

May 25th, 2014
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  1. -[X] 1 Ah, speaking of which, you have an idea... You remembered how <em>pleasurable</em> it was to rebirth your daughter, yet you still have to attend to your hunger... May as well 'play' with your food a bit before you digest them with a faint hope. If they can pleasure you in <em>just</em> the right way to fill you up with pleasure, then MAYBE you'll consider 'sparing' them for now. And if they're really good, you could always rebirth them into personally attending you as you continue your feast.: (Master Basher)
  2. -[X] 3 But he needs to be special... he needs to be able to return to where he belonged and then spread your gift and children around...: (Adyen, CrawlingChaos74, kinglugia)
  3. -[X] 1 But save some space. The sister mentionned by her family and pitied by the maid you heard... She is captured here, no? Her skills were praised but her situation pitied. Skilled children is always a good thing. Grant her the joy of being reborn as a Dark Magus (use one charge)! Grant her the chance of being able to use the power, her birthright, only men could use!: (Master Basher)
  4. -[X] 3 Everyone is captured... Then there is no need to hold back, isn't it? No one is left here to oppose you! You can eat more wwhile you wait for your next daughter to be born. And when she will be reborn, it will be a time for celebration! A time to feast and eat as you want!: (dreadis, gibbousmoons, Megaolix)
  5. [X] 1 Everyone is captured... Then there is no need to hold back, isn't it? No one is left to oppose you! It is time to feast to your heart's content! Divide equally between men and women and eat! But don't digest them all TOO soon, you want your feast to last!: (Master Basher)
  6. [X] 3 Famine (3 charges from Mother of Many): (Adyen, CrawlingChaos74, kinglugia)
  7. [X] 1 Feast: (gibbousmoons)
  8. [X] 2 Feast (3 charges from Mother of Many): (dreadis, Megaolix)
  9. [X] 3 Find that tax-collector mentioned before and make sure he's not eaten.: (Adyen, CrawlingChaos74, kinglugia)
  10. [X] 3 It wouldn't do for your captives to die or provide less music... Your puppet can make sure they stay healthy during times you rest.: (dreadis, gibbousmoons, Megaolix)
  11. --[X] 1 Make him more attractive...muscular...more...seductive...without it being blatantly dark/obviously supernatural...and most importantly, preserve his gender. Sowing one's oats is better than keeping them, ne~: (kinglugia)
  12. [X] 1 Plan Mega: (a2znut)
  13. [X] 3 Snack on a few more people and then change that tax-collector into your child as well: (Adyen, CrawlingChaos74, kinglugia)
  14. [X] 3 The sister mentionned by her family and pitied by the maid you heard... She is captured here, no? Her skills were praised but her situation pitied. Skilled children is always a good thing. Grant her the joy of being reborn as a Dark Magus (use one charge)! Grant her the chance of being able to use the power, her birthright, only men could use!: (dreadis, gibbousmoons, Megaolix)
  15. [X] 7 Unlock β€˜Dark Magus’: (Master Basher, Adyen, CrawlingChaos74, dreadis, gibbousmoons, Megaolix, kinglugia)
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