
Loss Chapter 3

Mar 21st, 2013
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  1. >One wonderful walk through a long series of tunnels later, and you’re in a large chamber.
  2. >The griffin guard had forced you to your knees the moment you’d reach the center, and left you there.
  3. >In front of you stand three griffins.
  4. >One is wearing heavy-looking gold and blue armor, and has a scar running along its beak.
  5. >It’s spending most of its time glaring at you, and flexing its claws.
  6. >Looks friendly enough.
  7. >The next griffin is old, and has somehow managed to grow a beard out of feathers.
  8. >You’re impressed.
  9. >And not just a little confused.
  10. >The last griffin to your right is wearing a set of very circular glasses.
  11. >His clothes are silk, and he has the largest gut you’ve yet to see on a griffin.
  12. >Not that you’ve seen that many.
  13. >The older griffin clears his throat.
  14. >”Welcome, friend. I trust you found your treatment was kind?”
  15. “Er, yes? Not bad, at least.”
  16. >”That is good to hear.”
  17. >The scarred griffin cuts in.
  18. >”You’re lucky these two are too curious for their own good, or I’d have you in my cells until you talked.”
  19. >”Gareth, settle yourself. I won’t have you threatening our guest before we know anything about him.”
  20. >”Hah! What do I need to know, Don? I’ve never seen a creature like it before. How do we know he isn’t a changeling spy?”
  21. >”A spy being chased by its own comrades?” the fat griffin says.
  22. >”A ploy to earn us its trust. You most of all should know a bluff when you see one, Abban.”
  23. >D: “Gareth, you are too paranoid. I know your warriors have been catching spies more than ever, but your fear will get us nowhere with this human.”
  24. >G: “You think me scared?”
  25. >D: “I don’t know. What I do know is you are not normally so rash!”
  26. >G: “Rash? You think concern for our people is rash?!”
  27. >Gareth has stopped glaring at you, and is now glaring at Don.
  28. >Don meets his gaze, his eyes cold.
  29. >A: “Now, you two, stop this bickering. You are scaring our guest.”
  30. >Don and Gareth look back at you.
  31. >You didn’t feel scared before, but with both of them staring at you, you can start to feel it.
  32. >Those are some intense eyes.
  33. >Abban sighs.
  34. >A: “I am sorry for my fellow council members; they’re often conflicting in how they believe things should be done. I like to think that’s why I’m here.”
  35. >Abban smiles at you.
  36. >A: “I hope you’ll excuse our rudeness. Now, I must ask; who are you?”
  37. “I’m Anonymous, sir.”
  38. >G: “I don’t care about your name, fool! What kind of monkey are you and what were you doing in our territory?”
  39. >Abban and Don glare at him, but neither admonishes him.
  40. >They look to you, waiting for an answer.
  41. “Well, sir, I’m a human. I’m not a species from this world; a while back I fell through some kind of rift, and when I woke up, I was in Equestria.”
  42. >Don’s eyebrows rise, but Gareth glares even more.
  43. >G: “You were in Equestria before you were here? I’ll give you ten seconds to explain why you came to our city, or I’ll cut you down on the spot.”
  44. >He reaches down his side, and unsheathes his sword.
  45. >It’s made out of a black metal, and is curved.
  46. >The hilt is plain, and the blade has many cuts running along its service.
  47. >How often does he use that thing?
  48. >D: “You will do no such thing, Gareth. However, Anonymous, I as well am curious to hear your answer.”
  49. >You clear your throat.
  50. >You don’t see why you should lie.
  52. >A few minutes later, and your quick recap is over.
  53. >You left out the part about Greg saving you, simply saying you managed to find an exit from the changeling hive on your own.
  54. >Gareth still looks angry, but he at least sheathed his sword.
  55. >Abban and Don are simply looking at you.
  56. >Abban is smiling sadly.
  57. >“It is a shame that your friends would betray you in such a way. You truly have been through much these past few days. Don, Gareth, I would suggest we allow this… human, as he calls himself, to stay in the city for the time being. If only as a moment of reprieve after so much.”
  58. >Gareth sputters, but Don cuts him off.
  59. >”I see no reason not to. It would be foolish.”
  60. >He puts emphasis on the word foolish, shooting a glance at Gareth.
  61. >”To give up a chance to learn more of Anon’s species.”
  62. >Abban and Don look at Gareth.
  63. >After a moment of glaring, he grunts.
  64. >G: “Bah! It is clear you have made up your minds. The human can stay. For now.”
  66. >Abban personally escorted you to your temporary house.
  67. >It was in a rundown part of the city.
  68. >He’d also given you a small badge to place on your shirt.
  69. >He’d said something about how no one in that part of town would dare harm you as long as you wore it.
  70. >It was silver, with some kind of hammer and sickle engraved into its surface.
  71. >You made sure it was safely fastened, and had begun looking at your new home.
  72. >It was fairly small; not even half the size of your Ponyville house.
  73. >But hey, at least it wasn’t a small cave.
  74. >And no one wanted to kill you.
  75. >Except maybe Gareth.
  76. >But no ultimatum this time!
  77. >Only good times ahead.
  78. >There is one problem, however.
  79. >It’s boring as hell for you right now.
  80. >Abban had mentioned that you were free to stay for a while until you departed, unless of course you wanted to join their society.
  81. >He had said if that were the case, to come back to the palace and ask for him.
  82. >You weren’t really eager to stay though.
  83. >You were kind of hoping you’d find a place where you weren’t likely to die.
  84. >You know, survival instincts and all that.
  85. >Of course, you don’t really know anything about the city.
  86. >Perhaps you should go out and explore…
  87. >”Phew! That was close, eh Anon?!”
  88. >HOLY SHIT.
  89. >You fall back as a pen falls out of your pocket and turns into a changeling.
  90. >Oh right.
  91. “God dammit Greg, you scared the hell out of me!”
  92. >Greg looks at his feet sheepishly.
  93. >”Sorry, Anon. I was just happy we made it through all that.”
  94. >Bah.
  95. >He’s too cute to stay annoyed.
  96. >Curse this world.
  97. “It’s all good, Greg. Just be a bit more careful when you decide to come out. Wait, you can talk while in inanimate forms?”
  98. >”Yeah, what makes you think I can’t?”
  99. >You think about the fact that most inanimate objects don’t have lungs.
  100. >Or mouths.
  101. >Or even brains.
  102. >Greg cocks his head slightly.
  103. >Nope, too adorable.
  104. “Don’t worry about it Greg.”
  105. >He cocks his head the other way, looking confused.
  106. >After a moment, he simply nods.
  107. >”So, what’s the plan now? Are we going to stay here, or what?”
  108. “I don’t know, Greg. I don’t really like the idea of you having to hide all the time…”
  109. >”Oh no, I don’t mind at all! I slept for a good part of it, and it was fun hearing everything happen!”
  110. >You stare at him.
  111. >He smiles at you.
  112. >You shrug.
  113. >Seems genuine enough.
  114. “Well, then, I guess we don’t really know anything about this place. Why don’t we explore?”
  115. >Greg’s smile widens at this, and he turns back into a pen.
  116. “Er, Greg? Don’t you want to see the city as well? You won’t be able to in my pocket.”
  117. >”Oh, well, I guess that would be nice.”
  118. >You pause.
  119. >He sounds unsure.
  120. “What’s up, Greg?”
  121. >”Well, I don’t really want to intrude on you or anything, that’s all. I’ve never had a friend before, so I don’t want to be too pushy or anything.”
  122. >This changeling.
  123. >He’s really growing on you.
  124. “Don’t worry about it, Greg. Just turn into something that will let you see things as well. Like a hat or something.”
  125. >You tap your head for effect.
  126. >You wince; you had forgotten it was still a bit burnt.
  127. >Greg thinks for a moment, then shifts.
  128. >He takes the shape of a small hat.
  129. >You pick it up, and the form shifts a bit as you position it.
  130. >After a moment he settles, and the hat fits snugly on your head.
  131. >Well, that’s convenient.
  132. >You make sure the badge is fastened, and head back out into the city.
  134. >After a bit of wandering, you find yourself in some kind of bazaar.
  135. >Merchants yell from all sides.
  136. >Some notice you and give you strange looks.
  137. >Some try to sell you things.
  138. >Most ignore you.
  139. >One notices your badge and quickly backs away, almost bowing.
  140. >Hm.
  141. >Oh well.
  142. >Feels kind of good, to not be too much of a freak for once.
  143. >At least, compared to Ponyville.
  144. >You turn bitter at the thought, and focus on distracting yourself.
  145. >You look at the wares.
  146. >Silk seems to be popular.
  147. >One stand has meats of all kinds, smothered in salt to stop them from going bad.
  148. >Another, a bunch of seasonings.
  149. >You try to ignore your stomach growling, and move off to another section.
  150. >After a bit you see an actual stone building.
  151. >Above it is a symbol you recognize even now.
  152. >A test tube and a beaker.
  153. >You’ve found yourself a chemist.
  154. >You walk in and gasp.
  155. >Chemicals and testing equipment fills the shop.
  156. >It feels cluttered, but at the same time, it’s organized down to a fault.
  157. >You wander through, examining the different chemicals.
  158. >You recognize most from your work in Twilight’s lab.
  159. >One of them is a key ingredient in your flying ring formula.
  160. >As well, some are the same from Earth.
  161. >Mercury, liquid nitrogen, etc.
  162. >But there are ones you’ve never heard of before, in either world.
  163. >”Quintonium.”
  164. >”Enevera.”
  165. >”Lin.”
  166. >…
  167. >Lin?
  168. >You wonder if that’s the name of the person that discovered it…
  169. >One chemical catches your eye.
  170. >It’s a deep blue, but that’s not what interests you .
  171. >It seems to be sitting at the top of the vial container.
  172. >You lean in, trying to figure it out.
  173. >It’s quite literally rejecting gravities pull.
  174. >You reach for the vial.
  175. >You hear something clear its throat behind you.
  176. >You snatch your hand back and turn around.
  177. >An old griffin is looking at you.
  178. >He doesn’t look angry, so that’s a plus.
  179. >He looks amused.
  180. >”I see you’re a curious one.”
  181. >You nod.
  182. “Well, yes. I’m curious about that chemical behind me; how does it float like that? I’ve never seen anything like it.”
  183. >"You’re not the only one who has been confused by it. It is liquid magic; magic in its purist of form. Very difficult to make, and very potent."
  184. >Liquid magic.
  185. >Well then.
  186. >You look back at the vial.
  187. >The idea of magic in a physical form astounds you.
  188. >If you could figure out its properties…
  189. >There’s no telling what you could do.
  190. >You look back to the shop owner.
  191. “So, I’ve got to ask. Aren’t you curious about what I am?"
  192. >The old griffin smiles.
  193. >”I already know what you are. A fellow chemist, and that’s all that really matters.”
  194. >You smile back at him at that.
  195. >You think you hear Greg make a soft ‘awww’ sound, but you aren’t sure.
  196. >You stick out your hand.
  197. “The name’s Anon.”
  198. >The old griffin sticks out his claw and grasps your hand.
  199. >Too be honest, you weren’t sure if handshakes were customary for griffins.
  200. >But you figured they could grasp things, so it was worth a shot.
  201. >Clearly, you were right.
  202. >”Arthur.”
  204. >After talking to Arthur for a bit longer, you told him you weren’t sure if you were going to be in the city long.
  205. >He nodded at that, and told you that if you did stay, you could always work with him.
  206. >He put accent on the word with.
  207. >It felt good.
  208. >You head back outside to explore more of the city.
  209. >You enter a different section of the city.
  210. >Its pristine, many of the houses adorned with silver.
  211. >They seem big on silver here.
  212. >You see a couple of griffins marching towards you.
  213. >They both have heavy looking armor on, coloured silver and blue.
  214. >One is glaring at you.
  215. >The other is simply walking with its partner, appearing bored.
  216. >The angry one seems to be female.
  217. >”Hey! What’re you doing in here, ape?”
  218. >Haven’t heard that before.
  219. “I’m just exploring the city. What’s the problem?”
  220. >”What’s the problem? I’ll tell you what the problem is! Commander Gareth doesn’t like it when potential spies are free to walk around the city, and neither do I!”
  221. >Ahhh.
  222. >So Gareth told his underlings about you, it seems.
  223. “Well, I wasn’t aware I had been told to stay put, either”
  224. >The bored griffin perks a little at this.
  225. >The female one, on the other hand, only gets angrier.
  226. >”Well, you do! Now get out of here, before I cut you down right here!”
  227. >Ooo, you can see Gareth in her.
  228. >Probably not a good idea to make her angrier.
  229. “Alright, alright, calm down. I’ll head back, ok? No need to get so upset”
  230. >Her partner chuckles at that.
  231. >The female whirls on him, glaring
  232. >He only laughs harder.
  233. >”Shut up, Ron!”
  234. >She turns back to you.
  235. >”You think you’re clever, huh?”
  236. >She unsheathes her sword.
  237. “Whoa, whoa no! I’m trying to avoid conflict here, not start it!”
  238. >You put up your hands to try and get your point across.
  239. >Ron decides this is a good moment to intervene.
  240. >”Gilda, don’t be too hasty. Commander Gareth said to watch him and stop him from doing anything suspicious. The council voted to let him stay as a guest, and we can’t go against that. You know this”
  241. >Gilda takes a deep breath.
  242. >She sheathes her sword, and you breathe out in relief.
  243. >You didn’t even realize you had been holding your breath.
  244. >Gilda glares at you again before turning away.
  245. >”The council may have let you stay as a guest, but watch yourself. If you take one step out of line, I’ll gut you myself.”
  246. >With that she stalks off.
  247. >Ron smiles at you lazily before following her.
  248. >You sigh and turn around.
  249. >So, don’t spend time in the silver section of the city.
  250. >Not exactly a friendly warning, but at least that Ron griffin saved you.
  251. >That Gilda though… she’s almost a clone of Gareth.
  252. >You don’t really know much about griffins, but you’d say they look more alike than most other griffins.
  253. >Not that you’re one to judge.
  254. >The sun is starting to set at this point.
  255. >You head back to your temporary home.
  256. >Greg pops back into his normal form and curls up into a ball in the corner.
  257. >"I think, next time, I'll be something more in the shade... I can't stand the heat"
  258. >You laugh, and Greg smiles, curling up tighter
  259. >He's out like a light moments later
  260. >There’s no bed, but there’s a mat on the floor and a small blanket.
  261. >You look at Greg in the corner.
  262. >You hear him whimper suddenly.
  263. >You smile sadly, and drag the mat over to him.
  264. >You take the blanket and cover both of you the best you can.
  265. >You turn away from him lay down your head.
  266. >You fall asleep thinking of how your friends back in Ponyville are doing.
  268. >You are Fluttershy.
  269. >You’ve convinced your friends that perhaps they were too hasty with their banishment of Anon.
  270. >It was hard to believe they fell for it so easily.
  271. >One moment you’re convincing them it was for the best with tears in your eyes, the next you’re saying it was a mistake, and they instantly believe you?
  272. >This whole “element of kindness” thing really works in your favor.
  273. >You smile as Twilight gathers everyone close for the teleportation spell.
  274. >A moment later, you’re all in the wastes again.
  275. >It’s deathly silent, not even a wind is blowing.
  276. >You get a hold of your bearings for a moment and begin to look.
  277. >After a moment, you catch them.
  278. >Anon’s footprints.
  279. >After a bit of sniffing, you manage to get just a bit of his scent.
  280. >You head out, your friends following you.
  281. >They don’t even question why you have such a good sense of smell.
  282. >You’d spent days memorizing Anon’s scent.
  283. >You knew it better than you knew your own.
  284. >Normally you’d use Twilight’s magic to track him, but Anon wasn’t from this world, so he didn’t leave a signature.
  285. >At most he’d leave a small trail from his clothes, but Twilight couldn’t track that little.
  286. >It would just mix in with the rest of the residual magic.
  287. >Whatever that meant; Twilight tended to yammer on with her explanations.
  288. >You walk for what feels like ages.
  289. >Twilight and Rarity use their magic to keep everyone at a stable temperature.
  290. >Twilight keeps most of the group and herself at just above room temperature.
  291. >Rarity keeps herself at just below.
  292. >You stop following the tracks after a moment.
  293. >The smell has gotten faint.
  294. >There’s too many other smells mingling in with them.
  295. >You don’t know any other smells that well, so you aren’t sure what it is.
  296. >Rainbow Dash suddenly flies down from where she was looking out for signs of Anon.
  297. >”You guys won’t believe what I just saw. Follow me!”
  298. >She leads the way, going the same way you were following Anon’s scent.
  299. >After a few minutes, you see it.
  300. >A massive mountain in the middle of the wastes.
  301. >It’s filled with holes.
  302. >You hear Twilight gasp behind you.
  303. >You hear a loud buzzing; the sun has begun to set.
  304. >A black cloud bursts from the mountain, filling the sky and making an early night.
  305. >”The Changeling Hive…” Twilight whispers behind you.
  306. >The cloud churns for a moment, and then part of it splits off.
  307. >It zooms towards your group.
  308. >Rarity screams, and Twilight yells for everyone to get close.
  309. >A burst of purple later, and you’re back in Ponyville.
  310. >Without any preparation time, the teleport dazes you.
  311. >Twilight recovers first.
  312. >”Fluttershy… Anon’s tracks were faint, but he was headed towards the hive…”
  313. >You begin to hyperventilate.
  314. >This wasn’t part of the plan.
  315. >You were supposed to save Anon.
  316. >He was going to love you.
  317. >He wasn’t meant to get himself killed by the Changelings.
  318. >You hear a sniffle behind you.
  319. >Rainbow Dash is starting to cry.
  320. >Her, of all ponies, is crying first?
  321. >You follow suit, and soon all six of you are weeping.
  322. >Twilight sits down hard.
  323. >”I… I didn’t want him to die. I just wanted him gone from where he could cause harm… and now…”
  324. >She sobs.
  325. >”I… I betrayed him…” Rainbow Dash whispers.
  326. >Before anyone can tell her otherwise, she flies off, leaving a streak of rainbow behind her.
  328. >You are Anon.
  329. >You’ve woken up to knocking on the door.
  330. >Greg shifts besides you, still asleep.
  331. >…
  332. >Oh shit!
  333. >You nudge Greg in the side.
  334. >He mumbles.
  335. “Wake up, Greg! Someone’s here!”
  336. >Greg’s eyes open, and he stares at you for a moment.
  337. >His eyes widen as he realizes what you just said, and he quickly turns into a chair.
  338. >You leave him in the corner and open the door.
  339. >It’s… Gilda?
  340. “Uh, hello Gilda. What brings you here?”
  341. >Gilda snorts.
  342. >”Don’t get so chummy with me, Ape. I’m just here to escort you to the council.”
  343. >She turns around and walks away.
  344. >You suppose you’re meant to follow her.
  345. >You rub your eyes and jog after her.
  346. >You make your way through the city in silence.
  347. >The sun has barely risen, and the merchants in the bazaar are only just setting up their wares.
  348. >Wait, the bazaar wasn’t on the way to the council room last time you checked.
  349. >After a bit, you realize where you are.
  350. >You’re in the silver part of the city.
  351. >Gilda is starting to look nervous.
  352. >What’s going on here?
  353. >You open your mouth to ask, but suddenly you’re jumped.
  354. >Several claws pin you to the ground.
  355. >Your face is pushed down, and you can’t see anything.
  356. >You feel a weight push down on you, and hot breath caresses your neck.
  357. >”Human, Ape, I don’t care what you are. All I care about is whether or not you are a spy.”
  358. >Your blood runs cold at the voice.
  359. >Gareth.
  360. >You try to crane your neck to look up.
  361. >You see Gilda looking at you.
  362. >She almost looks… sad.
  363. >A claw pushes your head back down into the dirt.
  364. >”Don and Abban may be so inclined to allow every suspicious creature into our city, but they are not tasked with its defence. I will do anything it takes to keep our people safe.”
  365. >The weight lifts, and you’re lifted up to your knees.
  366. >A large brazier is in front of you.
  367. >A claw is clasped around your bald head, piercing the skin.
  368. >You resist the urge to cry out.
  369. >Gareth’s voice returns.
  370. >”There’s one thing I know about changelings. It’s that they hate fire. Oh sure, they have their green flames for effect, but it is cold as ice.”
  371. >”They hate it so much, that they have troubles maintaining their transformations under high levels of heat.”
  372. >Oh no.
  373. >”I can’t risk leaving you alone in my city to wreak havoc. We will find out if you are changeling or not, right here, right now.”
  374. >With that, you feel the claw begin to push your face towards the fire.
  375. >You try to cry for help, but a second claw grips you around your neck, cutting off your windpipe.
  376. >You close your eyes against the heat.
  377. >You push against the claw, but it’s much stronger than you.
  378. >After a moment, your exhaustion catches up with you.
  379. >You lose all your resistance at once, and the claw pushes your face straight into the fire.
  380. >There’s no hair to lose this time.
  381. >Your mouth opens uselessly to scream as you feel your skin char.
  382. >This only makes the flame enter your body another way, and you feel your throat burn.
  383. >The claw pulls you back quickly, but the damage is done.
  384. >”So, you were telling the truth. Welcome to My City, Anonymous. Gilda! Take him to Don’s hospital. Tell him he had a mishap and fell into a brazier.”
  385. >The claws let go of your head and throat, and you gasp in a breath.
  386. >It stings your throat, but at least you can breathe again.
  387. >Gareth leans in behind you again.
  388. >”Now Anon, don’t tell anyone about this. I do this for my people. Don and Abban would not understand the burden of protection I bear. If I am thrown from the council, the city will come to ruin, and I will have been right all along about you.”
  389. >His voice lowers to a whisper.
  390. >”And if you destroy my city, I will destroy you. You can count on this.”
  391. >You try to nod, but the pain of moving your head is too much.
  392. >The other claws release your arms.
  393. >You black out before you hit the ground.
  395. >You wake up to darkness.
  396. >You can’t see anything.
  397. >You feel some kind of bandages on your face.
  398. >You try to move, but your body refuses to listen.
  399. >You hear a girl’s voice whisper beside you.
  400. >”I’m sorry”.
  401. >You fall back asleep.
  403. End
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