blows through your hair feels amazing!
  5. > The train speeds past various towns and farms
  6. > You wave at the p0ny folk that you pass
  7. > Celestia's intense sun is beaming down on you in a cloudless sky
  8. > The wind does an excellent job a keeping you cool
  10. > The Equestrian landscape is beautiful
  11. > It's more majestic than anything you've ever seen on Earth
  12. > Soft rolling hills that stretch as far as the eye can see
  13. > Crystal clear rivers that gently carve their way into the horizon
  14. > You take note of the towns you pass by
  15. > You didn't see a single building taller than two stories high
  16. > Many of them looked to be made of simple materials such as stone and wood
  17. > You marveled at the simplicity of their architecture
  19. > "Anon! Close the window! The wind! It's ruining my mane!"
  20. > You chuckle to yourself
  21. > Ignoring her, you open the window even more
  22. > “Anon!”
  23. “What?! I can’t hear youuu!” You yell as you stick your head out the window
  24. > Suddenly a force pulls you pick inside
  25. > It was Rarity’s magic. She has already closed the window and has begun tending to her frizzled mane
  26. > "Please be more considerate to everyp0ny else Anon! Honestly, I spent all morning getting my mane just right and I'd appreciate it if you didn't ruin my efforts!"
  27. >You cross your arms and look at her in disbelief
  28. "...Really?"
  29. > Apple Jack nudges you a bit
  30. > "Shucks' There ain't a day where we don't go through this! Hehe, you better get used to it Anonymous!"
  31. “What do you mean?”
  32. > “Ya’ll gonna be staying at Rarity’s! Don ya’ remember?”
  33. "And I’m going have to put up with this everydaay? How can one even possibly put up with this?" You exclaim sarcastically
  34. > "Sugar cube, don’t even get me started. Why, I remember once I got caught in a rainstorm with her one afternoon. We had to stay inside Twilight's for the entire night. It was just something awful, I even had to share a bed with her!"
  35. > You kneel down and pat Apple Jack on the back
  36. "My sympathies, Applejack."
  37. > Applejack lets out a hearty laugh
  38. > Rarity jabs you in the kidneys
  39. > “If I were you, I’d be much kinder to the p0ny whose taking you in!”
  40. > [spoiler]Her punch felt like being hit by an oversized marshmallow. [/spoiler]
  41. "Calm yourself. I'm only joking Rarity."
  42. > "Ughh. Well I'm not!”
  43. > She runs to the nearest mirror
  44. > “Just look! You've absolutely ruined my mane!"
  45. > She frantically returns to brushing her purple hair
  46. “You know, it honestly doesn’t look that bad Rarity.”
  48. > She laughs for a bit before responding “You expect me to take grooming advice from you?”
  49. “Wha…What is that supposed to mean?”
  50. > Rarity points to your hair
  51. > It’s long, unkempt and unruly. In fact, it almost looks barbaric
  52. > But it’s not your fault though
  53. > There was no time to visit a barber in the middle of a war, so it’s been months since your last haircut
  54. > She punches you again in the side
  55. > “I’m only joking Anon.”
  56. "Hmph."
  57. > "I'll tell you what Anon, when we get back to P0nyville I'll show you how to properly take care of your mane. Then just maybe, you will have a mane as magnific as mine!"
  58. > She finished her statement by bouncing her mane around. You have to admit. It did look nice.
  59. "Heh, I guess I'll just have to take you up on that offer."
  61. --
  63. > "Geeze! Just how long is this train ride going to take? I’ve got stuff to do!" Rainbow Dash asks while pacing back and forth the aisle
  64. > Everyone else simply watched as she frantically paced to and fro
  65. > Your party had been accommodated with a private sleeper car
  66. > Each p0ny would have their own bunk
  67. > It was really was nice compared to the trains you had back at home
  68. > In fact, you remember how one had gotten mugged once as you disembarked a train
  69. > You shudder at the thought
  70. > Looking around, you doubt any p0ny would even try to take you on
  71. > Oh how the tables have turned
  73. > You look towards your bunk. Instead of you in it, your belongings lay on the bed
  74. > Unfortunately, you were much too tall for the p0ny sized bed, you'd have to sleep on the floor or something
  76. > "Rainbow, you know we won't arrive in P0nyville until tomorrow morning at the very least." Twilight responds without looking up from her book
  77. > "God! Can somep0ny please tell me why we can't just fly back? I mean we flew on the way to Canterlot! And it only took like what, an hour?"
  78. > "That was different. It was an 'emergency'. Besides you can't just have the Royal Guard fly you around all day, they're not your personal taxi service you know."
  79. > "Yeah, but you'd think they'd be able to fly us home in a jiffy. It would be no problem! I mean, what else do they do all day!"
  80. > “Uhh, how about guard Canterlot and the Royal Family?”
  81. > “From what?”
  82. > “Did you forget about the Changelings already?”
  83. > She blushes in embarrassment
  85. > "It could be worse Rainbow, if anything you should be thankful the Princesses were able to get us a private car on such short notice."
  86. > "Yeah, I guess." Rainbow sulks back into her bed
  87. "Does sitting in a train really bother you that much?" You ask
  88. > "It's not that it bothers me. It's just sitting in this one car all day? It's so boring. So lame. So...uncool."
  89. > She buries her face under her pillow
  90. > "Theres nothing to doooo!" Her muffled voice barely audible
  92. > With a coy grin Twilight pulls out a book from her saddlebag
  93. > "Are you sure about that? I mean, it just so happens that I've got the newest Daring Doo novel right here. If you’d like, I’ll let you read it, but we’d have to work out an agreement first. How about in exchange for this book you come over and help me with my stu-“
  94. > Before she can finish that sentence, she is tackled to the ground
  95. > You see a flurry of colors zoom by you as Rainbow snatches the book out of Twilight's grip
  96. > The sounds of magic spells going off fill the cart as the two frantically wrestle for the book
  97. > “Gimme Twilight!”
  98. > “No! Hand off! It’s mine! We have to make a deal first!”
  99. > “Like I’d ever agree to anything you’d say!”
  100. > The entire train car erupts in laughter once again
  102. > It's astounding how the p0nies have come to accept you
  103. > They've warmed up to you in a few days time
  104. > You, a completely alien species, have earned the trust of these 6 p0nies
  105. > This makes you p0nder on how different your species really are
  106. > Where are the p0nies are caring and open hearted, you are cold and prone for conflict.
  107. > Hell, mankind has always waged war with itself, competing for resources with itself, always struggling to survive
  108. > Humans descended from the trees three and a half million years ago and cut a bloody swath across the land
  109. > Creating immense civilizations and conquering an entire planet with stone axes and a will to power
  110. > These p0nies on the other hand?
  111. > They're like kindergarteners
  112. > They're too trusting
  113. > They don't know the things you do
  114. > You delve deeper into the subject
  115. > Losing yourselves in your own thoughts
  117. --
  119. > "Anonymous!"
  120. "Huh...wha-What?"
  121. > "Sugarcube, Where ya'll even paying attention to a single thing I said?" Applejack asks melancholically
  122. "Huh? Uhh? Well of course! Obviously!"
  123. > "Then what did I just ask you?"
  124. > Shit.
  125. " town?"
  126. > She glares at you, unimpressed
  127. > "Not even close honey."
  128. > You wince in embarrassment
  130. "Sorry. So what’s up?"
  131. > "Well, I noticed you looked a little hungry there."
  132. > She's right, you haven't eaten since breakfast.
  133. > Your stomach grumbles loudly as if it where confirming this
  134. > "Anyhow, I was wondering if I could interest you in any of the snacks I packed. It should keep us full until dinner."
  135. > She pulls out a few morsels of food from her saddlebag
  136. > A few slices of pie, a piece of cobbler, caramel apples and a thermos filled with what seems to be warm apple cider
  137. > Your mouth waters at the sight
  138. > "Help yourself Anonymous."
  139. > You pour yourself a cup of cider, the aroma of apples gently wafts in your nose
  140. > It's hard to decide what to try first! They all look so good!
  141. > Ultimately, you decide on a piece of the apple pie
  142. > You sink your teeth into the slice
  143. "...Oh mah gawhd." You mutter, your mouth still full of food
  144. > "What? Does it taste bad? Do you not like it? Is something wrong with it?" Apple Jack asks nervously
  145. "No. It's just..."
  146. > You cram the rest of the pie in your mouth, savoring the sweet flavor
  147. > It's definitely one of the tastiest experiences you've had in your entire life
  148. > You finish off the pie with the rest of the warm cider
  149. "Apple Jack, this food! It's amazing! Where'd you buy it?"
  150. > Before you can answer; Pinkie Pie pops up in front of your view, only inches from your face
  151. > "Ooh! I made those yummy treats!"
  152. > You're a bit taken back from her sudden outburst, but you manage to stay cool
  153. "Pinkie Pie, I didn't know you could bake."
  154. > "Well duhh! Oh course I can bake! Otherwise how else would I be able to work in a bakery!?"
  155. > You nod your head in agreement and take another bite of the apple pie
  156. > The rest of the p0nies join you in eating the snacks
  158. > The meal was going along smoothly
  159. > All the p0nies where conversing amongst each other
  160. > Again, you only sit back and listen in on their conversations
  161. > Apple Jack talks of how her family business is struggling in the current economy.
  162. >Rarity on the other hand tells of a large order of dresses for a very important client
  163. > Twilight spends a large chunk of time rambling on about her upcoming Magical Exams
  164. > She explains on how she is “totally unprepared for the test, and is doomed to a life of failure and humiliation” if she fails the upcoming exams
  165. > Every p0ny around is only able to offer her moral support at this point
  166. > Except for Pinkie Pie
  167. > She only offers Twilight more food
  169. > However, you’ve been in this sort of situation before. And you definitely know how it feels to be blindsided by final exams.
  170. > It’s not a pleasant experience
  171. “Hey, Twilight. I think I may be able to help you out.”
  172. > “I really don’t think you’d be able to-“
  173. “No really! During my years in my University I-
  174. > “You went to a University?!” She interrupts
  175. “Well, yeah. Doesn’t everyone?”
  177. > Her eyes widen and she pulls you close with her magic
  178. > “Really? What do you know? Will it really help? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!”
  179. > You can hear the desperation in her voice, at this point she seems to be grasping at straws
  180. > Luna told you about Twilight being Celestia’s protégé
  181. > It is a title that definitely carries pressure one to maintain a perfect academic record
  182. > Albeit vaguely, you’re able to relate to her position
  183. > Although, making the Dean’s List at your University doesn’t compare to becoming the personal apprentice to the goddess of the sun herself
  184. > She has it tough, no doubt
  185. “Cool.” You say helpfully
  186. > First you discuss the topics at hand that are to be tested
  187. > Mathematics, Science, Equestrian history and Magic Performance
  188. > Since mathematics and science are the only two subjects you have a decent grasp on, you offer to tutor her with them
  189. > As for history and Magic, you only offer her various study methods that you thought would help
  190. > You also recommended some small changes in her life style in order to benefit herself as a student
  191. > You explain the ideologies and concepts of various topics such as metacognition, memory association and other elements
  192. > Taking the time and effort, you explain each concept meticulously and refer to various studies as proof
  194. > Despite all of this, she takes your advice with a grain of salt
  195. > “Alright Anonymous, it’s official. You’re crazy.”
  196. “Wh-What?”
  197. > “Absolutely none of that made any sense!”
  198. “What the hell? Of course it makes sense!”
  199. > “No it doesn’t! I bet half you just made half that stuff up on the spot!”
  200. “Of course not! I told you already, I took a few courses while-”
  201. > “And that’s another thing! Just what kind of university would offer this sort of mumbo-jumbo? None that I ever heard of!”
  202. “Well no shi-“
  203. > “Did you really study this in a university? It’s so irrelevant. So inane!....Or maybe you didn’t study this at all…”
  204. “What the hell are you getting at?”
  205. > “Maybe you didn’t even attend a University! Maybe you just made all of that up! Did ya’? Huh?”
  206. “What kind of question is th-“
  207. “Did you just make that up? Just tell me! Did you do it to impress me? You know, you’re not impressing anyp0ny here.”
  208. “What the hell? Of course I attended!”
  209. > “Then prove it!”
  210. “And how the hell do you expect me to do that?”
  211. > “Show me some sort of document! I want to see it in writing.”
  212. > You give Twilight a cold stare
  213. “After all I’ve been through in the past few days, do you honestly expect me to have that sort of thing with me? I mean seriously! Who the hell carries that sort of shit with them?”
  214. > “I do!” She exclaims excitedly
  215. > She rustles through her saddlebag and pulls out various scrolls and books
  216. > She literally shoves them in your face. All while maintaining a cocky smile
  217. “Really?”
  218. > She nods excitedly
  219. > You grab a scroll and unravel it, it’s her entire academic record
  221. > You carefully read over some of her more recent transcripts
  222. > Advanced Mathematics – A+
  223. > Advanced Spell casting – A-
  224. > Advanced Pre-Celestial History – A+
  225. > Advanced Alchemy – A+
  226. > Advanced Transmutation – A+
  227. > Advanced Lunar Theory – A-
  228. > Much of her transcript followed a similar pattern
  229. > She managed to maintain a near flawless academic record her entire life
  230. > At this point Twilight has that smug look on her face
  231. > Her expression just screams “I told you so.”
  232. > God, you just want to slap that grin of her face
  233. > You begin to wonder whether or not her ultimate goal was to show you her transcript
  234. > You chuckle at the thought
  235. > You did have to admit, this was impressive
  237. > However, there was one course that caught your attention.
  238. > Guided Friendship Theory – INCOMPLETE
  239. > The “INCOMPLETE” stood out like a sore thumb in the sea of A’s
  240. > You just stood there baffled by what you read. You even rubbed your eyes and checked the paper twice to make sure you weren’t mistaken
  241. > “What? Is something wrong?” Twilight nervously asks
  243. > [spoiler]Friendship theory? Fucking really? Is she really giving me flack about my own god damned education when she can’t even complete a fucking course on “friendship theory”?[/spoiler]
  245. “Hey Twilight.”
  246. > “Y-Yes?”
  247. “What’s this about a course Friendship Theory? You literally took a course in friendship?”
  248. > “Well I wouldn’t call it a course. More like a lifelong exper –“
  249. “It’s listed as a course right here.”
  250. > You point at the header of the scroll where it states “Course Listings”
  251. “What I want to know is why you’d have to take a course in friendship in the first place.”
  252. > “Well you see-“
  253. “I mean shouldn’t making friends just come naturally? I mean if you’re not a social outcast you should be fine right?”
  254. > “That’s not tru-“
  255. “Hell, what I want to know is why you’d even bother taking such an irrelevant course.”
  256. > She remains silent
  258. > You aren’t a scraper by nature, but you’ve played just enough Phoenix Wright games to know how to effectively corner someone in an argument
  260. “It’s just so irrelevant…So elementary…So inane.”
  261. > “It’s not like that!”
  262. “It seems exactly like that. I mean, it’s right here in writing.”
  263. > She’s drawing at straws. You’re clearly winning this argument
  264. > “You still have no idea what you’re talking about! At least I have a transcript! You still have no proof!”
  265. > She softly jabs your chest
  266. > “Hah!”
  268. > Oh no she didn’t
  270. > Rainbow Dash idly munches on popcorn as she watches your spectacle from across the train car
  271. > She leans over and whispers to the other p0nies
  272. > “Heh, I’ve never seen Twilight get so frustrated with someone. You know it’s about time Twilight met someone as nutty as herself”
  273. > “Uhm. Shouldn’t we stop them? Or at the very least say something? I mean, what if somep0ny says something they’ll regret? Or What if they hurt each other’s feelings? Oh I just can’t stand to watch anymore!”
  274. > Fluttershy uses her hooves to blind herself
  275. > “Hurting their feelings? Nonsense! I say let them! I do believe Anon is more than capable of holding his own against our Twilight.”
  276. > “Wow! They sure can argue! You know, they argue more than Mr. and Mrs. Cake! And I never thought I’d met a pair of p0nies argue more than those two!” Pinkie Pie exclaims. “Just how long do you think they’ll keep this up?”
  277. > “I reckon they’ll be bumping heads the entire ride home.”
  278. > Rainbow Dash finishes her popcorn and picks up the newest Daring Doo novel. “You know, I think I like this Anonymous guy. He seems cool enough.”
  279. > Fluttershy finally unblinds herself. “I’ll say! Never in my life did I ever think I’d be able to come meet a real live human! Oh my, I hope we get along. I’ve never made friends with anything so interesting! I mean, just look at him!”
  280. > All the p0nies look you over
  281. > Rarity pulls out a notebook and pencil. She begins to draw a sketch of you in vivid detail.
  282. > “What I would like to know is why Anon would ever wear such dreadful clothing. I mean, just look at them! They’re nothing more than rags! It’s an insult to fashion everywhere! I just don’t understand! He was dressed so eloquently as last night’s dinner!”
  283. > “Now calm down sugar cube. I’m sure he has his reasons. You know, they’re probably just more comfortable for him is all.”
  284. > “Well whatever the reason, it doesn’t change the fact that it just looks absolutely horrible!”
  285. > Rarity finishes her sketch
  286. > She is able to capture almost every detail of you. She jotted several notes on your choice of clothing. She also notices the large amount of wounds along your body and takes count. In her sketch, she even was able to make out your tattoo.
  287. > “Just what is that anyways?” Pinkie Pie points to your tattoo.
  288. > “Is that his cutie mark?” Fluttershy asks
  289. > “I reckon so. What else could it be?”
  290. > “I highly doubt it. I’ve never seen anyp0ny with a cutie mark like that! It’s not a picture or symbol. It doesn’t look like it represents anything related to a special talent.”
  291. > “It actually looks like letters formin’ some sort of word.”
  292. > “Whatever it is, I gotta give Anonymous props. It looks wicked cool.”
  293. > “Since it’s not in Equestrian I reckon it’s in Anonymous’ native tounge. Some sort of human language I suppose.”
  294. > “What do you think it means?” Fluttershy boldly asks
  295. > The rest of the p0nies just shrug in unison
  297. > Fluttershy flies over to you
  298. > She reluctantly taps at your shoulder. In the heat or arguing, you fail to notice her
  299. > She tries again, but again you fail to notice
  300. > “Uhm..excuse me. Mr. Anonymous?” She asks, her voice draining to nothing more than a squeak.
  301. > Apple Jack doesn’t take to this kindly
  302. > She runs up to you and punches you in the shoulder
  303. > The force of the blow nearly knocks you to your knees
  304. “What the hell!?”
  305. > “Now excuse me Anonymous. But I reckon that Fluttershy here has something to say!”
  306. > You look over to Fluttershy who is cowering behind Applejack
  307. > “Uhhm. Well, I just wanted to know what that thing on your meant? I mean, is it your cutie mark?”
  308. “My cutie mark? What the hell?”
  309. > “You know, you’re cutie mark!” Twilight exclaims “The symbol that p0nies get once they discover their unique talent.”
  310. “What the hell? Seriously? Those exist?”
  311. > “Well of course darling! We all gotten ours!” She notions to the three diamonds on her flank
  312. “Is that what those are? I’ve been meaning to ask you about those.”
  313. > “Well darling, essentially, when a young filly learns their one true talent in life a cutie mark appears on their flank. Each p0ny has a unique cutie mark. No two are ever alike.”
  314. “Well, then what does yours represent?”
  315. > “Mine? Well if you must know, mine represent my love for jewels and fashion! It truly is fitting for me don’t you think?”
  316. > You take a moment to think it over
  317. > When suddenly it hits you
  318. > You remember the cutie marks on Celestia and Luna, a sun and moon respectively. You then recall their abilities to manipulate the sun and stars. Then you realize their names literally translate to “Sun and Moon” respectively.
  319. > You face palm
  320. > Why didn’t you figure this out before?
  321. > It’s so obvious!
  322. > You chuckle at your own ignorance
  323. “Haha, well yeah. Well I guess that answers my questions.”
  326. > Twilight steps forward.
  327. > “What, you humans don’t have cutie marks? Then what’s that on your arm?” Twilight points at the tattoo on your arm
  328. “This? It’s just a tattoo.”
  329. > “A ‘tattoo’? What’s that?” Her tone of voice is much friendlier now. It’s as if she completely forgot you two were just in a heated argument.
  330. “It’s exactly what it looks like. It’s a drawing that’s embedded in my skin.”
  331. > “Embedded? How can you do that?”
  332. “Essentially with an ink tipped needle. They stab it in and out rael quick.”
  333. > “Shucks, I reckon that would be mighty painful.”
  334. “Trust me. It is.”
  335. > “What special talent does yours represent then?” Fluttershy timidly asks
  336. “Talent? This isn’t connected to any one of my various awesome talents.” You look over to Twilight, who only rolls her eyes in response. “I guess it’s not ‘earned’ like your cutie marks. It’s actually done completely voluntarily. On my home if you wanted one, you’d just go to a parlor that specializes in making them. They’d draw whatever you want and set you on your way”
  337. > “Did you go to a special parlor?”
  338. “Well, no not exactly.”
  339. > “Well then where did you get yours?”
  340. > You scour your mind for memories of that night you got your tattoo
  341. > That same night you got shit faced drunk and woke up with half of your shit stolen
  342. > Not one of your proudest moments
  343. “My friend kinda gave it to me.”
  344. > “He ‘gave’ it to you?” Twilight asks, while raising an eyebrow
  345. “Well, I didn’t exactly ask for it. I actually didn’t even want it.”
  346. > “Then how was he able to do it to you? To me this whole procedure sounds very painful and time consuming. Surely you must have been able to deny his offer”
  347. “Well, I was sorta drunk at the time.”
  348. > “Drunk? Seriously?”
  349. “Yeah.”
  350. > “The big and might Anonymous? Now I find that mighty hard to believe.”
  351. “Well it does happens from time to time. You know how it is.”
  352. > “Sugarcube I saw you down more than 2 bottles of wine yesterday without even getting close to tipsy.”
  353. “Well that was different.”
  354. > “Yeah? Well how so? The way I see it, drinkin’ is drinkin’. Aint’ nothing to it!”
  355. “Well, it’s just the alcohol over here is kinda weak.”
  356. > “Really now? I find that REAL hard to believe.”
  357. “Yeah, that wine yesterday tasted more like juice than anything.”
  359. > Sugarcube, if that’s the case why don’t you try something with a little bit more kick?”
  360. > Apple Jack pulls out a bottle from her saddlebag
  361. > “I made this little batch ‘ere the other day. I figured I might as well pack some for the trip. Ya never know.”
  362. > Pinkie Pie’s eyes widen at the sight
  363. > She swoops in and snatches the bottle from Apple Jack’s hooves
  364. “Alright! Time to partay!”
  367. --
  371. > Luna’s night has settled over the landscape
  372. > The train is still chugging towards its destination
  373. > At this rate, you figure it will arrive in P0nyville before schedule
  374. > It’s late, and most p0nies have fallen asleep.
  375. > All the train cars have their lights out; All except for yours that is.
  376. > A small oil lamp gives off a soft light. Just enough to illuminate your surroundings, but not bright enough to disturb the others
  378. > You enjoy this silence. It’s calming.
  379. > After Apple Jack cracked open her brew the p0nies turned into party animals
  380. > Pinkie Pie was notably more chipper and outgoing than usual
  381. > That p0ny sure knows how to throw a party
  382. > Amazingly, the p0nies managed to finish Apple Jack’s entire bottle
  383. > You had a couple drinks yourself. You still sober, the alchohol barely effecting you
  384. > It actually tasted like hard apple cider. It had a slight burn going down, but it was a satisfying sensation. This brew faltered in comparison to the hard drinks you’ve had before
  386. > You look over to Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack who are snoring softly in their bunks
  387. > After the way they were drinking there’s no doubt they’re going to wake up with a hangover tomorrow.
  388. > You chuckle softly.
  390. > You watch as all the p0nies sleep soundly in their beds
  391. > Rainbow Dash’s wings twitches while she sleeps
  392. > She’s probably dreaming that’s she flying
  393. > You also take note of how they are all sleeping so peacefully
  394. > Even though you’ve only known them for a few days, they are able to sleep soundly at night, having full trust in you.
  395. > You envy them
  396. > After so many nights of constant attacks from the enemy you lost your ability to sleep soundly
  397. > Each night you only managed to sleep a few measly hours. And even then, it barely provided you with any rest
  400. > You were stuck sleeping on the floor
  401. > You’re much to tall to fit in the small p0ny sized bunks
  402. > It was alright though. Compared to sleeping in sewers, a wooden floor seemed like a god send.
  403. > Fluttershy had offered to give you her pillows to make it more comfortable for you. It was a nice offer, but you humbly declined.
  404. > It was a nice offer, but you can’t bear to make someone compromise their comfort for your own
  405. > You managed to sleep for only 2 hours.
  406. > The rest of the time you idly stood by the door
  407. > The rifle sits firmly in your grip. The weapon is loaded.
  408. > You even took the time to clean and sharpen your bayonet
  409. > You did this all autonomously
  410. > After so much time of night guard duty, this all became second nature to you
  411. > You don’t understand why you did this though
  412. > There’s no danger here
  413. > No one’s going to try to kill you in your sleep
  415. > For what seems like the first time in months, you can finally be at ease
  416. > But why aren’t you?
  418. > You look outside the window
  419. > The shining stars dance high in the sky
  420. > A full moon hangs proudly above the land. Bathing it in a soft light
  421. > The night sky always has a way of captivating you
  422. “Damn Luna, you’ve really outdone yourself tonight.”
  423. > You open the window once more
  424. > The cool air blows into the car
  425. > You stick your hand out
  426. > The way the wind curves around your hand feels amazing
  428. > It was about then when you heard a noise from behind you
  430. > Instincts kick in
  431. > In a split second you turn to face the source of the sound
  432. > You bring up your rifle to firing position and remove the safety
  434. > You were only moments from pulling the trigger before you realized what your were aiming at
  435. > Rarity stood at the end of your weapon, completely petrified
  436. > The bayonet was only inches from her face
  437. > “A-Anon!”
  438. > You let out a sigh of relief
  439. > Instantly you lower your weapon and engage the safety
  440. > You walk over to her and get down to eye level
  441. “Rarity!” You whisper. “What the hell! I could have killed you!”
  442. > “K-Killed me? Anon have you lost your mind! How dare you go off point that..that thing at me! What is that thing anyways?!”
  443. “I’m sorry! Y-You shouldn’t sneak up on me like that!”
  444. > “I’ll say! But don’t try to change the subject! What do you mean ‘You could have killed me?’ Just what in Celestia’s name is that contraption?”
  445. > You wince
  446. > There’s no way getting around it now
  447. > “Anon!”
  448. > Ignoring her, you try to walk away as if nothing happened
  449. > She pulls you back with her magic and rips the rifle from her grip
  450. > “Anonymous! You will tell what is this thing! And you’re going to tell me NOW.”
  451. “Shhh! What the hell? Are you trying to wake everybody up?”
  452. > “Anon!”
  453. “Fine! Fine! But…But on one condition! You can’t tell anyone!”
  454. > Rarity thinks it over for a moment
  455. > She releases her grip on you
  456. > “Alright, I suppose I can agree to that.”
  457. “Well, this? It’s a gun.”
  458. > “A ‘gun’? I’ve never heard of such a thing.”
  459. “Good. You’re better off not having to.”
  460. > “Alright, but what does it do?”
  461. “It’s…It’s a weapon.”
  462. > “A weapon? Well I suppose that would explain the blade at the end. But even then, it’s much to small to be useful in any scenario.”
  463. “That’s because it’s not meant for close range fighting.”
  464. > “Then how does it work? Show me!”
  466. > You grab the rifle and remove the magazine
  467. “Have you ever heard of a bow and arrow, or even a sling shot?”
  468. > “Well of course.”
  469. “This is the same concept. This is a weapon that fires a high velocity projectile at a target.”
  470. > You pull out a bullet from the magazine
  471. “When I pull this trigger, this round is fired from this weapon. It travels down this barrel until it leaves from this end over here. At that point it will reach incredible speeds.”
  472. > As you explain, she just watches in abject horror
  473. “This bullet will then travel to whatever I aim at with extreme precision. I’ve been able to accurately hit peo-…targets from distances of about 100 meters. This is hollow point round, when it hits a fleshy target it expands on impact. Completely tearing through whatever is in it’s way.”
  474. > You explain this all so melancholically
  475. > Her horror turns into anger
  476. > “And you pointed that thing at me!? How…How dare you!”
  477. > She slaps you across the face
  478. > Hard.
  480. > You fall backwards and land on your rear
  481. > “I can’t even believe this!”
  482. “Rarity, I can ex-“
  483. > “Explain? Tell me! How can you possibly justify carrying this thing around?!”
  484. > With her magic, she pulls the rifle away from you
  485. > “This is barbaric! This is insane! What in Celestia’s name could you possibly use this for?”
  486. “Please Rarity just liste-“
  487. > “No! Why would I listen to you! You’re probably nothing more than a murderer!“
  488. > Murderer
  489. > Upon hearing that word you blood comes to a boil
  490. > You’ve had enough
  492. > You grab her by her shoulder and pin her against the wall
  493. > “A-A-Anon. W-What are you- Unhand me you-“
  494. “NO!”
  495. > You press her harder against the wall
  496. > “Anon? What are you doing? Please! Don’t hurt m-”
  498. “No! Just shut the fuck up! Just shut up for one second and listen to me!”
  499. > You press her harder against the wall, lifting her off her feet
  500. > You feel a rush similar to a combat high
  501. > [spoiler]It feels…..good. [/spoiler]
  502. > She remains silent
  503. “Don’t you get it? Can’t you fucking see? I needed that gun! I’d be fucked without it! Do you know what they’d do to me?”
  504. > You stare angrily into Rarity’s eyes
  505. “I’m fucking useless without that! What the fuck was I gonna to do if they start shooting at us?! Huh? What the fuck am I supposed to do? I can’t let them! I couldn’t let them kill me! I didn’t want to die Rarity! I didn’t want to die”
  506. > You leave a small puddle of tears on the floor
  507. > Beyond the tears you can just barely see Rarity
  508. > You can see the fear in her eyes
  509. > It’s the same fear you had once
  510. > You release your grip and sob in her shoulder
  511. “I….I’m sorry. It’s just…”
  512. > You slide down against the wall and bury your face in your knees
  513. “Those fuckers! Those fuckers killed my family! They killed my friends! They took everything from me! Why can’t anyone see that?!”
  515. > It’s a miracle the other p0nies haven’t awoken by now
  516. > You can probably thank the alcohol
  518. > You’re in full blown hysterics now
  519. > Your sadness transform into anger
  520. > You curse yourself out
  521. “Why me? What the fuck did I do to deserve it? W-Why?”
  522. > In all that time, Rarity just watches you in your broken state
  524. > It then clicks in Rarity’s mind
  525. > She’s this sort of behavior before
  526. > She knows this all too well
  527. > It wasn’t long ago when she treated herself like this
  528. > She was lost and misguided
  529. > It was only when Twilight came to her for support that she was able to recover from her depression
  530. > “Oh my.” She whispers softly
  532. > Rarity slowly walks back to you
  533. > “Anon? Are you alright?”
  534. > You look up. Your vision heavily obscured by your tears. You can just barely make Rarity’s silhouette against the light
  535. > You look away in shame
  536. > “Anon?”
  537. > You try to ignore her as best as you can
  538. > “Listen Anon. I’m sorry…Listen, why don’t we just talk it out? Just you and I.”
  539. > You can the sympathy in her eyes.
  540. > You can hear the trust in your voice
  541. > “You can be confident that whatever you tell me now, I won’t share with anyp0ny. Ever.”
  542. > She wraps her arm around your shoulder in a sort of hug.
  543. > At first, you shudder at her touch.
  544. > But then you relax and return the hug.
  545. “I’m…I’m sorry. I just. I just don’t know what to do!”
  546. > “Let’s just talk Anon. Just tell me what’s on your mind.
  548. > You stare at her, and she to you
  549. > You avert your gaze and look off out the window into the night sky
  550. “You want the truth?”
  551. > She nods her head up and down
  553. “It…It all started about ten months ago…”
  555. --
  557. > “Oh my gosh! Wake up guys! We’re here!” Pinkie Pie exclaims as she bounces around the car
  558. “Wh-What?”
  559. > You groggily rubs the morning sand from your eyes
  560. > Rarity, who had fallen asleep on your lap, does the same.
  561. > Telling by her eye smeared eye liner, she had been crying heavily
  562. > However, she quickly wipes it off before anyone notices
  563. “What do you mean where here?”
  564. > “Anonymous! Just look! See? It’s P0nyville!”
  565. > She hops off the train car before saying anything
  566. > Rarity gets off your lap and stretches for a bit
  567. > “Good morning Anon. Sleep well?”
  568. “Listen. I just want to apo-“
  569. > She places her hoof over your lips
  570. > “Let’s discuss that in private shall we?”
  571. “Ah..Alright.”
  572. > “Now come, gather your things. We need to show you around town.”
  573. > You do as your told and scurry around the train car trying to gather all your belongings
  574. > Just as you expected Rainbow Dash has woken up with a massive hangover
  575. > Apple Jack seems unaffected. Apparently she can hold her own in drinks
  576. > You put on your massive backpack and wheel off a large trunk.
  577. > Luna and Celestia had gotten you this trunk as a welcome gift
  578. > Luna’s voice still echoes in your mind “Anonymous! You are not to open this until you get settled in P0nyville. Do we make ourselves clear?”
  579. > You chuckle for a bit
  580. > As you reach for your rifle, Rarity pulls it away from you with her magic
  581. “Hey!”
  582. > She looks at your worriedly
  583. > “Just promise me you’ll be careful.”
  584. > You give her a warm and genuine smile
  585. “You have my word.”
  586. > She hands it back to you
  587. “Thanks.”
  589. > Applejack pokes her head in the car. “Well come one y’all! We haven’t got all day!”
  590. “Jeeze, just give me a second will ya? I don’t see you helping carry all this!”
  591. > “Well that’s the thing sugar cube, that’s all your stuff. Not mine. I ain’t gotta carry none of it!” She trots off laughing
  592. “Asshole...” You mutter under your breath
  594. > “Come darling. I’ll help you.” She levitates your things with her magic
  596. > As you head outside you take note of the town’s lively atmosphere
  597. > As you cut through the town square you take note of the busy market place
  598. > Many p0nies are selling farm foods and other handmade artisan crafts
  599. > Applejack waves to a small yellow p0ny working an apple stand
  600. “Do you know her?” You ask
  601. > “Know her? Why, that’s my little sis’ Applebloom!”
  602. “I didn’t know you had a sister!”
  603. > “Yeah! Ya know, I’ve got an older brother too! You should meet him! He’s a gentle giant he is! I’m sure ya’ll would get along just fine!”
  604. “Oh yeah. Definitely!”
  605. > One thing has certainly been bothering you
  606. > The sheer lack of males in Equestria’s population
  607. > Like seriously!
  608. > Out of all the p0nies you’ve met, only like a handful have been guys
  609. > It’s not that you don’t mind, it’s just that you need to have a few bro’s around
  610. > You juggle the though in your head for a while
  612. > “Ooh! Ohh! Anonymous. Look other there!” Exclaims Pinkie Pie
  613. > She’s pointing at what seems to be a ginger bread house
  614. > Literally, a fucking ginger bread house
  615. “What the hell is that?”
  616. > “That’s Sugarcube Corner silly filly! I live there!” Ain’t it just great!?”
  617. “Hah, I’ll say! It sounds great!”
  618. > In the back of your mind you question the structural integrity of a cookie bread house
  619. > Regardless, you don’t let this ruin Pinkie’s glee
  621. > As you traverse the town, several p0nies come up to you
  622. > Curiosity gets the best of them you suppose
  623. > You met several new faces that day
  624. > The Mayor greeted you with a warm smile
  625. > Derpy Hooves handed you a muffin when you first met
  626. > It’s was delicious!
  627. > You met Lyra and Bonbon as well
  628. > Their introduction was strange to say the least
  629. > Most of the time, Lyra spent admiring your hands
  630. > The way she caressed them creep you out, but it’s something to be expected. She was a big fan of them apparently.
  631. > It definitely was in interesting experience
  633. > Much of the rest of the day felt like a blur to you
  634. > So many new people and so many new places
  635. > You’ve never had this many people want to meet you before
  636. > It’s an exciting experience, but you’re not one for meet and greet
  638. > As you continue your journey, you start to remember certain landmarks around town
  639. > You’re in a part of town you know of
  640. > You finally arrive at your destination
  641. > Twilight’s Library
  643. --
  645. > Twilight strut’s inside every so casually
  646. > “Spiiike! We’re back home!”
  647. > A voice comes from another room. “Oh great! Hey listen. While you were out, a bunch of mail came out for someone named ‘Anonymous’. I mean it’s got to be a mistake right?”
  648. > The little purple and green dragon walk into the room
  649. > “What the heck Twilight? I thought you got rid of this thing!”
  650. > “Spike! Show some manners! This person here is Anonymous. He’s going to be staying in town.”
  651. “How’s it going?”
  652. > “Woah. It talks now?”
  653. > You’re not digging this little guy’s attitude
  654. > You decide to let it slide…for now.
  656. > After a quick snack in the kitchen Twilight leads the group downstairs into what seems like a basement
  657. > How a giant tree house is even capable of having a basement is just beyond you
  659. > “So Twilight. Are ya gonna tell us why you just HAD to get here so quickly? I mean, what in tarnation could have been so important?”
  660. > “Seriously Twilight! I could be practicing my flight maneuvers right now! This better be good!”
  661. > Twilight leads you to a room you’ve never been in before
  662. > Opening the door reveals a plethora of different machines and components
  663. > It looks like a mad scientist’s laboratory
  664. > You get a sinking feeling in your gut
  665. > “To study our newest guest of course!” Twilight exclaims excitedly
  667. > Oh boy.
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