
#PastebinMonday 03/11/2024 One Week in the Books Edition

Mar 11th, 2024
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  1. 'Sup, doods!
  3. With one weekend of the tournament done, I sit here at a mini crossroads with how hard I want to go in the paint this week. I am feeling the drain of foregoing decent sleep recently to get the tournament ready for broadcast. I also feel an urge to get videos rendered and ready to publish on the LPS YouTube, requiring extra hours of work. I also have a desire to train for my next tournament match. I have so many things to do and so few hours of the day to do them. It makes me desperate enough to tempt using free time at work to remote into my PC and cut up clips. I have a problem, doods.
  5. As for my own channel, I realize that I've meant to upload high-quality archives for the membership. Perhaps I need to put that on another channel. I also have two Easy – V-Hard Tetris Attack PBs to cut up—well, one of them's in the can awaiting a thumbnail. I need more hours. I need more hands. I need to figure out whatever the hell is wrong with my brain.
  7. Doods, I need to calm down. And this time of year is not giving me that opportunity. Still, it's just one week in the books and it was the busiest by a wide margin. Everything going to be FINE. One day, I will calm down.
  10. Today's (permanent) extra streaming goals (actual priority is in constant flux):
  12. Goal #1: lots of editing. Balance cutting up the videos for LPS YouTube and my own shorts. Haven't decided when the LPS videos will go up. Haven't had time to clip my own videos.
  13. Goal #6: script and record footage for my Puzzle League tutorial series. I have some scripts left to touch up before feeling comfortable with moving on to recording gameplay. Then I will need to record my talking points and edit it all together. This will need to wait until after the Tetris Attack tournament winds down—top 6, maybe?
  14. Goal #7: clean up my own stream layout. Most of the framework necessary for a semi-proper stream is done now thanks to streaming the process. Next objective is to make transitions and alerts.
  15. Goal #8: release the Puzzle League tutorial series YouTube shorts once a day until they're all done. I really do think I need to time the release of the series with a ramping up of my streaming schedule so that I can take advantage of whatever there is to gain from releasing the shorts.
  17. This week's schedule:
  19. (IF THERE IS NO MATCH SCHEDULED) Friday @ 9pm-1am EST – Friday Night Salt Mines – Must Keep Up With The Training, Doods!
  21. Saturdays and Sundays will have matches throughout March and April for the duration of the tournament. I will be streaming to Twitch during my own matches. Go watch at!
  24. That’s my life story for the week. Until next time, everyone, be decent to each other. Later, doods!
  26. --Cards
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