
Full, but not satisfied

Feb 7th, 2017
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  1. Inspired by
  2. Good job Rustic, dat ass be bangin'
  5. Spandex shorts strained to keep Rarity’s plump curves contained. Sitting there in her studio, wearing workout clothes, sweat band on her head, a set on her fore hooves. Rubbing and patting heavy belly Rarity sigh contentedly.
  7. “Rarity!” The angry voice of Twilight Sparkle accompanying the door swinging open sounded through the Boutique.
  9. Rarity jumped, startled from the sudden burst of rage. Looking back at Twilight, Rarity knew she was in no potion to move.
  11. “You lied to me! You ate Rainbow Dash! You said you didn't, but no pony has seen her in 2 days now!” Twilight yelled trotting up to the plump unicorn
  13. Rarity, smiled nervously and started to speak before being cut off by a sudden jolt of movement that made her hiccup a piece of confetti. Twilight wasn't done with her castigation, looking over Rarity’s thick figure; her bloated gut the roll of fat that hung over tight workout shorts that clung even to the crevasse of her new fat ass. Shorts emblazoned with the initials “R.D.”
  15. “You even stole her clothes!” Twilight gasped,
  17. “Well, darling, it's not like she was going to use them anymore! Besides, I rather like the tight feel, almost like a second skin,” Rarity finally spoke.
  19. “That's not the point! You ate a friend Rarity, a best friend, and you lied about it” Twilight said looking back a Rarity’s distended belly “Look at your gut! That thing could touch the floor when you stand up,”
  21. Twilight but a hoof on Rarity’s belly and shook it to emphasize the new weight Rarity had packed on.
  23. “Oh but darling, don't you think my new figure is ravishing? I mean sure, Dashie may not be with us anymore but she certainly won't be forgotten “ Rarity mimicked Twilight's hoof as she groped her on plump ass and hips.
  25. “No! What makes you think I would ever be okay with what you did?” Twilight said, glaring at her unicorn friend
  27. “Well Twilight” Rarity said, a smile creeping onto her face “Since you started rubbing my tummy, you haven't stopped,”
  29. Twilight froze, hoof included. Immediately pulling her hoof off Rarity’s stomach she sputtered a line of broken excuses as her ears pinned back in embarrassment.
  31. “Oh darling! Don't stop, you are a natural!” Rarity teased, a chuckle of humor came out as a burp.
  33. Twilight tried to glare at Rarity again, she felt flush. Her eyes kept darting around Rarity’s voluptuous curves less and less willing to meet Rarity’s eyes.
  35. Rarity smirked and shifted her weight, laying down on her side, her belly shifted and came to a rest a little after her fatty thighs stopped moving. Swing her tail up and over her hips Rarity propped her chin up on her hoof and gave Twilight her best ‘Come hither’ look.
  37. Twilight’s anger faltered, she was mad that much she knew. Rarity, her best friend had devoured Rainbow Dash and now all that was left of the blue speedster was a layer of fat on a soft, alluringly, plump unicorn.
  39. “” Twilight started, but couldn't find the words among her confusion
  41. “You, you are gonna come over here, darling, and give my belly a rub down,” Rarity playfully mocked
  43. Twilight did nothing for a moment, until Rarity made her decision for her. A spark of magic gently pushed Twilight forward into walking up to Rarity’s shifting belly as the unicorn laid on her back.
  45. Twilight sat down, and gently placed her hoof on Rarity’s belly, feeling the plush and soft coat and the way her hoof sank into the side. The give on the stomach's surface was a marvel. No matter which way Twilight moved her hoof that soft globe of a warm belly felt awesome.
  47. Rarity watched with a contented smile, and used her magic again to guide Twilight's other hoof to her belly. A pleased gasp as Twilight not only needed little cajoling to use both hooves on her filled gut, but Twilight pressed her face into it too.
  49. Twilight breathed in her friends vanilla scent. Her ears swept back in a sign of submission, as each caress of Rarity’s soft coat and belly brought a soft sigh from the unicorn and with it Twilight’s own spark of pleasure in this perverse-
  51. Twilight pulled back in shock when Rarity’s belly suddenly shifted of its own accord! Confused Twilight looked at Rarity eyes wide with surprise.
  53. “Oh! My apologies darling, it's just Pinkie Pie getting comfy,” Rarity said non-chalanty
  55. Twilight's felt the familiar anger burn anew. Rarity has eaten not just one friend she ate two!
  57. “I should have known! You liar! Eating an entire pegasus doesn't put that much weight on you! Let Pinkie out now, Rarity!” Twilight yelled, rearing up and putting her weight on Rarity’s belly
  59. “How-many-friends-have-you-eaten!” Twilight yelled, each word punctuated with a push on Rarity’s soft pliable stomach, which in turn made Rarity burp each time, bits of confetti flying from her gullet
  61. Rarity enveloped Twilight with her magic, even a lady has her limits.
  63. “Twilight Sparkle, that is enough!” Rarity huffed as she struggled to get to a sitting position “I will have you know...that Pinkie Pie came to me this afternoon to work out and burn off the pudge Dashie left,”
  65. Rarity finally got to a sitting position, and took a moment breather before continuing.
  67. “So I agreed, though I must admit the additional padding Dashie gave me I made look good,” Rarity said giving her soft ass a spank “Pinkie Pie dressed me in Rainbow Dash’s workout spandex. The feat of stretching Dashie’s clothes over my curves took 20 minutes for Pinkie to accomplish,”
  69. Rarity began to move again, this time moving to a standing position
  71. “It wasn't until she finished her feat of strength, that Pinkie suddenly yelled ‘Protein break!’ and began pushing herself into my mouth,” Rarity explained
  73. Twilight was stunned, Pinkie had willing fed herself to Rarity. No way, she couldn't be serious! Rarity lied about swallowing Rainbow Dash, she had to be lying about Pinkie”
  75. “You lie. You lie!” Twilight said
  77. Rarity now stood, taking another moment to catch her breath.
  79. “I kid you not darling. Pinkie Pie was a willing and…” Rarity paused to burp “delicious meal”
  81. Rarity laid Twilight on her back and released her magical grip, the realization that two of her friends had been eaten slowly settling in.
  83. “Besides darling, you are looking at this all wrong. Sure I swallowed down Rainbow and Pinkie but don't you think the make lovely additions to my figure?” Rarity said stepping over Twilight. “Weren't you the one who, just moments ago, indulging in what I can only describe as a moment of perverse lust?”
  85. Rarity sat down on Twilight. Just as a fire blanket smothers a fire, Twilight's anger was snuffed out as Rarity’s soft and pliable ass came down on her and her stuffed gut spread out on Twilight's chest. Twilight didn't want to admit it…
  87. “Twilight. Darling.” Rarity spoke, a cat like grin spread on her knowing face.
  89. Twilight looked up, but couldn't see Rarity’s face pass her doughy belly, warm to the touch of her muzzle.
  91. “I can't imagine what you must feel. But I want to assure you. It's okay to be prey,” Rarity said
  93. Twilight was silent, the smell of vanilla invaded her nostrils as Rarity’s stomach pressed itself into her muzzle. Those words comforted her oddly. Maybe this wasn't so bad...Pinkie Pie certainly didn't seem to mind. There was just more of her friend Rarity to love now.
  95. “I...I know how you must feel Rarity,” Twilight spoke shakily.
  97. Rarity leaned forward just enough where the two mares could look each other in the eye. Twilight looked up into those blue eyes of her predator, ears back in submission, and without breaking eye contact gave Rarity’s pinkie Pie filled gut a soft, loving lick with her little tongue.
  99. “You feel full,”
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