
about the lucas situation

Aug 26th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. hi i'd really like for everyone to read this comment, as i am chinese (from hong kong like lucas, which is why he used to be one of my ults), and i would really like more of the international fans to fully understand what is going on especially on weibo, where the fans are being the most aggressive and where a lot of international fans cant access easily due to difficulty on registration for accounts or the main use of english.
  3. it's pretty much "confirmed" in the cfan community that lucas is in fact guilty. maybe not for the exact things that were brought up against him, but i'd like everyone to remember that in label v/sm and lucas' own statements, they confirmed, pretty much, that lucas had some "wrongful personal behavior" and that label v "did not manage their artists properly". if lucas was, in fact, completely innocent, they would not have added this information in; sm may be dumb, but they're definitely not that dumb.
  5. i can tell you all that almost absolutely NO cfan is optimistic about this situation. the ones who are empathetic about lucas are mainly lurking on youtube and twitter, but i have yet to see a single post supporting/defending him on the weibo feed. please also do not say that them cutting up/burning photocards is stupid; you guys have to realize that their anger is completely understandable and that they feel betrayed.
  7. the accusations, i have to say, despite all the "proof" that it may be fabricated, is still believable due to the fact that the wechat account was consistent and that despite the first accusation maybe being just an anti, (EDIT: i believe this was misinformation) it should be more than a coincidence that two other accusers stepped up. we cannot blindly say that none of the accusations are true, as i already mentioned that lucas has admitted to have done something wrong, albeit us not knowing what it was.
  9. there are theories going around that the girls may have actually been his exes, but that lucas is not in fact guilty of gaslighting or manipulating them, more so that he did switch between girls quickly or actually two-timed/three-timed them. this, i feel like, is the most logical explanation to all the confusing points regarding every single accusation/proof of fabrication/actual evidence.
  11. with the first girl (the korean girl on twitter) adding some more incriminating information to the picture; it does sound like a wattpad story or something but remember that you guys are going to be seen as absolutely stupid if you blindly defend him. they may either be feeding on a predebut/fake image of lucas being a playboy, but they may also be spilling the cruel truth. also, to clarify, i have not seen any evidence (that is completely clear and confirmed) that she has taken everything back and said she was an anti. there is a chance that she did but she's still providing more and more updates on just how morally fucked of a person lucas is, so that's something to look out for.
  13. lucas also apologized not just to the fans, but to the sponsors he has and the tv show programs he was on. now this can be explained by him apologizing for the negativity his presence has caused, but it could also mean the entire opposite; that he actually defamed them in private.
  15. the fact that lucas still hasnt been kicked out of sm/nct/super m could be an indicator that he's innocent, but remember that jalapeno was only just cancelled; there's a lot of procedures internally that sm has to go through. there is also proof going around that sm has always been hyping up lucas as the potential money-maker of wayv and have been trying to raise his popularity by bringing other members down, so that could also explain their attitude/actions currently.
  17. also, do not bring the other members' perspectives into the picture to defend lucas. you must remember that they may or may not have also been blind to what lucas may have done and that their perspectives on someone so close to them may still not be correct; imagine being betrayed by a best friend? this has happened to so many people already.
  19. do not blindly defend lucas. send support to the other members instead, especially hendery. a claimed insider on weibo has said that wayv may have to suspend all activities for at least 7 months; apparently there is also a rumor going around that when the news came out, lucas was just sitting in his room gaming while kun and taeyong both received a harsh scolding from the company. the reason this is getting so much attention is because people with actual malicious intent would be feeding on everyone's reactions and defending of lucas. simply stay silent, and let the truth unfold as we give sm the one and only chance to actually legally take care of this situation. putting out blind assumptions is not going to help at all.
  21. if you guys have any other questions about this, especially regarding information in chinese, i'll be happy to provide my help in rough translations that can, most importantly, convey original meanings of the words.
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